H.10 Changing The IP Address On A Secondary Network Interface Card For Audit Vault Server

Use this procedure to change the previously configured IP address of the secondary network interface card for Audit Vault Server.

To change the IP address on a secondary network interface card for Audit Vault Server, follow this procedure:

  1. Execute the following command to open the file /usr/local/dbfw/etc/dbfw.conf:

    vi /usr/local/dbfw/etc/dbfw.conf

  2. Execute the following command to change the key pertaining to the IP address of the secondary network interface card:

    SECONDARY_NIC_[n]_ADDRESS="<New IP Address>"

  3. Execute the following command to update the network mask if required:

    SECONDARY_NIC_[n]_NETMASK="<New Network Mask>"

  4. Run the following network configuration script:


  5. Execute the commands listed in the table below depending on configuration and restart the specified component:
    Network card configuration Restart component Command

    Agent connectivity


    /etc/init.d/dbfwlistener restart

    SSH connectivity

    SSH daemon

    /etc/init.d/sshd restart