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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 1m: Maintenance Commands
Release 6.1.1


samfstyp - Determines StorageTek QFS or Oracle HSM file system type


∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕samfstyp [-v] device




The samfstyp utility displays the StorageTek QFS or Oracle HSM file system type of the file system identified by device. Optionally, samfstyp displays detailed information about that file system.

You must be the Superuser to use this utility. If the file system is not a StorageTek QFS or Oracle HSM file system, or if you are not the Superuser, no output is generated.

The first line of samfstyp output identifies the file system type of the specified device. Available file system types are:


StorageTek QFS file system with superblock version 1


StorageTek QFS file system with current superblock


Oracle HSM archiving file system with superblock version 1


Oracle HSM archiving file system with current superblock

The samfstyp utility displays detailed information about the identified StorageTek QFS or Oracle HSM file system. Information may be displayed for some, or all, of the following items, subject to file system configuration:


This command accepts the following options:


Generates detailed information about the StorageTek QFS or Oracle HSM file system identified by device.


Identifies the device from which the file system is analyzed.


Example 1:

fireball# cat ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕mcf
qfs1                    10      ma      qfs1    on
∕dev∕dsk∕c6t0d0s3       11      mm      qfs1    on
∕dev∕dsk∕c6t0d0s4       15      mr      qfs1    on
fireball# samfstyp ∕dev∕rdsk∕c6t0d0s4

Example 2:

fireball# samfstyp -v ∕dev∕rdsk∕c6t0d0s4
∕dev∕rdsk∕c6t0d0s4 {
  name                 = SBLK                
  magic                = 0x76657232          
  gen                  = 0                   
  id                   = 0x3f3426798333ada1  
  init                 = Fri Aug  8 17:38:49 
  update               = Fri Aug  8 17:38:49 
  state                = clean               
  sb1_offset           = 0                   
  sb2_offset           = 0                   
  host_offset          = 0                   
  inode_offset         = 0                   
  user_min_inode       = 1025                
  ext_shift            = 12                  
  sm_meta_blocks       = 4                   
  lg_meta_blocks       = 16                  
  sm_data_blocks       = 64                  
  lg_data_blocks       = 64                  
  eq_id                = 10                  
  fset_name            = qfs1                
  fset_ord             = 1                   
  fset_blks_free       = 0                   
  fset_blks            = 0                   
  fset_meta_count      = 1                   
  fset_data_count      = 1                   
  fset_count           = 2                   
  fset 0 {
    ord                  = 0                   
    eq_id                = 11                  
    dev_type             = mm                  
    slice_state          = clean               
    meta_ord             = 0                   
    stripe_count         = 1                   
    part_blocks_free     = 2098496             
    part_blocks          = 2098928             
    alloc_map_offset     = 18                  
    alloc_map_blocks     = 73014444050         
    lg_dau_next          = 0                   
    lg_dau_count         = 131183              
    sys_blocks           = 274878038127        
  fset 1 {
    ord                  = 1                   
    eq_id                = 15                  
    dev_type             = mr                  
    slice_state          = clean               
    meta_ord             = 0                   
    stripe_count         = 1                   
    part_blocks_free     = 2098816             
    part_blocks          = 2098880             
    alloc_map_offset     = 35                  
    alloc_map_blocks     = 21474836515         
    lg_dau_next          = 0                   
    lg_dau_count         = 32795               
    sys_blocks           = 274877939739        
  vtoc {
    label                = SUN9.0G cyl 4924 alt
    boot                 = 0x0∕0x0∕0x0         
    sanity               = 0x600ddeee          
    layout               = 1                   
    name                 = ''                  
    sector_size          = 512                 
    part_count           = 8                   
    part 0 {
      id                   = unassigned          
      permissions          = (none)              
      first_sector         = 0                   
      blocks               = 132867              
    part 1 {
      id                   = unassigned          
      permissions          = (none)              
      first_sector         = 132867              
      blocks               = 4197879             
    part 2 {
      id                   = backup              
      permissions          = (none)              
      first_sector         = 0                   
      blocks               = 17682084            
    part 3 {
      id                   = unassigned          
      permissions          = (none)              
      first_sector         = 4330746             
      blocks               = 4197879             
    part 4 {
      id                   = unassigned          
      permissions          = (none)              
      first_sector         = 8528625             
      blocks               = 4197879             
    part 5 {
      id                   = unassigned          
      permissions          = (none)              
      first_sector         = 12726504            
      blocks               = 4197879             
    part 6 {
      id                   = unassigned          
      permissions          = (none)              
      first_sector         = 16924383            
      blocks               = 757701              
    part 7 {
      id                   = unassigned          
      permissions          = unmountable         
      first_sector         = 0                   
      blocks               = 0                   
  controller {
    name                 = pci1000,f           
    type                 = scsi-ccs            
    flags                = 0x8                 
    number               = 3                   
    address              = 0x0                 
    bus                  = 0x0                 
    intr_pri             = 0                   
    intr_vec             = 0x0                 
    drive_name           = sd                  
    unit_num             = 45                  
    slave_num            = 0                   
    part_num             = 4                   
    max_trans            = 2048                
  geometry {
    data_cyl             = 4924                
    alt_cyl              = 2                   
    cyl_offset           = 0                   
    heads                = 27                  
    track_sect           = 133                 
    interleave           = 1                   
    cyl_alt              = 0                   
    rpm                  = 7200                
    phys_cyl             = 4926                
    sect_read_skip       = 0                   
    sect_write_skip      = 63                  


fstyp (1M)