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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 1m: Maintenance Commands
Release 6.1.1


tplabel - Label tape


tplabel -vsn vvvvvv -[ new | old vv…] [ -b blksize] [ -w] [ -V] [ -erase] eq

tplabel -vsn vvvvvv -[ new | old vv…] [ -b blksize] [ -w] [ -V] [ -erase] eq:slot

tplabel -vsn vvvvvv -[ new | old vv…] [ -b blksize] [ -w] [ -V] [ -erase] mediatype.vsn


tplabel labels the tape volume specified by eq:slot. eq is the equipment number. If eq is a library, slot is the slot in the library containing the tape cartridge.

The following sequence of labels is written:


The labels conform to ANSI X3.27-1987 File Structure and Labeling of Magnetic Tapes for Information Interchange.

-vsn vvvvvv specifies the volume serial name (VSN) of the tape being labeled. The VSN must be one to six characters in length. All characters in the VSN must be selected from the 26 upper-case letters, the 10 digits, and the following special characters: !"%&'()*+,-.∕:;=?_.

If the media being labeled was previously labeled, the VSN must be specified by -old vv…. The "old" VSN is compared with the VSN on the media to assure that the correct media is being relabeled.

If the media is not labeled (i.e., blank), -new must be specified to prevent the previous label comparison from being made.



Verbose, lists label information written.

-b blksize

specifies the blocksize for this tape. The value must be one of 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 or 2048 and represents the size of the tape block in units of 1024. This option overrides the default blocksize.


Erases the media completely before a label is written. This is a security feature that is normally not necessary. Complete media erasure will take a long time to perform since all data in the media is erased.


Wait for the labeling operation to complete. If an error occurs, it will be reported along with a completion code of 1. All labeling errors are also logged. Note: Canceling a command that is waiting for completion will not cause the operation itself to be canceled.