All REST Endpoints

Card Service Requests
The operations from the Card Service Requests category.
Activate a gift/loyalty/svc card (put in whitelist)
Method: post
Path: /card_activate
Capture non PCI card details.
Method: post
Path: /card_swipe
Deduct funds from from an SVC.
Method: post
Path: /svc_deduct
Get balance from an SVC.
Method: post
Path: /svc_balance
Load funds onto an SVC account.
Method: post
Path: /svc_add
Payment by credit, debit or other EFT card.
Method: post
Path: /payment
Refund a captured payment.
Method: post
Path: /refund
Reversal for CARD_ACTIVATE.
Method: post
Path: /card_activate_reversal
Reversal for CARD_STOP.
Method: post
Path: /card_stop_reversal
Reversal for SVC_ADD
Method: post
Path: /svc_add_reversal
Reversal for SVC_DEDUCT.
Method: post
Path: /svc_deduct_reversal
Stop/disable a gift/loyalty/svc card (put in blacklist)
Method: post
Path: /card_stop
Void an authorized payment.
Method: post
Path: /reversal
Device Requests
The operations from the Device Requests category.
Device request
Method: post
Path: /device
Sale State Notifications
The operations from the Sale State Notifications category.
Sale State Notification request
Method: post
Path: /salenotification
Service Requests
The operations from the Service Requests category.
Log in/on to the payment system in the store
Method: post
Path: /login
Log out/off the payment system in the store
Method: post
Path: /logoff
Start a maintenance/administration session
Method: post
Path: /administration