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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 4: File Formats
Release 6.1.1


samdb.conf - Oracle HSM mySQL database access file






The file ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕samdb.conf contains access parameters to the mySQL database for each Oracle HSM family set.

Each entry is a single line of the form:

password:database name:port:


.ne 2 .mk family_set_name .rt is the Oracle HSM family set name.

The family_set_name field must contain at least one character and must not contain a colon (:) or a newline (\fB\n).

.ne 2 .mk host .rt is the hostname of the mySQL database server. It may be either a hostname or an IP address. If host is NULL or the string "localhost", a connection to the local host is assumed. .ne 2 .mk user .rt is the MySQL login ID. .ne 2 .mk password .rt is the MySQL password corresponding with the user name. .ne 2 .mk database_name .rt is the MySQL database name. .ne 2 .mk port .rt is the TCP∕IP port being used by the Oracle HSM database server. If the value of port is blank or 0, the default of 3306 is used. Note, the port field is inoperative for localhost databases. .ne 2 .mk client_flag .rt is the value of the client flag. See mySQL function mysql-real-connect() for details. .ne 2 .mk mount_point .rt is the file system mount point for this family set.

Blank lines are treated as malformed entries and will cause consumers of the file to fail.


The following is a sample samdb.conf file:∕sam∕sam1

In this example, two family sets are represented. The first line shows samfs1 which connects to the database on via TCP port 7009 with database name samfs1. The second line shows samfs2 which connects to the database on localhost with database name samfs2test.