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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 4: File Formats
Release 6.1.1


fsalogd.cmd - Oracle HSM fsalogd command file






Directives for controlling the file system activity log daemon (sam-fsalogd) can be read from the ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕fsalogd.cmd file. The directives must appear one per line.

Comment lines are permitted. Comment lines must begin with a pound character (#), and the comment can extend through the rest of the line.

Directives that appear prior to any fs= directive are applied to all file systems. Directives that appear after a fs= directive are applied to the specified file system only. Directives that are specific to a file system override general directives.

The following directives control the operation of the fsalogd daemon.


The following miscellaneous directives can be specified in the fsalogd.cmd file:

log_path = n

Specifies the path of the log file directory. The default is ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕fsalogd∕family_set_name. Log files are created with the name familyset.YYYYMMDDhhmm.log.

fs = file_system_family_set_name

Specifies that the subsequent directives apply to the indicated file_system_family_set_name only.

log_rollover_interval = n

Sets the log file rollover interval time to n seconds. When the interval time since the creation of the log file has elapsed a new log file will be created. The default is 28800 seconds (8 hours).

log_expire = n

Sets the log file expiration time to n seconds. When the time since the creation of the log file has exceeded log_expire, the log file is eligible for deletion. The default is 172800 seconds (48 hours). Expired log files are checked every log rollover interval.

event_interval = n

Sets the event interval time used by Oracle HSM to call out to sam-fsalogd with accumulated events. The default time is 10 seconds.

event_buffer_size = n

Sets the buffer size in events. The default buffer size is 256K which is about 8,000 events.

event_open_retry = n

Sets the number of allowable retries when sam-fsalogd is establishing its connection with the file system. The default retry count is 5.


The first example sets the event_interval and log_path directive for the samfs1 file system:

fs = samfs1
          event_interval = 10
          log_path = ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕fsalogd∕samfs1

The second example sets the log_path directive for each file system:

event_interval = 10
fs = samfs1
          log_path = ∕var∕adm∕fsalog∕samfs1
fs = samfs2
          log_path = ∕var∕adm∕fsalog∕samfs2


sam-fsalogd (1m),