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Oracle® Retail EFTLink Core Configuration Guide
Release 19.0.1
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6 Oracle Payment Interface (OPI)

This document covers EFTLink Integration with Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) Payment Systems. It should be read in conjunction with the Oracle Retail EFTLink Framework Installation and Configuration Guide.


To avoid confusion references to OPI Retail or similar phrasing refers to Oracle Payment Interface and not Open Payment Initiative.

EFTLink General

This document assumes static EFTLink configuration. When deploying with a POS that supports dynamic configuration, all property settings referred to below should be set on the POS, and not directly into local property files.

Minimum Version

The OPI interface requires a minimum EFTLink version of 17.0.1.

System Architecture

EFTLink connects to the OPI using only a secure HTTPS connection (using HTTP POST), and uses a Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol version 1.2 or higher.


The following files are used in the EFTLink folder:

  • cores/opiretail/opiretail.jar

  • opiretail.properties (optional, if not present defaults apply)

  • Lang<CC>_<Core>.properties – Language translation file, for further information see Language.


The translation files for this core should not require alteration, but if necessary then this can accomplished by amending the relevant Lang<CC>_<Core>.properties within the base eftlink folder.

The language used will follow the language set in the EFTLink framework; see the Oracle Retail EFTLink Framework Installation and Configuration Guide, EFTLink General Information, Translation section.


DisplayLanguage = EN

Supported country codes are: CN, DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, JP, NL, PT, RU and SV.

Core Classname

The following should have been set in the EftlinkConfig.properties file by installcore.bat or installcore.sh:

EPSCore0= oracle.eftlink.opiretail.OPIRetailCore

Configuration Settings

The full set of configuration properties is defined and commented in opiretail.properties.

Key Settings

Settings that may be different for each POS.

Table 6-1 OPI - Key Settings

Setting Description Default Example


Specifies the host address of the Oracle Payments Interface service.




Specifies the host port of the Oracle Payments Interface service.


EPSPort = 5007


Specifies the text to find in the print data returned from the Oracle Payments Interface response in order to determine whether a signature check prompt is required for the request.


DetectReceiptSignatureString = # Signature #


Specifies a default operator id for POS systems that do not provide an operator id in the EPSRequest.

EFTLink OPI Operator

DefaultOperatorId = EFTLink OPI Operator


Specifies the default base currency to be used as part of the TransCurrency element in the OPI Retail messages.


DefaultBaseCurrency = GBP


Specifies the default check type for check processing.


DefaultCheckType = 01


Specifies the default check name for check processing.

Personal Check

DefaultCheckName = Personal Check


Specifies the SiteId data which is required in every Oracle Payments Interface request.


SiteId = Site


Specifies the ProxyInfo data which is required in every Oracle Payments Interface request.


ProxyInfo = OPI Version


Specifies the POSInfo data which is required for every Oracle Payments Interface request.


POSInfo = Test POS


Specifies whether partial authorization is enabled.


PartialAuthEnabled = true


Specifies whether or not Electronic Signature processing is enabled.


ElectronicSignatureEnabled = true


Specifies whether or not Gift Card processing is enabled.


GiftCardProcessingEnabled = true


Specifies whether or not Personal Check/Cheque processing is enabled.


PersonalCheckProcessingEnabled = true


Specifies whether or not Line Item Display processing is enabled.


LineDisplayEnabled = true


Specifies whether or not to add journal attributes to print lines.


ElectronicJournal = true


Specifies whether or not to defer printing of the EFT customer receipt and instead include within the standard POS customer receipt.


CombinedReceipt = true


Specifies whether or not to enable EWallet processing.


EWalletProcessingEnabled = true


Specifies whether or not to enable Card Acquisition message processing prior to Sale/Purchase message processing for 2-stage payment.


CardAcquisitionEnabled = true

Secondary Settings

These settings are normally correct at their default values, but can be overridden if necessary.

Table 6-2 OPI - Secondary Settings

Setting Description Default Example


Specifies the timeout when sending / receiving messages to / from the Oracle Payments Interface in seconds.


RequestResponseTimeout = 200


Specifies whether or not to validate all requests / responses against their respective XSDs.


ValidateMessaging = true


Specifies the timeout for the core maintenance menu in seconds.


MaintenanceTimeout = 30


Specifies the timeout for the Signature Check prompt when required in seconds.


SignatureCheckTimeout = 15


Specifies the error text when the device is busy.

Device error retry

BusyErrorText = Busy Device Error


Specifies a minimum buffer amount to allocate space in memory as a rough approximation of the expected content length of an OPI Retail Response in bytes.


ReadResponseBuffer = 1024


Specifies the max length of an Item Description in characters. This is used to truncate the length of the item description in case the description of a product is too long during line item display on the pin entry device (PED).


MaxLineItemTextLength = 17


Specifies custom filtering of information on the customer receipt. Replace X with a number between 0 and 100. A maximum of 100 filters are allowed and <blank> checks if empty lines should be suppressed.


CombinedReceiptFilter_0 = <blank>


Specifies the timeout for the CardInserted DeviceRequest prompt on the POS for the specified BinRange and CountryCode sent from the TransactionResponse in seconds.


CardAcquisitionPromptTimeout = 1200


Specifies the text label of the accept button for the Get Customer Verification custom form.


GetCustomerVerificationAcceptLabel = No


Specifies the text label of the decline button for the Get Customer Verification custom form.


GetCustomerVerificationDeclineLabel = No


Specifies the timeout duration of the display message custom form in seconds.


DisplayMessageDuration = 60


Specifies whether to use max length instead of the regex for phone number capture custom form.


GetPhoneNumberUseMaxLength = true


Specifies the maximum number of digits for the phone number capture custom form.


GetPhoneNumberMaxLength = 12


Specifies the regular expression for the phone number capture custom form.


GetPhoneNumberRegex = \d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}


Specifies whether to use max length instead of the regex for social security number capture custom form.


GetSSNUseMaxLength = true


Specifies the max length of the social security number capture custom form.


GetSSNMaxLength = 9


Specifies the regular expression for the social security number capture custom form.


GetSSNRegex = \d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}


Specifies the max length of the email address capture custom form.


GetEmailAddressMaxLength = 100


Specifies the max length of the driver license capture custom form.


GetDriverLicenseMaxLength = 20


Specifies whether to use max length instead of a regex for the numeric field custom form.


GetNumericFieldUseMaxLength = true


Specifies the max length of the numeric field capture custom form.


GetNumericFieldMaxLength = 50


Specifies the regular expression for the numeric field custom form. Default is empty.

GetNumericFieldRegex = \d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}


Specifies whether to use max length instead of a regex for the alpha numeric field custom form.


GetAlphanumericFieldUseMaxLength= true


Specifies the max length of the alpha numeric field capture custom form.


GetAlphaNumericFieldMaxLength = 50


Specifies the regular expression for the alpha numeric field custom form. Default is empty.

GetAlphaNumericFieldRegex = \d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}


Specifies the label of the button on the QR code custom form.


DisplayQRCodeButtonLabel = Cancel


Specifies the guidance text when capturing a phone number. Default is empty.

GetPhoneNumberGuidanceText = Please input your phone number below in the form of XXX-XXX-XXXX (replace X with a number between 0-9)


Specifies the guidance text when capturing an email address. Default is empty.

GetEmailAddressGuidanceText = Please input your email address below, for example; test@oracleretail.com.


Specifies the guidance text when capturing a social security number. Default is empty.

GetSSNGuidanceText = Please input your social security number below, for example; 078-05-1120


Specifies the guidance text when capturing a date of birth. Default is empty.

GetDateGuidanceText = Please input your date of birth below, for example; 1971-01-01 (YYYY-MM-DD)


Specifies the guidance text when capturing a driver license number. Default is empty.

GetDriverLicenseGuidanceText = Please input your driving license below, for example; 123 456 789


Specifies the guidance text when capturing generic numeric data. Default is empty.

GetNumericFieldGuidanceText = Please input your loyalty number below, for example; 123-456-7891


Specifies the guidance text when capturing generic alpha-numeric data. Default is empty.

GetAlphanumericFieldGuidanceText = Please enter your name below incl. middle names, for example; Joe M Bloggs


Specifies whether or not to enable processing of Gift Card Pins from the POS.

Do not use this setting in conjunction with GiftCardPinEntryOnPEDEnabled=true as GiftCardPinEntryOnPOSEnabled will take precedence.


GiftCardPinEntryOnPOSEnabled = true


Specifies whether or not to request a PIN for the supplied Gift Card on the PED.

Do not use this setting in conjunction with GiftCardPinEntryOnPOSEnabled=true as GiftCardPinEntryOnPOSEnabled will take precedence.


GiftCardPinEntryOnPEDEnabled = true


Specifies which OPI Retail Gift Card Transactions should apply Gift Card PIN processing.

This is a comma-delimited string and the values must map to the OPI Retail TransType equivalents.


GiftCardPinEntryTypes = 27,28,29,30


Specifies the minimum length of the PIN to be entered on the POS.


GiftCardPinEntryMinimumLength = 3


Specifies the maximum length of the PIN to be entered on the POS.


GiftCardPinEntryMaximumLength = 6


Specifies the maximum amount of retries to attempt on the POS if the default maximum length of the PIN in the OPI specification is exceeded.

This property may be used in the event that the GiftCardPinEntryMinimumLength and GiftCardPinEntryMaximumLength settings are not set.


GiftCardPinEntryRetries = 5


Specifies which Issuer Ids to treat as EWallet Issuer Ids.

EWallet processing will only function with the Issuer Ids listed as part of this property.

This is a comma-delimited string and the values must map to the OPI Retail IssuerId equivalents.


EWalletIssuerIds = 25,26


Disables the Installments function and the two installment prompts so they are not displayed to the cashier.


InstallmentsEnabled = true


Once a number greater than configuration parameter "MaxInstallmentsAllowed" value is entered, the Installments number prompt is reloaded until reaching the value of NoOfInstallmentsPromptRetries.


MaxInstallmentsAllowed = 30


Default number of installments prompt retries


NoOfInstallmentsPromptRetries = 1


Specifies the timeout in seconds of the number of installments prompt.


NoOfInstallmentsPromptTimeout = 60


This property allows the ability to configure such that the TransToken will never be set on the TransactionRequest if enabled and any TransactionResponse RRN's will now be set on the TransactionResponse's TransToken as well as the RRN for all TransToken-applicable messages.


UseLegacyTokenLogicEnabled = true


Specifies the timeout in seconds of the prompt between Debit and Credit card type


DebitCreditSelectionPromptTimeout = 60

Administration Functions

The terminal has some administration/maintenance functions. These are normally invoked from a dedicated EFT Maintenance button.

EFTLink uses DeviceProxy messages to display input prompts on the POS to manage these functions.

Table 6-3 OPI - Administration Functions

Function Description

Day End

Print an end day report and close the current day. Manual alternative to automated ReconciliationWithClosure.

Supported Functions

Below is a list of supported functionalities of the interface to OPI.

Table 6-4 OPI - Supported Functions

Function Description

Payment/Payment with Loyalty

EFTLink sends payment request to the OPI EPS. The OPI EPS will return a response message with formatted receipt strings for merchant and/or customer receipts.

In an event of referral or communication failure where authorization cannot be obtained online then a prompt for authorization code will appear; authorization code must be obtained via telephone. After the manual authorization process is complete, a Sales Completion transaction is sent to finalize the original sale/purchase.

In the event of a communication failure between EFTLink and the OPI EPS an initial Transaction Inquiry request is sent to the OPI EPS to determine if communication is back up. If communication is still down, the cashier must decide whether to retry or decline the transaction. In the event of a retry; a Transaction Inquiry message is sent and if a response is returned from the OPI EPS, the Transaction Inquiry response is used to finalize the sale/purchase. In the event of a decline; the OPI will initially attempt to reverse the transaction, however if communication is still down, the OPI will simply fail the transaction altogether and the POS will return to the tender selection screen.

Payment by Installments

Supports the ability to make card payments using Installments so that customers are able to spread out the cost of the purchase over a number of payments.

Check Payment

EFTLink sends payment request to the OPI EPS. The OPI EPS will return a response message with formatted receipt strings for merchant and/or customer receipts.The Transaction Inquiry scenario outlined in the Payment/Payment with Loyalty section also applies to this transaction type.


EFTLink sends refund requests to the OPI EPS. The OPI EPS will refund a transaction with the specified amount.The Transaction Inquiry scenario outlined in the Payment/Payment with Loyalty section also applies to this transaction type.


EFTLink sends reversal requests to the OPI EPS. The OPI EPS will reverse a transaction specified by the original transaction reference.

The Transaction Inquiry scenario outlined in the Payment/Payment with Loyalty section also applies to this transaction type.

Sale State Notifications

EFTLink sends line items through to the OPI EPS so that the customer display can be updated on the terminal in line with the POS.

Cancel Current Transaction

POS sends an abort request to EFTLink and if a transaction is cancellable, it is cancelled.

Read Non-PCI Card

EFTLink sends a card swipe request to the OPI EPS to receive data for non-pci cards.

The full pan is returned in clear text, unencrypted and without tokenization.

PCI cards will return a blank PAN.

SVC Payment

EFTLink sends a gift or merchandise credit card payment request to the OPI EPS.

If there are not enough funds available, only the funds available will be deducted. The POS client will have to settle the transaction with another tender in this scenario.

The Transaction Inquiry scenario outlined in the Payment/Payment with Loyalty section also applies to this transaction type.

SVC Activate

EFTLink sends a gift or merchandise credit card activation request to the OPI EPS.

The Transaction Inquiry scenario outlined in the Payment/Payment with Loyalty section also applies to this transaction type.

SVC Add Value

EFTLink sends a gift or merchandise credit card add value request to the OPI EPS.

This will only add value to an account that has been activated.

The Transaction Inquiry scenario outlined in the Payment/Payment with Loyalty section also applies to this transaction type.

SVC Balance Enquiry

EFTLink sends a gift or merchandise credit card balance enquiry request to the OPI EPS.

SVC Unload (Cashout)

EFTLink sends a gift or merchandise credit card cash out request to the OPI EPS.

All funds are deducted from the account and the cash back amount is returned to the POS. The account is not deactivated as part of this process.

The Transaction Inquiry scenario outlined in the Payment/Payment with Loyalty section also applies to this transaction type.

SVC Reversal

EFTLink sends a gift or merchandise credit card activate/add value/payment to the OPI EPS which is voided or post voided and the original transaction actions are reversed.

The Transaction Inquiry scenario outlined in the Payment/Payment with Loyalty section also applies to this transaction type.

Custom form for customer question/verification

EFTLink sends a request to the OPI EPS with a question/verification message.

The customer selects either the Yes or No button. The core sends 'Y' or 'N' as part of the response to the POS.

Custom form for capturing phone number

EFTLink sends a request to the OPI EPS triggering a phone number capture.

The customer keys in their phone number and selects submit. The core sends the captured phone number to the POS.

Custom form for capturing date

EEFTLink sends a request to the OPI EPS to capture a date, for example a birth date.

The customer keys in their birth date and selects submit. The core sends the captured date to the POS.

Custom form for signature capture

EFTLink sends a request to the OPI EPS to capture signature.

The customer signs and selects Accept. The core sends the decoded signature to the POS.

Custom form for any alphanumeric data capture

EFTLink sends a request to the OPI EPS to capture any data which could be alphanumeric.

A prompt is displayed regarding the type of data expected. The customer keys in the relevant data and selects submit. The core sends the data back to the POS.

Custom form for a survey or donation selection

EFTLink sends a request to the OPI EPS to capture data in the form of either buttons or radio buttons.

The customer can choose between a list of buttons or radio buttons which have different responses or amounts and selects submit. The core sends the value of the button pressed back to the POS.

Custom form for displaying a message

EFTLink sends a request to the OPI EPS to display a message to the customer.

The message times out after a configurable amount of time.

Custom form for displaying a scannable QR code

EFTLink sends a request to the OPI EPS to display a scannable QR code to the customer.

The message times out after a configurable amount of time.

E-Wallet payments for example, WeChat Pay and AliPay

Flow 1 - Customer initiated transaction via E-Wallet button press on the PED.

EFTLink sends a standard sale/purchase request to the OPI EPS.

The customer selects the button to pay via their E-Wallet (as opposed to the usual chip and pin, swipe and other card payment methods) on the PED.

The OPI EPS returns a response containing the E-Wallet data. EFTLink feeds this data back to the POS to complete the transaction.

Flow 2 - Cashier initiated transaction via E-Wallet tenders on the POS.

POS tenders to pay the transaction via E-Wallet tender.

EFTLink sends a sale/purchase message to the OPI EPS, specifying that the PaymentMethod is E-Wallet.

The OPI EPS displays a QR code which the customer scans with their E-Wallet device (typically a mobile phone).

The transaction is confirmed on the OPI EPS and the WalletAuthorizationData is returned via EFTLink to the POS to complete the transaction.

Flow 3 - Cashier initiated transaction via E-Wallet tenders on the POS - Customer QR code scanned on the POS.

POS tenders to pay the transaction via E-Wallet tender. Cashier scans customer's E-Wallet QR code.

EFTLink sends a sale/purchase message to the OPI EPS, specifying that the PaymentMethod is E-Wallet and the WalletId of the customer's E-Wallet.

The transaction is confirmed on the OPI EPS and the WalletAuthorizationData is returned via EFTLink to the POS to complete the transaction.

Two-stage payments for example, tax-free shopping

EFTLink sends a Card Acquisition request to the OPI EPS prior to a sale/purchase request.

The OPI EPS reads the customer's card details and responds with the BIN range and Country Code of the customer's card to determine (on the POS) whether this customer is eligible for tax free shopping. If so, the POS processes the tax-free refund and modifies the total transaction amount with the tax removed and sends the new amount to EFTLink.

EFTLink sends a sale/purchase request with the new modified amount and the original transaction reference to the OPI EPS. The OPI EPS looks up the original card details from the transaction reference and charges the card with the modified amount to complete the transaction.