B Data Warehouse Partition

This section contains information on data warehousing and partition functionality of the Audit Vault and Database Firewall system.

The Audit Vault and Database Firewall data warehouse uses partition functionality. The data warehouse creates partitions and sub partitions in the event_log and event_log_arch tables.

The following are the highlights of partition functionality in release and older:

  • Partition is created daily by default.

  • The daily partition has a default sub partition with a high_value as null.

  • The partition naming convention is DWFACT_P<Year YYYY><Month MM><Day DD>.

  • Every partition has a subpartition for each secured target that collects for the date of partition. The high_value of subpartition is the secured target ID.

Monthly Data Warehouse Partition

The monthly partition is applicable from release and onwards. The older releases have the daily partition.

The following are the highlights of the monthly partition that creates partitions and sub partitions in the event_log and event_log_arch tables.

  • A month can either have the monthly or the daily partition. In case a specific month already has a partition for a specific day, then the data continues to have the daily partition.

  • In case of a new installation, the system has monthly partition only.

  • In case of upgraded system, both daily and monthly partitions exist. In such systems where there are daily partitions already existing, those partitions continue to have the daily partition. The remaining days in that month when the upgrade is performed will also continue to have the daily partition. Any month which does not have any pre existing daily partition will have monthly partition.

  • The previously created partition have both the partitions as described above depending on the system.

  • The naming convention for a daily partition is DWFACT_P<Year YYYY><Month MM><Day DD>.

  • The naming convention for a monthly partition is DWFACT_P<yyyy><MM><01>, which is executed on the first day of every month.

  • The monthly and daily partition have a sub partition for every secured target with one default sub partition.

Partition Functionality Matrix

Partition Type Naming Convention Log Tables Sub Partition

Daily Partition

DWFACT_P<Year YYYY><Month MM><Day DD>



  • One default subpartition created where the high value is null.

  • One subpartition created for which the data has been collected for a specific date, where the high value is equal to the Secured Target ID.

Monthly Partition




  • One default subpartition created where the high value is null.

  • One subpartition created for which the data has been collected for a specific month, where the high value is equal to the Secured Target ID.

Oracle Database In-Memory

The data can be saved in Oracle Database In-Memory. To achieve this Oracle Database In-Memory has to be enabled.

Starting release onwards, a minimum of one month data is stored in Oracle Database In-Memory. In case date range is not selected then the data is saved in Oracle Database In-Memory starting from the recent month to the oldest, depending on the available memory size. In case of date range selection, data is saved in Oracle Database In-Memory starting from the recent month to the oldest month of the selected period depending on the available memory size.

Prior to release, a minimum of one day data is stored in Oracle Database In-Memory. In case date range is not selected then the data is saved in Oracle Database In-Memory starting from the recent day to the oldest, depending on the available memory size. In case of date range selection, data is saved in Oracle Database In-Memory starting from the recent day to the oldest day of the selected period depending on the available memory size.