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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 3: Introduction to Library Functions
Release 6.1.1


sam_stat, sam_lstat, sam_fstat, sam_segment_stat - Gets file or segment status


cc [flag …] file-L∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕lib -R∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕lib -lsam [library …]

#include "∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕include∕stat.h"

sam_stat(const int char *path, struct sam_stat *buf, size_t bufsize);

sam_lstat(const int char *path, struct sam_stat *buf, size_t bufsize);

sam_fstat(const int int fd, struct sam_stat *buf, size_t bufsize);

sam_segment_stat(const int char *path, struct sam_stat *buf, size_t bufsize);




The sam_stat() function returns file system attributes for the file to which path points. The sam_fstat() function returns file system attributes for the file to which the open file descriptor fd points. The sam_segment_stat() function works with segmented files. It returns attributes for the file segments to which path points.

The sam_lstat() function returns file attributes similar to sam_stat(). The difference is that if file is a symbolic link, sam_lstat() returns information about the link, while sam_stat() returns information about the file or the file's segments that the link references.

If these functions succeed, they write file attributes to the structure, or to the array of structures, to which buf points. If they are returning information about a segmented file, they write information about the first file segment to the first structure in the array of structures. They write information about the second file segment to the second structure in the array of structures, etc.

Note that when sam_stat() and sam_lstat() are executed on a segmented file, the functions return information about the index inode.

The sam_stat, sam_lstat, and sam_segment_stat functions are supported in StorageTek QFS and Oracle HSM environments. The sam_fstat function is supported in Solaris StorageTek QFS and Oracle HSM environments.

If the file has a message-digest set using an extended algorithm, the hash value must retrieved separately using the sam_getdigest (3x) function.


These functions accept the following arguments:


Specifies the path to the file. This is the file or segmented file for which the file status is to be obtained. Read, write, or execute permission of the named file is not required, but all directories listed in the path leading to the file must be searchable.


Specifies the file descriptor on which to get stat information. (sam_fstat only)


Specifies a pointer to a structure into which information is placed concerning the file. The functions use one sam_stat structure from this argument for each single file or file segment. The length of buf, in bytes, must be sized as follows:

bytes = number_of_segments * sizeof(struct sam_stat)

The number_of_segments is 1 for a nonsegmented file (used by sam_stat and sam_lstat). The number_of_segments is greater than 1 for a segmented file (used by sam_segment_stat).

For an unsegmented file, buf must be a sam_struct structure.

For a segmented file, buf must be an array of sam_struct structures.


Specifies the length of the user's buffer, in bytes, to which buf points.


Table 1 and Table 2 show the content of the structure pointed to by buf.

Table 1: Elements of the sam_stat structure that contain standard, POSIX file attributes
st_modeulong_tFile mode (see mknod (2)
st_inoulong_tInode number
st_devulong_tID of device containing the file
st_nlinkulong_tNumber of links
st_uidulong_tNumeric user ID of the file's owner
st_gidulong_tNumeric group ID of the file's owner
st_sizeu_longlong_tFile size in bytes
st_atimetime_tTime of last access
st_mtimetime_tTime of last data modification
st_ctimetime_tTime of last file status change

The following list describes Table 1's fields in more detail.


The mode of the file as described in mknod (2). In addition to the modes described in mknod (2), the mode of a file may also be S_IFLNK if the file is a symbolic link. Note that S_IFLNK can be returned only by sam_lstat().


This field uniquely identifies the file in a given file system. The pair st_ino and st_dev uniquely identifies regular files.


This field uniquely identifies the file system that contains the file.


This field should be used only by administrative commands.


The numeric user ID of the file's owner.


The numeric group ID of the file's owner.


For regular files, this is the address of the end of the file.


Time when file data was last accessed. Changed by the following functions: creat, mknod, pipe, utime, and read.


Time when data was last modified. Changed by the following functions: creat, mknod, pipe, utime, and write.


Time when file status was last changed. Changed by the following functions: chmod, chown, creat, link, mknod, pipe, unlink, utime, and write.

.ce 2 TABLE 2. Members of struct sam_stat That Contain StorageTek QFS and Oracle HSM File Attributes
old_attruint_tBackward compatible, see attr
attribute_timetime_tTime attributes last changed
creation_timetime_tTime inode created
residence_timetime_tTime file changed residence
copy[MAX_ARCHIVE]struct sam_copy_sArray of archive copy information
cs_algouchar_tChecksum algorithm indicator
flagsuchar_tFlags: staging, stage err, etc.
stripe_widthuchar_tStripe width set by setfa -s or -h
stripe_groupuchar_tStripe group set by setfa -g or -o
genulong_tInode generation number
partial_sizeulong_tPartial size in kilobytes
rdevdev_tID of device if S_IFBLK or S_IFCHR
st_blocksu_longlong_tBlock count in 512 byte blocks
segment_sizeulong_tSegment size in megabytes
segment_numberulong_tNumber of this segment
stage_aheaduint_tNumber of segment to stage ahead
admin_iduint_tadmin ID; inherited from directory
allocaheaduint_tAllocate ahead set by setfa -A
obj_depthuint_tStripe depth (KB) set by setfa -v
csum_val[2]u_longlong_t128 checksum value
rperiod_start_timetime_tTime WORM retention period started
rperiod_durationuint_tWORM retention period duration
attru_longlong_tFile attributes

The following list describes Table 2's fields in more detail.


Attributes assigned to the file by StorageTek QFS and Oracle HSM functions and operations.


Time when the StorageTek QFS and Oracle HSM attributes last changed. Changed by the following functions: sam_archive, sam_release, and sam_stage. Also changed by the automatic archive, release, and stage operations.


Time when the inode was created for the file.


Time when the file changed residency. Changed by the release and stage operations.


Indicates the algorithm that is used when calculating the data verification value (checksum) for the file. For more information, see ssum (1).


Flags containing miscellaneous additional information about the file. Includes a bit that indicates that a stage is pending or is in progress on the file. Also includes a bit that indicates that the last attempt to stage the file failed.


The inode generation number.


Upon successful completion, a value of 0 is returned. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.


The sam_stat() and sam_lstat() functions fail if one or more of the following are true:


Search permission is denied for a component of the path prefix.


Either buf or path points to an illegal address.


A signal was caught during sam_stat() or sam_lstat() function processing.


Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating path.


Components of path require hopping to multiple remote machines and the file system does not allow it.


The length of the path argument exceeds {PATH_MAX}, or the length of path exceeds {NAME_MAX} while {_POSIX_NO_TRUNC} is in effect.


The named file does not exist or is the null pathname.


path points to a remote machine, and the link to that machine is no longer active.


A component of the path prefix is not a directory.


A component is too large to store in the structure to which buf points.


This example uses sam_segment_stat to obtain the status of a segmented file.

struct sam_stat file_info;
struct sam_stat *data_seg_info_ptr;
int number_of_data_segments;
int result;
 * Initialize file_info to be all zero bits:
memset((void *) &file_info, 0, sizeof(struct sam_stat));
 * Stat the file using the regular sam_stat function:
result = sam_stat(path, &file_info, sizeof(struct sam_stat));
if (result != 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error failed to sam stat the file, %s.\\n", path);
    exit -70;
if (SS_ISSEGMENT_F(file_info.attr)) {
     * File is segmented, how many data segments does it have?
     * Determine how many complete (full) segments it has:
    number_of_data_segments = file_info.st_size ∕
                              (file_info.segment_size * 1048576);
     * Determine if it has one data segment that isn't "full":
    if (file_info.st_size 
        number_of_data_segments * file_info.segment_size * 1048576) {
} else {
     * File isn't segmented
    number_of_data_segments = 1;
 * Allocate enough memory to hold all of the stat information for each
 * data segment:
data_seg_info_ptr = (struct sam_stat *) malloc(number_of_data_segments *
                                               sizeof(struct sam_stat));
if (data_seg_info_ptr == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error failed to allocate memory for data segment stat operation.\\n");
    exit -80;
 * Initialize file_info to be all zero bits:
memset((void *) data_seg_info_ptr, 0, number_of_data_segments *
                                      sizeof(struct sam_stat));
if (SS_ISSEGMENT_F(file_info.attr)) {
     * Use sam_segment_stat to get the stat information for all of the
     * data segments of the file.
    result = sam_segment_stat(path, data_seg_info_ptr,
                                               number_of_data_segments *
                                               sizeof(struct sam_stat));
} else {
     * File is not segmented, just use the stat information from the
     * sam_stat call
    memcpy((void *) data_seg_info_ptr, (void *)file_info, sizeof(struct sam_stat));
if (!SS_ISSEGMENT_F(file_info.attr)) {
    number_of_data_segments = 1;
    data_seg_info_ptr = &file_info_ptr;

 * data_seg_info_ptr now points to an array of sam_stat structures.
 * There is one sam_stat structure for each data segment and they are
 * indexed 0 through  number_of_data_segments - 1.
 * Do not forget to deallocate the memory buffer pointed to by
 * data_seg_info_ptr using free.


ssum (1).

mknod (2), stat (2).

sam_getdigest (3x).