2 Oracle Database Appliance Plug-in Installation and Deployment

This chapter provides instructions for deploying the Oracle Database Appliance plug-in. The following topics are discussed:

Oracle Database Appliance Plug-in Deployment Prerequisites

Before deploying the Oracle Database Appliance plug-in, make sure the following prerequisites are met:

Create a Database Server Oracle ILOM Service Processor User

For the Oracle Enterprise Manager agent to communicate with an Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (Oracle ILOM) service processor, there must be a specific user ID established on the Oracle ILOM service processor.


Adding the specific user ID requires administrator level privilege on the Oracle ILOM service processor.

The specific Oracle ILOM user ID can be added in the Oracle ILOM service processor web interface, Oracle ILOM CLI, or with the ipmitool command. This example uses the Oracle ILOM CLI.

For security reasons, the root user password to the Oracle ILOM service processor is not shown in the Oracle ILOM CLI commands in this example.

  1. Log in to the Oracle ILOM Service Processor as root:

    # ssh root@[Service Processor IP]
  2. Change to the users directory:

    -> cd /SP/users
  3. Create the oemuser user and password:

    -> create oemuser
    Creating user...
    Enter new password: ********
    Enter new password again: ********
    Created /SP/users/oemuser
  4. Change to the new user's directory and set the role:

    -> cd oemuser
    -> set role='cro'
    -> Set 'role' to 'cro'
  5. Test the Oracle ILOM user ID created in step 3 by listing the last 10 system events:

    -> ipmitool -I lan -H sc-odax5-1.es.aus.osc -U oemuser -P welcome1 -L USER sel list last 10
  6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the rest of the server node Oracle ILOM service processors in Oracle Database Appliance.

Create a Monitoring OS User on the Oracle Database Appliance Server

The root user can perform monitoring on Oracle Database Appliance agents. However, if the root user is not accessible for security reasons, an alternative method is to create a monitoring OS user as the monitoring user, and set the privilege delegation appropriately.

The following is an example that creates an oak/welcome2 user for the purpose of monitoring Oracle Database Appliance.

  1. Run the following commands

    #useradd oak
    #passwd oak
  2. Add SUDO privilege for user oak.

    1. Modify the /etc/sudoers file on the host using the visudo command.

    2. Add the following commands to the /etc/sudoers file.

      Cmnd_Alias  PLUGIN_AGENT_SCRIPT=$PERL_HOME/bin/perl 
      $AGENT_HOME/plugins/$PLUGIN_OPAR_VERSION /scripts/*.pl* , \ 

      Note that:

      $AGENT_HOME is the absolute path to the installed agent home. The agent home directory is created during agent deployments to the hosts. For example, /u01/app/agent_home/

      $PLUGIN_OPAR_VERSION is the complete Oracle Database Appliance Plug-in OPAR file that is deployed to the OMS and the agents. It is in the format oracle.dba.odba.agent.plugin_12., where is the plug-in version, that might increase in the future.

      $PERL_HOME is the absolute path to the installed executable Perl. For example, /u01/app/agent_home/core/

  3. Set privilege delegation to the host targets.

    1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

    2. In the Setup menu select Security, then Privilege Delegation.

    3. Select the SUDO type.

    4. Apply /usr/bin/sudo -u %RUNAS% %COMMAND% to Sudo Command Settings.

Verify Software Versions on Oracle Database Appliance

Oracle Database Appliance Software

The Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c plug-in for Oracle Database Appliance supports Oracle Appliance Manager and later. To verify the software version on Oracle Database Appliance run the command:

# oakcli show version

See Also:

Oracle Database Appliance Administration and Reference Guide for information about the oakcli show version command.

Oracle Grid Infrastructure Cluster

Oracle Grid Infrastructure Cluster is required to be up and running before discovery. The Oracle Database Appliance deployment should be completed and the Oracle Grid Infrastructure cluster should be up and running prior to deploying the plug-in.

Verify Host Name Resolution of the Oracle ILOM Servers

Verify that each server node is able to resolve the host names of the Oracle ILOM servers. If the names of those components are not registered in DNS, then entries can be added to the /etc/hosts file of each server node.

Verify the Firewall Configuration of Oracle Database Appliance

To verify the firewall configuration:

  1. Allow ping.

    In many secure network environments, it is normal for the ping service to be disabled. Oracle Enterprise Manager uses ping to establish the basic availability and status of Oracle Database Appliance.

    • The server nodes need to have the ping service and port enabled from the Oracle Management System (OMS).

    • All other Oracle Database Appliance components (such as Oracle ILOM servers) need to have the ping service and port enabled from the server nodes (where the agents are running).


    The ping traffic overhead is minimal. The agent pings the targets every five minutes.
  2. Open database ports.

    The database listener ports must be opened for the Oracle Enterprise Manager OMS server(s). Note that Oracle Database Appliance databases will use SCAN listeners; therefore, ports will need to be opened for the base server node, the node virtual IP, and the scan listeners addresses.

  3. Open the Oracle Enterprise Manager upload port.

    The Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c agents require access to the Oracle Enterprise Manager server's upload service. This is usually configured on port 4889 for HTTP uploads and 4900 for HTTPS. To verify the ports assigned, run the following command on the OMS server command line.

    $ emctl status oms -details

    These ports will need to be opened for each of the server nodes.

  4. Open agent ports.

    The OMS server(s) must be able to connect to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Agent HTTP/HTTPS port on each server node. The agent port defaults to 3872. If port 3872 is not available, the next available port starting from port 1830 is used.

    To identify the port used:

    • Run the following command on the server node command line:

      $ emctl status agent
    • Alternatively, you can look for the value of the EMD_URL property in the emd.properties file the following directory:

  5. Open SSH ports.

    The Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c agents require ssh access to the Oracle Database Appliance components they monitor. Because the agents will run on the server nodes, the ssh ports on each of the Oracle ILOMs (port 22) will need to be opened for each of the server nodes.


    The emkit configures ssh access but still requires the ports to be opened first.
  6. Allow UDP traffic (SNMP ports).

    All Oracle Database Appliance components must be able to send SNMP traps to the agents running on the server nodes. SNMP uses the UDP protocol so the agent port and port 162 need to be opened for UDP traffic between the Oracle ILOMs and the agent.

Installing the Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent for Oracle Database Appliance

Deploy the Oracle Enterprise Manager agent on ODA_BASE for Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform deployments, and in Linux Hosts for Oracle Database Appliance Bare Metal deployments.


Oracle Enterprise Manager target discovery supports the use of either the management network hostname or the client network hostname for the server nodes. When you install the Oracle Enterprise Manager agent on the server nodes, use the same hostname you used in Oracle Clusterware.

You can identify the hostname of the nodes in the cluster by running the olsnodes command on one of the server nodes. It is recommended that a fully qualified hostname, including the domain name, be used when specifying an Oracle Enterprise Manager agent hostname.


  • The Oracle Enterprise Manager agent must be deployed to all server nodes of Oracle Database Appliance. The host target name of the server node must be the fully qualified host name, for example, dbm1db01.mydomain.com.

  • A non-fully qualified host name (for example, dbm1db01) or IP address must not be used for the host target name of the server node.

  • The same version of the Oracle Enterprise Manager agent and the same version of the plug-ins should be deployed on all server nodes within the same Oracle Database Appliance.

See Also:

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide for information about installing management agents

Installing the Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent Using the Push Method

To install the Oracle Enterprise Manager agent using the push method:

  1. Add the Oracle Database Appliance server nodes as host targets to Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c. From the Oracle Enterprise Manager home page, click the Setup menu (upper right corner), Add Target, then Add Targets Manually.

  2. On the Add Host Targets: Host and Platform screen, specify a session name, then identify the fully qualified hostnames, and select the platform.


    If the agent software is not available for your platform, go to the Extensibility page and download it first.
  3. Click Next to add the details for the host.

  4. On the Installation Details screen, provide the following information:

    • Installation Base Directory

    • Instance Directory

    • Named Credential

    • For Port, leave this field blank. As part of the installation process, an available port will be selected automatically.

  5. Click Next to review the details about the host.

  6. Click Deploy Agent to start the agent deployment process.

  7. As the deployment process continues, remote prerequisite checks are automatically checked. If there are no issues, you will be presented with an Agent Deployment Summary with an indication that the agent deployment has passed.


If the root.sh was not executed during deployment, then make sure to execute it on all server nodes.

Installing the Oracle Management Agent in Silent Mode

You can install Oracle Management Agent in silent mode as an alternative to installing it using the Add Host Target Wizard. Silent mode requires you to use a response file for providing the installation details and a deployment script for silently installing the management agent using the information supplied in the response file.

See the Installing Oracle Management Agent in Silent Mode chapter in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide for more information:


Deploying the Oracle Database Appliance Plug-in

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Plug-in for Oracle Database Appliance is delivered as a plug-in archive file (*.opar) named 12.1.0.VERSION.0_oracle.dba.odba_2000_0.opar.

Assuming you plan to use an existing Oracle Enterprise Manager installation and that you have installed an Oracle Enterprise Manager agent, you are ready to deploy the Oracle Database Appliance Plug-in as follows:

  1. Import the Oracle Database Appliance Plug-in Archive File Locally (steps) or Import the Oracle Database Appliance Plug-in Archive File Remotely (steps)

  2. Deploy Oracle Database Appliance Plug-in on Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (OMS Servers) (steps)

  3. Deploy Oracle Database Appliance Plug-in to the Management Agents on Both Oracle Database Appliance Server Nodes (Hosts) (steps)

Import the Oracle Database Appliance Plug-in Archive File Locally

To import the Oracle Database Appliance plug-in archive file locally:

  1. Copy the Oracle Database Appliance Plug-in OPAR file to the OMS host system.

  2. Open a terminal (such as PuTTY) on the OMS host machine and connect as oracle user.

  3. Copy the OPAR file to the host.

  4. Log on to OMS using emcli.

    $ /u01/OracleHomes/Middleware/oms/bin/emcli login -username=user_name -password=password
  5. Import the OPAR file to OMS using emcli.

    Importing ensures the content that you have created and packaged in the plug-in is available with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

    $ /u01/OracleHomes/Middleware/oms/bin/emcli import_update -file=OPAR_FILE_LOCATION -omslocal

    For example,

    /u01/OracleHomes/Middleware/oms/bin/emcli import_update -file=/tmp/12.1.0.VERISON.0_oracle.dba.odba_2000_0.opar -omslocal


    Append the -omslocal flag because the plug-in archive is on the same system where you are running this command (copied in step 3 above). Specify the absolute path name that exists on the system.

Import the Oracle Database Appliance Plug-in Archive File Remotely

If you are running EMCLI on a different system than the system where you created the plug-in archive (*.opar file), then run the following command:

emcli import_update
    -file="path to the .opar file"
    -host="host name of plug-in host"
    -credential_name="credential for plug-in host"
    -credential_owner="credential owner on the plug-in host"


-file is the absolute path to the *.opar file on the system where you created the archive.

-host is the host name for the host target where the file is available.

-credential_name is the name of the credentials on the remote system you are connecting to.

-credential_owner is the owner of the credentials on the host system you are connecting to.

For example:

emcli import_update

Deploy Oracle Database Appliance Plug-in on Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (OMS Servers)

To deploy the Oracle Database Appliance plug-in:

  1. Open a web browser and log in to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

  2. Open the Setup menu, and select Extensibility then Plug-ins.

  3. Under Engineered System select ORACLE DATABASE APPLIANCE.

  4. Click Deploy on and follow the instructions.

    This step takes approximately 3 to 5 minutes, including stopping and restarting OMS. During the deployment use /u01/OracleHomes/Middleware/oms/bin/emctl status oms -details to check OMS status.

  5. Wait until OMS is back up.

Deploy Oracle Database Appliance Plug-in to the Management Agents on Both Oracle Database Appliance Server Nodes (Hosts)

To deploy the Oracle Database Appliance plug-in to the management agents on both Oracle Database Appliance nodes:

  1. Open a web browser and log in to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

  2. Open the Setup menu and select Extensibility then Plug-ins.

  3. Under Engineered System select ORACLE DATABASE APPLIANCE.

  4. Click Deploy on and choose Management Agents.

    This step takes approximately 2 minutes depending on how many agents are deployed at the same time. This step does not restart OMS. Wait until the deployment process is finished.