1 WebRTC Session Controller Configuration Overview

This chapter introduces Oracle Communications WebRTC Session Controller configuration and administration.

About the Oracle WebLogic Platform

WebRTC Session Controller is based on Oracle WebLogic Server. Many system-level configuration tasks are the same for both products. This guide addresses system-level configuration tasks that are unique to WebRTC Session Controller, such as tasks related to network and security configuration and cluster configuration for the engine and SIP state storage.

WebLogic server configuration and other basic configuration tasks such as logging are addressed in the WebLogic Server documentation. This guide will refer you to the WebLogic documentation for information where appropriate rather than repeat that information here.

Overview of Configuration and Administration Tools

You configure the WebRTC Session Controller domain using the Administration Console or the command-line using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST). Changes to certain SIP Servlet container properties require a restart of the engine server for the change to take effect. Configuration for SIP state-storage nodes cannot be changed dynamically, so you must restart SIP Coherence servers to change the number of partitions.

You configure WebRTC application behavior properties in the WebRTC Session Controller console, which is separate from the Administration Console.

Administration Console

The WebRTC Session Controller extends the WebLogic Administration Console with additional configuration and monitoring pages. The Administration Console interface for WebRTC Session Controller settings are similar to the core console available in Oracle WebLogic Server.

All WebRTC Session Controller configuration and monitoring is provided through these nodes in the left pane of the console:

  • SipServer: presents SIP Servlet container properties and other engine functionality. This extension also enables you to access SIP state storage properties and runtime statistics.

  • Converged Load Balancer: presents configuration settings and monitoring pages for the activities of the converged load balancers in the implementation.

See "Accessing the Administration Console" for more information about using the console.

WebLogic Scripting Tool

The WebLogic Scripting Tool enables you to perform interactive or automated (batch) configuration operations using a command-line interface. View and manipulate the MBeans available in a running WebRTC Session Controller domain using the WLST.

See "Using WLST (JMX) to Configure WebRTC Session Controller" for more information about modifying SIP Servlet container properties using WLST.

For general WLST information, including information about WLST commands, see Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool documentation.

WebRTC Session Controller Console

You configure Signaling Engine and Media Engine parameters and entries in the WebRTC Session Controller console. Signaling Engine parameters include time limit parameters for SIP sessions and WebSocket connections. Media Engine entries represent media hosts that you use with WebRTC Session Controller.

See "Configuring WebRTC Session Controller" for more information on the WebRTC Session Controller console.

Additional Configuration Methods

Most WebRTC Session Controller configuration is performed using the interfaces above. The methods described in the following sections may also be used for certain configuration tasks.

Editing Configuration Files

You may also modify the configuration by editing configuration files.

The WebRTC Session Controller custom resources use the basic domain resources defined in config.xml, such as network channels, cluster and server configuration, and Java EE resources. The config.xml file applies to all managed servers in the domain. However, standalone WebRTC Session Controller components are configured in separate configuration files based on functionality:

  • sipserver.xml contains general SIP container properties and engine configuration settings.

  • coherence.xml identifies servers that participate in SIP state storage, and also defines the number of threads and partitions available in the state storage service.

  • diameter.xml defines Diameter nodes and Diameter protocol applications used in the domain.

The component configuration files determine the role of each server instance, such as whether they behave as SIP state-storage nodes or engine nodes.

See Part I, "Reference" for more information on the configuration files.

If you edit configuration files manually, you must restart all servers to apply the configuration changes.

Custom JMX Applications

You configure WebRTC Session Controller properties using JMX-compliant MBeans. You can program JMX applications for configuring SIP container properties using the appropriate WebRTC Session Controller MBeans.

See "Using WLST (JMX) to Configure WebRTC Session Controller" for the general procedure for modifying WebRTC Session Controller MBean properties using JMX. For more information about the individual MBeans used to manage SIP container properties, see WebRTC Session Controller JavaScript API Reference.

Common Configuration Tasks

General administration and maintenance of WebRTC Session Controller requires that you manage both WebLogic Server configuration properties and WebRTC Session Controller container properties.

Common configuration tasks include: