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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 1: User Commands
Release 6.1.1


stage - Set staging attributes and copy off-line files to disk


stage [ -a] [ -c n] [ -d] [ -f] [ -I] [ -iinput_file ] [ -w] [ -n] [ -p] [ -V] [ -x] [ -r] [filename…]





stage sets staging attributes on a directory or file, transfers one or more off-line files from the archive media to magnetic disk, or cancels a pending or active stage request. By default, staging is automatically done when the file is accessed. If none of the -a, -d, -n, or -x options is specified, staging is initiated.

When stage attributes are set on a directory, files or directories subsequently created in that directory inherit those attributes.

Stage attributes may be set only by the owner of the file or the superuser. Staging can be initiated or canceled either by the owner, superuser, or other user with read or execute permission.



Set the associative staging attribute on the file or directory. Associative staging is activated when a regular file that has the associative staging attribute set is staged. All files in the same directory that have the associative staging attribute set are staged. If a symbolic link has the associative staging attribute set, the file pointed to by the symbolic link is staged. Not valid with stage never attribute -n.

-c n

Stage from the archive copy number n.


Returns staging attributes on the file to the default. When this option is specified the attributes are first reset to the default, then other attribute-setting options are processed. The only action taken is that attributes are reset.


Do not report errors.


Stage immediate. This option allows the system to place the request in front of the pending requests. Caution, if there are pending requests, those requests are staged after all immediate requests has completed. This option must be run with root permissions.

-i input_file

The name of a file containing file names to be processed. Every file named in the input file must be on a separate line; leading and trailing white space is removed. If the input file name is specified as a single dash (`-') standard input is read. This option cannot be used when file names are specified on the command line. If the -r option is specified its behavior is applied to all files in the input file.


Wait for each file to be staged back on-line before completing. Not valid with -d, or -n.

Note that when staging many files at once (such as with stage -r -w .) the "-w" option causes each file to be completely staged before the stage request for the next file is issued. This does not allow the system to sort the stage requests in the order that the files are archived on the media. In order to get the best performance in this situation, do the following:

stage -r . stage -r -w .


Specifies that the file never be automatically staged. The file will be read directly from the archive media. The mmap function is not supported if the stage -n attribute is set. The stage -n attribute is not valid with the associative staging attribute -a. The stage -n attribute is not valid with the checksum use attribute (ssum -u). The stage -n attribute is not supported on a Oracle HSM shared file system client; the entire file is staged when accessed on a client. If stage -n is issued while the file is being staged, EINVAL is returned.


Specifies that the offline regular file's partial blocks be staged.


Recursively stages or sets attributes for files contained in the supplied file name(s) and their subdirectories. Symbolic links that are encountered when this option is in effect are not traversed.


Turns on verbose display. A message will be displayed for each file on which a stage will be attempted.


Cancel a pending or active stage request for the named file(s).

filename  …

Specifies one or more file names. Specifying file names is mutually exclusive with the -i option. If a single file name is specified as a single dash (`-') stage reads the list of files from standard input.


If the application writes (see write(2)) to a file or the application mmaps (see mmap(2)) a file with prot set to PROT_WRITE, the file is staged in and the application waits until the stage has completed. The stage -n attribute is ignored and the file is completely staged back online.


release (1), archive (1), ssum (1), mount_samfs (1m), mmap(2), write(2)