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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 1m: Maintenance Commands
Release 6.1.1


samcmd - Executes StorageTek QFS and Oracle HSM operator utility commands


samcmd command





samcmd executes a single StorageTek QFS or Oracle HSM operator utility command. Its purpose is to provide shell script access to the commands and displays available in samu (1m).

samcmd uses the first argument as the samu command or display name. Succeeding arguments are the arguments for that samu command.


The syntax for the commands is identical to that shown in the COMMANDS section of samu (1m). Note that the colon (:) hot key is not required for samcmd to distinguish commands from displays.


samcmd can produce displays on standard output similar to those displayed by samu. While for samu the information is paged to display a screen at a time if there is more than one screen of information available, samcmd produces the entire amount of information for a given display. Hence there is no need for equivalents of the control-f, control-b, control-d, and control-u hotkeys. Note that the formatting of the information may be slightly different on the samcmd output file than on the samu display. Since the format of the display control (single letter) commands can be modified by other hotkeys under samu, some equivalents are provided for samcmd as follows:

umediatype [path]
veq [sort] [I | I I]
wmediatype [path]

The sort selections for the v display are: 1 slot, 2 count, 3 usage, 4 VSN, 5 access time, 6 barcode, 7 label time. Specifying a single I for the v display shows a two-line display with the barcode, blocksize, etc. in the second line. Specifying two I's for the v display shows a two-line display with the archiver volume reservation information in the second line. Specifying a single I for the x display shows a two-line display with the number of copied and total bytes, number of total, copied, tar checked, updated copy field in the inode and logged archive copies. Specifying a single I for the y display shows a two-line display with the detailed status information. Specifying a single I for the s, t, or z displays shows a detailed display including cloud tape drives.


The following example loads a cartridge from slot 2 in automated library 30:

      samcmd load 30:2

The following example produces a detailed archiver display for filesystem samfs3 on standard output:

      samcmd a samfs3

The following example produces a display, on standard output, of the staging queue restricted to stages from media type "lt", showing the full paths of the files to be staged.

      samcmd u lt path

The following example produces a display of automated library 50's catalog, with the archiver volume reservation information, on standard output:

      samcmd v 50 I I


samu (1m)