This screen shot displays the Login Failures Report in a chart format. The screen shot can be split into three partitions horizontally.

The top partition has a search field with a Go button at the right. Next to that search field on the right, is the Actions drop down field.

The middle partition has a Chart display tab. The first top field is the Chart Type. It provides four options of the chart display. There are four radio button options that the user can choose. Below this, there are fields displayed in two columns. The first column lists the following drop down fields: Label, Value, Function, and Sort. The second column lists the following fields: Axis Title for Label and Axis Title for Value. Below these fields the following buttons are listed: Cancel and Apply. Below this tab, there are two check boxes. The first check box is to filter the events that fall in the last 24 hours. The second check box offers to sort if the User Name is equal to SCOTT.

The bottom partition displays the report. It has a table with 6 columns. The first column displays the Secured Target Name. The second column displays the Event Time. The third column displays the Client IP. The fourth column displays the User Name. The fifth column displays the name of the Client Program. The sixth column displays the Event Status.