This chapter identifies many UI elements in Oracle Communications Convergence.
The widgets are located in the Convergence_Domain/docroot/iwc_static/js/iwc/widget directory.
Widgets for each service are located in separate directories:
Mail widgets: ../widget/mail
Calendar widgets: ../widget/calendar
Address Book widgets: ../widget/addressBook
Instant Messaging widgets: ../widget/im
Indexing and Search Service widgets: ../widget/iss
Audio/visual widgets are located in the following directories:
Common audio/visual widgets: ../widget
IM audio/visual widgets: ../widget/im
WebRTC audio/visual widgets: ../widget/webRTC
Option widgets are located within each service directory:
Mail Options: ../widget/mail/option
Calendar Options: ../widget/calendar/option
Address Book Options: ../widget/addressBook/option
Instant Messaging Options: ../widget/im/option
Indexing and Search Service Options: ../widget/iss/option
Common widgets are located within the ../widget directory:
Common widgets: ../widget
Common form widgets: ../widget/form
Common option widgets: ../widget/option
You create your customized widgets in the customization home directory. For example:
where Domain is the name of the domain where the customizations are applied. For example:
See "Technical Overview" for more information.
The common Convergence widgets are shown in the following figures:
Figure 3-1 shows the location of the following widgets:
The Banner widget (Banner.js)
The QuickActions widget (QuickActions.js)
The ServiceMenu widget (ServiceMenu.js)
The SaveNotification widget (SaveNotification.js)
The SaveNotificationMessage widget (SaveNotificationMessage.js)
Figure 3-2 shows the location of the following widgets:
The Recipient widget (Recipient.js)
The Convergence mail widgets are shown in the following figures:
Figure 3-6, "Convergence Mail Advanced Search and Select Folder Input Widgets"
Figure 3-8, "Convergence Mail Folder Properties Dialog Widget"
Figure 3-3 shows the location of the following widgets:
The Navigator widget (mail.Navigator.js)
The FolderTree widget (mail.FolderTree.js)
The ViewerContainer widget (mail.ViewerContainer.js)
The OpenFolder widget (mail.OpenFolder.js)
The Grid widget (mail.Grid.js)
The MessageViewer widget (mail.MessageViewer.js)
Figure 3-4 shows the location of the following widgets:
The CreateMessage widget (mail.CreateMessage.js)
The EmailComboTextarea widget (addressBook.EmailComboTextarea.js)
Figure 3-5 shows the location of the following widgets:
The OpenMessage widget (mail.OpenMessage.js)
Figure 3-6 shows the location of the following widgets:
The SelectFolderInput widget (mail.SelectFolderInput.js)
The AdvancedSearch widget (mail.AdvancedSearch.js)
Figure 3-7 shows the location of the following widgets:
The PrintMessage widget (mail.PrintMessage.js)
Figure 3-8 shows the location of the following widgets:
The FolderPropertiesDialog widget (mail.FolderPropertiesDialog.js)
Figure 3-9 shows the location of the following widgets:
The FolderDialog widget (mail.FolderDialog.js)
The Convergence address book widgets are shown in the following figures:
Figure 3-11, "Convergence Address Book Corporate Book Browser Widget"
Figure 3-12, "Convergence Address Book Create Contact Widget"
Figure 3-14, "Convergence Address Book Export Contacts Dialog Widget"
Figure 3-15, "Convergence Address Book Import Contacts Dialog Widget"
Figure 3-16, "Convergence Address Book Create Contact Dialog Widget"
Figure 3-17, "Convergence Address Book Book Store Item Selector Widget"
Figure 3-18, "Convergence Address Book Resource Store Item Selector Widget"
Figure 3-10 shows the location of the following widgets:
The Navigator widget (addressBook.Navigator.js)
The ViewerContainer widget (addressBook.ViewerContainer.js)
The PersonalBookBrowser widget (addressBook.PersonalBookBrowser.js)
The BookBrowserToolbar widget (addressBook._BookBrowserToolbar.js)
Figure 3-11 shows the location of the following widgets:
The CorporateBookBrowser widget (addressBook.CorporateBookBrowser.js)
Figure 3-12 shows the location of the following widgets:
The CreateContact widget (addressBook.CreateContact.js)
Figure 3-13 shows the location of the following widgets:
The CreateGroup widget (addressBook.CreateGroup.js)
Figure 3-14 shows the location of the following widgets:
The ExportContactsDialog widget (addressBook.ExportContactsDialog.js)
Figure 3-15 shows the location of the following widgets:
The ImportContactsDialog widget (addressBook.ImportContactsDialog.js)
Figure 3-16 shows the location of the following widgets:
The CreateContactDialog widget (addressBook.CreateContactDialog.js)
Figure 3-17 shows the location of the following widgets:
The BookStoreItemSelector widget (addressBook.BookStoreItemSelector.js)
Figure 3-18 shows the location of the following widgets:
The ResourceStoreItemSelector widget (addressBook.ResourceStoreItemSelector.js)
The Convergence Calendar widgets are shown in the following figures:
Figure 3-24, "Convergence Calendar List View and View Event Item Widgets"
Figure 3-25, "Convergence Calendar List View and View Invites Item Widgets"
Figure 3-26, "Convergence Calendar List View and View Task Item Widgets"
Figure 3-29, "Convergence Calendar Create Events and Invitees Widgets"
Figure 3-30, "Convergence Calendar Recurrence Dialog Widget"
Figure 3-31, "Convergence Calendar Create Task Dialog Widget"
Figure 3-37, "Convergence Calendar Notification (Reminder) Dialog Widget"
Figure 3-19 shows the location of the following widgets:
The Navigator widget (calendar.Navigator.js)
The Calendar widget (digit._Calendar.js)
The ViewerContainer widget (calendar.ViewerContainer.js)
The ViewDispatcher widget (calendar.ViewDispatcher.js)
The Event widget (calendar.Event.js)
Figure 3-20 shows the location of the following widgets:
The DayView widget (calendar.DayView.js)
Figure 3-21 shows the location of the following widgets:
The WeekView widget (calendar.WeekView.js)
Figure 3-22 shows the location of the following widgets:
The Next7View widget (calendar.Next7View.js)
Figure 3-23 shows the location of the following widgets:
The MonthView widget (calendar.MonthView.js)
Figure 3-24 shows the location of the following widgets:
The ListView widget (calendar.MonthView.js)
The ListItemEvent widget (calendar.ListItemEvent.js)
Figure 3-25 shows the location of the following widgets:
The ListView widget (calendar.MonthView.js)
The ListItemInvite widget (calendar.ListItemInvite.js)
Figure 3-26 shows the location of the following widgets:
The ListView widget (calendar.MonthView.js)
The ListItemTask widget (calendar.ListItemTask.js)
Figure 3-27 shows the location of the following widgets:
The Event widget (calendar.Event.js)
Figure 3-28 shows the location of the following widgets:
The MonthlyEvents widget (calendar.MonthlyEvent.js)
Figure 3-29 shows the location of the following widgets:
The CreateEvent widget (calendar.CreateEvent.js)
The Invitees widget (calendar.Invitees.js)
Figure 3-30 shows the location of the following widgets:
The RecurrenceDialog widget (calendar.RecurrenceDialog.js)
Figure 3-31 shows the location of the following widgets:
The CreateTaskDialog widget (calendar.CreateTaskDialog.js)
Figure 3-32 shows the location of the following widgets:
The TaskDetail widget (calendar.TaskDetail.js)
Figure 3-33 shows the location of the following widgets:
The EventBalloon widget (calendar.EventBalloon.js)
Figure 3-34 shows the location of the following widgets:
The ViewEvent widget (calendar.ViewEvent.js)
Figure 3-35 shows the location of the following widgets:
The QuickEventBalloon widget (calendar.QuickEventBalloon, in calendar.TaskDetail.js)
Figure 3-36 shows the location of the following widgets:
The Availability widget (calendar.Availability.js)
Figure 3-37 shows the location of the following widgets:
The NotificationDialog widget (calendar.NotificationDialog.js)
Figure 3-38 shows the location of the following widgets:
The PrintDialog widget (calendar.PrintDialog.js)
Figure 3-39 shows the location of the following widgets:
The Print widget (calendar.Print.js)
Figure 3-40 shows the location of the following widgets:
The TimezoneDialog widget (calendar.TimezoneDialog.js)
Figure 3-41 shows the location of the following widgets:
The ExportDialog widget (calendar.ExportDialog.js)
Figure 3-42 shows the location of the following widgets:
The ImportDialog widget (calendar.ImportDialog.js)
Figure 3-43 shows the location of the following widgets:
The Subscribe widget (calendar.Subscribe.js)
The Convergence Instant Messaging widgets are shown in the following figures:
Figure 3-44, "Convergence Instant Messaging Contacts Widget"
Figure 3-46, "Convergence Instant Messaging Add Buddy Dialog Widget"
Figure 3-47, "Convergence Instant Messaging Contact Properties Dialog Widget"
Figure 3-48, "Convergence Instant Messaging Group Properties Dialog Widget"
Figure 3-49, "Convergence Instant Messaging Photo (Avatar) Dialog Widget"
Figure 3-50, "Convergence Instant Messaging Custom Presence (Status) Dialog Widget"
Figure 3-44 shows the location of the following widgets:
The Contacts widget (im.Contacts.js)
Figure 3-45 shows the location of the following widgets:
The Session widget (im.Session.js)
Figure 3-46 shows the location of the following widgets:
The AddBuddyDialog widget (im.AddBuddyDialog.js)
Figure 3-47 shows the location of the following widgets:
The ContactPropertiesDialog widget (im.ContactPropertiesDialog.js)
Figure 3-48 shows the location of the following widgets:
The GroupPropertiesDialog widget (im.GroupPropertiesDialog.js)
Figure 3-49 shows the location of the following widgets:
The PhotoDialog widget (widget.PhotoDialog.js)
Figure 3-50 shows the location of the following widgets:
The CustomPresenceDialog widget (im.CustomPresenceDialog.js)
The Convergence Audio/Visual widgets are shown in the following figures:
Figure 3-51, "Common Convergence Audio/Visual/Text Chat Widgets"
Figure 3-53, "Convergence WebRTC Video Chat Widget in Filmstrip Mode"
Figure 3-54, "Convergence Addon Audio/Visual Chat Widget and Reference Implementation"
Figure 3-51 shows the location of the following widgets:
The AVTChat widget (AVTChat.js)
One of the following:
The im.Session widget (im.Session.js) is used for peer-to-peer chat sessions.
The im.GroupChatSession widget (im.GroupChatSession.js) is used for chat sessions involving more than two participants.
Figure 3-52 shows the location of the following widgets:
The DialerPad widget (DialerPad.js)
Figure 3-53 shows the location of the following widgets:
The webRTC.VideoChat widget (webRTC.VideoChat.js)
The webRTC.VideoChat widget supports different video modes, including full-screen mode, filmstrip mode (shown), picture-in-picture mode, and tile mode.
Figure 3-54 shows the location of the following widgets:
The addon.av.AVChat widget (addon.av.AVChat.js)
Extend addon.av.AVChat to implement your own custom video service.
The Convergence Option widgets are shown in the following figures:
Figure 3-57, "Convergence Global Option Date and Time Widget"
Figure 3-59, "Convergence Global Option Audio Alerts Widget"
Figure 3-65, "Convergence Mail Option Vacation Message Widget"
Figure 3-66, "Convergence Mail Option (Local Account) Identity Widget"
Figure 3-69, "Convergence Calendar Option Notification Widget"
Figure 3-70, "Convergence Instant Messaging Option General Widget"
Figure 3-55 shows the location of the following widgets:
The Navigator widget (option.Navigator.js)
The ViewContainer widget (option.ViewContainer.js)
Figure 3-56 shows the location of the following widgets:
The General widget (option.General.js)
Figure 3-57 shows the location of the following widgets:
The DateAndTime widget (option.DateAndTime.js)
Figure 3-58 shows the location of the following widgets:
The Password widget (option.Password.js)
Figure 3-59 shows the location of the following widgets:
The AudioAlerts.Options widget (option.AudioAlerts.Options.js)
Figure 3-60 shows the location of the following widgets:
The mail.option.General widget (mail.option.General.js)
Figure 3-61 shows the location of the following widgets:
The mail.option.Layout widget (mail.option.Layout.js)
Figure 3-62 shows the location of the following widgets:
The mail.option.Forwarding widget (mail.option.Forwarding.js)
Figure 3-63 shows the location of the following widgets:
The mail.option.FilterList widget (mail.option.FilterList.js)
Figure 3-64 shows the location of the following widgets:
The mail.option.Filter widget (mail.option.Filter.js)
Figure 3-65 shows the location of the following widgets:
The mail.option.VacationMessage widget (mail.option.VacationMessage.js)
Figure 3-66 shows the location of the following widgets:
The mail.option.Identity widget (mail.option.Identity.js)
Figure 3-67 shows the location of the following widgets:
The calendar.option.General widget (calendar.option.General.js)
Figure 3-68 shows the location of the following widgets:
The calendar.option.Event widget (calendar.option.Event.js)
Figure 3-69 shows the location of the following widgets:
The calendar.option.Notification widget (calendar.option.Notification.js)
Figure 3-70 shows the location of the following widgets:
The im.option.General widget (im.option.General.js)