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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 4: File Formats
Release 6.1.1


notify.cmd - StorageTek QFS or Oracle HSM email subscriptions commands file






The QFS or Oracle HSM system has the ability to inform a user of certain events or conditions by generating a message and automatically sending email notifications.

The ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕notify.cmd stores the email addresses for the following notifications: No space available on file system (ENospace), Recovery Point warnings (DumpWarn), Recovery Point errors (DumpInterrupted), File System exceeded its high water mark (HwmExceeded), ACSLS configuration warnings (AcslsWarn), and ACSLS configuration errors (AcslsErr). The email subscriptions are added, modified and deleted only via the Oracle HSM Manager software, a browser-based graphical user interface to the StorageTek QFS or Oracle HSM software.

This file is created automatically after installation and 'root' is assigned as the default subscriber for all notifications.

If you would like to add, modify or delete subscriptions, use the Email Alerts feature in the Oracle HSM Manager software.

To preserve compatibility, the email subscriptions for Archiving is Interrupted, Recycling is complete, Library or Tape drive is down and, Requested volume is unavailable are automatically added to the ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕scripts∕ (1m), ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕scripts∕ (1m), ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕scripts∕ (1m), and ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕scripts∕ (1m) respectively.


The ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕notify.cmd consists of the notification type followed by the list of email addresses that have subscribed to it.

Each notification type and its respective subscriber list are space separated, while the email addresses are comma separated.

It is is highly recommended that you only use the Oracle HSM Manager software to add, modify, or delete subscriptions, but if you must manually modify this file, take care to preserve the formatting of this file.


The following is a sample ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕notify.cmd file:

    DumpInterrupted root,
    ENospace root

The above entries indicate that root is to receive email notifications if the file system is full (ENospace) or if errors are encountered when taking recovery points (DumpInterrupted). No one is notified if the file system high water mark exceeds its high water mark (HwmExceeded).

To remove the subscriber root, edit the file to read as follows:
