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Oracle® Retail EFTLink Framework Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 18.0
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3 EFTLink Configurable Properties

This chapter describes the EFTLink properties:

Configuration Settings

Settings are defined in EftlinkConfig.properties.

Key Settings

These settings must be set for all POSs.

Table 3-1 Key Settings

Setting Description Example


Name of EPS subsystem.

Plugin cores must be specified by their full package name, and the package must also be added to the execution classpath.

Note: Although a key setting, EPSCore0 is set by installcore.bat / installcore.sh.

EPSCore0 = manito.eft.pointus.PointUSCore


Language for display texts. For whichever country code is set, there must be a matching LangXX.properties file. A hierarchy is implied for example EN_US is taken as an extension of EN.

DisplayLanguage = EN

Secondary Settings

These settings are normally correct at their default values, but can be overridden if necessary:

Table 3-2 Secondary Settings

Setting Description Example


Socket that EFTlink listens on for incoming Channel 0 requests from POS.

ServerChannel0 = 10100


Socket that EFTlink uses to send Channel 1 Device Requests to POS.

ServerChannel1 = 10101


IP that EFTlink uses to send Channel 1 Device Requests to POS. Default is as EFTLink is normally run on the same system as the POS.

Channel1IP =

Dynamic Configuration

Static/Dynamic Configuration

EFTLink can be configured to pick up its configuration dynamically from POS messages. A default setting is implied by the POS type setting, but this can be overridden.

DynamicConfiguration = false

Decimal Places

Number of decimal places to show.

DecimalPlaces = 2


Whether to precede each print request with a TXT_PRINTING (for example, "Printing. Please Wait") dialog.

ShowPrintingDialog = false


Whether device events such as CardInserted are supported by the POS. Default false.

DeviceEvents = false


Whether the basket content should be validated to ensure that the sum of the items matches the overall value. Default true.

ValidateItemValues = true


Whether the printer can be assumed to be online and available, that is, if the POS can only send requests when the printer is online and with paper, there is no need to do an explicit check.

PrinterImpliedOnline = false


Set the proxy server details when EFTLink runs in an environment where all http outbound calls are routed to a proxy. There are no defaults.



Determines how many instances of the OPIServer to enable in server mode. In normal stand alone or non-server mode, set this to 0.

NumServers = 2


Whether to enable PED pooling in server mode. The NumServers should be set to a number greater than zero. In PED pooling mode, the PEDs can be shared among POS clients.

PEDPoolEnabled = true


Whether to open just one port for channel zero in PED pooling mode where the multiplexer listens. Disable this when Xstore's version is below 18.0.

PEDPoolOneCatchAllChannel0 = true


The list of server or PED identifier. This is mandatory when using PED pooling. N is a positive number starting at 1 and up to NumServers above.

server1.description = EFT 1 server2.description = EFT 2


Determines how many potential POS clients when using PED pooling. This is mandatory in PED pooling.

NumClients = 2


The list of POS identifier where N is a positive number starting at 1. This is mandatory in PED pooling.

pos1.description = POS 1 pos2.description = POS 2


Restrict the list of server or PED for a particular POS where N is the workstation ID. A default association can also be specified by prefixing the server ID with '*'.

pos1.subpool = *EFT 1, EFT 2 pos2.subpool = EFT 1, EFT 2

In the above example, register 1 by default will use EFT 1 if it's free. Both EFT 1 and EFT 2 servers is available for both registers (1 and 2).


Restricts the protocols which are permissible in the connection between POS and EFTLink Server. Default only allows for TLS 1.2 security.



Restricts the ciphers which are permissible in the connection between POS and EFTLink Server. The whitelist only includes ciphers which are approved under Oracle Approved Technologies: Security Protocols.

CipherWhiteList =











Restricts the protocols which are permissible in the connection between POS and EFTLink Server. The blacklist lists ciphers which are not approved under Oracle Approved Technologies: Security Protocols.


















This functionality is currently incompatible with the PEDPoolEnabled property.

This property is used to launch each OPIServer in their own Java Virtual Machine (JVM) process when the NumServers property is set to greater than 0.

Each server's channel 0 and channel 1 ports are based on the ServerChannel0 setting. For example; if the ServerChannel0 is set to 10100 and NumServers is set to 3, the additional servers will be created on channel 0 ports 10110, 10120, 10130 and the corresponding channel 1 ports will be 10111, 10121, 10131 therefore, you must ensure that these ports are available for use with EFTLink.

For each server defined under NumServers; EFTLink looks for a corresponding server folder. For example, if NumServers is set to 3, EFTLink looks for server folders named server1, server2 and server3 under the EFTLink directory. These folders must contain their own configuration files, that is; EftLinkConfig.properties and so on.

In order to use this property you must use the MultiServerLauncher application rather than the OPIServer application.


It is not recommended to use this functionality with compact systems where memory is at a premium. Therefore, taking the above example of 3 servers running in separate JVMs with each JVM taking roughly ~60MB of memory, EFTLink would require at least ~180MB of free memory (this is a purely hypothetical situation, actual memory usage may be system-dependent).

There may be additional memory requirements dependent upon the core being used with EFTLink.

You must ensure when, using this functionality, that a clean shutdown of EFTLink is performed in order to destroy the child processes which have been created. In Windows command line; the command CTRL+C is used to terminate a batch job cleanly.


MultiJVM = false