24 Configuring ME Accounting and Archiving

This chapter describes the ME methods for capturing SIP call detail records (CDRs) and other accounting records associated with SIP sessions

Accounting System Overview

The ME system uses industry-standard accounting targets where SIP call detail records are forwarded. The supported accounting targets are:


  • Database

  • Syslog

  • File system


  • Archiving

Accounting records are written to directories on the file system, providing a large storage queue for call records as they are written. The accounting software then reads and distributes the call records to the configured accounting target destination(s).

In the event that an accounting target is unable, call records are automatically resent when the accounting target destination(s) become available and when all targets have been updated successfully. Use the accounting reapply action to resend call records in the file-system that met the date range to the target regardless if they previously were sent to the target successfully (or not).

The following directory structure store accounting records prior to their distribution to the various accounting targets.


Subdirectories: #

Files: #-sessionid

Base directory: The root location on the ME system for storing CDRs, such as /cxc/accounting.

Subdirectories: A series of numbered subdirectories each containing the number of files specified by accounting subdirectory-size property. The naming convention is # - sequential value.

Files: Each entry is a discrete CDR record. The naming convention is # - sequential value followed by the session identifier.

As the accounting software reads and processes files in the subdirectories, it creates, updates and deletes the following status markers:

  • complete: Indicates that the directory has been fully populated and that all of the files in the directory have been successfully processed.

  • lastprocessed: Indicates that the directory is currently being populated and that all of the files have been processed successfully.

  • pending: Indicates that the accounting software has selected the directory for processing and that processing has not yet begun.

  • inprogress: Indicates the files in the directory are currently being processed.

  • reapply: Indicates that the directory is currently being evaluated by the accounting reapply action.

The services\data-locations object contains the accounting-root-directory property to specify the directory where accounting records will be placed prior to being sent to the various accounting targets. The default location is the /cxc_common/accounting directory.

Configuring the Accounting Settings

General accounting settings are available under the vsp\accounting configuration object.

  • admin: Enables or disables all configured accounting targets.

  • retention-period: Specifies how many days the accounting records should be retained before being purged from the file system. The default setting is 7. The range is 0 to 21 days.

  • subdirectory-size: Specifies the number of records to be recorded in each of the sub-directories. The default is 1000. The range is 100 to 2000.

  • purge-criteria: Specifies he criteria to be used when deleting records from the file system. The purge-always setting indicated that records should be deleted even if they have not been saved to all of the defined enabled targets. The purge-only-when-complete setting indicates that even expired CDRs should be retained if they have not been sent to all of the defined targets.

  • report: Creates a named CDR summary report containing the specified field, match, and category criteria.

The accounting purge action forces an immediate purge and clears all CDRs on the file system that are eligible for deletion.

The accounting reapply action accepts a date range and selected groups and marks qualifying records on the file system back to an unprocessed state. The records are picked up and reapplied (resubmitted) to the configured accounting targets. Use this action if CDR data is lost for a selected target and the data needs to be recovered. This action is limited to data within the current retention period.

The show accounting-status command provides a summary of current accounting and processing information for existing targets, including any target exceptions.

Configuring RADIUS Groups

The Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) implementation allows the ME system to operate as a RADIUS client that directs SIP call detail records to a RADIUS accounting server. The RADIUS accounting server receives the accounting request and returns a response to the client indicating that it has successfully received the request.

A RADIUS group is a uniquely named object that defines the authentication and accounting services associated with a group of RADIUS servers. Including a RADIUS group in one or more VSP configurations allows the ME system (the RADIUS client) to perform user authentication and forward accounting and SIP call detail records to RADIUS servers.This means that you have flexibility to create as many unique RADIUS groups as you need, and include them with the VSPs of your choice.

Within a RADIUS group, you set the RADIUS authentication and accounting modes that you are using, the type of RADIUS accounting format, and whether the RADIUS group is to be included as a default authentication and accounting group for SIP traffic that is not governed by configured authentication and accounting policies.

The following image illustrates a sample network using a RADIUS accounting group.

Surrounding text describes admin_28.png.

CLI Session

The following CLI session creates the RADIUS accounting group named aaaGroup1 and sets the group operational properties.

NNOS-E> config vsp
config vsp> config radius-group aaaGroup1
Creating ’radius-group aaaGroup1'
config radius-group aaaGroup1> set admin enabled
config radius-group aaaGroup1> set accounting-mode duplicate
config radius-group aaaGroup1> set authentication-mode failover 3
config radius-group aaaGroup1> set type Cisco

In this session, the authentication and accounting modes are RADIUS operational algorithms. The duplicate algorithm issues multiple duplicate accounting requests to all servers in the RADIUS accounting group. A duplicate accounting request uses the same client source IP address and source UDP port. If you configure multiple authentication servers in the RADIUS group, the failover algorithm forwards authentication requests to secondary servers should the current authentication session fail. You can specify up to 256 failover attempts to other servers.

The default accounting method is cisco accounting, and the aaaGroup1 RADIUS group is a default group for all non-policy governed RADIUS requests between the ME system and the RADIUS servers.

Configuring the RADIUS Servers

You can configure multiple RADIUS servers in the RADIUS group, and you identify each server using a unique number and IP address, authentication port, accounting port, and other operational settings.

CLI Session

The following CLI session creates two numbered RADIUS servers and sets the operational properties for RADIUS requests and responses between the ME system and the RADIUS servers.

NNOS-E> config vsp
config vsp> config radius-group aaaGroup1
config radius-group aaaGroup1> config server
config server> set admin enabled
config server> set authentication-port 1800
config server> set accounting-port 1801
config server> set secret-tag abc123xyz
config server> set timeout 1500
config server> set retries 3
config server> set window 255
config server> set priority 2
config server> return

config vsp> config radius-group aaaGroup1
config radius-group aaaGroup1> config server
config server> set admin enabled
config server> set authentication-port 1800
config server> set accounting-port 1801
config server> set secret-tag abcXYZ123
config server> set timeout 1500
config server> set retries 3
config server> set window 255
config server> set priority 2
config server> return

For additional information on configuring RADIUS groups and servers, refer to the Net-Net OS-E – Objects and Properties Reference.

Including the RADIUS Group

When you configure RADIUS groups, you include one or more groups with the VSP RADIUS accounting configuration. This tells the VSP what RADIUS servers to use when forwarding RADIUS accounting requests.

CLI Session

The following CLI session includes the RADIUS groups named aaaGroup1 and aaaGroup2 with the VSP RADIUS accounting configuration.

NNOS-E> config vsp
config vsp> config accounting
config accounting> config radius
config radius> set admin enabled
config radius> set group vsp radius-group aaaGroup1
config radius> set group vsp radius-group aaaGroup2
config radius> show

   admin enabled
   group vsp\radius-group aaaGroup1
   group vsp\radius-group aaaGroup2

When using the set group command, specify the CLI path where you created the Radius group.

Configuring the Accounting Database

The ME accounting database is a subsystem that captures and stores SIP call detail records. If configured, these records can be forwarded to remote SQL database servers such as Oracle and Postgres where the call detail records are used with other accounting and billing applications. Access to a remote database group and server is restricted by configured user names and passwords.

Accounting policies direct SIP call detail records to specific accounting groups and servers. If you do not configure one or more remote database groups and servers, the SIP call detail records are stored in the ME accounting database only. The following image illustrates a sample network with a database server group.

Surrounding text describes admin_29.png.

CLI Session

The following CLI session creates the accounting database group named databaseGroup1, creates the associated server named dbServer1, and sets the group and server operating properties.

NNOS-E> config vsp
config vsp> config accounting
config accounting> config database
config accounting> set admin enabled
config database> config group databaseGroup1
Creating ’group databaseGroup1'
config group databaseGroup1> set admin enabled
config group databaseGroup1> set mode duplicate

config group databaseGroup1> config server dbServer1
Creating ’server dbServer1'
config group databaseGroup1> set admin enabled
config group databaseGroup1> set type sqlserver 24 srvr1
config group databaseGroup1> set username frank
config group databaseGroup1> set password-tag kj3k2

In this session, the duplicate mode algorithm issues a duplicate accounting request to all servers in the accounting group. A duplicate accounting request uses the same client source IP address and source UDP port. If you configure multiple database servers in the database group, the fail-over algorithm forwards one accounting request to each secondary servers should the current session fail.

The databaseGroup1 accounting group is a default group for all non-policy governed accounting database requests between the ME system and the database servers.


If you set the server type to local while using the local database as the accounting target, set the username and the password-tag to postgres. If you edit the username and password-tag properties to anything other than postgres, data will not be written to the database.

For additional information on configuring accounting database groups and servers, refer to the WebRTC Session Controller Media Engine Object Reference.

Configuring Syslog

Syslog allows you to log accounting information to a remote server using the configured syslog format: Oracle, CSV, tabular, or XML format. When enabled, SIP call detail records are forwarded to the specified syslog accounting group and server. The following image illustrates a sample network.

Surrounding text describes admin_30.png.

CLI Session

The following CLI session creates the syslog accounting group named syslogGroup1, specifies the associated syslog server at on port 514, and sets the syslog group and server operating properties.

NNOS-E> config vsp
config vsp> config accounting
config accounting> config syslog
config syslog> set admin enabled
config syslog> config group syslogGroup1
Creating ’group syslogGroup1'
config group syslogGroup1> set admin enabled
config group syslogGroup1> set format csv

config group syslogGroup1> config server
Creating ’server'
config server> set admin enabled
config server> set name syslogserver1
config server> set facility local0
config server> set priority info
config server> set include-timestamp true

In this session, syslogGroup1 uses Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format. CSV format is a generic file format used for importing data into databases or spreadsheets, such as Microsoft Access or Excel (or several other database systems). CSV uses the .CSV file extension. The syslogGroup1 accounting group is a default group for all non-policy governed accounting database requests between the ME and the syslog servers.

The syslog server at IP address and port is enabled with the operator-defined name syslogserver1. The facility (local0 to local7) specifies where SIP call detail records are logged. Syslog facilities help isolate the origin of messages written to the syslog server. The syslog priority (info, emergency, alert, etc.) sets the message priority to be associated SIP call detail records. All ME accounting and SIP call detail records are assigned this priority before they are forwarded to the syslog server. A time stamp can also be applied to each accounting record.

For additional information on configuring accounting database groups and servers, refer to the WebRTC Session Controller Media Engine Object Reference.

Configuring the File System

The accounting file system allows you to direct SIP call detail records to a named directory path and file using a specified format: CSV, tabular., Oracle text file format, or to a temporary output file in the case of postgres format.

There are two states that the file system cycles through as it processes raw CDRs and writes to the output file.

  • Clear: The target is ready to write.

  • Writing: The target is writing to the output file.

The following image illustrates a sample network.

Surrounding text describes admin_31.png.

CLI Session

The following CLI session creates the file system group named filePath1, specifies the format, file path, and target file name, and sets the file system operational properties.

NNOS-E> config vsp
config vsp> config accounting
config accounting> config file-system
config file-system> set admin enabled
config file-system> config path filePath1
Creating ’path filePath1'
config path> set admin enabled
config path> set format csv
config path> set call-field-filter recorded
config path> set file-path \cxc\logfile1.csv
config path> set roll-over never
config path> set purge-old-logs true
config path> set retention-period 1 days

In this session, filePath1 uses Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format. CSV format is a generic file format used for importing data into databases or spreadsheets, such as Microsoft Access or Excel (or several other database systems). CSV uses the .CSV file extension. The ME target file path is \cxc\logfile1.csv, where logfile1.csv is the name of the file to which SIP call detail records are forwarded.

The roll-over property maintains and keeps the original time as it was first applied to the log file. The log file will continue to build under this time stamp. The filePath1 file system accounting group is a default target group for capturing all non-policy governed SIP call detail records.

For additional information on configuring accounting database groups and servers, refer to the WebRTC Session Controller Media Engine Object Reference.

Configuring an External File System Target

The external-file-system target allows you to send accounting records from the ME to a remote system. The target is able to read raw CDRs and write this information to a temporary output file in the format you specify during configuration.

There are four states that the external target cycles through as it processes raw CDRs, writes to the output file, and sends it to the remote system.

  • Clear: The target is ready to write.

  • Writing: The target is currently writing to the temporary file.

  • Sending: The target is sending a file. At this time, the file can also be writing to a temporary file that will become the next file to send once the current file is successfully sent.

  • Blocked: The target has one file in the middle of sending and another one ready to send. The target will not process anymore requests from the accounting server, but will send retries to the server giving retry interval based on its best estimate of when the retry can work.

If the configuration is modified or deleted, any files currently being processed are sent immediately and without retries. If the target is in the blocked state, there are two files immediately sent and if the target is in the sending or writing states, one file is sent. The modification or deleted is applied only after the send completes, successfully or not.

If there is a failure when sending a file to the external target, the send is retried every 30 seconds for an hour. After an hour, the send is retried once every hour until it succeeds.

The following is the format of the output file:

  • target-name: Name specified in the configuration.

  • yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm: The timestamp when the output file is created.

  • processingtype: Hourly, daily, never.

  • xtn: .csv, .tab, .cov, or .pg

CLI Session

The following CLI session creates the external file system target, sets the target format, URL address, and CDR processing.

NNOS-E>config vsp
config vsp>config accounting
config accounting>config external-file-system
config external-file-system>config url 7
Creating 'url test'
config url 7>
config url test>set admin enabled
config url test>set format csv
config url test>set url ftp://lalenchery:BillGates#1@
config url test>set cdr-processing batch 10
config url test>

For additional information on configuring external file system targets, refer to the WebRTC Session Controller Media Engine Object Reference.

Configuring Diameter

The Diameter protocol, as described in RFC 3588, provides Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) services for applications such as IP mobility and SIP multimedia communications sessions. An ME system (SIP proxy), operating as Diameter client, sends an accounting request to the Diameter server where the Diameter server returns an accounting response to the Diameter client indicating that it has received and processed the accounting request.

Diameter is also an essential component for the Oracle route-server functionality.

Creating the Diameter Accounting Group

Like RADIUS, a Diameter group is a uniquely named object that defines the authentication and accounting services associated with a group of Diameter servers. Including a Diameter group in one or more VSP configurations allows the ME system (the Diameter client) to perform user authentication and forward SIP call detail records to Diameter servers.This means that you have flexibility to create as many unique Diameter groups as you need, and include them with the VSPs of your choice.

CLI Session

The following CLI session creates the Diameter accounting group named diameterGroup1 and sets the group operational properties.

NNOS-E> config vsp
config vsp> config diameter-group 1
Creating &rsquor;diameter-group 1'
config diameterGroup1> set admin enabled
config diameterGroup1> set authentication-mode round-robin
config diameterGroup1> set application sip
config diameterGroup1> set origin-host text
config diameterGroup1> set origin-realm text
config diameterGroup1> set default-destination-realm text

In this session, the authentication-mode, sets the Diameter group authentication operational algorithm. This example allows continued authentication requests to primary and secondary servers until a valid authentication response is received (round-robin).

The application setting specifies the target application for the servers in this Diameter group. Choose SIP for standard AAA activities, 3GPPRx for inter-operation with the Camiant policy server (enabled with the Rx object), and Routing for least-cost-routing between clusters.

The origin-host specifies the text written to the Origin-Host attribute field in any Diameter requests it sends. This should be the ME domain name.

The origin-realm specifies the text written to the Origin-Realm attribute field in any Diameter requests it sends. This should be the ME domain name.

The default-destination-realm specifies the text written to the Destination-Realm attribute field in any Diameter responses it sends. This setting operates with the 3Gpp Rx application.

Configuring Diameter Servers

You can configure multiple Diameter servers in the Diameter group, and you identify each server using a unique name, authentication port, and other operational settings.

CLI session

The following CLI session creates two numbered Diameter servers and sets the operational properties for Diameter requests and responses between the ME system and the Diameter peers.

NNOS-E> config vsp
config vsp> config diameter-group 1
Creating &rsquor;diameter-group 1'
config diameterGroup1> set admin enabled
config group diameterGroup1> config server diameterServer1
Creating &rsquor;server diameterServer1>
config diameterServer 1> set admin enabled
config diameterServer 1> set port 3868
config diameterServer 1> set transport tcp
config diameterServer 1> set authentication-port 3868
config diameterServer 1> set request-timeout 2
config diameterServer 1> set window 8 
config diameterServer 1> set priority 1

NNOS-E> config vsp
config vsp> config diameter-group 1
Creating &rsquor;diameter-group 1'
config diameterGroup1> set admin enabled
config group diameterGroup1> config server diameterServer2
Creating &rsquor;server diameterServer2>
config diameterServer 2> set admin enabled
config diameterServer 2> set port 3868
config diameterServer 2> set transport tcp
config diameterServer 2> set authentication-port 3868
config diameterServer 2> set request-timeout 2
config diameterServer 2> set window 8 
config diameterServer 2> set priority 1

For additional information on configuring Diameter groups and servers, refer to the WebRTC Session Controller Media Engine Object Reference.

Configuring Diameter Interfaces and Ports

The diameter configuration object under the box\interface\ip object identifies the IP interface on which the Diameter server application resides. This is the ME interface that listens for incoming Diameter connections. This interface must be configured on each ME domain that is referenced by a server in a Diameter group.

CLI Session

config box> config interface eth3
config interface eth3> config ip A

config ip A> config diameter
config diameter> set admin enabled
config diameter> set origin-host text
config diameter> set origin-realm text

config diameter> config port 3868
Creating &rsquor;port 3868'
config port 3868> set admin enabled
config port 3868> set transport tcp
config port 3868> set application sip
config port 3868> set peer-access-control transport
config port 3868> set peer ipaddress

The origin-host setting specifies the text written to the Origin-Host attribute field in any Diameter responses it sends. This should be the DNS name of the ME domain you are configuring.

The origin-realm specifies the text written to the Origin-Realm attribute field in any Diameter responses it sends. This should be the ME domain name.

The port configuration specifies properties for incoming Diameter connections. The application setting sets the application that the incoming connection must be running to use this port.Choose SIP for standard AAA activities, 3GPPRx for inter-operation with the Camiant policy server (enabled with the Rx object), and Routing for least-cost-routing between clusters.

The peer-access-control setting specifies how the ME controls incoming peer connections. You can select to allow incoming connection from all peers or from peers on a configured list based on address or Host-IP-Address AVP.

The peer setting specifies the list of peers that are allowed to connect to this port. This property is not applied if the peer-access-control property is set to none. Indicate the peer by specifying the peer IP address.

Configuring Archiving

The accounting/archiving object allows you to configure an archiving location for SIP call detail records. Archiving is the persistent storage of the contents of the call (as opposed to the database or syslog server, which just records the placement of the call).

You must configure an archiving server in one of the archiving sub-objects for the archiving mechanism to work:

  • windows-share: Archiving of accounting and SIP call records to a selected Windows server partition

  • ftp-server: Archiving of accounting and SIP call records to a selected FTP server

  • http-server: Archiving of accounting and SIP call records to a selected HTTP server

  • smtp-server: Enables archiving of accounting and SIP call records to a selected Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server. When enabled, the ME sends out the archives in the form of an email attachment to the specified destination mailbox.

  • db-server: Archiving of accounting and SIP call records to a selected database server

  • local: Archiving of accounting and SIP call records to a location on the ME system

The following CLI session configures a remote database server for archiving of SIP call detail records.

CLI Session

NNOS-E> config vsp
config vsp> config accounting
config accounting> config archiving
config archiving> config db-server database1
Creating &rsquor;db-server database1'
config db-server database1> set admin enabled
config db-server database1> set username admin
config db-server database1> set password-tag xyz123abc
config db-server database1> set server
config db-server database1> set url www.companyABC.com
config db-server database1> set driver-class com.oracle.jdbc.Driver

If you are archiving using the http-server method, a server-side script designed to be run with Apache 2.0 and perl 5.8.5 on Linux is needed to handle the POST requests that are sent from the ME to transfer the archive zip files to the server. The following is an example:

#---Modify the above line to match the location of perl on your system---

#---This script has been tested running with OS-E software version 3.5.2 sending
#to Apache 2.0.52 running on Redhat EL4 Linux with perl 5.8.5---

#---Make sure to modify file permissions for this script so that it can
#be executed by the user running the httpd daemon.---

#---Note this script is provided as an example, which makes no attempt to validate
#the values pulled from the HTTP POST to ensure execution security---

#---Require strict syntax---
use strict;
use warnings;

#---Use the CGI library provided with perl - CGI.pm---
use CGI;
#---The below lines are an example of code, provided as-is, used to take
#the multipart/form-data from an HTTP POST to this script, which
#apache presents on STDIN and write it out to the disk in the
#directory specified in the variable above, using the same filename
#presented in the HTTP POST---

#---Instantiate CGI object---
my $cgi = new CGI;
my %params = $cgi->Vars;

#---Get proper filehandle from unknown file param name---
my $filehandle;
my $anon_param;
foreach my $param (keys %params) {
$anon_param = "$params{$param}" if (("$param" ne "name") && ("$param" ne "path"))

$filehandle = $cgi->param($anon_param);

#---Pull target directory from "path" cgi variable; this comes from the "directory"
#in the OS-E config. Note: leave off the trailing slash------

#---Make sure to modify file permissions for target directory so that it can
#be executed and written to by the user running the httpd daemon.---
my $dir = $cgi->param('path');
#---Pull target filename from "name" cgi variable
#---Assemble directory and filename---
my $name = $cgi->param('name');
my $fullname = "$dir/$name";

#---Write out the file from the HTTP POST---
open(LOCAL, ">$fullname") or die $!;
binmode LOCAL;
while(<$filehandle>) { print LOCAL $_; }

#---Needed for 200OK response---
print $cgi->header( "text/plain" ), "File received.";

The following example displays the way the ME must be configured for the http-server archiving to work:

config archiving> config http-server server1
config http-server server1> set admin enabled
config http-server server1> set directory /tmp/archives
config http-server server1> set url
config http-server server1> set timeout 60000
  • The server needs to be configured to allow CGI scripts.

  • The script needs to be placed in the ”cgi-bin” directory and given execute permission for the user running the server.

  • The URL needs to include the name of the script.

  • The directory needs to have ”write” permissions for the user running Apache. This argument gets passed through the HTTP POST to the scripted. It is used to determine to which directory on the server the archive file is written.

For additional information on archiving accounting records, refer to the Net-Net OS-E – Objects and Properties Reference.

The ME also supports archiving as an accounting target, configured under the accounting object. Archiving targets can be configured as either archive-local or archive-external.

Once the archiving functionality is enabled and configured on the ME, the archiver listens for requests from the accounting server. A request from the server tells the archiver that there are calls that needs to be archived. The archiver creates a task for each CDR. This task gathers data to put in the archive by executing actions and status requests and querying databases.

The archiving target cycles through two states:

  • Clear: The target is ready to handle requests.

  • Blocked: The target has reached the maximum number of files it can save. You must remove saved archives to enable the target to start processing again.

When the ME sends an archive to a remote location and the send fails, the ME retries sending the archive as many times as it is configured to do so. If all retries fail, the ME saves the archive in the archive-save-folder and logs a message similar to the following.

Warning: ”Target archive-test, saved 1234.zip containing records 1000 to 1000 as /cxc_common/archive/saved/1234.zip (failure was: Connect timed out)”

You can configure the number of archives that can be saved in the archive-save-folder via the max-saved-on-send-failure property under the archive-external and archive-local objects. Once the ME hits this threshold, the target enters the ”Blocked” state and stops processing any more CDRs until the saved archives are removed from the folder. When this condition is reached, the ME logs a message similar to the following:

Critical: ”Target archive-test cannot process any more CDRs because the maximum of 200 archives that can be saved locally on failure is met or exceeded. Delete saved archives to enable further processing.

Note that the number of saved archives may be slightly higher than the configured number. This is because archives are not created in order and it is possible that some newer CDRs finished processing earlier than the archive that finally blocked the target.

Due to accounting server purges, there may be missing CDRs. The ME handles missing records by skipping over them and continuing the process. Missing records are logged and can be viewed in the status provider.

During an HA failover, the target on the new master ME picks up from where the previous master ME left off.

You configure the archiving targets under the vsp > accounting object.

  admin enabled
  duration-type default
  retention-period 0 days 00:01:00
  subdirectory-size 100 records
  purge-criteria purge-always
  purge-check-interval 0 days 01:00:00
  purge-disk-utilization-percent 90 %
archive-worker-threads automatic
  archive-max-inprogress 120
  archive-tries 2
  archive-name-format[1] recordID
  compatible-archives false
  server-idle-timeout 300

For more information on the new archiving configuration properties, see the WebRTC Session Controller Media Engine Object Reference.

The target can then be applied to a session-config via the session-config > accounting object.

config vsp>config default-session-config
config default-session-config>config accounting
config accounting>set target archive-external-file-system "vsp\accounting\archive-external\url""archivetest""

You can view information regarding archive targets using the following status providers.

The show accounting-targets action is a previously existing status provider that displays summary data from all accounting targets. This status action now includes archiving targets.

NNOS-E>show accounting-targets

                   type: archive-external
                   name: url archive-day1
               received: 641 CDRs
              processed: 641 CDRs
               failures: 0
        missing-records: 0
      last-acked-record: 1495276
   acked-pending-record: 1495276
average-processing-time: 2278 milliseconds/CDR

The show accounting-targets-archive-tasks action displays information about currently running archiving tasks on the ME.

NNOS-E>show accounting-targets-archive-tasks

name record               errors     in-progress
------               ------     -----------
nnose-backup                       1170995              2          (send)
nnose-backup                      1171000              2          (send)
nnose-backup                      1171001              2          (send)

For more information on these status providers, see the Webrtc Session Controller Media Engine Object Reference.

Free-Form Accounting for CDRs

The ME supports free-form accounting for CDRs, meaning you have the ability to completely customize the list of columns created in CDRs by using the session-config's named variable table. These custom CDRs are supported for all accounting target types except internal database.

You still have the ability to use the pre-existing (default) accounting record columns. This is the ME's default behavior. Each target type supports both forms of accounting, but each individual target can have only one or the other. A target can have either the default accounting fields or custom accounting fields.

This feature differs from the existing CDR custom data fields because you create all of the columns yourself. In releases previous to 3.6.0m5, you could only get existing fields and filter those that you did not want. There also existed one column named custom-field that contained user-specified data.

To enable free-form accounting for CDRs:

  1. Select the Configuration tab and click the vsp > accounting object.

  2. Click Configure next to the type of target for which you want to create free-form accounting.

  3. admin: Set to enabled and provide either a group or a path for the target (depending on which type of target you are configuring).

  4. custom-accounting: Set to enabled.


    The custom-accounting property overrides the call-field-filter property, where you configure the default accounting records.
  5. Click Set. Update and save the configuration.

To create free-form CDRs, one mechanism to populate free-form CDRs is to use named variables in the session-config. Named variables can be added to sessions on the ME in multiple ways. They can be added via the session-config > named-variables object. For more information on configuring named-variables in the session-config, see Configuring Session Configuration Objects in the WebRTC Session Controller Media Engine Object Reference.

Named-variables can also be added via the named-variable-add action. For more information on this action, see the Named Variable Actions section of this guide.

The ME offers a list of pre-defined variables for you to use in free-form CDRs. These can be broken down into three types: acct, cdr, and session.

The acct class of named variables is derived from items that are already available through the accounting-data > custom-data-field.

For a complete list of named variables available on the ME, see the WebRTC Session Controller Media Engine Objects and Properties Reference guide.

Once you have the named-variables configured in the session-config, you can add them to your free-form CDRs. You can add named-variables to free-form CDRs via the accounting > targets > named-variable-entries property.

To add named-variables to free-form CDRs:

  1. Access the vsp > accounting > <target> > named-variable-entries object where you have the custom-accounting property set to enabled. Click Configure next to named-variable-entries.

    Or, access the vsp > session-config-pool > entry > accounting-data object and click Add named-variable-entry.

  2. Click Add entry.

  3. From the variable-name drop-down list, select the named-variable to include.

  4. display-name: Enter the name you want to be displayed for this column. This value is required if the accounting target is a database and the display-name complies with the column name rule of the corresponding database.

  5. Click Create. Repeat this process for as many named-variables as you want to include.

  6. Click Set. Update and save the configuration.

Using the ME Archive Viewer

The archive viewer is a standalone utility that displays information and plays video recordings from archive files that have been stored locally on a client PC. The viewer allows you to see the call diagram and message details without having to run the ME Management System.

The following image illustrates a sample Archive Viewer display.

Surrounding text describes archive_viewer.gif.

The Archive Viewer is contained in a ZIP file included with the ME release software. The file is named nnSE360-av.zip.

Perform the following steps on a Windows PC, which is the only supported platform for the Archive Viewer:

  1. Download the nnSE360-av.zip file to a location on your PC. The file is available from the Oracle support site.

  2. Double-click the .ZIP file, then select Extract All. A separate folder will be created using the same name, minus the .ZIP extension.

  3. Open the folder that you just created, then double-click the nnSE360-av.exe file. This will launch the Archive Viewer.

  4. Select File->Open Archive, or File->Stream Viewer to browse for the archived file. The Stream Viewer replays and mixes the two audio streams (one in each direction) with the video streams (one in each direction).


    You must configure the ME with both accounting and media recording enabled. You can enable archiving to periodically send the recorded files to a workstation, or you can create individual session archives on demand from the ME Management System Call Logs screen.

Call Detail Record Field Descriptions and Data Types

The following table lists and describes the fields and data types that make up detail record.

Table 24-1 CDR Field Descriptions and Data Types

CDR Field MS-SQL Data Types PostgreSQL Data Types Oracle Data Types Description




VARCHAR2 (256)

The caller ID for the ANI after any manipulation is done by the ME.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The name of the dial plan that forwarded the call.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The destination domain name to which the call was forwarded.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The server name if available, or user portion of the To: URI.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The unique call identifier of the inbound call leg.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The secondary call identifier for the outgoing leg.





The post dial delay between the initial INVITE and the 180/183 RINGING.; calculated in msec.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The source domain name from which the call was received.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The server name if available, or user portion of the From: URI.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The type of call, such as IV for Inbound Voice.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The called party number after any manipulation on leg 1, but before any manipulation on leg 2.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The call record type, either START or STOP.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The CODEC associated with the outbound call leg.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The CODEC associated with the inbound call leg.





The time at which the SIP was connected to the SIP call destination in the format hour:minutes:seconds.milliseconds: weekday year-month-day.


type= "Time"



The time the accounting record was written to the accounting target.




VARCHAR2 (256)

Custom data field as defined by the accounting-data object.





The reason for the call disconnection, such as BYE.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The type of error that caused the disconnection.





The time at which the SIP was disconnected from the SIP call destination in the format hour:minutes:seconds.milliseconds: weekday year-month-day.




VARCHAR2 (256)

Dialed Number Identification Service





Duration of the call in seconds.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The string in the From URI:field of SIP header.




VARCHAR2 (256)

An arbitrary header associated with the SIP call.





The number of times the ME used the arbiter to select a dial-plan and a failure occurred (including subsequent attempts).




VARCHAR2 (256)

The IP address and port at the ME where the inbound call leg was received from the source peer.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The IP address and port at the ME where the inbound call leg was forwarded to the destination peer.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The IP address and port of the destination phone to which the ME forwarded the inbound call leg.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The IP address and port of the source phone that contacted the ME over an inbound call leg.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The Request URI on the inbound call leg.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The stripped down version of the incoming request URI.





The time of the last media packet on the destination leg.





The time of the last media packet on the source leg.





An integer indicating SIP message type last status message (omitting ”200 OK”) and therefore call progress.





The total processing time of the outbound call leg.





The total processing time of the inbound call leg.





The maximum jitter on the destination leg.





The maximum jitter on the source leg.





The maximum latency on the destination leg.





The maximum latency on the inbound call leg.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The SIP method, such as INVITE or REGISTER, that initiated the call session.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The MIME type associated with the outbound call leg, such as audio/pcmu.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The MIME type associated with the inbound call leg, such as audio/pcmu.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The formatted MOS calculation on the oubound call leg.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The formatted MOS calculation on the inbound call leg.





The MOS calculation * 1000 on the oubound call leg.





The MOS calculation * 1000 on the inbound call leg.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The caller ID for the ANI after any manipulation is done by the ME.




VARCHAR2 (256)

New Dialed Number Identification Service




VARCHAR2 (256)

The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the next network node handling the call forwarded by the ME.





The IP address of the next hop; the next network node handling the call forwarded by the ME device.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The name of the originating gateway associated with the call.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The ORIGIN header associated with the SIP call.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The IP address and port at the ME where the outbound (responding) call leg was received from the destination peer.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The IP address and port at the ME where the outbound call leg was forwarded back to the source peer.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The IP address and port of the destination phone to which the ME forwarded the outbound (return) call leg.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The IP address and port of the responding destination phone from which an outbound call leg was returned to the ME.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The Request URI on the outbound leg.





The total number of packets discarded on the outbound call leg.





The total number of packets discarded on the inbound call leg.





The total number of packets lost on the outbound call leg.





The total number of packets lost on the inbound call leg.





The total number of packets received on the outbound call leg.





The total number of packets received on the inbound call leg.





The IP address of the previous hop; the last network node handling the call before received at the ME device.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The VIA header from the previous hop.





The packet delay variation (jitter) associated with the call on the outbound call leg.





The packet delay variation (jitter) associated with the call on the inbound call leg.





The true or false indication as to whether the SIP call was recorded.





The R-factor integer used in the MOS score compilation on the destination call leg.





The R-factor integer * 1000 this is used in the MOS score compilation on the destination call leg.


type="uint16" or type="uint32"



The R-factor integer used in the MOS score compilation on the inbound call leg.





The R-factor integer * 1000 this is used in the MOS score compilation on the inbound call leg.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The ME virtual system partition (VSP) that handled the call.







The unique session identifier in hexadecimal format, unassigned 64-bit integer.







The time at which the SIP was set up at the ME in the format hour:minutes:seconds.milliseconds: weekday year-month-day.





The call setup time indicated as an integer.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The name of the gateway where the call was terminated.




VARCHAR2 (256)

The string in the To URI: field of the SIP header.