The Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Database Appliance home page consists of two panes: a navigation pane on the left side of the page, and 5 tabs containing charts on the right side of the screen. The tabs are named (from left to right) Availability, Capacity, Configuration, Incidents, and Topology. The Availability tab is displayed and it contains 4 charts: System Status, Virtual Machine Status, System Component, and Physical Disk Status. The System Status is a pie chart showing all green, showing Target Up, 2, indicating 2 systems are online. with 100% availability. The Virtual Machine pie chart shows Online, 3 in green and Offline, 14 in red, indicating that 14 of the 17 virtual machines are offline. The System Component chart is a bar chart showing the count on the vertical axis and the system component types on the horizontal axis. The component types are: database, ASM, ILOM, host, and appliance manager. The Physical Disk Status is a pie chart showing Online, 47, indicating that 47 physical disks are online. The bottom of the page has a System Component table that displays the System Name, Component Name, System Component Type, and Status.