19 Configuring External Services Objects

The external-services object defines various external web services that provide, or act as receptacle for, information to and from the Media Engine (ME). A web service provides interoperability between platforms and operating systems. Because the public interface is described in the Web Services Description Language (WSDL), an XML-based service description language, disparate platforms can use the web services to exchange data.

You can configure the ME as both a WSDL client and server. Use the external-services object to configure it as a client; use the web-service object to enable the interface, allowing the ME to function as a server.

In the ME, external web services can be used to share location databases, apply session policy, and track system notifications. See the Oracle Communications WebRTC Session Controller Installation Guide for more information and sample configurations.


Opens the external-services object. Within the subobjects, you configure the URLs used to access the remote web services. Configuring external services configures the ME as a client, which allows it to make calls out to other web service endpoints that implement the call out interfaces. The call out interfaces can be used to provide location information and/or policy information.


config external-services


policy-services-type: Specifies the method by which the ME sends requests and processes responses for WSDL policy call-outs.

Default: old
  • Values: old: Select this option to use the ME's older Java-code method. This method does not support persistent TCP connections and has to connect and disconnect for each request.

  • new: Select this option to use the ME's newer C-code method. This method is faster and more reliable than the old method and is able to handle persistent connections, sending multiple requests on a single TCP connection.

Example: set policy-services-type new

trap-event: Specifies whether the ME transmits traps as events without channels.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set trap-event disabled

trap-channel-events: Specifies whether the ME transmits traps as events with the trap category as a channel.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set trap-channel-events disabled


Creates a group to which the individual external policy service servers belong. The ME applies the configured failover mechanism to all server configurations within this group. When a request is made, the ME searches the list of servers in the group sequentially for one that is available. If it does not find an available server, it does not send out the request.

When the ME detects that a server is unavailable, it changes that web service server status to unavailable. (You can verify the status of a server through the show web-services-callout-details command with the availability field.) If the status is unavailable, you must set it to available (once it is) with the web-services action before the ME can use that server again.


config external-services policy-group name


failover-detection: Specifies the type of failure detection the ME should perform for all external policy servers in this group.

Default: The default protocol is http with a port setting of 8081. If you set the protocol to https, the default port is 8443.
  • Values: none: The ME does no failover detection. If a request is not serviced, the system continues to send requests until a configured timeout value is reached or the request is manually withdrawn.

  • passive: Sets a number of failures or a timeout period before that the system can experience before it determines that the server is unavailable. The passive method only detects failures in response to a service request. Set the following:

    • response: The number of milliseconds that the system waits for a response from the server. When the timer expires, the system classifies the server as unavailable. Enter a value from 10 to 60,000. The default is 60,000 seconds.

    • failures: The number of failures that the system allows before determining that the server is unavailable. Enter a value from 1 to 100,000. The default is 3 failures.

  • active: Uses the heartbeat URL assigned with the policy-, location- or event-service objects to constantly test server availability. Additional parameters to this property allow detection in the event that the heartbeat location is available but the web service is not. Set the following:

    • interval: The number of seconds between requests sent to the heartbeat-url. Enter a value 1 to 600. The default is 10 seconds.

    • failureInterval: The number of seconds to wait between request attempts to the heartbeat-url when the previous request failed. Enter a value 1 to 10. The default is 1 seconds.

    • retries: The number of unsuccessful requests to the heartbeat-url the system allows before determining that the server is unavailable. Enter a value 0 to 10. The default is 1 retry.

    • response and failures: See the passive description.

Example: set failover-detection active 20 2 2

max-queue-length: Sets the maximum number of WSDL requests that can be queued for a policy group (awaiting assignment to a server). If the queue grows to this number, subsequent requests are rejected, with the result ”queue-clipped,” until the queue drops below this level.

Default: 64

Example: set max-queue-length 32

connection-mode: Specifies the manner in which connections between the ME and WSDL server are established and maintained.

Default: persistent 10 /covws/callsouts?wsdl
  • Values: persistent [seconds][page]: Connections are initiated at boot time, and maintained using periodic keepalives. Specify an inactivity timeout, between 2 and 120 seconds, and a keepalive page.

  • lingering: Connections are made on demand, then linger until broken by the remote server.

  • transient: Connections are made on demand, then broken when a response is received.

Example: set connection-mode-lingering

overall-request-timeout: Specifies the number of seconds a request can remain in the queue for a policy server before it is timed out by the ME.

Default: 5
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 30

Example: set overall-request-timeout 10

connection-count: Specifies the number of seconds a request can remain in the queue for a policy server before it is timed out by the ME.

Default: 5

Example: set connection-count 10

request-format: Specifies the XML SOAP message format to use when making external service calls.

Default: legacy
  • Values: legacy: Use the legacy deeply nested format.

  • simplified: Use the simplified flat format.

Example: set request-format simplified

connection-mode: Specifies the manner in which connections between the ME and WSDL server are established and maintained.

Default: persistent 10/covws/callouts?wsdl
  • persistent <inactivity-time> <keepalive-page>: Connections are initiated at boot time and maintained using periodic keepalives. Specify an activity timeout (between 2 and 120 seconds) and a keepalive page.

  • lingering: Connections are made on demand then linger until broken by the remote server.

  • transient: Connections are made on demand then broken when a response is received.

Example: set connection-mode lingering

connection-mode: Specifies the manner in which connections between the ME and WSDL server are established and maintained.

Default: persistent 10 /covws/callouts?wsdl
  • persistent <inactivity-time> <keepalive-page>: Connections are initiated at boot time and maintained using periodic keepalives. Specify an activity timeout (between 2 and 120 seconds) and a keepalive page.

  • lingering: Connections are made on demand then linger until broken by the remote server.

  • transient: Connections are made on demand then broken when a response is received.

Example: set connection-mode lingering


Sets the URL of the external server that maintains policy configurations to apply to a session. When configured, the ME calls out to the specified server with session data, and the server returns the appropriate policy configuration, which the ME then applies to the session. To open this object, enter a name for the policy server configuration.


config external-services policy-group name policy-service name


admin: Specifies whether this policy service server is enabled for use.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

service-url: Specifies the URL of the remote web service that maintains the session configuration.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set service-url http://myserver:8080/myPolicyServer

heartbeat-url: Specifies a location on the external server that can be used to test server connectivity. Typically, you would specify a pointer to static content on the server (e.g., a small file). The system then requests the file from the external service to determine server availability. This property is used when the failover-detection property is set to active.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set heartbeat-url http://myserver:8080/jeartbeatTest.html

connection-timeout: Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the system allows to complete a connection to the external policy service before cancelling the request.

Default: 500
Values: min: 100 / Max: 30000

Example: set connection-timeout 1000

read-timeout: Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the system waits for a response from the external policy service before cancelling the request.

Default: 2000
Values: Min: 100 / Max: 30000

Example: set read-timeout 1500

priority: Specifies the priority of this server within the policy group. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

Default: 1
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 99

Example: set priority 5

connection-count: Specifies the number of simultaneous connections allowed to this server. Multiple connections can improve performance.

Default: 1
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 16

Example: set connection-count 8

content-type-char-set: Indicates the Content-Type value in each outgoing processEvent request and formats the body of the message appropriately.

Default: iso-8859-1
Values: UTF-8 | iso-8859-1

Example: set content-type-char-set UTF-8


Creates a group to which the individual external location service servers belong. The ME applies the configured failover mechanism to all server configurations within this group. When a request is made, the ME searches the list of servers in the group sequentially for one that is available. If it does not find an available server, it does not send out the request.

When the ME detects that a server is unavailable, it changes that web service server status to unavailable. (You can verify the status of a server through the show web-services-callout-details command with the availability field.) If the status is unavailable, you must set it to available (once it is) with the web-services action before the ME can use that server again.


config external-services location-group name


failover-detection: Specifies the type of failure detection the ME should perform for all external policy servers in this group.

Default: The default protocol is http with a port setting of 8081. If you set the protocol to https, the default port is 8443.
  • Values: none: The ME does no failover detection. If a request is not serviced, the system continues to send requests until a configured timeout value is reached or the request is manually withdrawn.

  • passive: Sets a number of failures or a timeout period before that the system can experience before it determines that the server is unavailable. The passive method only detects failures in response to a service request. Set the following:

    • response: The number of milliseconds that the system waits for a response from the server. When the timer expires, the system classifies the server as unavailable. Enter a value from 10 to 60,000. The default is 60,000 seconds.

    • failures: The number of failures that the system allows before determining that the server is unavailable. Enter a value from 1 to 100,000. The default is 3 failures.

  • active: Uses the heartbeat URL assigned with the policy-, location- or event-service objects to constantly test server availability. Additional parameters to this property allow detection in the event that the heartbeat location is available but the web service is not. Set the following:

    • interval: The number of seconds between requests sent to the heartbeat-url. Enter a value 1 to 600. The default is 10 seconds.

    • failureInterval: The number of seconds to wait between request attempts to the heartbeat-url when the previous request failed. Enter a value 1 to 10. The default is 1 seconds.

    • retries: The number of unsuccessful requests to the heartbeat-url the system allows before determining that the server is unavailable. Enter a value 0 to 10. The default is 1 retry.

    • response and failures: See the passive description.

Example: set failover-detection active 20 2 2

request-format: Specifies the XML SOAP message format to use when making external service calls.

Default: legacy
  • Values: legacy: Use the legacy deeply nested format.

  • simplified: Use the simplified flat format.

Example: set request-format simplified


Configures the URL of the VoIP Positioning Center (VPC) providing location services (caller location) for VoIP subscribers using Location Information Services (LIS) from RedSky Technologies, Inc. If the VPC returns a location record from the WSDL query, or a message that indicates that a location record exists, the call registration completes and the ME forwards the call. Otherwise, the call is declined.


config external-services location-group name red-sky-location-service name


admin: Specifies whether this location service server is enabled for use.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

service-url: Specifies the URL of the location web services provided by RedSky Technologies.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set service-url http://e911_RedSky@providerOne.com

heartbeat-url: Specifies a location on the external server that can be used to test server connectivity. Typically, you would specify a pointer to static content on the server (e.g., a small file). The system then requests the file from the external service to determine server availability. This property is used when the failover-detection property is set to active.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set heartbeat-url http://e911_RedSky@providerOne.com/heartbeatTest.html

connect-timeout: Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the system allows to complete a connection to the external location service before canceling the request. If the connection times out, the user record is still added to the location cache, but as an unregistered user.

Default: 500
Values: Min: 100 / Max: 30000

Example: set connection-timeout 1000

read-timeout: Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the system waits for a response from the external location service before canceling the request. If the read timer expires, the user record remains unverified in the location cache.

Default: 2000
Values: Min: 100 / Max: 30000

Example: set read-timeout 1500

content-type-char-set: Indicates the Content-Type value in each outgoing processEvent request and formats the body of the message appropriately.

Default: iso-8859-1
Values: UTF-8 | iso-8859-1

Example: set content-type-char-set UTF-8


Configures the URL of the VoIP Positioning Center (VPC) providing location services (caller location) for VoIP subscribers using location-based E911 services provided by TeleCommunications Systems, Inc. If the VPC returns a location record from the WSDL query, or a message that indicates that a location record exists, the call registration completes and the ME forwards the call. Otherwise, the call is declined.


config external-services location-group name tcs-location-service name


admin: Specifies whether this location service server is enabled for use.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

service-url: Specifies the URL of the location web services provided by TeleCommunications Systems.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set service-url http://e911_TCS@locationServer.com

heartbeat-url: Specifies a location on the external server that can be used to test server connectivity. Typically, you would specify a pointer to static content on the server (e.g., a small file). The system then requests the file from the external service to determine server availability. This property is used when the failover-detection property is set to active.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set heartbeat-url service-url http://e911_TCS@locationServer.com/heartbeatTest.html

connect-timeout: Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the system allows to complete a connection to the external location service before canceling the request. If the connection times out, the user record is still added to the location cache, but as an unregistered user.

Default: 500
Values: Min: 100 / Max: 30000

Example: set connect-timeout 1000

read-timeout: Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the system waits for a response from the external location service before canceling the request. If the read timer expires, the user record remains unverified in the location cache.

Default: 2000
Values: Min: 100 / Max: 30000

Example: set read-timeout 1500

content-type-char-set: Indicates the Content-Type value in each outgoing processEvent request and formats the body of the message appropriately.

Default: iso-8859-1
Values: UTF-8 | iso-8859-1

Example: set content-type-char-set UTF-8


Configures the URL of the VoIP Positioning Center providing location services for VoIP subscribers using services other than RedSky Technologies or TeleCommunications Systems. If the VPC returns a location record from the WSDL query, or a message that indicates that a location record exists, the call registration completes and the ME forwards the call. Otherwise, the call is declined.


config external-services location-group name generic-service name


admin: Specifies whether this location service server is enabled for use.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

service-url: Specifies the URL of the remote web services providing location information.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set service-url http://loc_rcrds@otherLocations.com

heartbeat-url: Specifies a location on the external server that can be used to test server connectivity. Typically, you would specify a pointer to static content on the server (e.g., a small file). The system then requests the file from the external service to determine server availability. This property is used when the failover-detection property is set to active.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set heartbeat-url service-url http://loc_rcrds@otherLocations.com/heartbeatTest.html

connect-timeout: Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the system allows to complete a connection to the external location service before canceling the request. If the connection times out, the user record is still added to the location cache, but as an unregistered user.

Default: 500
Values: Min: 100 / Max: 30000

Example: set connect-timeout 1000

read-timeout: Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the system waits for a response from the external location service before canceling the request. If the read timer expires, the user record remains unverified in the location cache.

Default: 2000
Values: Min: 100 / Max: 30000

Example: set read-timeout 1500

content-type-char-set: Indicates the Content-Type value in each outgoing processEvent request and formats the body of the message appropriately.

Default: iso-8859-1
Values: UTF-8 | iso-8859-1

Example: set content-type-char-set UTF-8


Creates a group to which the individual external event service servers belong. The ME applies the configured failover mechanism to all server configurations within this group. When a request is made, the ME searches the list of servers in the group sequentially for one that is available. If it does not find an available server, it does not send out the request.

When the ME detects that a server is unavailable, it changes that web service server status to unavailable. (You can verify the status of a server through the show web-services-callout-details command with the availability field.) If the status is unavailable, you must set it to available (once it is) with the web-services action before the ME can use that server again. When a request is made, the ME searches the list of servers in the group sequentially for one that is available. If it does not find an available server, it does not send out the request.


config external-services event-group name


failover-detection: Specifies the type of failure detection the ME should perform for all external policy servers in this group.

Default: none
  • Values: none: The ME does no failover detection. If a request is not serviced, the system continues to send requests until a configured timeout value is reached or the request is manually withdrawn.

  • passive: Sets a number of failures or a timeout period before that the system can experience before it determines that the server is unavailable. The passive method only detects failures in response to a service request. Set the following:

    • response: The number of milliseconds that the system waits for a response from the server. When the timer expires, the system classifies the server as unavailable. Enter a value from 10 to 60,000. The default is 60,000 seconds.

    • failures: The number of failures that the system allows before determining that the server is unavailable. Enter a value from 1 to 100,000. The default is 3 failures.

  • active: Uses the heartbeat URL assigned with the policy-, location- or event-service objects to constantly test server availability. Additional parameters to this property allow detection in the event that the heartbeat location is available but the web service is not. Set the following:

    • interval: The number of seconds between requests sent to the heartbeat-url. Enter a value 1 to 600. The default is 10 seconds.

    • failureInterval: The number of seconds to wait between request attempts to the heartbeat-url when the previous request failed. Enter a value 1 to 10. The default is 1 seconds.

    • retries: The number of unsuccessful requests to the heartbeat-url the system allows before determining that the server is unavailable. Enter a value 0 to 10. The default is 1 retry.

    • response and failures: See the passive description.

Example: set failover-detection active 10 1 1 45000

trap-filter: Specifies which categories of SNMP traps the system sends out the WSDL interface to the external event service server. You can set as many of the pre-configured trap categories as necessary. If you do not set any trap filters, the system sends all traps. Use the show trap-categories command to list the possible trap types in each category.

Default: There is no default setting
Values: generic | csta | dos | sip | system | tls

Example: set trap-filter sip

request-format: Specifies the XML SOAP message format to use when making external service calls.

Default: legacy
  • Values: legacy: Use the legacy deeply nested format.

  • simplified: Use the simplified flat format.

Example: set request-format simplified

channels: Specifies the event channels for which this event group should be notified.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set channels /call

include-channels-in-events: Indicates whether or not event notifications should include the channel.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set include-channels-in-events enabled

request-style: Specifies the style to use when sending events to this listener.

Default: soap
  • Values: xml: A REST-based XML event listener.

  • json: A REST-based JavaScript Object Notation event listener.

  • soap: A SOAP-based XML event listener.

Example: set request-style xml


Configures the URL of a server used for tracking ME events. (These events are similar to SNMP traps.) To open this object, enter a name for the server configuration.


config external-services event-group name event-service name


admin: Specifies whether this event service server is enabled for use.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

service-url: Specifies the URL of the remote server tracking system notifications.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set service-url http://myEventServer:8080/myNotifications

heartbeat-url: Specifies a location on the external server that can be used to test server connectivity. Typically, you would specify a pointer to static content on the server (e.g., a small file). The system then requests the file from the external service to determine server availability. This property is used when the failover-detection property is set to active.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set heartbeat-url service-url http://myEventServer:8080/heartbeatTest.html

connect-timeout: Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the system allows to complete a connection to the external location service before canceling the request.

Default: 500
Values: Min: 100 / Max: 30000

Example: set connect-timeout 1000

read-timeout: Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the system waits for a response from the external location service before canceling the request.

Default: 2000
Values: Min: 100 / Max: 30000

Example: set read-timeout 1500

content-type-char-set: Specify the charset the ME uses on the ContentType field of outgoing Web Service requests sent to this endpoint.

Default: iso-8859-1
  • Values: iso-8859-1: The ME uses the ISO-8859-1 character encoding.

  • utf-8: The ME uses the UTF-8 character encoding.

Example: set content-type-char-set utf-8