A Understanding Archiver and Migration Logs

Archiver and migration logs record the exact locations of files that have been copied to tape. Should you need to recover a file system, these log files contain information that lets you restore any files that cannot be found using the available recovery point files.

The following table defines each field in the archiver log.

Field Typical Value Meaning
1 A The type of archive activity logged: A (archived), R (re-archived), or U (unarchived)
2 2015/03/23 The date of the archive action, in the form yyyy/mm/dd.
3 18:42:06 The time of the archive activity, in the form hh:mm:ss.
4 ti The archive media type. Media types, are discussed in Appendix B, "Glossary of Equipment Types" and on the mcf(4) man page.
5 VOL004 The volume serial number (VSN) of a removable media volume or the volume name and tar(1) path to a file archived on disk media.
6 arset0.1 The Oracle HSM archive set name and copy number.
7 9a089.132 The physical position of the start of the archive file (tar file) on media and the file offset within the archive file, in hexadecimal format.
8 hsm1 The name of the file system that holds the file.
9 118.51 The inode number and generation number of the file. The generation number is used in addition to the inode number for uniqueness because inode numbers are reused.
10 162514 The length of the file if the file is written on only one volume. Length of the section if the file is written on multiple volumes.
11 t0/fdn The path and name of the file relative to the mount point of the file system.
12 f The type of file: d (directory), f (file), l (symbolic link), R (removable-media file), I (segment index), or S (data segment)
13 0 The section number of an overflowed file or segment. If the file is an overflowed file, the value is non-zero. Otherwise the value is 0.
14 56 The equipment ordinal of the drive on which the file was archived.

The following example shows sample lines from an archiver log file.

A 2014/03/23 18:42:06 ti VOL004 arset0.1 9a089.1329 hsm1 118.51 162514 t0/fdn f 0 54
A 2014/03/23 18:42:10 ti VOL004 arset0.1 9aac2.1 hsm1 189.53 1515016 t0/fae f 0 56
A 2014/03/23 18:42:10 ti VOL004 arset0.1 9aac2.b92 hsm1 125.53 867101 t0/fai f 0 50
A 2014/03/24 13:30:24 dk DISK01/d8/d16/f2 arset4.1 810d8.1 hsm1 11971.30 1136048 t1/dat0 f 0 0
A 2014/03/24 13:30:25 dk DISK01/d8/d16/f2 arset4.1 810d8.8d hsm1 11973.9 1849474 t1/dat9 f 0 0
A 2014/03/24 13:30:25 dk DISK01/d8/d16/f3 arset4.1 810d8.96 hsm1 119576.6 644930 t1/file7 f 0 0

Media migration logs are very similar to archive logs. The archive-activity and the archive-set/copy-number fields are omitted, and the last three fields are unique to migration logs. All other fields are the same. Note, however, that there is a separate migration log for each volume migrated. Each log file is in the logging directory specified by the migrationd.cmd file.

Field Typical Value Meaning
 1 2015/03/23 The date of the migration action, in the form yyyy/mm/dd.
 2 18:42:06 The time of the migration activity, in the form hh:mm:ss.
 3 ti The archive media type. Media types, are discussed in Appendix B, "Glossary of Equipment Types" and on the mcf(4) man page.
 4 VOL004 The volume serial number (VSN) of a removable media volume or the volume name and tar(1) path to a file archived on disk media.
 5 9a089.19 The physical position of the start of the archive file (tar file) on media and the file offset within the archive file, in hexadecimal format.
 6 hsm1 The name of the file system that holds the file.
 7 118.51 The inode number and generation number of the file. The generation number is used in addition to the inode number for uniqueness because inode numbers are reused.
 8 162514 The length of the file if the file is written on only one volume. Length of the section if the file is written on multiple volumes.
9 dat0/datA The path and name of the file relative to the mount point of the file system.
10 f The type of file: d (directory), f (file), l (symbolic link), I (segment index), or S (data segment)
11 s The copy mode used for the migration: either s (server copy) or x (xcopy).
12 801 The equipment ordinal of the drive that mounted the source volume.
13 804 The equipment ordinal of the drive that mounted the destination volume.

The following example shows representative lines from the migration log file hsm_migration_logs/li.VOL001, which logs migration of the LTO tape VOL001 to new media:

2015/10/16 12:14:12 li VOL012 2 4.1 hsmfs1 1026.1 0 .domain f s 804 801
2015/10/16 12:14:12 li VOL012 2 4.2 hsmfs1 1025.1 0 .fuid f s 804 801
2015/10/16 12:14:12 li VOL012 2 6.1 hsmfs1 1040.1 14971 data0/dat0A f s 804 801
2015/10/16 12:14:12 li VOL012 2 6.20 hsmfs1 1041.1 14971 data0/dat0B f s 804 801
2015/10/16 12:14:12 li VOL012 2 6.3f hsmfs1 1042.1 14971 data0/dat0C f s 804 801
2015/10/16 12:14:12 li VOL012 2 6.5e hsmfs1 1043.1 14971 data0/dat0D f s 804 801