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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 1m: Maintenance Commands
Release 6.1.1


showqueue - Display content of an archiver queue files


∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕showqueue [ -a] [ -b] [ -d] [ -s] [ -v] [ -f] [ -c] [ filesystem[ archreq …]]

∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕showqueue [ -b] [ -d] [ -c] [ -v] -q archreq




showqueue reads the archreq files named in the argument list and prints the information.

If there are no names in the argument list, the scanlist and all ArchReq files are printed for all mounted filesystems.

If there is only one name in the argument list, the scanlist and all ArchReq files are printed for that filesystem.

Otherwise, print only the listed ArchReq files.



ArchReqs. Print only ArchReqs.


Print the space in base 10 units. By default, the space is printed in base 2 units.


Use the current working directory as the base for files to display. Without this option, showqueue uses the standard location for all archiver data (∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕archiver∕fs_name).


Debug. Print ArchReq structure fields with no interpretation.


Follow. If not using -q \, showqueue will not terminate after printing the requested queue information, but will enter an endless loop, wherein it sleeps for five seconds and then repeats the command.


Print the ArchReq file archreq. archreq is the actual name of the ArchReq. This option is provided to allow the user to examine an ArchReq that is not under control of the archiver. For instance, when the ArchReq is imported from another system.


Scanlist. Print only the scanlist.


Print information about each file to be archived in the ArchReq files.

Example output for: showqueue -v samfs3

showqueue -v samfs3
Filesystem samfs3:  
Files waiting to start:         10
Files being scheduled:           0
Files archiving:                 0
Events processed:              129
    archive             0
    change              3
    close              60
    create             66
    hwm                 0
    modify              0
    rearchive           0
    rename              0
    remove              0
    unarchive           0
    internal            0
Exam list: 11 entries
 2007-04-11 14:41:12 Archmax
 2007-04-11 14:41:09 Archmax∕dir1
 2007-04-11 14:41:10 Archmax∕dir2
 2007-04-11 14:39:10 Archmax∕dir2∕file0
 2007-04-11 14:39:10 Archmax∕dir2∕file1
 2007-04-11 14:39:10 Archmax∕dir2∕file2
 2007-04-11 14:39:10 Archmax∕dir2∕file3
 2007-04-11 14:39:10 Archmax∕dir2∕file4
 2007-04-11 14:39:12 Archmax∕dir5∕file7
 2007-04-11 14:39:12 Archmax∕dir5∕file8
 2007-04-11 14:39:12 Archmax∕dir5∕file9
Scan list  Examine: noscan
  0 2007-04-12 00:00:00 background       ---- inodes
Archive requests
samfs1.Archmax.1.0 create 2007-04-11 14:39:09
    files:10 space:  10.005M flags:
    Start archive at 2007-04-11 14:40:09 | 10000 files |   10.0G bytes
    type:f ino:1037 s:0∕f:0 space:   1.000M time:1176320229 priority:4000
    type:f ino:1038 s:0∕f:0 space:   1.000M time:1176320229 priority:4000
    type:f ino:1039 s:0∕f:0 space:   1.000M time:1176320229 priority:4000
    type:f ino:1040 s:0∕f:0 space:   1.000M time:1176320229 priority:4000
    type:f ino:1041 s:0∕f:0 space:   1.000M time:1176320229 priority:4000
    type:f ino:1042 s:0∕f:0 space:   1.000M time:1176320229 priority:4000
    type:f ino:1043 s:0∕f:0 space:   1.000M time:1176320229 priority:4000
    type:f ino:1044 s:0∕f:0 space:   1.000M time:1176320229 priority:4000
    type:f ino:1045 s:0∕f:0 space:   1.000M time:1176320229 priority:4000
    type:f ino:1046 s:0∕f:0 space:   1.000M time:1176320229 priority:4000
The scanlist shows the following:
 1    Scanlist entry number
 2-3  Time to scan directory
 4    Archive Set if known
 5    Archive copies expected during scan
 6    Scan depth
 7    Directory to scan
 8    If present, start scan at this subdirectory