
A  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  O  P  R  S  T  U  W  X  


  • about Audit Collection Plug-ins 3.1
  • about XML mapper files 3.2
  • Action fields A.2.1
  • actions and target types A.2
  • agents
    • deploying 6.3
    • redeploying 6.4
  • audit collection plug-in
    • packaging 5
    • setting up development environment for 2
  • audit collection plug-ins
  • audit collection Plug-ins
  • Audit Collection Plug-ins 3.1
  • AuditEventCollectorException exception 4.5.14
  • AuditEventCollectorFactory 4.5.2
  • audit records 1.3
  • audit trail 1.1.1
  • audit trail cleanup
    • Java-based collection plug-ins 4.7
  • Audit Vault Agent
  • Audit Vault and Database Firewall core fields A.1.1
  • Audit Vault and Database Firewall fields A.1
  • Audit Vault and Database Firewall SDK
    • downloading 2.2
  • Audit Vault Server
  • Audit Vault Server events
  • Audit Vault Server fields
  • av.collector.atcintervaltime 3.5
  • av.collector.securedtargetversion (Mandatory) 3.5
  • av.collector.timezoneoffset (Mandatory) 3.5
  • avcli commands 6.2
  • AVCLI commands 3.5
  • AVDF extension fields A.1.4
  • AVDF large fields A.1.2
  • AVDF marker fields A.1.3
  • AVLogger API 4.6.5
  • avpack tool
    • how to use 5.5


  • checkpoint
  • clean-up
  • closing Java-based collection plug-ins 4.5.13
  • CollectContext class 4.5.3
  • collection concepts 1.4.3
  • collection phase
  • collection plug-in
    • directory structure 2.3.2
    • Java-based
      • See Java-based collection plug-in
    • upgrading (creating new versions) 5.3
  • collection plug-in directory structure 2.3
  • collection plug-in example
  • collection plug-in manifest file
  • collection plug-in mapper file
  • collection plug-ins
    • what are they? 1.2
  • collection process
    • overview of the whole process 1.4
  • collection thread
  • ConnectionManager API 4.6.2
  • creating a database table mapper file 3.3.3
  • creating the XML file audit collection mapper file 3.4.3


  • database table collection plug-in example C.1
  • database table collection plug-in manifest file C.1.2
  • database table collection plug-in mapper file B.2, C.1.1
  • database table collection plug-ins 3.3
  • database table mapper file
  • data collection
  • deploying an Oracle Audit Vault Agent 6.3
  • deploy plugin command 5.3
  • development environment 2.3
    • directory structure 2.3.1, 2.3.2
      • Java-based collection plug-in 2.3.3
    • plugin-manifest.xml file staging 2.3.4
    • requirements 2.1
    • setting up 2.2
  • directory structure
    • collection plug-in 2.3
    • collection plug-ins 2.3
    • general 2.3.1


  • errors
  • EventLog API 4.6.3
  • event logs
    • Java-based collection plug-ins 4.6.3
    • Windows 4.6.3
  • EventMetaData API 4.6.4
  • Event Time to UTC
  • example
    • database table collection plug-in C.1
  • example audit trail for a database table collection plug-in 3.3.2
  • example audit trail for an xml file collection plug-in 3.4.2
  • exceptions
    • AuditEventCollectorException 4.5.14
    • SetAttributeException 4.5.14
    • types the collection plug-in can throw 4.5.14
  • extension fields A.1.4
  • external dependencies 5.2


  • fields, large 4.5.11
  • flow of control
    • inside the collection plug-in 1.4.2
  • flow of packaging 5.1


  • general procedure
    • for writing collection plug-is 1.5


  • handling large fields 4.5.11


  • initializing the collector plug-in 4.5.4


  • Java-based audit collection plug-in
    • directory structure 2.3.3
    • writing 4
  • Java-Based Collection Plug-in 4.2
  • Java-based collection plug-ins
    • about 4.1
    • about creating 4.5.1
    • audit trail cleanup 4.7
    • classes and interfaces, useful 4.4
    • closing 4.5.13
    • CollectContext class 4.5.3
    • collection factory 4.5.2
    • connecting 4.5.5
    • creating 4.5
    • creating markers 4.5.12
    • description of
    • event logs 4.6.3
    • extension fields 4.5.10
    • fetching events 4.5.5
    • flow of control process 4.3
    • how they work 4.3
    • intializing 4.5.4
    • large fields 4.5.11
    • retrieving other field values 4.5.7
    • security considerations 4.8
    • setting checkpoints 4.5.5
    • source connections 4.6.2
    • transforming source event values to Audit Vault values 4.5.6
    • utility APIs 4.6
  • Java-based collector plug-ins 4.1
  • Java-based file collection plug-in example C.3
  • JDK requirement for Java-Based Collection Plug-in 4.2
  • JDK requirements for 4.2



  • mapper file
    • database table collection plug-in B.2, C.1.1
  • mapper files 3.2
  • mappings
    • from secured target to Audit Vault Server
  • marker fields A.1.3
  • markers in Java-based collection plug-ins 4.5.12


  • Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall
    • what is it? 1.1
  • Oracle XML Developer’s Kit 4.6.6


  • packaging 5
    • external dependencies 5.2
    • flow of 5.1
  • plugin id 5.4
  • plugin-manifest.xml file
  • plug-in manifest file
    • database table collection C.1.2
  • plug-ins
    • redeploying agent 6.4
    • requirements for testing 6.1
    • testing procedure 6.2
  • pre-processing audit data 3.6


  • recovery phase
  • requirements for database table collection plug-ins 3.3.1
  • requirements for xml file collection plug-ins 3.4.1


  • sample schema for a plugin-manifest.xml file B.1
  • schema for xml file collection plug-in mapper file B.3
  • SDK
    • downloading 2.2
  • secured target 1.1.1
  • secured target collection attributes 3.5
  • secured target type 1.1.1
  • security considerations
    • Java-based collection plug-ins 4.8
  • SetAttributeException exception 4.5.14
  • setting up development environment 2
  • source attributes
  • source attributes, changing Audit Vault and Database Firewall at run time 4.5.8
  • source attributes, changing custom at run time 4.5.9
  • source database
    • connections to Java-based collection plug-in 4.6.2
  • source event id to source event name
  • source event ID to target type
  • source event name to Audit Vault event name
  • source event name to target type
  • source event status to Audit Vault event status
  • source event values, transforming to Audit Vault event values 4.5.6
  • staging
    • plugin-manifest.xml file 2.3.4
  • storing audit records 1.3.3



  • undeploy plugin command 5.3
  • unresolved-external tag 5.2
  • upgrading
    • collection plug-ins 5.3
  • utilities
    • AVLogger API 4.6.5
    • Oracle XML Developer’s Kit 4.6.6
  • utility APIs
    • Java-based collection plug-ins 4.6
  • utility instances


  • what are collection plug-Ins? 1.2
  • Windows
    • EventMetaData API 4.6.4
  • Windows EventLog 4.6.3
  • Windows EventLog API 4.6.3
  • Windows Metadata Java API 4.6.4
  • writing collection plug-Ins
    • general procedures for 1.5


  • xml file audit collection mapper file
  • xml file collection plug-in
    • example audit trail for 3.4.2
  • XML file collection plug-in example C.2
  • XML file collection plug-in manifest file C.2.2
  • xml file collection plug-in mapper file
  • XML file collection plug-in mapper file C.2.1
  • xml file collection plug-ins
  • XML file collection plug-ins 3.4
  • XML mapper files 3.1