11 Convergence Properties Reference

This chapter lists all the configuration parameters that are available in Oracle Communications Convergence. Each parameter is described with its name and a description of its purpose. Use the iwcadmin command-line utility to update the configuration properties for your deployment. See "Using the Convergence Administration Utility" for more information.

Global Convergence Configuration Properties

Whenever you make changes to the configuration files, you must stop and restart the client software because the configuration files are only read at startup. The client restart is required so that the changes you have made to take effect.

When you configure Convergence using the configuration utility, most of the parameters are assigned default values. You can change the default values depending on the changing business needs for your site. You can use the iwcadmin command to get the values that are assigned to any of the parameters.

iwcadmin -o parameter_name

In the following configuration properties tables, the command-line option name found in the left column is the parameter you use after -o option in the iwcadmin command. The property name shown in the right column is how the property is represented in the configuration file. Do not use the property name from the right column for the -o option. In addition, the right column is a definition for the option, containing the following details: the name of the property found in the configuration file, the data type for the expected value, the default value if any, whether or not this property is mandatory for proper configuration, and whether or not this property was set by the initial configuration program.

Unless specified, these parameters have a PUBLIC access type. Any RESTRICTED access types are for properties that perform special bulk updates. Use properties with RESTRICTED access types cautiously.

The following tables list the Convergence Server global configuration properties:

Table 11-1 Deployment-Level Global Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


Default domain to use for user resolution

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: [A-Za-z0-9\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)+

  • Data Type: String


Character to be used as login separator (between user ID and domain). It should match any one of the character defined in service.loginseparator of mail and calendar back end service

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: a character

  • Data Type: String

  • Default value: @


Default locale to be used

  • Default value: en_us

  • Data Type: String


Enabling this option will allow web container to passivate all active sessions else all active session will be terminated upon session activation event. While typically run in a cluster, this parameter can also be enabled in a non-cluster environment.

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Whether hosted domains is enabled

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Default value: true


Port number at which the application listens

  • Default value: 8080

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0 to 65535

  • Data Type: Integer


SSL Port number at which the application listens

  • Default value: 8181

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0 to 65535

  • Data Type: Integer


SSL can be used only for authentication and the subsequent access via non-ssl

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


The access URL for this application. The URL must use IP address instead of host name.

  • Default value: null

  • Allowed Pattern/Value: scheme://IPv4 or IPv6 address:port (example: [http://123.456.789.12:8080])

  • Data Type: String


IP address along with the token is used for authorization if set to true

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean


Prevents the use of the URL domain.

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Value: true or false


Cookie path for authorization cookie.

  • Default value: /

  • Data Type: String


Whether calls to HTTP protocol are redirected to HTTPS protocol.

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Value: true or false


The number of seconds, after receiving a request with STS header, that the host is considered as a Known HSTS Host. A value of 0 indicates that HSTS is not enforced.

  • Default value: 0

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0 or higher integer

  • Data Type: Integer


Default host name configured to redirect, in case, the requested host in the URL is invalid. The URL specifies the location where the Convergence is deployed on a GlassFish Server. (example: http://localhost:8080/)

  • Default value: null

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: [A-Za-z0-9\\-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9\\-]+)*

  • Data Type: String


Comma-separated list of allowed hosted domains

  • Default value: null

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: *.domain.com

    where, domain is the name of domain. (example: *.abc.com,*.xyz.com)

  • Data Type: String


The Google map API key is used to access the Google maps service in the Convergence address book. The Google map API key is restricted to Javascript API, Geocoding API, and Directions API. See the Google Maps Platform documentation for more information: https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/get-api-key.

  • Data type: String

  • Default value: null

Table 11-2 LDAP User and Group Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


Schema level used by the deployment

  • Default value: 1

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 1 or 2

  • Data Type: Integer


Domain component root suffix

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: (.=.([,;+].))?

  • Data Type: String


Base DN to start the user search from

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: (.=.([,;+].))?

  • Data Type: String


User/group filter to apply while user lookup

  • Default value: (uid=%U%V)

  • Data Type: String


Domain filter to apply while domain lookup

  • Default value: (&(objectClass=sunManagedOrganization)(|(sunPreferredDomain=%V)(associatedDomain=%V)))

  • Data Type: String


Comma-separated list of retrievable LDAP operational attributes

  • Default value: *,isMemberOf

  • Data Type: String


Host name of the LDAP service

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: [A-Za-z0-9\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)*(:[1-9][0-9]*)?)+(\,([A-Za-z0-9\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)*(:[1-9][0-9]*)?))*

  • Data Type: String


Port number at which LDAP service listens

  • Default value: 389

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0 to 65535

  • Data Type: Integer


Whether LDAP is SSL enabled

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


A list of the SSL protocols that will be used to decide which protocol to use while connecting to LDAP server over SSL connection. The first in the list will be considered first and so forth. If none of the listed protocol is supported by the back end server the connection to back end server will be rejected.

  • Default value: TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1

  • Data Type: string

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: A comma separated list of SSL protocols. Ex: TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1. Please refer Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Reference Guide for the list of protocols that can be used in enabled protocols.


Minimum number of connections in LDAP Pool

  • Default value: 1

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than 0 and less than the max pool

  • Data Type: Integer


Maximum number of connections in LDAP Pool

  • Default value: 30

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than 0 and greater than the min pool

  • Data Type: Integer


LDAP operation time out in seconds

  • Default value: 30

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 1

  • Data Type: Integer


Time interval (in minutes) after which, connections in LDAP pool will be re-created. 0 means no refresh is required

  • Default value: 30

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Monitoring interval (in seconds) for LDAP pool, when the LDAP server is down

  • Default value: 60

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 1

  • Data Type: Integer


The admin DN used for creating LDAP connection pool

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: (.=.([,;+].))?

  • Data Type: String


The admin DN password

  • Default Value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String

Table 11-3 Authentication Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


Enables and disables X509 Certificate-based authentication.

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Enables and disables fallback to form-based login. This option should be set in conjunction with auth.cert.enable.

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


This creates default configuration parameters required to enable LDAP authentication mechanism. Specific parameters can further be modified/created using parameter-specific CLI option.

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


An implementation of LoginModule interface (JAAS technology in Java). This property refers to a pluggable custom authentication module

  • Default value: Not applicable

  • Data Type: String


An implementation of HttpCallbackHandler class, which extends CallBackHandler (JAAS technology in Java). This property refers to a pluggable custom authentication module

  • Default value: com.sun.comms.client.security.auth.AppCallbackHandler

  • Data Type: String


Use this option to enable Proxy Authentication of the user.

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


The value of this should be same as ugldap.

  • Default value: 2

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 1 or 2

  • Data Type: Integer


The value of this should be same as ugldap.dcroot

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: (.=.([,;+].))?

  • Data Type: String


The value of this should be same as ugldap.basedn

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: (.=.([,;+].))?

  • Data Type: String


The value of this should be same as ugldap.ugfilter

  • Default value: (uid=%U%V)

  • Data Type: String


The value of this should be same as ugldap.domainfilter

  • Default value: (&(objectClass=sunManagedOrganization)(|(sunPreferredDomain=%V)(associatedDomain=%V)))

  • Data Type: String


Host name of the auth LDAP service

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: [A-Za-z0-9\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)*(:[1-9][0-9]*)?)+(\,([A-Za-z0-9\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)*(:[1-9][0-9]*)?))*

  • Data Type: String


Port number at which auth LDAP service listens

  • Default value: 389

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0 to 65535

  • Data Type: Integer


Whether auth LDAP is SSL enabled

  • Default value: true

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


A list of SSL protocols that will be used to decide which protocol to use while connecting to LDAP server over SSL connection. The first in the list will be considered first and so forth. If none of the listed protocol is supported by back end server the connection to back end server will be rejected.

  • Default value: TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: A comma separated list of SSL protocols. Ex: TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1. Please refer Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Reference Guide for the list of protocols that can be used in enabled protocols.

  • Data Type: String


Minimum number of connections in LDAP Pool

  • Default value: 1

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than 0 and less than max pool

  • Data Type: Integer


Maximum number of connections in LDAP Pool

  • Default value: 30

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than 0 and greater than min pool

  • Data Type: Integer


LDAP operation time out in seconds

  • Default value: 30

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 1

  • Data Type: Integer


Time interval (in minutes) after which, connections in LDAP pool will be re-created. 0 means no refresh is required

  • Default value: 30

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Monitoring interval (in seconds) for LDAP pool, when the LDAP server is down

  • Default value: 60

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal 1

  • Data Type: Integer


The admin DN used for creating LDAP connection pool

  • Default value: Not applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: (.*=.*([,;\+].*)*)?

  • Data Type: String


The admin DN password

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String


Name of service for custom authentication module

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String


An implementation of LoginModule interface (JAAS technology in Java). This property refers to a pluggable custom authentication module

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String


An implementation of HttpCallbackHandler class, which extends CallBackHandler (JAAS technology in Java). This property refers to a pluggable custom authentication module

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String


Placeholder for custom auth provider configuration

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: user-defined-attribute

  • Data Type: String


Whether proxy admins are allowed to login through web client

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

Table 11-4 Mail Service Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


Whether mail service is enabled or not

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Host name of the back-end mail service

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: [A-Za-z0-9\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)*

  • Data Type: String


Port number at which back-end mail service listens

  • Default value: 8990

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0 to 65535

  • Data Type: Integer


Whether mail service is SSL enabled

  • Default value: true

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


A list of the SSL protocols that will be used to decide which protocol to use while connecting to Messaging Server over SSL connection. The first in the list will be considered first and so forth. If none of the listed protocol is supported by the back end server the connection to back end server will be rejected.

  • Default value: TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: A comma separated list of SSL protocols. Ex: TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1. Please refer Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Reference Guide for the list of protocols that can be used in enabled protocols.

  • Data Type: String


Time out value in seconds to use if Mail server does not respond within this time. Zero means never time out

  • Default value: 180

  • Data Type: Integer

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0


Cookie name used by mail service as session identifier

  • Default value: webmailsid

  • Data Type: String


Back-end mail service's proxy admin UID. Used for proxy-auth to mail service. This should be of form: uid@domain if hosted domains setup is used

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String


Back-end mail service's proxy admin password. Used for proxy-auth to mail service

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String


Specifies whether the sieve should be compatible with Communications Express

  • Default value: true

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


The replayformat option takes an argument of string that says how to construct the user ID for replay to the back end server.

  • Default value: %U@%V

  • Valid macros: %U = uid of the user ("hari"), %V = domain of the user ("somedomain.com"), %o = Actual value that was entered while log in, %s = uid@domain ("hari@somedomain.com")

  • Data Type: String


Spam folder used to move messages marked as spam by the user

  • Default value: spam

  • Data Type: String


Specifies whether Spam Action (ability to mark/unmark messages as spam) should be enabled

  • Default value: false

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


Time interval (in sec) for the client to check the external mail server for new messages

  • Default value: 600

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0-3600 seconds

  • Data Type: Integer


Time interval (in sec) to wait for the response for POP requests. Zero means never timeout.

  • Default: 600

  • Data Type: Integer

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0.


Turns on/off the mail preview pane

  • Default: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false If mail.enablemsgpreview is true, the user's preference (LDAP attribute: nswmExtendedUserPrefs:mePreviewEnabled=true/false) is checked and returned accordingly. In other words, the user can disable mail preview pane, even though it is site-enabled. However, if mail.enablemsgpreview is false, the mail preview pane is disabled, irrespective of user preference.


Maximum number of connections per route in a pool; this setting can be used when setting up a connection manager.

  • Default: 100

  • Data Type: Integer


Maximum amount of time (in sec) to wait while retrieving a connection from the pool; this setting can be used when setting up a connection manager.

  • Default: 240

  • Data Type: Integer


Whether to enable external account or not.

  • Default value: true

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


Mirror option of store.privatesharedfolders.restrictanyone on Oracle Communications Messaging Server

  • Default value: false

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


Whether HTML sanitizer is enabled or not.

  • Default value: true

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


Comma separated list of HTML elements and attributes which should be allowed in mail content. Convergence already has an internal whitelist which cannot be changed. This additional whitelist is in addition to the internal whitelist. If an attribute is specified without an associated element, then that attribute will not be allowed for all elements.

  • Default value: Not applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: item1[, item2 ...].

    Where item can be <protocol>:|<attribute>|<attribute>@<element>

  • Data Type: string


  • attribute1, attribute2 - Allow attribute1 and attribute2 on all elements

  • attribute1@element1 - Allow attribute1 on element1 only

  • @element1, @element2 - Allow element1 and element2 with no attributes

  • protocol1: - Allow protocol1. Colon(:) at end indicates it is a protocol


Comma separated list of HTML elements and attributes which should be disallowed in mail content. Convergence already has an internal blacklist which cannot be changed. This additional blacklist is in addition to the internal blacklist. If an attribute is specified without an associated element, then that attribute will not be allowed on any element.

  • Default value: Not applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: item1[, item2 ...].

    Where item can be <protocol>:|<attribute>|<attribute>@<element>

  • Data Type: string


  • attribute1, attribute2 - Do not allow attribute1 and attribute2 on all elements

  • attribute1@element1 - Do not allow attribute1 on element1 only

  • @element1, @element2 - Do not allow element1 and element2

  • protocol1: - Do not allow protocol1. Colon(:) at end indicates it is a protocol


Comma separated list of CSS properties for inline style, which should be allowed in mail content. Convergence already has a default CSS property list, only few additional CSS properties can be added to the whitelist. If an additional CSS property is not supported by HTML sanitizer, an exception will be thrown.

  • Default value: Not applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: item1[, item2 ...].

    Where item can be CSS property like visibility and z-index

  • Data Type: string


Whether to allow URLs in inline styles or not. Enabling this option is vulnerable to XSS. This option can be set if the URLs referenced in mail content is from trusted source and is secure.

  • Default value: false

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false]

  • Data Type: Boolean

Example: <span style="background-image: url(http://example.com/image.png)"></span>

Table 11-5 Logging Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


Specifies whether user IP address and session ID should be included in the logs. Log pattern must include %X{ipaddress} and %X{sessionid}.

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean


Definition for specifying Log Location Type. Currently supported location type: FILE, CONSOLE (aka STDOUT).

  • Default value: CONSOLE

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: FILE or CONSOLE

  • Data Type: String


The Location value is the location of Log file (and hence is applicable only for FILE type)

  • Default value: /data/logs/iwc.log

  • Data Type: String


Log location type for admin log file

  • Default value: FILE

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: FILE or CONSOLE

  • Data Type: String


The location of admin log file (and hence is applicable only for FILE type)

  • Default value: /data/logs/iwc_admin.log

  • Data Type: String


Set the maximum size in KB, that the log file is allowed to reach before being rolled over to backup files

  • Default value: 2048

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than 0 KB

  • Data Type: Integer


The rolling schedule is specified by this pattern. Set the Date pattern at which the log file will be rolled over to backup files

  • Default value: null

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: This pattern should follow the SimpleDateFormat conventions. For examples and more details, refer to DailyRollingFileAppender documentation in Apache Log4j project.

  • Data Type: String


This option determines how many backup files are kept before the oldest is erased. This option takes a positive integer. If set to zero, there will be no backup files and the log file will be truncated when it reaches the size trigger value. The max backup index option is considered only if size trigger is set and is ignored for time trigger.

  • Default value: 1

  • Data Type: Integer


The log record pattern used by the loggers

  • Default value: %c: %p from %C : Thread %t at time %d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} --- %m %n

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: The pattern is closely related to the conversion pattern of the print function in C. For detailed patterns, refer to Pattern Layout documentation in Apache Log4j project

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging for Config module

  • Default value: WARN

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging for Auth module

  • Default value: DEBUG

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging for Proxy Mail module

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging for Address Book module

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging for Proxy Cal module

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging for Contacts Server proxy module

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging for Protocol module

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging for Sieve module

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of logging for notification module

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging for Admin module

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging for ISS (MISO) proxy module

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of logging for ENS module

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging for Proxy OIN module

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging for HTTPBIND module

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging for HTTPBIND AVATAR module

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Level of Logging for HTTPBIND XFER module

  • Default value: INFO

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: OFF | ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for ADDRESS_BOOK component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for ADMIN component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for ADMIN component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for CONFIG component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for DEFAULT component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for ENS component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for HTTPBIND component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for HTTPBIND AVATAR component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for HTTPBIND XFER component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for NOTIFY component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for PROTOCOL component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for PROXY CAL component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for PROXY CONF component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for PROXY ISS component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for PROXY MAIL component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for PROXY NAB component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for PROXY OIN component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


Appender name for SIEVE component

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values:

  • Data Type: String


where appender_name is the name of appender.

Definition for specifying Log Location Type. Currently supported location type: FILE, CONSOLE (aka STDOUT).

  • Default value: CONSOLE

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: FILE or CONSOLE

  • Data Type: String


The Location value is the location of Log file (and hence is applicable only for FILE type)

  • Default value: /data/logs/httpbind.log

    where data means data directory.

  • Data Type: String


The Location value is the location of Log file (and hence is applicable only for FILE type)

  • Default value: /data/logs/httpbind_xfer.log

    where data means data directory.

  • Data Type: String


The Location value is the location of Log file (and hence is applicable only for FILE type)

  • Default value: /data/logs/httpbind_avatar.log

    where data means data directory.

  • Data Type: String


where appender_name is the name of appender.

This option determines how many backup files are kept before the oldest is erased. This option takes a positive integer. If set to zero, there will be no backup files and the log file will be truncated when it reaches the size trigger value. The max backup index option is considered only if size trigger is set and is ignored for time trigger.

  • Default value: 1

  • Data Type: Integer


where appender_name is the name of appender.

Set the maximum size in KB, that the log file is allowed to reach before being rolled over to backup files.

  • Default value: 2048

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than 0 KB

  • Data Type: Integer


where appender_name is the name of appender.

The log record pattern used by the loggers.

  • Default value: %c: %p from %C : Thread %t at time %d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} --- %m %n

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: The pattern is closely related to the conversion pattern of the print function in C. For detailed patterns, refer to Pattern Layout documentation in Apache Log4j project.

  • Data Type: String

Table 11-6 Calendar Service Configuration Properties for Calendar Server 7 and Calendar Server 8

Option Name Description


Whether CalDAV Calendar service is enabled or not

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Host name of the back end CalDAV service

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: [A-Za-z0-9\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)*

  • Data Type: String


Port number at which back end CalDAV service listens

  • Default value: 8080

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0 to 65535

  • Data Type: Integer


Whether SSL should be used against back end CalDAV service

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


A list of the SSL protocols that will be used to decide which protocol to use while connecting to CalDAV Server over SSL connection. The first in the list will be considered first and so forth. If none of the listed protocol is supported by the back end server the connection to back end server will be rejected.

  • Default value: TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: A comma separated list of SSL protocols. Ex: TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1. Please refer Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Reference Guide for the list of protocols that can be used in enabled protocols.

  • Data Type: String


Time out value in seconds to use if CalDAV server does not respond within this time. Zero means never time out

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Default value: 180

  • Data Type: Integer


Context URI at which the WCAP interface in CalDAV service is accessible

  • Default value: /wcap

  • Data Type: String


Back end CalDAV service's proxy admin UID. Used for proxy-auth to cal service. This should be of form: uid@domain if hosted domains setup is used

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String


Back end CalDAV service's proxy admin password. Used for proxy-auth to calendar service

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String


Attribute name in the user's LDAP entry indicating the user is a CalDAV user in a co-existence deployment

  • Default value: davstore

  • Data Type: String


Object class names of groups to be filtered while searching for Corp-Dir groups. The filter matches with any one of the configured object class names to retrieve the results

  • Default value: null

  • Data Type: String


Whether CalDAV auto-provision in the back end CalDAV Server is enabled or not.

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean


Name of the LDAP object class which should be present for valid CalDAV users if auto-provisioning is disabled

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Name of the LDAP object class

  • Default value: icsCalendarUser

  • Data Type: String


The replayformat option takes an argument of string that says how to construct the user ID for replay to the back end server.

  • Default value: %U@%V

  • Valid macros: %U = uid of the user ("hari"), %V = domain of the user ("somedomain.com"), %o = Actual value that was entered while log in, %s = uid@domain ("hari@somedomain.com")

  • Data Type: String


WCAP Version of the CalDAV Service

  • Default value: 7.0

  • Data Type: String


Maximum number of connections per route in a pool; this setting can be used when setting up a connection manager.

  • Default: 100

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than 0.

  • Data Type: Integer


Defines the time out (seconds) used when retrieving a connection from the pool.

  • Default: 240

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 1

  • Data Type: Integer

Table 11-7 Address Book Service Configuration Properties for Contacts Server

Option Name Description


Whether the address book service provided by Contacts Server is enabled

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Default value: false


Host name of the back-end address book service provided by Contacts Server

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: [A-Za-z0-9\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)*

  • Data Type: String


Port number at which back-end address book service provided by Contacts Server service listens

  • Default value: 8080

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0 to 65535

  • Data Type: Integer


Whether SSL is enabled to Contacts Server

  • Default value: true

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


A list of the SSL protocols that will be used to decide which protocol to use while connecting to NAB Server over SSL connection. The first in the list will be considered first and so forth. If none of the listed protocol is supported by the back end server the connection to back end server will be rejected.

  • Default value: TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: A comma separated list of SSL protocols. Ex: TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1. Please refer Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Reference Guide for the list of protocols that can be used in enabled protocols.

  • Data Type: String


Time out value in seconds to use if address book service provided by Contacts Server does not respond within this time. Zero means never time out

  • Default value: 180

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Contacts Server proxy admin UID. Used for proxy-auth to address book service. This should be of form: uid@domain if hosted domains setup is used

  • Data Type: String


Contacts Server proxy admin password. Used for proxy-auth to address book service

  • Data Type: String


Attribute name in the user's LDAP entry indicating whether the address book service is provided by Contacts Server or Convergence in a co-existence deployment

  • Default value: nabStore

  • Data Type: String


The replayformat option takes an argument of string that says how to construct the user ID for replay to the back end server.

  • Default value: %U@%V

  • Valid macros: %U = uid of the user ("hari"), %V = domain of the user ("somedomain.com"), %o = Actual value that was entered while log in, %s = uid@domain ("hari@somedomain.com")

  • Data Type: String


Maximum number of connections per-route

  • Default value: 100

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than 0.

  • Data Type: Integer


Defines the time out (seconds) used when retrieving a connection from the pool.

  • Default value: 240

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 1

  • Data Type: Integer


Context URI at which the address book service provided by Contacts Server is accessible

  • Data Type: String

Table 11-8 Indexing Search and Service Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


Whether ISS service is enabled or not

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Host name of the back end ISS service

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: [A-Za-z0-9\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)*

  • Data Type: String


Port number at which back end ISS service listens

  • Default value: 8080

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0 to 65535

  • Data Type: Integer


Whether SSL is enabled for ISS service

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


A list of the SSL protocols that will be used to decide which protocol to use while connecting to ISS Server over SSL connection. The first in the list will be considered first and so forth. If none of the listed protocol is supported by the back end server the connection to back end server will be rejected.

  • Default value: TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: A comma separated list of SSL protocols. Ex: TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1. Please refer Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Reference Guide for the list of protocols that can be used in enabled protocols.

  • Data Type: String


Time out value in seconds to use if ISS server does not respond within this time. Zero means never time out

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Default value: 180

  • Data Type: Integer


Back end ISS service's proxy admin UID. Used for proxy-auth to ISS service. This should be of form: uid@domain if hosted domains setup is used

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String


Back end ISS service's proxy admin password. Used for proxy-auth to ISS service

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String


Maximum number of connections per route in a pool; this setting can be used when setting up a connection manager.

  • Default: 100

  • Data Type: Integer


Maximum amount of time (in sec) to wait while retrieving a connection from the pool; this setting can be used when setting up a connection manager.

  • Default: 240

  • Data Type: Integer


The replayformat option takes an argument of string that says how to construct the user ID for replay to the back end server.

  • Default value: %U@%V

  • Valid macros: %U = uid of the user ("hari"), %V = domain of the user ("somedomain.com"), %o = Actual value that was entered while log in, %s = uid@domain ("hari@somedomain.com")

  • Data Type: String

Table 11-9 Address Book Service Configuration Properties for Convergence WABP

Option Name Description


Enable or disable WABP service

  • Default value: false

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


Enables WABP purge, which permanently deletes entries marked for deletion. If ab.purgetype is auto then purging happens automatically upon login. If ab.purgetype is manual then purging can be done by invoking the purge_entries.wabp command.

  • Default value: auto

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: manual | auto

  • Data Type: String

  • Access Type: RESTRICTED


WABP Purge, period (in days) after which the entries get deleted permanently. This is applicable only when enableautopurge is set to true

  • Default value: 30

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


When ab.purgetype is set to auto, this parameter specifies the interval (in days) between purges of the database.

  • Default value: 0

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Defines the maximum content-length of a POST command. -1 means no limit.

  • Default value: -1

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: -1, 0 or greater than 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Tag name for my contact

  • Default value: My Contact

  • Data Type: String


Tag name for my favorites

  • Default value: My Favorites

  • Data Type: String


Maximum allowed photo size in bytes

  • Default value: 102400

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Limit on dimension (width in pixels) of images being served

  • Default value: 2000

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 1

  • Data Type: Integer


Limit on dimension (height in pixels) of images being served

  • Default value: 2000

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 1

  • Data Type: Integer


If this is enabled it exports contacts with photo data in vCard 3.0 format

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


If this is enabled it imports contacts with photo data in vCard 3.0 format

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Specify encoding to be used during import corresponding to each locale

  • Default value: UTF-8

  • Data Type: String


Specify encoding to be used during export corresponding to each locale

  • Default value: UTF-8

  • Data Type: String


Max number of simultaneous paged search for an instance of PersonalStore

  • Default value: 10

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than 1

  • Data Type: Integer


Number of retries to fetch default address book when a new user logs in

  • Default value: 0

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Defines a default psRoot pattern for users that do not have the psRoot attribute. %U = uid of the user ("jsmith"), %D = domain of the user ("somedomain.com"), %O = most significant part of the domain ("somedomain")

  • Default value: ldap:///piPStoreOwner=%U,o=%D,o=PiServerDb

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Starts with ldap://

  • Data Type: String


Amount of delay in number of milliseconds to be introduced to compensate delays due to LDAP updates

  • Default value: 0

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Enable cache entry count

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Total number of entries allowed in the user's address book.

  • Default value: 1000

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Indicate whether quota warning can be issued or not. A positive integer greater than zero indicates a warning else no warning.

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Default value: 100

  • Data Type: Integer


Whether the per User psRoot should be used or not

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Enable address book notification for all users

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Enable notification for contact creation

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Enable notification for contact modification

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Enable notification for contact deletion

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Enable notification for adding contact photo

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Comma separated list of destination. Used only when notify all users is enabled

  • Default value: null

  • Data Type: String


Minimum connections to the LDAP server

  • Default value: 1

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Maximum connections to the LDAP server

  • Default value: 4

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Max time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to be freed up

  • Default value: 10

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Time interval (in minutes) after which, connections in LDAP pool will be re-created. 0 means no refresh is required

  • Default value: 0

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Monitoring interval in seconds for LDAP pool, when the LDAP server is down

  • Default value: 60

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 1

  • Data Type: Integer


Host name of the LDAP service

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: [A-Za-z0-9\\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)*

  • Data Type: String


Port number at which LDAP service listens

  • Default value: 389

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0 to 65535

  • Data Type: Integer


The admin DN used for creating LDAP connection pool. This pool will be used for PStore lookup

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: (.*=.*([,;\+].*)*)?

  • Data Type: String


The admin DN's password, used for creating LDAP connection pool. This pool will be used for PStore lookup.

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String



  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Specifies the type of URL this instance of the plug-in is responsible for. This value should be unique and is case sensitive.

  • Default value: ldap://

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Starts with ldap://

  • Data Type: String


Specifies if the plug-in support access to any page, or if each page must be accessed starting at page 1. If false, the coresrv will loop until it gets to the right page.

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


This can be: anon (anonymous), restricted (login as user who has rights to view/write DB), or proxy (login as user that can 'masquerade')

  • Default value: restricted

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: anon, restricted, or proxy

  • Data Type: String


Default server (identifier) used for construction psRoot

  • Default value: null

  • Data Type: String


Display Name for Personal book

  • Default value: Personal Address Book

  • Data Type: String


Description for Personal book

  • Default value: This is your personal Address Book

  • Data Type: String


This defines if all the database attributes should be passed in the LDAP search true or false.

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


This is the max number of entries to read in any one search. Should be set to max in directory or largest AB possible.

  • Default value: 0

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Mark the contact/group as deleted instead of permanently deleting it by setting following parameter as false

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Parameter which, if set to true, allows personal address book entries/groups to have the same name

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


DN of admin group. If a user belong to this group then he is eligible to purge all user's contacts which are marked for deletion

  • Default value: null

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: (.*=.*([,;\+].*)*)?

  • Data Type: String


Locale on whose basis collation rule should be applied for Personal Address Book

  • Default value: en-US

  • Data Type: String


Search Fields for which collation rule should be applied. The fields provided here should be disambiguator formatted fields. For example, entry/displayname, person/givenname, and so on.

  • Default value: null

  • Data Type: String


Minimum connections to the LDAP server

  • Default value: 1

  • Data Type: Integer

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0


Maximum connections to the LDAP server

  • Default value: 4

  • Data Type: Integer

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0


Max time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to be freed up

  • Default value: 10

  • Data Type: Integer

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0


Time interval (in minutes) after which, connections in LDAP pool will be re-created. 0 means no refresh is required

  • Default value: 0

  • Data Type: Integer

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0


Monitoring interval (in seconds) for LDAP pool, when the LDAP server is down

  • Default value: 60

  • Data Type: Integer

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than 0


Host name of the LDAP service

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: [A-Za-z0-9\\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)*

  • Data Type: String


Port number at which LDAP service listens

  • Default value: 389

  • Data Type: Integer

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0 to 65535


The admin DN used for creating LDAP connection pool. This pool will be used for corpdir lookup

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: (.*=.*([,;\+].*)*)?

  • Data Type: String


The admin DN password, used for creating LDAP connection pool. This pool will be used for corpdir lookup.

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String



  • Default value: false

  • Allowed Pattern/Value: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


Whether corporate directory is enabled or not

  • Default value: true

  • Allowed Pattern/Value: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


Specifies the type of URL this instance of the plug-in is responsible for. This value should be unique and is case sensitive.

  • Default value: ldap://

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Starts with ldap://

  • Data Type: String


Specifies the minimum number of characters that need to be provided in a wildcard search. For example, 0 - entry/displayname=*, 1 - entry/displayname=a*

  • Default value: 0

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Specifies if the plug-in support access to any page, or if each page must be accessed starting at page 1 If false, the coresrv will loop until it gets to the right page.

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Use VLV if DB has a VLV set for the default search type

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


This can be: anon (anonymous), restricted (login as user who has rights to view/write DB), or proxy (login as user that can 'masquerade')

  • Default value: restricted

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: anon, restricted, or proxy

  • Data Type: String

    If you are performing an anonymous search (specifically, ab.corpdir.[identifier].logintype = anon), you need to set the following additional parameters: ab.corpdir.[identifier].ldaphost = ldap_host and ab.corpdir.[identifier].ldapport = ldap_port.


Search filter for corporate directory searches. Syntax: (&(&([filter])(|(objectClass=GROUPOFUNIQUENAMES)(objectClass=GROUPOFURLS)(objectClass=ICSCALENDARRESOURCE)(objectClass=INETORGPERSON)))(objectClass=*))), Where [filter] will be replaced with search criteria. Ex: If search criteria is cn=* then [filter] will be replaced with cn=*

  • Default value: null

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Refer RFC 2254

  • Data Type: String


VLV Search filter for corporate directory searches.

  • Default value: null

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Refer RFC 2254

  • Data Type: String


VLV search base dn from where the corporate directory vlv searches are performed.

  • Default value: null

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: (.*=.*([,;\+].*)*)?

  • Data Type: String


VLV sort by fields for performing corporate directory searches. Multiple fields must be comma separated. For example, entry/displayname,person/surname.

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: XPath of sort by attributes.

  • Multiple fields must be comma separated. For example, XPath for cn is entry/displayname, sn is person/surname.

  • Data Type: String


VLV Search scope used for corporate directory searches.

  • Default value: 2

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0|1|2

  • Data Type: Integer


Default server (identifier) used for construction psRoot

  • Default value: null

  • Data Type: String


Display Name for corp dir

  • Default Value: Corporate Directory

  • Data Type: String


Description for corporate directory

  • Default Value: This is your Corporate Directory

  • Data Type: String


This defines the attributes to be used while obtaining an entry from DB. Provide the attributes as comma-separated. For example: entry/displayname,@uid. This is required especially for contacts and groups which can have different RDN's to identify them.

  • Default value: entry/displayname

  • Data Type: String

Convergence can be configured to search corporate directory on required fields. For example, when the search string is "someone" and if you want to search this string only in the uid, set ab.corpdir.[identifier].searchattr to @uid. Contact is represented by XML element <abperson uid="db:uid"> .....</abperson>. The @ symbol is used to represent the attribute in the XML element. For example, the mapping could be something like the following:

  1. uid @uid

  2. displayname entry/displayname

  3. givenname person/givenname

  4. surname person/surname. To refer uid, use @uid. The symbol @ must be used because the uid is attribute of an element.


Comma separated list of object classes to identify group entries.

  • Default Value: (objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)

  • Data Type: String


Comma separated list of object classes to identify resource entries.

  • Default value: (objectclass=ICSCALENDARRESOURCE)

  • Data Type: String


This defines if all the database attributes should be passed in the LDAP search. Valid values are true or false.

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


This is the max number of entries to read in any one search. Should be set to max in directory or largest AB possible.

  • Default value: 0

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0 or greater

  • Data Type: Integer


Locale on whose basis collation rule should be applied for Corporate Directory

  • Default Value: en-US

  • Data Type: String


Search Fields for which collation rule should be applied. The fields provided here should be disambiguator formatted fields. For example, entry/displayname, person/givenname etc.

  • Default Value: null

  • Data Type: String

Table 11-10 Deployment or Domain Specific Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


Whether to update unread count for all folders when 'Get Mail' is clicked. Default is false.

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean


Time interval (in sec) for the client to check the mail server for new messages

  • Default value: 300

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0-3600 seconds

  • Data Type: Integer


Time interval (in sec) to auto-save partially composed emails as a draft. This option is to prevent inadvertent loss of a partially composed message

  • Default value: 60

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0-600 seconds

  • Data Type: Integer


Default number of entries per page used for corporate directory search.

  • Default value: 100

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 1

  • Data Type: Integer


Default dictionary used by the site for spell check

  • Default value: en-US

  • Data Type: String


Configure help URL for the application. For example help link out side application context: http://example.com/en/industries/communications

To facilitate locale specific help URL, follow the below pattern. Please check the external help with locale specific support before configuring the help. For example: http://example.com/${locale}/industries/communications/ OR http://example.com/industries/communications?locale=${locale}

${locale} will be replaced with user preferred locale.

  • Default value: .../<iwc_static_context>/layout/help/...

  • Data Type: String


Site specified service endpoint, which can permit each site to train their anti-spam service to recognize the message as spam in the future

  • Default value: /antispam

  • Data Type: String


Time out period (in min) to auto log off users (by client) after a predefined period of inactivity

  • Default value: 15

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Site wide defined set of time zones

  • Default value: ""

  • Data Type: String


Turn on or off customization service

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Turn on/off RTF editing for entire deployment. If it set to false then user's preference to enable or disable RTF editing will be ignored by convergence client. The default value is true.

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Turn on/off editing user's display name through mail's local identity option.

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Default value: false

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean


Enables or disables attachment progress indicator in HTML5 web browsers. Use [iframe | html5] method for uploading attachment file, the specified method also determines whether a progress bar can be shown. If 'iframe' method is chosen, no progress bar is shown. If 'html5' method is chosen, a progress bar is shown for HTML 5 browsers. However, non HTML 5 browsers, e.g IE 8 or 9 will revert back to iframe method

  • Default Value: html5

  • Data Type: String

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: iframe (hide progress indicator) or html5 (display progress indicator)


Turn on/off Auto completion of addresses from Corporate Address Book.

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Enables or disables secondary email functionality.

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Enables or disables map.

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


To enable all available themes use 'all', the default value is also all.

To enable a subset of the supported themes provide the theme names in a comma separated list. Supported theme names are:

[all | theme_blue | theme_orange | theme_dark_blue | theme_light_blue | theme_grey | theme_yellow | theme_green | theme_teal | theme_pink | theme_butterfly|theme_teal_ocean | theme_pink_hearts | theme_blue_cheery | theme_starry | Altair]

The default user interface theme option should be one of the enabled themes.

  • Default value: all

  • Data Type: String


Enables or disables call using skype.

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Whether to show or hide timezone selection in global options.

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Allows user to add from all the hosted domains. This option hides adding buddy from Personal Address Book and through Email Address when set to false.

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


This facilitates adding custom client preference. For example, misc.{custom-attribute}>

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: user-defined-attribute

  • Data Type: String


Group search unique id field facilitates adding client specific custom field for unique Id. Multiple fields must be comma separated. Ex: uid,cn

  • Default value: uid

  • Data Type: string


Group search unique entry is XPath of group search unique id attributes. Ex: XPath for uid is entry/@entryID, cn is entry/displayname. Multiple fields must be comma separated. The order of the group search unique entry attribute should match exactly the order of group search unique id attributes.

  • Default value: entry/@entryID

  • Data Type: string


Location of the static html main page

  • Default value: /iwc_static/layout/main.html

  • Data Type: String


Location of the static html login page

  • Default value: /iwc_static/layout/login.html

  • Data Type: String


Location of the static html Anonymous calendar view page

  • Default value: /iwc_static/layout/calendar.html

  • Data Type: String


The URL for changing the user's password after it expires

  • Data Type: String


Hide or show the SMS option in the Notifications tab in Calendar Options and in the Reminder dialog box.

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Whether to enable force logout or not when the primary services such as mail and calendar are disabled.

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Default Value: false

Table 11-11 Administration Service Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


Whether SSL is enabled for admin service

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


A list of the SSL protocols that will be used to decide which protocol to use while connecting to admin service over SSL connection. The first in the list will be considered first and so forth. If none of the listed protocol is supported by the admin service the connection to admin service will be rejected.

  • Default value: TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1

  • Data Type: String

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: A comma separated list of SSL protocols. Ex: TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1. Please refer Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Reference Guide for the list of protocols that can be used in enabled protocols.


Whether monitoring is enabled

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Application's administrator password. This is used by the CLI/Monitoring mechanism to provide authorized access to application administration

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String


Keystore password for SSL enabled admin server

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String

Table 11-12 Single-Sign-On Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


This creates default configuration parameters required to enable OAM SSO mechanism. Specific parameters can further be modified/created using parameter-specific CLI option. This flag differs from sso.enable

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true


This creates default configuration parameters required to enable MS SSO mechanism. Specific parameters can further be modified/created using parameter-specific CLI option. This flag differs from sso.enable

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Access Type: RESTRICTED


This specifies the enabled SSO service name

  • Data Type: String


This specifies whether SSO service is enabled or not

  • Default value: false

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


Whether single sign off service is enabled or not

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


SSO implementation provider name

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String


Notification service implementation

  • Default value: null

  • Data Type: String


Whether SSO token refresh is enabled or not

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


After what percentage of convergence session time out interval, SSO token should be refreshed

  • Default value: 80

  • Data Type: Integer


Placeholder for custom SSO provider configuration

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: user-defined-attribute

  • Data Type: String


Admin userid for SSO provider

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String


Admin password for SSO provider

  • Default value: Not Applicable

  • Data Type: String


Location of the login page to which the user is redirected to.

  • Default value: null

  • Data Type: String

Table 11-13 Instant Messaging Service Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


Enable or disable IM service

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Value: true or false

Table 11-14 S/MIME Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


Enable or disable S/MIME service

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Value: true or false

Table 11-15 User Preferences Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


The default application to display to user upon login

  • Default value: mail

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Name of the service. For example, mail, calendar

  • Data Type: String


Specifies the name of default user interface theme used

  • Default value: theme_blue

  • Data Type: String


Specifies the default mail handler for all mail links

  • Default value: uc

  • Data Type: String


Specifies date display and input format

  • Default value: M/D/Y

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: This can be any of M/D/Y, D/M/Y, Y/M/D

  • Data Type: String


Delimiter is the character that separates date, month and year in the date

  • Default value: /

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: This can be any of -, / or .

  • Data Type: String


Specifies the time display format

  • Default value: 12

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: This can be any of 12 or 24

  • Data Type: Integer


Specifies the time zone used to normalize all time/date information in the client

  • Default value: America/Los_Angeles

  • Data Type: String


Allows the end user to enable or disable the smart Time zone feature for the client

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Value: true or false


Allows the end user to choose their preferred layout type (ecko/classic)

  • Default value: ecko

  • Data Type: String


Specifies the name of address book

  • Default value: Personal Address Book

  • Data Type: String


Specifies the description of address book

  • Default value: This is the personal address book

  • Data Type: String


Specifies the number of entries to be displayed per page

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 1

  • Default value: 100

  • Data Type: Integer


Calendar view to be presented at log in

  • Default value: dayview

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: This can be any of dayview, weekview, monthview, next7view, agendaview

  • Data Type: String


Specifies the default category for a event or a task

  • Default value: Business

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Default Category for an event or a task. Ex: Appointment, Breakfast, Business

  • Data Type: String


Start time hour for displaying calendar information

  • Default value: 9

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Value of the hour in 24 hr format (0 - 23 hrs)

  • Data Type: Integer


End time hour for displaying calendar information

  • Default value: 18

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Value of the hour in 24 hr format (0 - 23 hrs)

  • Data Type: Integer


First day of the week to be displayed on user's calendar

  • Default value: 1

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Valid values are 1 through 7. 1 - Sunday, 2 - Monday. etc.

  • Data Type: Integer


Specifies the weekend days

  • Default value: 1,7

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Valid values are 1 through 7. 1 - Sunday, 2 - Monday. etc.

  • Data Type: String


Amount of time before the event that an alarm should be sent

  • Default value: -PT0H30M

  • Data Type: String


Enables/disables email notifications being sent for the event reminder

  • Default value: 0

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0 - disable, 1 - enable

  • Data Type: Integer


Enables/disables sms notifications being sent for the event reminder

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Enables/disables email notifications being sent when the calendar receives an invitation

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Specifies the type of events to be displayed

  • Default value: null

  • Data Type: String


Specifies if mails marked as deleted has to be removed when user logs out of application

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Specifies if auto spell check is enabled

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Specifies if images in the incoming mail should be shown or blocked

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Specifies the number of mails to display per page

  • Default value: 20

  • Data Type: Integer


Specifies the sorting order

  • Default value: R

  • Data Type: String


Specifies which column to be used to sort the mails

  • Default value: 6

  • Data Type: Integer


Specifies if compose window should use RTF

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Specifies which columns to display in mail view

  • Default value: 2,1,4,3,5,6,0,7

  • Data Type: String


Default group to which the new contacts are added

  • Default value: Friends

  • Data Type: String


Change my status to idle when I am inactive

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Change my status to idle when I am inactive for this many minutes

  • Default value: 10

  • Data Type: Integer


Change my status to away when I am inactive

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Change my status to away when I am inactive for this many minutes

  • Default value: 10

  • Data Type: Integer


Default text font in chat window

  • Default value: Arial

  • Data Type: String


Default font typeface in chat window

  • Default value: Italic

  • Data Type: String


Default font size in chat window

  • Default value: 10

  • Data Type: Integer


Default font color in chat window

  • Default value: #000000

  • Data Type: String


Default background color in chat window

  • Default value: #ffffff

  • Data Type: String


Stores user preference of state of IM pane

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Last presence message to persist upon logout

  • Default value: ""

  • Data Type: String


Status string indicating presence

  • Default value: online

  • Data Type: String

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: online, offline, away, invisible


Determines whether to retain user's presence upon logout

  • Default value: true

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


Default option whether to digitally sign an outgoing message

  • Default value: no

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Value can be yes or no

  • Data Type: String


Default option whether to encrypt an outgoing message

  • Default value: no

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Value can be yes or no

  • Data Type: String


Default option whether to preview an outgoing message

  • Default value: no

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Value can be yes or no

  • Data Type: String

Table 11-16 Event Notification System Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


Enable or disable event notification system

  • Default value: false

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


Enable or disable notification service associated with this service name

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


The name used to identify this service in ENS. Setting this to blank deletes this service.

  • Data Type: String


The name used to identify data source for this service.

  • Data Type: String


The number of threads to be created to process incoming messages

  • Default value: 10

  • Data Type: Integer

Table 11-17 Address Book Service JMQ Notification Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


Enable or disable notification service

  • Default value: false

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false


The number of threads to be created in the publisher/subscriber service. This parameter is optional.

  • Default value: 3

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 1

  • Data Type: Integer


The name used to identify this service. Setting this to blank deletes this service.

  • Data Type: String


Enable or disable notification service associated with this service name

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Allowed Pattern/Value: true or false


The destination-type (Topic or Queue) of the destination associated with this service

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: TOPIC or QUEUE

  • Data Type: String

Table 11-18 Outside In Proxy Configuration Properties

Option Name Description


Whether OIN service is enabled or not

  • Default value: false

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: true or false

  • Data Type: Boolean


Host name of the back-end OIN service

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: [A-Za-z0-9\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)*

  • Data Type: String


Port number at which back-end OIN service listens

  • Default value: 60572

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: 0 to 65535

  • Data Type: Integer


Time out value in seconds to use if OIN server does not respond within this time. Zero means never time out

  • Default value: 180

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than or equal to 0

  • Data Type: Integer


Directory path for the OIN Transformation Server. Default path is /export/tsdir. Administrator needs to ensure this directory is setup with proper permissions for Convergence and Transformation Server to access.

  • Default value: /export/tsdir/

  • Data Type: String


Time interval (in minutes) to delete the transformed files in the TsdirPath

  • Allowed Pattern/Values: Greater than 0

  • Default value: 5

  • Data Type: Integer