3 Managing Oracle HSM File Systems

This chapter covers file-system maintenance and reconfiguration tasks. The first section, Managing Oracle HSM File Systems, addresses maintenance of all Oracle HSM file systems, archiving and non-archiving, shared and unshared (standalone). The second section, Managing Oracle HSM Shared File Systems, deals with special considerations that affect shared file systems.

Managing Oracle HSM File Systems

This section outlines the following tasks:

Administering File System Quotas

Set file system quotas to control the online and total storage space that a given user or collection of users can consume within the file system. You can set quotas by user ID, by group ID, or by an administrator-defined admin set ID that groups users by common characteristics, such as participation in a particular project. The admin set ID is especially useful when a project includes users from several groups and spans multiple directories and files.

You enable quotas by mounting a file system with the quota mount option (set by default) and disable quotas by mounting it with the noquota mount option. You define the quotas by placing one or more quota files in the file system root directory: .quota_u, .quota_g, and .quota_a, which set quotas for users, groups, and admin sets, respectively. The first record in each file, record 0, sets the default values. Subsequent records set values specific to particular users, groups, or admin sets.

Quotas allocate usable file-system space, not simply storage space. They thus set upper limits on both the number of 512-byte blocks allocated on the media and the number of inodes allocated in the file system. The block count measures the storage space per se. The inode count measures the resources available for accessing that storage. A single file that used a great many blocks of storage space but only one inode might thus take up the same amount of file-system space as a great many empty, zero-length files that take up many inodes and no blocks.

Each quota can include both soft and hard limits. A hard limit defines the maximum file-system resources that all of a given owner's files can use temporarily. A soft limit defines the maximum file-system resources that the owner's files can use indefinitely. Resource usage can grow to amounts that lie between the soft and hard limits only for brief intervals, as defined by the grace period in the quota.

This section describes the following administrative tasks:

Characterize the Storage Requirements of Users, Groups, and Organizational Units

To set sustainable quotas, you have to set limits that accommodate user requirements in a way that is both manageable and scalable. So, before setting quotas, estimate the storage requirements of your users. To keep the process manageable, start by classifying user requirements as broadly as possible, so that you address the greatest number of requirements with the smallest amount of administrative effort. You can then specially assess a small number of user requirements that do not fit in to the broader categories. The results will provide the broad outlines of the quotas and types of limits that you will set.

The approach outlined below starts by identifying the file-system requirements of access-control groups, since most organizations already define these groups. Then it defines special sets of users whose needs do not align well with those of the standard groups. Then and only then does it begin to address any requirements that are unique to individual users. Proceed as follows:

  1. Since your existing access-control groups already gather together users with similar resource requirements, start by defining the average storage requirements of any groups that will use the file system. Estimate both the average amount of storage space used (in 512-kilobyte blocks) and the average number of files stored, which is equivalent to the average number of inodes used.

    Since group members typically have similar organizational roles and work responsibilities, they frequently need access to the same directories and files and generally make similar demands on storage. In the example, we identify three groups that will use the file system /hsm/hqfs1: dev (Product Development), cit (Corporate Information Technologies), and pgmt (Program Management). We list the groups, the number of members in each, and their average individual and group requirements in a simple spreadsheet:

    Group Users Average Blocks Per User Average Files Per User Average Blocks/Group Average Files/Group
    Total Blocks/ Files (Average)          

  2. Next, carry out the same calculations for the maximum amount of storage space and the maximum number of files that group members will store at any given time. Record the results.

    In the example, we record the results in a new spreadsheet:

    Group Users Maximum Blocks Per User Maximum Files Per User Maximum Blocks/Group Maximum Files/Group
    Total Blocks/ Files (Maximum)          

  3. Now identify any sets of users that belong to different groups but share distinct storage requirements that cannot be not addressed on the basis of group membership. Make the same estimates and carry out the same calculations for each identified organization as you did for each access-control group.

    In the example, we identify two company projects that will require storage allocations, code named portal and lockbox. Members of the engineering, marketing, compliance, test, and documentation groups will work together on these projects and will use the same directories and many of the same files. So we add them to our requirements spreadsheets:

    Group Users Average Blocks Per User Average Files Per User Average Blocks/Group Average Files/Group
    Total Blocks/ Files (Average)          

    Group Users Maximum Blocks Per User Maximum Files Per User Maximum Blocks/Group Maximum Files/Group
    Total Blocks/ Files (Maximum)          

  4. Now identify any individual users whose requirements have not yet been addressed. Make the same estimates and carry out the same calculations for each user as you did for each access-control group and non-group organization.

    Where possible, address user requirements collectively, so that polices are uniform and management overhead is at a minimum. However, when individual requirements are unique, you need to address them individually. In the example, we identify jr23547 in the pgmt group as a user whose special responsibilities require special storage allocations. So we add him to our requirements spreadsheets:

    Group Users Per Set Average Blocks Per User Average Files Per User Average Blocks Average Files
    Total Blocks/ Files (Average)          

    Group Users Maximum Blocks Per User Maximum Files Per User Maximum Blocks/Group Maximum Files/Group
    Total Blocks/ Files (Maximum)          

  5. Finally, calculate the average and maximum blocks and files that all users require.

    Group Users Average Blocks Per User Average Files Per User Average Blocks/Group Average Files/Group
    Total Blocks/ Files (Average)      

    Group Users Maximum Blocks Per User Maximum Files Per User Maximum Blocks/Group Maximum Files/Group
    Total Blocks/ Files (Average)      

  6. If you need to administer project-based quotas or other quotas that cannot be defined by access-control group and user IDs, create admin sets for projects and for directories used by multiple groups.

  7. If you need to set quotas on newly created file systems that do not yet hold files, enable quotas on these new file systems now.

  8. Otherwise, if you need to set quotas on existing file systems that already hold files, enable quotas on these older file systems now.

Create Admin Sets for Projects and for Directories Used by Multiple Groups

An admin set is a directory hierarchy or an individual directory or file that is identified for quota purposes by an admin set ID. All files created with a specified admin set ID or stored in a directory with a specified admin set ID have the same quotas, regardless of the user or group IDs that actually own the files. To define admin sets, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the file-system server as root.

    In the example, the server is named mds:

  2. If you are using an admin set to configure storage quotas for a new project or team, create a new directory somewhere within the file system for this project or team.

    In the example, we create the directory in the /hsm/hqfs1 file system and name it portalproject/ for the project of the same name:

    root@mds:~# mkdir /hsm/hqfs1/portalproject 
  3. Assign an admin set ID to the directory or file on which you need to set a quota. Use the command samchaid [-fhR] admin-set-id directory-or-file-name, where:

    • -f forces the assignment and does not report errors.

    • -h assigns the admin set ID to symbolic links. Without this option, the group of the file referenced by the symbolic link is changed.

    • -R assigns the admin set ID recursively to subdirectories and files.

    • admin-set-id is a unique integer value.

    • directory-or-file-name is the name of the directory or file to which you are assigning the admin set ID.

    In the example, we assign the admin ID 1 to the directory /hsm/hqfs1/portalproject/ and all of its subdirectories and files.

    root@mds:~# samchaid -R 1 /hsm/hqfs1/portalproject/
  4. You can check the assignment, if desired. Use the command sls -D directory-path, where the -D specifies a detailed Oracle HSM directory listing for files and directories in directory-path:

    root@mds:~# sls -D /hsm/hqfs1/
      mode: drwxr-xr-x    links:   2  owner: root        group: root      
      length:      4096  admin id:    1  inode:     1047.1
      project: user.root(1)
      access:      Feb 24 12:49  modification: Feb 24 12:44
      changed:     Feb 24 12:49  attributes:   Feb 24 12:44
      creation:    Feb 24 12:44  residence:    Feb 24 12:44
  5. If you need to set quotas on newly created file systems that do not yet hold files, enable quotas on these new file systems now.

  6. Otherwise, if you need to set quotas on existing file systems that already hold files, enable quotas on these older file systems now.

Enable Quotas on New File Systems

Use this procedure if you are creating a new file system and if no files currently reside in the file system.

  1. Log in to the file-system server as root.

    In the example, the server is named mds:

  2. If the new file system is not currently mounted, mount it before proceeding.

    root@mds:~# mount /hsm/newfs
  3. If you have to set up quotas for groups, create a group quota file in the file-system root directory, .quota_g. Use the Solaris command dd if=/dev/zero of=mountpoint/.quota_g bs=4096 count=number-blocks, where:

    • if=/dev/zero specifies null characters from the UNIX special file /dev/zero as the input.

    • of=mountpoint/.quota_g specifies the output file, where mountpoint is the mount point directory for the file system.

    • bs=4096 sets the block size for the write to 4096 bytes.

    • count=number-blocks specifies the number of blocks to write. This value depends on the number of records that the file will hold. There is one 128-byte record for each specified quota, so one block can accommodate 32 records.

    In the example, we create the group quota file for the file system newfs mounted at /newfs. During the requirements-gathering phase, we identified three groups that need quotas on the file system, dev, cit, and pgmt. We do not anticipate adding any other group quotas, so we size the file at one block:

    root@mds:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/hsm/newfs/.quota_g bs=4096 count=1
  4. If you have to set up quotas for admin sets, create an admin set quota file in the file-system root directory, .quota_a. Use the Solaris command dd if=/dev/zero of=mountpoint/.quota_a bs=4096, where:

    • mountpoint is the mount point directory for the file system.

    • .quota_a is the name of the output file.

    • 4096 is the block size for the write in bytes.

    • number-blocks is the number of blocks to write.

    In the example, we create the admin sets quota file for the file system newfs mounted at /newfs. During the requirements-gathering phase, we identified two projects that need quotas on the file system, portal (admin set ID 1) and lockbox (admin set ID 2). We do not anticipate adding any other admin set quotas, so we size the file at one block:

    root@mds:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/hsm/newfs/.quota_a bs=4096 count=1
  5. If you have to set up quotas for users, create a user quota file, .quota_u, in the file-system root directory. Use the Solaris command dd if=/dev/zero of=mountpoint/.quota_u bs=4096 count=number-blocks, where:

    • mountpoint is the mount point directory for the file system.

    • .quota_u is the name of the output file.

    • 4096 is the block size for the write in bytes.

    • number-blocks is the number of blocks to write.

    In the example, we create the user quota file for the file system newfs mounted at /newfs. During the requirements-gathering phase, we identified one user that needed specific quotas on the file system, jr23547. We do not anticipate adding any other individual user quotas, so we size the file at one block:

    root@mds:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/hsm/newfs/.quota_u bs=4096 count=1
  6. Unmount the file system.

    You must unmount the file system before you can remount it and enable the quota files.

    root@mds:~# umount /hsm/newfs
  7. Perform a file system check.

    root@mds:~# samfsck -F newfs
    samfsck: Configuring file system
    samfsck: Enabling the sam-fsd service.
    name:     newfs1       version:     2A          
    First pass
    Second pass
    Third pass
  8. Remount the file system.

    The system enables quotas when it detects one or more quota files in the root directory of the file system.

    You do not need to include the quota mount option in the /etc/vfstab or samfs.cmd file, because file systems are mounted with quotas enabled by default.

    root@mds:~# mount /hsm/newfs
  9. If you need to set quotas on existing file systems that already hold files, enable quotas on these older file systems now.

  10. Otherwise, set quotas as needed.

Enable Quotas on Existing File Systems

Use this procedure if you are creating quotas for a file system that already holds files.

  1. Log in to the file-system server as root.

    In the example, the server is named mds:

  2. Open the /etc/vfstab file in a text editor, and make sure that the noquota mount option has not been set.

    In the example, we open the file in the vi text editor. The noquota mount option has been set:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/vfstab
    #Device        Device   Mount             System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount      to fsck  Point             Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #------------  -------  ---------------   ------  ----  -------  ------------
    /devices       -        /devices          devfs   -     no       -
    /proc          -        /proc             proc    -     no       -
    hqfs1          -        /hsm/hqfs1        samfs   -     no       noquota
  3. If the noquota mount option has been set in the /etc/vfstab file, delete it and save the file.

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/vfstab
    #Device        Device   Mount             System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount      to fsck  Point             Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #------------  -------  ---------------   ------  ----  -------  ------------
    /devices       -        /devices          devfs   -     no       -
    /proc          -        /proc             proc    -     no       -
    hqfs1          -        /hsm/hqfs1        samfs   -     no       -
  4. If a samfs.cmd file exists in the directory /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/, open it in a text editor. In the section fs = filesystem, where filesystem is the name of the file system in which you are enabling quotas, search for the mount option noquota, which may also be written \0 quota.

    In the example, the noquota mount option has been applied to the hqfs file system:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samfs.cmd
    #inodes = 0
    fs = hqfs1
    #  forcedirectio (default no forcedirectio)
      high = 80
      low = 70
    #  weight_size = 1.
    #  weight_age = 1.
    #  readahead = 128
    #  stripe = 1    (ms filesystem or ma filesystem with mr disks)
    #  stripe = 0    (ma filesystem with striped groups)
    #  dio_rd_form_min = 256
  5. If the noquota mount option has been set in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samfs.cmd file, comment it out or delete it. Save the file, and close the editor.

    In the example, we comment out the line:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samfs.cmd
    #inodes = 0
    fs = hqfs1
    #  forcedirectio (default no forcedirectio)
      high = 80
      low = 70
    #  weight_size = 1.
    #  weight_age = 1.
    #  readahead = 128
    #  noquota
    #  stripe = 1    (ms filesystem or ma filesystem with mr disks)
    #  stripe = 0    (ma filesystem with striped groups)
    #  dio_rd_form_min = 256
  6. If you made changes to the /etc/vfstab and/or /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samfs.cmd files, unmount the file system and then remount it.

    When you remove or disable the noquota mount option in a configuration file, you must unmount and remount the affected file system to enable quotas.

    root@mds:~# umount /hsm/hqfs1
    root@mds:~# mount /hsm/hqfs1
  7. Change to the root directory of the file system and check for any existing quota files. Use the Solaris command ls -a and look for the files .quota_g, .quota_a, and/or .quota_u.

    In the example, no quota files currently exist.

    root@mds:~# cd /hsm/hqfs1
    root@mds:~# ls -a /hsm/hqfs1
    .              .archive       .fuid          .stage         portalproject
    ..             .domain        .inodes        lost+found
  8. If quota files exist, do not modify them.

  9. If you have to set up quotas for groups and the group quota file, .quota_g, does not already exist in the file-system root directory, create the file now. Use the Solaris command dd if=/dev/zero of=mountpoint/.quota_g bs=4096 count=number-blocks, where:

    • if=/dev/zero specifies null characters from the UNIX special file /dev/zero as the input.

    • of=mountpoint/.quota_g specifies the output file, where mountpoint is the mount point directory for the file system.

    • bs=4096 sets the block size for the write to 4096 bytes.

    • count=number-blocks specifies the number of blocks to write. This value depends on the number of records that the file will hold. There is one 128-byte record for each specified quota, so one block can accommodate 32 records.

    In the example, we create the group quota file for the file system /hsm/hqfs1 mounted at /hsm/hqfs1. During the requirements-gathering phase, we identified three groups that need quotas on the file system, dev, cit, and pgmt. We do not anticipate adding any other group quotas, so we size the file at one block:

    root@mds:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/hsm/hqfs1/.quota_g bs=4096 count=1
    1+0 records in
    1+0 records out
  10. If you have to set up quotas for admin sets and the admin sets quota file, .quota_a, does not already exist in the file-system root directory, create the file now. Use the Solaris command dd if=/dev/zero of=mountpoint/.quota_a bs=4096 count=number-blocks, where:

    • mountpoint is the mount point directory for the file system.

    • .quota_a is the name of the output file.

    • 4096 is the block size for the write in bytes.

    • number-blocks is the number of blocks to write.

    In the example, we create the admin sets quota file for the file system /hsm/hqfs1 mounted at /hsm/hqfs1. During the requirements-gathering phase, we identified two projects that need quotas on the file system, portal (admin set ID 1) and lockbox (admin set ID 2). We do not anticipate adding any other admin set quotas, so we size the file at one block:

    root@mds:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/hsm/hqfs1/.quota_a bs=4096 count=1
    1+0 records in
    1+0 records out
  11. If you have to set up quotas for users and the user quota file, .quota_u, does not already exist in the file-system root directory, create the file now. Use the Solaris command dd if=/dev/zero of=mountpoint/.quota_u bs=4096 count=number-blocks, where:

    • mountpoint is the mount point directory for the file system.

    • .quota_u is the name of the output file.

    • 4096 is the block size for the write in bytes.

    • number-blocks is the number of blocks to write.

    In the example, we create the user quota file for the file system /hsm/hqfs1 mounted at /hsm/hqfs1. During the requirements-gathering phase, we identified one user that needed specific quotas on the file system, jr23547. We do not anticipate adding any other individual user quotas, so we size the file at one block:

    root@mds:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/hsm/hqfs1/.quota_u bs=4096 count=1
    1+0 records in
    1+0 records out
  12. Unmount the file system.

    root@mds:~# umount /hsm/hqfs1
  13. Perform a file system check.

    root@mds:~# samfsck -F /hsm/hqfs1
    samfsck: Configuring file system
    samfsck: Enabling the sam-fsd service.
    name:     hqfs1       version:     2A          
    First pass
    Second pass
    Third pass
  14. Remount the file system.

    The system enables quotas when it detects one or more quota files in the root directory of the file system.

    You do not need to include the quota mount option in the /etc/vfstab or samfs.cmd file, because file systems are mounted with quotas enabled by default.

    root@mds:~# mount /hsm/hqfs1
  15. Otherwise, set quotas as needed.

Set Quotas for Groups, Projects, Directories, and Users

You set new quotas and adjust existing ones using the samquota command. Follow the procedure below:

  1. Once you have characterized storage requirements, decide on the appropriate quotas for each group, user, and non-group organization. Consider the following factors and make adjustments as necessary:

    • the size of the file system compared to the average and maximum number of blocks that all users require

    • the number of inodes in the file system compared to the average and maximum number of inodes that all users require

    • the numbers and types of users that are likely to be close to their maximum requirement at any given time.

  2. Log in to the file-system server as root.

    In the example, the server is named mds:

  3. Set limits for each group that requires them. Use the command samquota -b number-blocks:type[:scope] -f number-files:type[:scope] -t interval[:scope] -G groupID [directory-or-file], where:

    • -b number-blocks sets the maximum number of 512-kilobyte blocks that can be stored in the file system to number-blocks, an integer (see the samquota man page for alternative ways of specifying size). A value of 0 (zero) specifies an unlimited number of blocks.

    • : is a field separator.

    • type specifies the kind of limit, either h for a hard limit or s for a soft limit.

    • scope (optional) identifies the type of storage that is subject to the limit. It can be either o for online (disk-cache) storage only or t for total storage, which includes both disk-cache and archival storage (the default).

    • -f number-files sets the maximum number of files that can be stored in the file system to number-files, an integer. A value of 0 (zero) specifies an unlimited number of files.

    • -t number-seconds sets the grace period, the time during which soft limits can be exceeded, to number-seconds, an integer representing a number of seconds (see the samquota man page for alternative ways of specifying time).

    • -G groupID specifies a group name or integer identifier for the group. A value of 0 (zero) sets the default limits for all groups.

    • directory-or-file (optional) is the mount point directory for a specific file system or a specific directory or file on which you need to set a quota.

    In the example, we use our estimates from the requirements-gathering phase to set both hard and soft limits on both the amount of storage space in the /hsm/mds file system that group dev can use and the numbers of files that it can store. We set the grace period to 43200 seconds (twelve hours) for online storage only:

    root@mds:~# samquota -b 3019898880:h:t -f 30000:h:t -G dev /hsm/mds
    root@mds:~# samquota -b 2013265920:s:t -f 15000:s:t -t 43200:o -G dev /hsm/mds
  4. Set limits for each admin set that requires them. Use the command samquota -b number-blocks:type[:scope] -f number-files:type[:scope] -t interval[:scope] -A adminsetID [directory-or-file], where -A adminsetID is the integer value that uniquely identifies the admin set.

    Setting adminsetID to 0 (zero) sets the default limits for all admin sets.

    In the example, we use our estimates from the requirements-gathering phase to set both hard and soft limits on both the amount of storage space in the /hsm/mds file system that the portal project (admin set ID 1) can use and the numbers of files that it can store. We set the grace period to 43200 seconds (twelve hours) for total storage used, which is the default scope:

    root@mds:~# samquota -b 377487360:h:t -f 7000:h:t -A 1 /hsm/mds
    root@mds:~# samquota -b 314572800:s:t -f 4000:s:t -t 43200 -A 1 /hsm/mds
  5. Set limits for each individual user that requires them. Use the command samquota -b number-blocks:type[:scope] -f number-files:type[:scope] -t interval[:scope] -U userID [directory-or-file], where -U userID is a user name or integer identifier for the user.

    Setting userID to 0 (zero) sets the default limits for all users.

    In the example, we use our estimates from the requirements-gathering phase to set both hard and soft limits on both the amount of storage space in the /hsm/mds file system that user jr23547 can use and the numbers of files that jr23547 can store. We set the grace period to 1209600 seconds (two weeks) for total storage used, which is the default scope:

    root@mds:~# samquota -b 100663296:h:t -f 600:h:t -U jr23547 /hsm/mds
    root@mds:~# samquota -b 10485760:s:t -f 2000:s:t -t 1209600 -U jr23547 /hsm/mds
  6. Stop here.

Repair Inconsistent Quotas

If you mount an Oracle HSM file system with the noquota mount option when there are quota files in the root directory, quota records become inconsistent as blocks or files are allocated or freed. In this situation, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the file-system server as root.

    In the example, the server is named mds:

  2. Unmount the affected file system.

    In the example, we unmount file system hqfs1:

    root@mds:~# umount /hsm/hqfs1
  3. Open the /etc/vfstab file in a text editor, and make sure that the noquota mount option has not been set.

    In the example, we open the file in the vi text editor. The noquota mount option has been set:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/vfstab
    #Device        Device   Mount             System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount      to fsck  Point             Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #------------  -------  ---------------   ------  ----  -------  ------------
    /devices       -        /devices          devfs   -     no       -
    /proc          -        /proc             proc    -     no       -
    hqfs1          -        /hsm/hqfs1        samfs   -     no       noquota
  4. If the noquota mount option has been set in the /etc/vfstab file, delete it and save the file.

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/vfstab
    #Device        Device   Mount             System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount      to fsck  Point             Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #------------  -------  ---------------   ------  ----  -------  ------------
    /devices       -        /devices          devfs   -     no       -
    /proc          -        /proc             proc    -     no       -
    hqfs1          -        /hsm/hqfs1        samfs   -     no       -
  5. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samfs.cmd file in a text editor, and make sure that the noquota mount option has not been set.

    In the example, we open the file in the vi text editor. The noquota mount option has not been set:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samfs.cmd
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character from the beginning of the line)
    # and change the value.
    #inodes = 0
    #fs = mds
    #  forcedirectio (default no forcedirectio)
    #  high = 80
    #  low = 70
    #  weight_size = 1.
    #  weight_age = 1.
    #  readahead = 128
    #  dio_wr_ill_min = 0
    #  dio_wr_consec = 3
    #  qwrite        (ma filesystem, default no qwrite)
    #  shared_writer (ma filesystem, default no shared_writer)
    #  shared_reader (ma filesystem, default no shared_reader)
  6. If the noquota mount option has been set in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samfs.cmd file, delete it and save the file.

  7. Repair the inconsistent quota records. Use the command samfsck -F family-set-name, where family-set-name is the family set name for the file system in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    root@mds:~# samfsck -F hqfs1
    samfsck: Configuring file system
    samfsck: Enabling the sam-fsd service.
    name:     hqfs1       version:     2A          
    First pass
    Second pass
    Third pass
  8. Remount the file system.

    The system enables quotas when it detects one or more quota files in the root directory of the file system.

    You do not need to include the quota mount option in the /etc/vfstab or samfs.cmd file, because file systems are mounted with quotas enabled by default.

    root@mds:~# mount /hsm/hqfs1
  9. Stop here.

Check Quotas

Both administrators and users can monitor quotas and resource usage. The root user can generate quota reports on users, groups, or admin sets with the samquota command. File-system users can check their own quotas using the squota command:

Monitor Quotas as the File-System Administrator
  1. Log in to the file-system server as root.

    In the example, the server is named mds:

  2. To display quota statistics for all groups, use the command samquota -g [directory-or-file], where the optional directory-or-file parameter limits the scope of the report to the file system mounted on the specified directory, the specified directory itself, or the specified file.

    In the example, we request a report for the hqfs1 file system, which is mounted at /hsm/hqfs1:

    root@mds:~# samquota -g /hsm/hqfs1
  3. To display quota statistics for all admin sets, use the command samquota -a [directory-or-file], where the optional directory-or-file parameter limits the scope of the report to the file system mounted on the specified directory, the specified directory itself, or the specified file.

    In the example, we request a report for the hqfs1 file system, which is mounted at /hsm/hqfs1:

    root@mds:~# samquota -a /hsm/hqfs1
  4. To display quota statistics for all users, use the command samquota -u [directory-or-file], where the optional directory-or-file parameter limits the scope of the report to the file system mounted on the specified directory, the specified directory itself, or the specified file.

    In the example, we request a report for the hqfs1 file system, which is mounted at /hsm/hqfs1:

    root@mds:~# samquota -u /hsm/hqfs1
  5. To display quota statistics for a specific group, use the command samquota -G groupID [directory-or-file], where groupID specifies a group name or integer identifier for the group and where the optional directory-or-file parameter limits the scope of the report to the file system mounted on the specified directory, the specified directory itself, or the specified file.

    In the example, we request a report on quotas for the dev group in the hqfs1 file system, which is mounted at /hsm/hqfs1:

    root@mds:~# samquota -G dev /hsm/hqfs1
  6. To display quota statistics for a specific admin set, use the command samquota -A adminsetID [directory-or-file], where adminsetID specifies an integer identifier for the admin set and where the optional directory-or-file parameter limits the scope of the report to the file system mounted on the specified directory, the specified directory itself, or the specified file.

    In the example, we request a report on quotas for admin set 1 in the hqfs1 file system, which is mounted at /hsm/hqfs1:

    root@mds:~# samquota -A 1 /hsm/hqfs1
  7. To display quota statistics for a specific user, use the command samquota -U userID [directory-or-file], where userID specifies a user name or integer identifier for the user and where the optional directory-or-file parameter limits the scope of the report to the file system mounted on the specified directory, the specified directory itself, or the specified file.

    In the example, we request a report on the quotas for user jr23547 in the hqfs1 file system, which is mounted at /hsm/hqfs1:

    root@mds:~# samquota -U jr23547 /hsm/hqfs1
  8. Stop here.

Monitor Your Own User Quota
  1. Log in to a file-system host using your user ID.

    In the example, we log in to host mds as user od447:

  2. To display quota statistics for all groups, use the command squota [directory-or-file], where the optional directory-or-file parameter limits the scope of the report to the file system mounted on the specified directory, the specified directory itself, or the specified file.

    In the example, we request a report for all file systems:

    od447@mds:~# squota
                 Type    ID    In Use     Soft     Hard
         Files  group   101         1     1000     1200
         Blocks group   101         8    20000    30000
         Grace period                    25920
         No user quota entry.
  3. Stop here.

Temporarily Extend or Cancel Grace Periods

When you need to, you can do any of the following:

Extend a Grace Period by a Specified Amount

If a group, user, or admin set has exceeded the specified soft limit for its quota and needs to remain above the soft limit temporarily but for a period that is longer than the current grace period allows, you can grant the extension as follows:

  1. Log in to the file-system server as root.

    In the example, we log in to host mds:

  2. Check the quota that requires an extension. Use the command samquota -quota-type ID [directory-or-file] where:

    • quota-type ID is G plus a group name or ID number, A plus an admin set ID number, or U plus a user name or ID number.

    • directory-or-file (optional) is either the mount point directory for a specific file system or the specific directory or file for which you need to extend a grace period.

    In the example, the dev group is significantly over the soft limit and has only a couple of hours left in its grace period:

    root@mds:~# samquota -G dev /hsm/hqfs1
                                     Online Limits                    Total Limits
            Type   ID    In Use       Soft      Hard       In Use     Soft  Hard
    Files  group  101       323      15000      30000         323    15000  30000
    Blocks group  101 3109330961 2013265920 3019898880 3109330961 2013265920 3019898880
    Grace period                 4320                             4320
    ---> Warning:  soft limits to be enforced in 2h21m16s
  3. Extend the grace period, if warranted. Use the command samquota -quota-type ID -x number-seconds [directory-or-file], where:

    • quota-type ID is G plus a group name or ID number, A plus an admin set ID number, or U plus a user name or ID number.

    • directory-or-file (optional) is either the mount point directory for a specific file system or the specific directory or file for which you need to extend a grace period.

    • number-seconds is an integer representing the number of seconds in the extension (see the samquota man page for alternative ways of specifying time).

    Enter y (yes) when prompted to continue.

    In the example, we extend the grace period for the dev group to 2678400 seconds (31 days) for files in the hqfs1 file system:

    root@mds:~# samquota -G dev -x 2678400 /hsm/hqfs1 
    Setting Grace Timer:  continue? y

    When we recheck the dev group quota, the grace period has been extended:

    root@mds:~# samquota -G dev /hsm/hqfs1
                                     Online Limits                    Total Limits
            Type    ID    In Use       Soft      Hard   In Use       Soft   Hard
    Files  group   101       323      15000      30000     323      15000   30000
    Blocks group   101     43208 2013265920 3019898880   43208 2013265920 3019898880
    Grace period                 2678400                      2678400
    ---> Warning:  soft limits to be enforced in 31d
  4. If a group, admin set, or user regularly needs extensions, re-evaluate storage requirements and consider setting new quotas.

  5. Stop here.

Restart the Grace Period

If a group, user, or admin set has exceeded the specified soft limit for its quota and cannot free space quickly enough to get below the soft limit before the current grace period expires, you can restart the grace period. Proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the file-system server as root.

    In the example, we log into host mds:

  2. Check the quota that requires an extension. Use the command samquota -quota-type ID [directory-or-file] where:

    • quota-type ID is G plus a group name or ID number, A plus an admin set ID number, or U plus a user name or ID number.

    • directory-or-file (optional) is either the mount point directory for a specific file system or a specific directory or file for which you need to extend a grace period.

    In the example, the cit group is over the soft limit for the hqfs1 file system and has just over an hour left in its grace period:

    root@mds:~# samquota -G cit /hsm/hqfs1
                                     Online Limits                    Total Limits
            Type   ID    In Use        Soft       Hard     In Use     Soft  Hard
    Files  group  119       762         750       1500        762      750  1500
    Blocks group  119 3109330961 2013265920 3019898880  120096782  157286400  235929600
    Grace period                 4320                              4320
    ---> Warning:  soft limits to be enforced in 1h11m23s
  3. To reset the grace period to its full starting size the next time that a file or block is allocated, clear the grace period timer. Use the command samquota -quota-type ID -x clear [directory-or-file], where:

    • quota-type ID is G plus a group name or ID number, A plus an admin set ID number, or U plus a user name or ID number.

    • directory-or-file (optional) is either the mount point directory for a specific file system or the specific directory or file for which you need to extend a grace period.

    Enter y (yes) when prompted to continue.

    In the example, we clear the grace-period timer for the cit group's quota on the hqfs1 file system.

    root@mds:~# samquota -G cit -x clear /hsm/hqfs1
    Setting Grace Timer:  continue? y

    When we recheck the cit group quota, a file has been allocated and the grace period has been reset to 12h, 12 hours (4320 seconds):

    root@mds:~# samquota -G cit /hsm/hqfs1
                                     Online Limits                    Total Limits
            Type   ID    In Use        Soft       Hard     In Use     Soft  Hard
    Files  group  119       763         750       1500        763      750  1500
    Blocks group  119 3109330961 2013265920 3019898880  120096782  157286400  235929600
    Grace period                 4320                              4320
    ---> Warning:  soft limits to be enforced in 12h
  4. Alternatively, to reset the grace period to its full starting size immediately, reset the grace period timer. Use the command samquota -quota-type ID -x reset [directory-or-file].

    • quota-type ID is G plus a group name or ID number, A plus an admin set ID number, or U plus a user name or ID number.

    • directory-or-file (optional) is either the mount point directory for a specific file system or the specific directory or file for which you need to extend a grace period.

    Enter y (yes) when prompted to continue.

    In the example, we clear the grace-period timer for the cit group's quota on the hqfs1 file system.

    root@mds:~# samquota -G cit -x reset /hsm/hqfs1
    Setting Grace Timer:  continue? y

    When we recheck the cit group quota, the grace period has been reset to 12h, 12 hours (4320 seconds):

    root@mds:~# samquota -G cit /hsm/hqfs1
                                     Online Limits                    Total Limits
            Type   ID    In Use        Soft       Hard     In Use     Soft  Hard
    Files  group  119       762         750       1500        762      750  1500
    Blocks group  119 3109330961 2013265920 3019898880  120096782  157286400  235929600
    Grace period                 4320                              4320
    ---> Warning:  soft limits to be enforced in 12h
  5. Stop here.

End a Grace Period Early
  1. Log in to the file-system server as root.

    In the example, we log into host mds:

  2. Check the grace period that you need to cut short. Use the command samquota -quota-type ID [directory-or-file] where:

    • quota-type ID is G plus a group name or ID number, A plus an admin set ID number, or U plus a user name or ID number.

    • directory-or-file (optional) is either the mount point directory for a specific file system or a specific directory or file for which you need to extend a grace period.

    In the example, the cit group is over the soft limit and has eleven hours left in its grace period, but we need to end the grace period early:

    root@mds:~# samquota -G cit /hsm/hqfs1
                                     Online Limits                    Total Limits
            Type   ID    In Use        Soft       Hard     In Use       Soft       Hard
    Files  group  119       822         750       1500        822        750       1500
    Blocks group  119 3109330961 2013265920 3019898880  120096782  157286400  235929600
    Grace period                 4320                              4320
    ---> Warning:  soft limits to be enforced in 11h
  3. Expire the grace period. Use the command samquota -quota-type ID -x expire [directory-or-file], where:

    • quota-type ID is G plus a group name or ID number, A plus an admin set ID number, or U plus a user name or ID number.

    • directory-or-file (optional) is either the mount point directory for a specific file system or a specific directory or file for which you need to extend a grace period.

    In the example, we expire the grace period for the cit group:

    root@mds:~# samquota -G cit -x expire /hsm/hqfs1
    Setting Grace Timer:  continue? y

    When we re-check quotas, soft limits for the cit group are being enforced as hard limits:

    root@mds:~# samquota -G cit /hsm/hqfs1
                                     Online Limits                    Total Limits
            Type   ID    In Use        Soft       Hard     In Use     Soft  Hard
    Files  group  119       762         750       1500        762      750  1500
    Blocks group  119 3109330961 2013265920 3019898880  120096782  157286400  235929600
    Grace period                 4320                              4320
    ---> Online soft limits under enforcement (since 6s ago)
  4. Stop here.

Stop New Resource Allocations

You can inhibit file-system resource allocations by creating inconsistent quota values. When the file system detects that quota values are not consistent for a user, group, or admin set, it prevents that user, group, or admin set from using any more system resources. So setting the hard limit for a quota lower than the corresponding soft limit stops further allocations. To use this technique, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the file-system server as root.

    In the example, we log into host mds:

  2. Back up the quota so that you can restore it later. Export the current configuration, and redirect the information to a file. Use the command samquota -quota-type ID [directory-or-file] > file where:

    • quota-type ID is G plus a group name or ID number, A plus an admin set ID number, or U plus a user name or ID number.

    • directory-or-file (optional) is either the mount point directory for a specific file system or a specific directory or file for which you need to extend a grace period.

    • file is the name of the output file.

    In the example, we export the quota for the cit group to the file restore.hqfs1.quota_g.cit in the root user's home directory:

    root@mds:~# samquota -G cit -e /hsm/hqfs1 > /root/restore.hqfs1.quota_g.cit
  3. Check the output. Use the Solaris command more < file, where file is the name of the output file.

    root@mds:~# more < /root/restore.hqfs1.quota_g.cit
    # Type  ID
    #                  Online Limits                          Total   Limits
    #              soft            hard                    soft       hard
    # Files
    # Blocks
    # Grace Periods
    samquota -G 119 \
        -f       750:s:o  -f      1500:h:o        -f       750:s:t -f      1500:h:t \
        -b 157286400:s:o  -b 235929600:h:o        -b 157286400:s:t -b 235929600:h:t \
                -t 4320:o                               -t 4320:t 
  4. Set the hard limits for the quota to 0 (zero) and set the soft limits to 1 (or any non-zero value). Use the command samquota -quota-type ID -f 1:s -f 0:h -b 1:s -b 0:h [directory-or-file].

    • quota-type ID is G plus a group name or ID number, A plus an admin set ID number, or U plus a user name or ID number.

    • directory-or-file (optional) is the mount point directory for a specific file system or a specific directory or file for which you need to extend a grace period.

    In the example, we make the quota settings for the cit group in the /hsm/hqfs1 file system inconsistent, and thereby stop new resource allocations.

    root@mds:~# samquota -G cit -f 1:s -f 0:h -b 1:s -b 0:h /hsm/hqfs1

    When we check the quota for the cit group, zero quotas are in effect. The exclamation point characters (!) show all current use as over-quota, so no further allocations will be made:

    root@mds:~# samquota -G cit /hsm/hqfs1
    Online Limits                Total Limits
    Type   ID              In Use    Soft     Hard         In Use     Soft     Hard
    Files  group 119        822!       1        0         822!       1        0
    Blocks group 119 3109330961!       1        0  3109330961!       1        0
    Grace period                      4320                            4320
    ---> Quota values inconsistent; zero quotas in effect.
  5. When you are ready resume normal allocations by restoring the modified quota to its original state. Execute the backup file that you created as a shell script. Use the Solaris command sh file, where file is the name of the backup file.

    In the example, we restore the quota for the cit group by executing the file /root/restore.hqfs1.quota_g.cit

    root@mds:~# sh /root/restore.hqfs1.quota_g.cit
    Setting Grace Timer:  continue? y
    Setting Grace Timer:  continue? y

    When we check the quota, normal limits have been restored and allocations are no longer blocked:

    root@mds:~# samquota -G cit /hsm/hqfs1
                                     Online Limits                    Total Limits
            Type   ID    In Use        Soft       Hard     In Use     Soft  Hard
    Files  group  119       822         750       1500        822     750   1500
    Blocks group  119 3109330961 2013265920 3019898880  120096782  157286400  235929600
    Grace period                       4320                             4320
    ---> Warning:  soft limits to be enforced in 11h
  6. Stop here.

Remove the Quotas for a File System

To remove or disable quotas for a file system, disable quotas in the mount process.

  1. Log in to the file-system server as root.

    In the example, we log in to host mds:

  2. Open the /etc/vfstab file in a text editor, add the noquota mount option to the mount options column of the file system row, and save the file.

    In the example, we open the file in the vi text editor, and set the noquota mount option for the hqfs1 file system:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/vfstab
    #Device        Device   Mount             System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount      to fsck  Point             Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #------------  -------  ---------------   ------  ----  -------  ------------
    /devices       -        /devices          devfs   -     no       -
    /proc          -        /proc             proc    -     no       -
    hqfs1          -        /hsm/hqfs1        samfs   -     no       noquota
  3. If the file system is mounted, unmount it.

    You must unmount and then remount a file system so that the operating system reloads the /etc/vfstab file and makes the specified changes. In the example, we unmount the hqfs1 file system:

    root@mds:~# umount /hsm/hqfs1
  4. Mount the file system.

    In the example, we mount the hqfs1 file system:

    root@mds:~# mount /hsm/hqfs1
  5. If you expect to reinstate quotas later, leave the quota files in pace.

  6. If you do not expect to reinstate quotas or if you need to reclaim the space consumed by quota files, use the Solaris command rm to delete the files .quota_g, .quota_a, and/or .quota_u from the root directory of the file system.

    In the example, we remove all quota files from the /hsm/hqfs1 file system root directory:

    root@mds:~# rm /hsm/hqfs1/.quota_g
    root@mds:~# rm /hsm/hqfs1/.quota_a
    root@mds:~# rm /hsm/hqfs1/.quota_u
  7. Stop here.

Controlling Archiving and Staging Operations

In general, you manage archiving file systems in much the same was as you would non-archiving file systems. However, you must stop the archiving process before carrying out most file-system management tasks. When active, the archiving processes make changes to the file-system's primary disk cache. So you must quiesce these processes before you do maintenance work on the disk cache. This section covers the following tasks:

Idle Archiving and Staging Processes

  1. Log in to the file system host as root.

    In the example, we log in to host mds:

  2. Idle all archiving processes. Use the command samcmd aridle.

    This command will allow current archiving and staging to complete, but will not start any new jobs:

    root@mds:~# samcmd aridle
  3. Idle all staging processes. Use the command samcmd stidle.

    This command will allow current archiving and staging to complete, but will not start any new jobs:

    root@mds:~# samcmd stidle
  4. Wait for active archiving jobs to complete. Check on the status of the archiving processes using the command samcmd a.

    When archiving processes are Waiting for :arrun, the archiving process is idle:

    root@mds:~# samcmd a
    Archiver status samcmd     5.4 10:20:34 May 20 2014
    samcmd on samfs-mds
    sam-archiverd:  Waiting for :arrun
    sam-arfind: ...
    Waiting for :arrun
  5. Wait for active staging jobs to complete. Check on the status of the staging processes using the command samcmd u.

    When staging processes are Waiting for :strun, the staging process is idle:

    root@mds:~# samcmd u
    Staging queue samcmd      5.4  10:20:34 May 20 2014
    samcmd on solaris.demo.lan
    Staging queue by media type: all
    sam-stagerd:  Waiting for :strun
  6. To fully quiesce the system, stop archiving and staging processes as well.

Stop Archiving and Staging Processes

  1. If you have not already done so, idle archiving and staging processes.

  2. If you have not already done so, log in to the file system host as root.

    In the example, we log in to host mds:

  3. Idle all removable media drives before proceeding further. For each drive, use the command samcmd equipment-number idle, where equipment-number is the equipment ordinal number assigned to the drive in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    This command will allow current archiving and staging jobs to complete before turning drives off, but will not start any new work. In the example, we idle four drives, with ordinal numbers 801, 802, 803, and 804:

    root@mds:~# samcmd 801 idle
    root@mds:~# samcmd 802 idle
    root@mds:~# samcmd 803 idle
    root@mds:~# samcmd 804 idle
  4. Wait for running jobs to complete.

    We can check on the status of the drives using the command samcmd r. When all drives are notrdy and empty, we are ready to proceed.

    root@mds:~# samcmd r
    Removable media samcmd     5.4 18:37:09 Feb 17 2014
    samcmd on hqfs1host
    ty   eq   status      act  use  state  vsn
    li  801   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
    li  802   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
    li  803   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
    li  804   ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
  5. When the archiver and stager processes are idle and the tape drives are all notrdy, stop the library-control daemon. Use the command samd stop.

    root@mds:~# samd stop
  6. Proceed with file-system maintenance.

  7. When maintenance is complete, restart archiving and staging processes.

    When you restart operations, pending stages are reissued and archiving is resumed.

  8. Stop here.

Restart Archiving and Staging Processes

When you are ready, resume normal, automatic operation, proceed a follows:

  1. Log in to the file system host as root.

    In the example, we log in to host mds:

  2. Restart the Oracle HSM library-control daemon. Use the command samd start.

    root@mds:~# samd start
  3. Stop here.

Renaming File Systems

Renaming a file system is a two-step process. First you change the family set name for the file system by editing the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file. Then you have the samfsck -R -F command read the new name and update the superblock on the corresponding disk devices. To rename a file system, use the procedure below:

Rename a File System

  1. Log in to the file-system server as root.

    In the example, we log in to host mds:

  2. If you are renaming an archiving file system, finish active archiving and staging jobs and stop any new activity before proceeding further.

  3. Unmount the file system that you need to rename.

    In the example, we unmount file system hqfs1:

    root@mds:~# umount hqfs1
  4. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file in a text editor, land, in the first column of the file, change the equipment identifier of the file system to the new name.

    In the example, we use the vi editor to change the name of the file system hqfs1 (equipment ordinal 100) to hpcc:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family        Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set           State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ------------  ------   ----------
    hpcc                100        ms         hqfs1         on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3    101        md         hqfs1         on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5    102        md         hqfs1         on
  5. In the fourth column of the file, change the family set name of the file system to the new value. You may also change the file-system equipment identifier in the first column, but do not change anything else. Save the file and close the editor.

    In the example, we change both the family set name of the file system from hqfs1 to hpcc:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family        Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set           State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ------------  ------   ----------
    hpcc                 100        ms         hpcc          on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3    101        md         hpcc          on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5    102        md         hpcc          on
  6. If you are renaming an archiving file system, update the corresponding file system directive in the archiver.cmd file and, if configured, the stager.cmd file.

    In the example, we use the vi editor to to change the directive fs = hqfs1 to fs = hpcc:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
    # archiver.cmd: configuration file for archiving file systems
    # General Directives
    archivemeta = off                                              # default
    examine = noscan                                               # default
    # Archive Set Assignments 
    fs = hpcc
    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
    # stager.cmd
    logfile = /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/log/stager
    drives= hp30 1
    copysel = 4:3:2:1
    fs = hpcc
  7. Check the mcf file for errors by running the sam-fsd command, and correct any that are detected.

    The sam-fsd is an initialization command that reads Oracle HSM configuration files. It will stop if it encounters an error. In the example, sam-fsd does not report any errors:

    root@mds:~# sam-fsd
    Trace file controls:
    sam-amld      /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-amld
                  cust err fatal ipc misc proc date
    Would start sam-archiverd()
    Would start sam-stagealld()
    Would start sam-stagerd()
    Would start sam-amld()
  8. Rewrite the file-system super block to reflect the new family set name. Use the command samfsck -R -F family-set-name, where family-set-name is the family set name that you just specified in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    When issued with the -R and -F options, the samfsck command reads the new family set name and the corresponding disk-storage equipment identifiers from the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file. It then rewrites the super block on the specified disk devices with the new family set name. In the example, we run the command with the new hpcc family set name:

    root@mds:~# samfsck -R -F hpcc
  9. Open the /etc/vfstab file in a text editor, and locate the entry for the file system that you are renaming.

    In the example, we open the file in the vi text editor. We need to change the hqfs1 file system entry to use the new name:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/vfstab
    #Device        Device   Mount             System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount      to fsck  Point             Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #------------  -------  ---------------   ------  ----  -------  ------------
    /devices       -        /devices          devfs   -     no       -
    /proc          -        /proc             proc    -     no       -
    hqfs1          -        /hsm/hqfs1        samfs   -     no       -
  10. In the /etc/vfstab entry for the file system that you have renamed, change the file system name in the first column and the mount-point directory name in the third column (if required), and save the file.

    In the example, we change the name of the hqfs1 file system to hpcc and change the mount point to match:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/vfstab
    #Device        Device   Mount             System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount      to fsck  Point             Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #------------  -------  ---------------   ------  ----  -------  ------------
    /devices       -        /devices          devfs   -     no       -
    /proc          -        /proc             proc    -     no       -
    hpcc           -        /hsm/hpcc         samfs   -     no       -
  11. Create the new mount-point directory for the new file system, if required, and set the access permissions for the mount point.

    Users must have execute (x) permission to change to the mount-point directory and access files in the mounted file system. In the example, we create the /hsm/hpcc mount-point directory and set permissions to 755 (-rwxr-xr-x):

    root@mds:~# mkdir /hsm/hpcc
    root@mds:~# chmod 755 /hsm/hpcc
  12. Tell the Oracle HSM software to re-read the mcf file and reconfigure itself accordingly. Use the command samd config.

    root@mds:~# samd config
    Configuring SAM-FS ...
  13. If samd config reports errors, correct them and re-issue the command until no errors are found.

  14. Mount the file system.

    In the example, we use the new mount point directory:

    root@mds:~# mount /hsm/hpcc
  15. Stop here.

Repairing File Systems

When file systems report errors via samu, Oracle HSM Manager, or the /var/adm/sam-log file, follow the procedure below:

Repair a File System

  1. Log in to the file-system server as root.

    In the example, we log in to host mds:

  2. If you are repairing an archiving file system, finish active archiving and staging jobs and stop any new activity before proceeding further.

  3. Unmount the affected file system.

    You may need to try more than once if you are waiting for archiving to stop. In the example, we unmount file system hqfs1:

    root@mds:~# umount /hsm/hqfs1
    samfs umount: /hsm/hqfs1: is busy
    root@mds:~# umount /hsm/hqfs1
  4. Repair the file system. Use the command samfsck -F -V family-set-name, where family-set-name is the family set name specified for the file system in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    It is often a good idea to save the repair results to a date-stamped file for later reference and for diagnostic purposes, when necessary. So in the example, we save the results by piping the samfsck output to the command tee /var/tmp/samfsck-FV.family-set-name.`date '+%Y%m%d.%H%M%S'`:

    root@mds:~# samfsck -F -V hqfs1 | tee /var/tmp/samfsck-FV.hqfs1. `date '+%Y%m%d.%H%M%S'`
    name:     /hsm/hqfs1       version:     2A          
    First pass
    Second pass
    Third pass
    NOTICE: ino 2.2,  Repaired link count from 8 to 14
    Inodes processed: 123392
    total data kilobytes       = 1965952
    total data kilobytes free  = 1047680
    total meta kilobytes       = 131040
    total meta kilobytes free  = 65568
    INFO:  FS samma1 repaired:
            start:  May 19, 2014 10:57:13 AM MDT
            finish: May 19, 2014 10:57:37 AM MDT
    NOTICE: Reclaimed 70057984 bytes
    NOTICE: Reclaimed 9519104 meta bytes
  5. Remount the file system.

    root@mds:~# mount /hsm/hqfs1
  6. Stop here.

Adding Devices to File Systems

Before you add devices to an existing file system, you should consider your requirements and your alternatives. Make sure that enlarging the existing file system is the best way to meet growing capacity requirements. If you need more physical storage space to accommodate new projects or user communities, creating one or more new Oracle HSM file systems may be a better choice. Multiple, smaller file systems will generally offer better performance than one much larger file system, and the smaller file systems may be easier to create and maintain.

Once you have decided that you need to enlarge a file system, you can take either of two approaches:

Add Devices to a Mounted File System

Proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the file-system server as root.

    In the example, we log in to host mds:

  2. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file in a text editor, and locate the file system that you need to enlarge.

    In the examples, we use the vi editor. We need to enlarge two file systems, the general-purpose samqfsms file system and the high-performance samqfs2ma file system:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment         Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier        Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------------
    samqfsms            100        ms         samqfsms   on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3   101        md         samqfsms   on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5   102        md         samqfsms   on
    samqfs2ma           200        ma         samqfs2ma  on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3   201        mm         samqfs2ma  on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s5   202        md         samqfs2ma  on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5   203        md         samqfs2ma  on
  3. If you are adding devices to a general-purpose ms file system, add additional data/metadata devices to the end of the file system definition in the mcf file. Then save the file, and close the editor.

    You can add up to 252 logical devices. In the example, we add two devices, 103 and 104, to the samqfsms file system:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment         Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier        Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------------
    samqfsms            100        ms         samqfsms    on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3   101        md         samqfsms    on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5   102        md         samqfsms    on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s7   103        md         samqfsms    on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s7   104        md         samqfsms    on
  4. If you are adding devices to a high-performance ma file system, add data devices and one or more mm disk devices to the end of the file system definition in the mcf file. Then save the file, and close the editor.

    Always add new devices at the end of the list of existing devices. You can add up to 252, adding metadata devices proportionately as you add data devices. In the example, we add one mm metadata device, 204, and two md data devices, 205 and 206, to the samqfs2ma file system:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment         Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier        Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------------
    samqfs2ma           200        ma         samqfs2ma  on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3   201        mm         samqfs2ma  on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s5   202        md         samqfs2ma  on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5   203        md         samqfs2ma  on
    /dev/dsk/c1t5d0s6   204        mm         samqfs2ma  on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s7   205        md         samqfs2ma  on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s7   206        md         samqfs2ma  on
  5. Check the mcf file for errors by running the sam-fsd command, and correct any that are detected.

    The sam-fsd is an initialization command that reads Oracle HSM configuration files. It will stop if it encounters an error:

    root@mds:~# sam-fsd
  6. If the sam-fsd command finds an error in the mcf file, edit the file to correct the error and recheck as described in the preceding step.

    In the example below, sam-fsd reports an unspecified problem with a device:

    root@mds:~# sam-fsd
    Problem in mcf file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf for filesystem samqfsms
    sam-fsd: Problem with file system devices.

    Usually, such errors are the result of inadvertent typing mistakes. Here, when we open the mcf file in an editor, we find that we have typed a letter o instead of a 0 in the equipment name for device 104, the second new md device:

    samqfsms                    100        ms         samqfsms    on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3           101        md         samqfsms    on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5           102        md         samqfsms    on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s7           103        md         samqfsms    on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4dos7           104        md         samqfsms    on
  7. If the sam-fsd command runs without error, the mcf file is correct. Proceed to the next step.

    The example is a partial listing of error-free output:

    root@mds:~# sam-fsd
    Trace file controls:
    sam-amld      /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-amld
                  cust err fatal ipc misc proc date
    Would start sam-archiverd()
    Would start sam-stagealld()
    Would start sam-stagerd()
    Would start sam-amld()
  8. Tell the Oracle HSM software to re-read the mcf file and reconfigure itself accordingly. Use the command samd config.

    root@mds:~# samd config
    Configuring SAM-FS
  9. Make sure that samd config has updated the Oracle HSM file system configuration to include the new devices. Use the command samcmd f.

    The devices should be in the off state. In the example, samcmd f shows the new devices, 103 and 104, and both are off:

    root@mds:~# samcmd f
    File systems samcmd     5.4 16:57:35 Feb 27 2014
    samcmd on mds
    ty      eq   state device_name       status      high low mountpoint server
    ms     100   on    samqfsms          m----2-----  80% 70% /samqfsms          
     md     101   on   /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3 
     md     102   on   /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5 
     md     103   off  /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s7 
     md     104   off  /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s7 
  10. Enable the newly added devices. For each device, use the command samcmd add equipment-number, where equipment-number is the equipment ordinal number assigned to the device in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    In the example, we enable new devices, 103 and 104:

    root@mds:~# samcmd add 103
    root@mds:~# samcmd add 104
  11. If you are working on a shared file system, finish configuring the new devices using the procedure for shared file systems.

  12. If you are working on an unshared, standalone file system, make sure that the devices were added and are ready for use by the file system. Use the command samcmd m, check the results.

    When the device is in the on state, it has been added successfully and is ready to use. In the example, we have successfully added devices 103 and 104:

    root@mds:~# samcmd f
    Mass storage status samcmd     5.4 17:17:08 Feb 27 2014
    samcmd on mds
    ty   eq  status       use state  ord  capacity      free  ra  part high low
    ms   100  m----2----- 13% on            3.840G    3.588G  1M    16  80% 70%
     md   101             31% on       0  959.938M  834.250M 
     md   102             13% on       1  959.938M  834.250M
     md   103              0% on       2  959.938M  959.938M
     md   104              0% on       3  959.938M  959.938M
  13. Stop here.

Finish Configuring New Devices Added to a Shared File System

When you add devices to a shared file system, you must carry out a few more steps before the devices are configured on all file-system hosts. Proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the file-system metadata server host as root.

    In the example, the metadata server host is named mds1:

  2. Make sure that the new devices were added to the metadata server. Use the command samcmd m.

    When the device is in the unavail state, it has been added successfully but is not yet ready for use. In the example, we have successfully added devices 103 and 104:

    root@mds1:~# samcmd f
    Mass storage status samcmd     5.4 17:17:08 Feb 27 2014
    samcmd on metadata-server
    ty      eq  status       use state  ord   capacity     free    ra  part high low
    ms     100  m----2-----  13% on            3.840G    3.588G    1M    16  80% 70%
     md     101              31% on       0  959.938M  834.250M 
     md     102              13% on       1  959.938M  834.250M
     md     103               0% unavail  2  959.938M  959.938M
     md     104               0% unavail  3  959.938M  959.938M
  3. Log in to each file-system client hosts as root.

    Remember to include potential metadata servers, since they are also clients. In the example, we need to log in to a potential metadata server, named mds2, and two clients, clnt1 and clnt2L (a Linux host). So we open three terminal windows and use secure shell (ssh):

    root@mds1:~# ssh root@mds2
    root@mds1:~# ssh root@clnt1
    root@mds1:~# ssh root@clnt2L
    [root@clnt2L ~]# 
  4. If the client is a Linux client, unmount the shared file system.

    [root@clnt2L ~]# umount /hsm/shrfs1
    [root@clnt2L ~]# 
  5. On each client, open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file in a text editor, and add the new devices to the end of the file system definition, just as you did on the server.

    In the example, we add devices 103 and 104 to the mcf file on clnt1:

    root@clnt1:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ----------
    shrfs1              100        ms         shrfs1    on       shared
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3    101        md         shrfs1    on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5    102        md         shrfs1    on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s7    103        md         shrfs1    on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s7    104        md         shrfs1    on
  6. On each client, check the mcf file for errors by running the sam-fsd command, and correct any that are detected.

    root@clnt1:~# sam-fsd
    [root@clnt2L ~]# sam-fsd
    [root@clnt2L ~]# 
  7. On each client, tell the Oracle HSM software to re-read the mcf file and reconfigure itself accordingly:

    root@clnt1:~# samd config
    [root@clnt2L ~]# samd config
    [root@clnt2L ~]# 
  8. If the client is a Linux client, mount the shared file system.

    [root@clnt2L ~]# mount /hsm/shrfs1
    [root@clnt2L ~]# 
  9. Once all clients have been configured, return to the metadata server, and enable storage allocation on the new devices. For each device, use the command samcmd alloc equipment-number, where equipment-number is the equipment ordinal number assigned to the device in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    In the example, we enable storage allocation on devices 103 and 104:

    root@mds1:~# samcmd alloc 103
    root@mds1:~# samcmd alloc 104
  10. Finally, make sure that the devices are ready for use by the file system. Use the command samcmd m, and check the results.

    When the device is in the on state, it has been added successfully and is ready to use. In the example, we have successfully added devices 103 and 104:

    root@mds1:~# samcmd f
    Mass storage status samcmd     5.4 17:17:08 Feb 27 2014
    samcmd on metadata-server
    ty      eq  status       use state  ord   capacity     free    ra  part high low
    ms     100  m----2-----  13% on            3.840G    3.588G    1M    16  80% 70%
     md     101              31% on       0  959.938M  834.250M 
     md     102              13% on       1  959.938M  834.250M
     md     103               0% on       2  959.938M  959.938M
     md     104               0% on       3  959.938M  959.938M
  11. Stop here.

Add Devices to an Unmounted File System

Proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the file-system server host as root.

    In the example, the metadata server host is named mds:

  2. If you are adding devices to an archiving file system, finish active archiving and staging jobs and stop any new activity before proceeding further.

  3. Unmount the file system.

    Do not proceed until you have unmounted the file system. In the example, we unmount file system hqfs1:

    root@mds:~# umount /hsm/hqfs1
  4. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file in a text editor, and locate the file system that you need to enlarge.

    In the example, we use the vi editor. We need to enlarge the hqfs1 file system:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment           Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier          Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #------------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------
    hqfs1                 100        ms         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3     101        md         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5     102        md         hqfs1      on
  5. If you are adding devices to a high-performance ma file system, you must add metadata storage along with the data storage. Add enough additional mm disk devices to store the metadata for the data devices that you add. Then save the file, and close the editor.

    You can add up to 252 logical devices. In the example, we add one mm metadata device and two data devices to the hqfs1 file system:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment           Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier          Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #------------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------
    hqfs1                 200        ma         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3     201        mm         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t5d0s6     204        mm         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s5     202        md         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5     203        md         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s7     205        md         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4dos7     206        md         hqfs1      on
  6. If you are adding devices to a general-purpose ms file system, add additional data/metadata devices to the file system definition in the mcf file. Then save the file, and close the editor.

    You can add up to 252 logical devices. In the example, we add two devices to the hqfs1 file system:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment           Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier          Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #------------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------
    hqfs1                 100        ms         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3     101        md         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5     102        md         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s7     103        md         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4dos7     104        md         hqfs1      on
  7. Check the mcf file for errors by running the sam-fsd command, and correct any that are detected.

    The sam-fsd is an initialization command that reads Oracle HSM configuration files. It will stop if it encounters an error:

    root@mds:~# sam-fsd
    Trace file controls:
    sam-amld      /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-amld
    Would start sam-archiverd()
    Would start sam-stagealld()
    Would start sam-stagerd()
    Would start sam-amld()
  8. Tell the Oracle HSM software to re-read the mcf file and reconfigure itself accordingly:

    root@mds:~# samd config
  9. Incorporate the new devices into file system. Use the command samgrowfs family-set-name, where family-set-name is the family set name specified for the file system in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    In the example, we grow the hqfs1 file system:

    root@mds:~# samgrowfs hqfs1
  10. Remount the file system.

    root@mds:~# mount /hsm/hqfs1
  11. If you added devices to an archiving file system, restart the Oracle HSM library-management daemon. Use the command samd start.

    root@mds:~# samd start
  12. If you neglected to unmount the file system before making changes and if, consequently, the file system will not mount, restore the original mcf file by deleting references to the added devices. Then run samd config to restore the configuration, unmount the file system, and start over.

  13. Stop here.

Removing Data Devices from a File System

When required, you can remove data devices from mounted Oracle HSM file systems. Typically this becomes necessary when you need to replace a failed unit or when you need to free up under-utilized devices for other uses. There are, however, some limitations.

You can only remove data devices. You cannot remove any devices used to hold metadata, since metadata defines the organization of the file system itself. This means that you can remove md, mr, and striped-group devices from high-performance ma file systems only. You cannot remove mm metadata devices from ma file systems. Nor can you remove md devices from general purpose ms file systems, since these devices store both data and metadata.

To remove devices, you must also have somewhere to move any valid data files that reside on the target device. This means that you cannot remove all the devices. One device must always remain available in the file system and it must have enough free capacity to hold all files residing on the devices that you remove. So, if you need to remove a striped group, you must have another available striped group configured with an identical number of member devices.

To remove devices, proceed as follows:

Make Sure that File-System Metadata and Data are Backed Up

Carry out the following tasks:

Run samexplorer
  1. Log in to the file-system server host as root.

    In the example, the metadata server host is named mds:

  2. Create a samexplorer report. Use the command samexplorer path/hostname.YYYYMMDD.hhmmz.tar.gz, where:

    • path is the path to the chosen directory.

    • hostname is the name of the Oracle HSM file system host.

    • YYYYMMDD.hhmmz is a date and time stamp.

    By default, the file is called /tmp/SAMreport.hostname.YYYYMMDD.hhmmz.tar.gz. In the example, we use the directory /zfs1/hsmcfg/, where /zfs1 is a file system that has no components in common with the Oracle HSM file system:

    root@mds:~# samexplorer /zfs1/hsmcfg/SAMreport.mds.2016013.1659MST.tar.gz
         Report name:     /zfs1/hsmcfg/SAMreport.mds.2016013.1659MST.tar.gz
         Lines per file:  1000
         Output format:   tar.gz (default) Use -u for unarchived/uncompressed.
         Please wait.............................................
         Please wait.............................................
         Please wait......................................
         The following files should now be ftp'ed to your support provider
         as ftp type binary.
  3. Create a recovery point file for the file system.

Create a Recovery Point File for the File System
  1. Log in to the file-system server host as root.

    In the example, the metadata server host is named mds:

  2. Select the location where the recovery point file will be stored. The selected location must share no devices with the file system that you are backing up and must have room to store an unusually large file.

    The devices that we intend to remove may contain files that have not been archived. Since such files exist only as single copies, we will have to create a recovery point file that stores at least some data as well as metadata. This can substantially increase the size of the recovery point file.

    In the example, we create a subdirectory, tmp/, in a file system has no components in common with the Oracle HSM file system, /zfs1:

    root@mds:~# mkdir /zfs1/tmp/
  3. Change to the file system's root directory.

    In the example, we change to the mount-point directory /hsm/hqfs1:

    root@mds:~# cd /hsm/hqfs1
  4. Back up the file-system metadata and any unarchived data. Use the command samfsdump -f -u recovery-point, where recovery-point is the path and file name of the finished recovery point file.

    Note that the -u option adds the data portion of unarchived files to the recovery point. This can greatly increase the size of the file.

    In the example, we create a recovery point file for the hqfs1 file system called hqfs1-20140313.025215 in the directory /zfs1/hsmcfg/. We check the result using the command ls -l:

    root@mds:~# cd /hsm/hqfs1
    root@mds:~# samfsdump -f /zfs1/hsmcfg/hqfs1-`date '+%Y%m%d.%H%M%S'` -T /hsm/hqfs1
    samfsdump statistics:
        Files:              10010
        Directories:        2
        Symbolic links:     0
        Resource files:     0
        Files as members of hard links :    0
        Files as first hard link :  0
        File segments:      0
        File archives:      10010
        Damaged files:      0
        Files with data:    0
        File  warnings:     0
        Errors:             0
        Unprocessed dirs:   0
        File data bytes:    0
    root@mds:~# ls -l /zfs1/hsmcfg/hqfs1*
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 5376517 Mar 13 02:52 /zfs1/hsmcfg/hqfs1-20140313.025215
  5. Now remove devices from the mounted, high-performance file system.

Remove Devices from a Mounted High-Performance File System

You must remove devices one at a time. For each device, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the file-system server host as root.

    In the example, the metadata server host is named mds:

  2. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file, and note the equipment ordinal number for the device that you need to remove.

    In the example, we use the vi editor. We need to remove device /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s7 from the equipment list for the hqfs1 file system. The equipment ordinal number is 104:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   --------------
    hqfs1                100        ms         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3    101        md         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5    102        md         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s7    103        md         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s7    104        md         hqfs1      on
  3. Before you try to remove a device, make sure that the remaining devices in the file system can accept any files that have to be moved from the device that you intend to delete.

    • Make sure that the remaining devices have adequate capacity.

    • If the device is a striped group, make sure that the file system contains another striped group with an equivalent configuration.

      For example, if the striped group that you plan to remove has four equipment numbers, you must have another striped group that is in the ON state and has four equipment numbers.

  4. Make sure that the file system that you plan to modify has a version 2A superblock. Use the command samfsinfo filesystem-name, where filesystem-name is the name of the file system.

    In the example, file system hqfs1 uses a version:2A superblock:

    root@mds:~# /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/samfsinfo hqfs1
    samfsinfo: filesystem hqfs1 is mounted.
    name:     hqfs1       version:     2A          
    time:     Tuesday, June 28, 2011  6:07:36 AM MDT
    feature:  Aligned Maps
    count:    4
  5. If the file system does not have a version 2A superblock, stop here. You cannot remove devices while this file system is mounted.

  6. If you are removing devices from an Oracle HSM archiving file system, release all archived files from the disk device that you are removing. Use the command samcmd release equipment-number, where equipment-number is the equipment ordinal number that identifies the device in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    If the device is a striped group, provide the equipment number of any device in the group.

    The Oracle HSM software changes the state of the specified device to noalloc (no allocations) so that no new files are stored on it, and starts releasing previously archived files. Once the device contains no unarchived files, the software removes the device from the file system configuration and changes its state to off.

    In the example, we release files from device 104 in the archiving file system hqfs1:

    root@mds:~# samcmd release 104
  7. If you are removing a device from an Oracle HSM non-archiving file system, move all remaining valid files off the disk device that you are removing. Use the command samcmd remove equipment-number, where equipment-number is the equipment ordinal number that identifies the device in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    The Oracle HSM software changes the state of the specified device to noalloc (no allocations) so that no new files are stored on it, and starts moving files that contain valid data to the remaining devices in the file system. When all files have been moved, the software removes the device from the file system configuration and changes its state to off.

    In the example, we move files off of device 104:

    root@mds:~# samcmd remove 104
  8. Monitor the progress of the selected process, samcmd remove or samcmd release. Use the command samcmd m and/or watch the log file and /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-shrink file.

    The release process completes fairly quickly if all files have been archived, because it merely releases space associated with files that have been copied to archival media. Depending on the amount of data and the number of files, the remove process takes considerably longer because it must move files between disk devices.

    root@mds:~# samcmd m
    ty     eq  status       use state  ord  capacity      free    ra  part high low
    ms     100 m----2-----  27% on            3.691G    2.628G    1M    16  80% 70%
     md     101              27% on       0  959.938M  703.188M
     md     102              28% on       1  899.938M  646.625M
     md     103              13% on       2  959.938M  834.250M
     md     104               0% noalloc  3  959.938M  959.938M
  9. If you are using samcmd release and the target device does not enter the off state, there are unarchived files on the device. Wait for the archiver to run and archiving to complete. Then use the command samcmd release again. You can check on the progress of archiving by using the command samcmd a.

    The release process cannot free the disk space until unarchived files are archived.

    root@mds:~# samcmd a
    Archiver status samcmd     5.4 14:12:14 Mar  1 2014
    samcmd on mds
    sam-archiverd:  Waiting for resources
    sam-arfind:  hqfs1  mounted at /hsm/hqfs1
    Files waiting to start          4   schedule          2   archiving          2
  10. If samcmd release fails because one or more unarchived files cannot be archived, move the unarchived files to another device. Use the command samcmd remove equipment-number, just as you would when removing devices from a non-archiving, standalone file system.

    In the example, we move files off of device 104:

    root@mds:~# samcmd remove 104
  11. Once the device state has been changed to off, open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file in a text editor, locate the file system, and update the equipment list to reflect the changes. Save the file and close the editor.

    In the example, samcmd m shows that 104 is off. So we use the vi editor to open the mcf file. We remove the entry for device 104 from the equipment list for the hqfs1 file system and save our changes:

    root@mds:~# samcmd m
    ty      eq  status       use state  ord  capacity      free    ra  part high low
    ms     100  m----2-----  27% on            3.691G    2.628G    1M    16  80% 70%
     md     101              27% on       0  959.938M  703.188M
     md     102              28% on       1  899.938M  646.625M
     md     103              13% on       2  959.938M  834.250M
     md     104               0% off      3  959.938M  959.938M
    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #-----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------
    hqfs1                100        ms         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s3    101        md         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s5    102        md         hqfs1      on
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s7    103        md         hqfs1      on
  12. Check the modified mcf file for errors by running the sam-fsd command, and correct any errors that are detected.

    The sam-fsd command will stop if it encounters an error. In the example, it reports no errors:

    root@mds:~# sam-fsd
    Would start sam-archiverd()
    Would start sam-stagealld()
    Would start sam-stagerd()
    Would start sam-amld()
  13. Tell the Oracle HSM software to re-read the mcf file and reconfigure itself accordingly:

    root@mds:~# samd config
  14. Stop here.

Managing Oracle HSM Shared File Systems

This section outlines the following tasks:

Mounting and Unmounting Shared File Systems

When you mount or unmount a shared file system, the order in which you mount or unmount the metadata server and the clients is important.

For failover purposes, the mount options should be the same on the metadata server and all potential metadata servers. For example, you can create a samfs.cmd file that contains the mount options and copy that file to all of the hosts.

For more information about mounting shared file systems, see the mount_samfs man page.

Mount a Shared File System

  1. Log in to the Oracle HSM metadata server and client hosts as root.

    In the example, we log in to the metadata server host for the shrfs1 file system, mds. Then we open a terminal window for each client, clnt1 and clnt2. We use ssh (Secure Shell) to log in:

    root@mds:~# ssh root@clnt1
    root@mds:~# ssh root@clnt2
  2. If the file system has an entry in the Solaris /etc/vfstab file, mount the shared file system on the metadata server host using the command mount mountpoint, where mountpoint is the mount point directory on the host's root file system.

    Always mount the file system on the metadata server host first, before mounting the file system on clients.

    In the example, the shrfs1 file system has the following entry in the /etc/vfstab file:

    shrfs1   -         /hsm/shrfs1  samfs   -     no       shared

    So we can mount the file system by supplying only the mount point parameter:

    root@mds:~# mount /hsm/shrfs1
  3. If the file system does not have an entry in the Solaris /etc/vfstab file, mount the shared file system on the metadata server host using the command mount -F samfs -o shared mountpoint, where mountpoint is the mount point directory on the host's root file system.

    Always mount the file system on the metadata server host first, before mounting the file system on clients.

    In the example, the shrfs1 file system has no entry in the /etc/vfstab file:

    root@mds:~# mount -F samfs -o shared /shrfs1
  4. If the file system has an entry in the Solaris /etc/vfstab file, mount the shared file system on each client host using the command mount mountpoint, where mountpoint is the mount point directory on the host's root file system.

    You can mount the file system on the client hosts in any order.

    root@clnt1:~# mount /shrfs1
    root@clnt2:~# mount /shrfs1
  5. If the file system does not have an entry in the Solaris /etc/vfstab file, mount the shared file system on each client host using the command mount -F samfs -o shared mountpoint, where mountpoint is the mount point directory on the host's root file system.

    You can mount the file system on the client hosts in any order.

    root@clnt1:~# mount -F samfs -o shared /shrfs1
    root@clnt2:~# mount -F samfs -o shared /shrfs1
  6. Stop here.

Unmount a Shared File System

  1. Log in to the Oracle HSM metadata server and client hosts as root.

    In the example, we log in to the metadata server host for the shrfs1 file system, mds. Then we open a terminal window for each client, shrfs1-clnt1 and shrfs1-client2 and use ssh (Secure Shell) to log in:

    root@mds:~# ssh root@shrfs1-clnt1
    root@mds:~# ssh root@shrfs1-client2
  2. If the file system is shared through NFS or SAMBA, unshare the file system before you unmount it. On the metadata server, use the command unshare mount-point, where mount-point is the mount point directory of the Oracle HSM file system.

    root@mds:~# unshare /shrfs1
  3. Unmount the Oracle HSM shared file system from each client. Use the command umount mount-point, where mount-point is the mount point directory of the Oracle HSM file system.

    See the umount_samfs man page for further details. In the example, we unmount /sharedqfs1 from our two clients, shrfs1-clnt1 and shrfs1-client2:

    root@clnt1:~# umount /shrfs1
    root@clnt1:~# exit
    root@clnt2:~# umount /shrfs1
    root@clnt1:~# exit
  4. Unmount the Oracle HSM shared file system from the metadata server. Use the command umount -o await_clients=interval mount-point, where mount-point is the mount point directory of the Oracle HSM file system and interval is the number of seconds by which the -o await_clients option delays execution.

    When the umount command is issued on the metadata server of an Oracle HSM shared file system, the -o await_clients option makes umount wait the specified number of seconds so that clients have time to unmount the share. It has no effect if you unmount an unshared file system or issue the command on an Oracle HSM client. See the umount_samfs man page for further details.

    In the example, we unmount the /shrfs1 file system from the server, allowing 60 seconds for clients to unmount:

    root@mds:~# umount -o await_clients=60 /shrfs1
  5. Stop here.

Changing the Host Configuration of a Shared File System

This section provides instructions for configuring additional hosts as clients of a shared file system and for de-configuring existing clients. It covers the following tasks:

Configuring Additional File System Clients

There are three parts to the process of adding a client host to a shared file system:

Add the Host Information to the Shared File System Configuration
  1. Log in to the Oracle HSM metadata server as root.

    In the example, the metadata server host is mds:

  2. Back up the file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.filesystem, where filesystem is the name of the file system to which you are adding the client host.

    In the example, the Oracle HSM shared file system is named shrfs1:

    root@mds1:~# cp /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1 /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1.bak
  3. If the shared file system is mounted, run the command samsharefs filesystem from the active metadata server, redirecting output to a file, /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.filesystem, where filesystem is the name of the file system to which you are adding the client host.

    The samsharefs command displays the host configuration for an Oracle HSM shared file system. Redirecting the output to a file creates a new hosts file:

    root@mds1:~# samsharefs shrfs1 > /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
  4. If the shared file system is not mounted, run the command samsharefs -R filesystem from an active or potential metadata server, redirecting output to the file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.filesystem, where filesystem is the name of the file system to which you are adding the client host.

    The samsharefs -R command can only be run from an active or potential metadata server (see the samsharefs man page for more details). The samsharefs command displays the host configuration for an Oracle HSM shared file system. Redirecting the output to a file creates a new hosts file. In the example, we run the command from the metadata server mds:

    root@mds1:~# samsharefs -R shrfs1 > /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
  5. Open the newly created hosts file in a text editor.

    In the example, we use the vi editor. The host configuration includes the active metadata server, mds1, one client that is also a potential metadata server, mds2, and two other clients, clnt1 and clnt2:

    root@mds1:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds1                   1        0    server 
    mds2                   2        0   
    clnt1                  0        0
    clnt2                   0        0
  6. In the hosts file, add a line for the new client host, save the file, and close the editor.

    In the example, we add an entry for the host clnt3:

    root@mds1:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds1                   1        0    server 
    mds2                   2        0   
    clnt1                  0        0
    clnt2                   0        0
    clnt3                   0        0
  7. If the file system is mounted, update the file-system from the active metadata server. Use the command samsharefs -u filesystem, where filesystem is the name of the file system to which you are adding the client host.

    The samsharefs command re-reads the revised hosts file and updates the configuration:

    root@mds1:~# samsharefs -u shrfs1
  8. If the file system is not mounted, update the file-system from an active or potential metadata server. Use the command samsharefs -R -u filesystem, where filesystem is the name of the file system to which you are adding the client host.

    The samsharefs command re-reads the revised hosts file and updates the configuration:

    root@mds1:~# samsharefs -R -u shrfs1
  9. If you are adding a Solaris host, configure the shared file system as a Solaris client.

  10. If you are adding a Linux host, configure the shared file system as a Linux client.

Configure a Shared File System on a Solaris Client
  1. On the shared file-system client, log in as root.

    In the example, the Oracle HSM shared file system is shrfs1, and the client host is clnt1:

  2. In a terminal window, retrieve the configuration information for the shared file system. Use the command samfsconfig device-path, where device-path is the location where the command should start to search for file-system disk devices (such as /dev/dsk/* or /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/*).

    root@clnt1:~# samfsconfig /dev/dsk/*
  3. If the host has access to the metadata devices for the file system and is thus suitable for use as a potential metadata server, the samfsconfig output closely resembles the mcf file that you created on the file-system metadata server.

    In our example, host clnt1 has access to the metadata devices (equipment type mm), so the command output shows the same equipment listed in the mcf file on the server, mds. Only the host-assigned device controller numbers differ:

    root@clnt1:~# samfsconfig /dev/dsk/*
    # Family Set 'shrfs1' Created Thu Feb 21 07:17:00 2013
    # Generation 0 Eq count 4 Eq meta count 1
    shrfs1             300         ma         shrfs1   - 
    /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0    301         mm         shrfs1   -
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s0    302         mr         shrfs1   -
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s1    303         mr         shrfs1   -
  4. If the host does not have access to the metadata devices for the file system, the samfsconfig command cannot find the metadata devices and thus cannot fit the Oracle HSM devices that it discovers into the file-system configuration. The command output lists Ordinal 0—the metadata device—under Missing Slices, fails to include the line that identifies the file-system family set, and comments out the listings for the data devices.

    In our example, host shrfs1-client2 has access to the data devices only. So the samfsconfig output looks like this:

    root@clnt2:~# samfsconfig /dev/dsk/*
    # Family Set 'shrfs1' Created Thu Feb 21 07:17:00 2013
    # Missing slices
    # Ordinal 0
    # /dev/dsk/c4t3d0s0    302         mr         shrfs1   -
    # /dev/dsk/c4t3d0s1    303         mr         shrfs1   -
  5. Copy the entries for the shared file system from the samfsconfig output. Then, in a second window, open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file in a text editor, and paste the copied entries into the file.

    In our first example, the host, clnt1, has access to the metadata devices for the file system, so the mcf file starts out looking like this:

    root@clnt1:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment         Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier        Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------------
    shrfs1             300        ma         shrfs1    -
    /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0   301        mm         shrfs1    -
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s0   302        mr         shrfs1    -
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s1   303        mr         shrfs1    -

    In the second example, the host, shrfs1-client2, does not have access to the metadata devices for the file system, so the mcf file starts out looking like this:

    root@clnt2:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment         Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier        Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------------
    # /dev/dsk/c4t3d0s0   302         mr         shrfs1   -
    # /dev/dsk/c4t3d0s1   303         mr         shrfs1   -
  6. If the host has access to the metadata devices for the file system, add the shared parameter to the Additional Parameters field of the entry for the shared file system.

    In the first example, the host, clnt1, has access to the metadata:

    root@clnt1:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment         Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier        Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------------
    shrfs1             300        ma         shrfs1    -        shared
    /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0   301        mm         shrfs1    -
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s0   302        mr         shrfs1    -
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s1   303        mr         shrfs1    -
  7. If the host does not have access to the metadata devices for the file-system, add a line for the shared file system and include the shared parameter

    root@clnt2:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment         Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier        Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------------
    shrfs1             300        ma         shrfs1    -        shared
    # /dev/dsk/c4t3d0s0   302         mr         shrfs1   -       
    # /dev/dsk/c4t3d0s1   303         mr         shrfs1   -
  8. If the host does not have access to the metadata devices for the file system, add a line for the metadata device. Set the Equipment Identifier field to nodev (no device) and set the remaining fields to exactly the same values as they have on the metadata server:

    root@clnt2:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment         Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier        Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------------
    shrfs1             300         ma        shrfs1    on       shared
    nodev               301         mm        shrfs1    on 
    # /dev/dsk/c4t3d0s0   302        mr         shrfs1    -
    # /dev/dsk/c4t3d0s1   303        mr         shrfs1    -
  9. If the host does not have access to the metadata devices for the file system, uncomment the entries for the data devices.

    root@clnt2:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment         Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier        Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------------
    shrfs1             300        ma         shrfs1    on       shared
    nodev               301        mm         shrfs1    on 
    /dev/dsk/c4t3d0s0   302        mr         shrfs1    - 
    /dev/dsk/c4t3d0s1   303        mr         shrfs1    - 
  10. Make sure that the Device State field is set to on for all devices, save the mcf file, and close the editor.

    In our first example, the host, clnt1, has access to the metadata devices for the file system, so the mcf file ends up looking like this:

    root@clnt1:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment         Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier        Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------------
    shrfs1             300        ma         shrfs1    on       shared
    /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0   301        mm         shrfs1    on 
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s0   302        mr         shrfs1    on 
    /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s1   303        mr         shrfs1    on 

    In the second example, the host, shrfs1-client2, does not have access to the metadata devices for the file system, so the mcf file starts ends up like this:

    root@clnt2:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment         Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier        Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #----------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   ---------------
    shrfs1               300         ma        shrfs1    on       shared
    nodev                 301         mm        shrfs1    on 
    /dev/dsk/c4t3d0s0     302         mr        shrfs1    on 
    /dev/dsk/c4t3d0s1     303         mr        shrfs1    on 
  11. Check the mcf file for errors by running the sam-fsd command, and correct any errors found.

    The sam-fsd is an initialization command that reads Oracle HSM configuration files. It will stop if it encounters an error. In the example, we check the mcf file on clnt1 and find no errors:

    root@clnt1:~# sam-fsd
    Would start sam-archiverd()
    Would start sam-stagealld()
    Would start sam-stagerd()
    Would start sam-amld()
  12. Next mount the shared file system on the Solaris host.

Mount the Shared File System on a Solaris Host
  1. On the shared file-system host, log in as root.

    In the example, the Oracle HSM shared file system is shrfs1, and the host is a client named clnt1:

  2. Back up the operating system's /etc/vfstab file.

    root@clnt1:~# cp /etc/vfstab /etc/vfstab.backup
  3. Open the /etc/vfstab file in a text editor, and add a line for the shared file system.

    In the example, we open the file in the vi text editor and add a line for the shrfs1 family set device:

    root@clnt1:~# vi /etc/vfstab
    #Device    Device   Mount        System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point        Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------     ------  ----  -------  --------------------
    /devices   -        /devices     devfs   -     no       -
    /proc      -        /proc        proc    -     no       -
    shrfs1     -        /hsm/shrfs1  samfs   -     no
  4. To mount the file system on the client as a shared file system, enter the shared option in the Mount Options column of the vfstab entry for the shared file system.

    If we wanted the current client to mount the shared file system shrfs1 read-only, we would edit the vfstab entry as shown in the example below:

    #Device    Device   Mount        System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point        Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------     ------  ----  -------  --------------------
    /devices   -        /devices     devfs   -     no       -
    /proc      -        /proc        proc    -     no       -
    shrfs1     -        /hsm/shrfs1  samfs   -     no       shared
  5. Add any other desired mount options using commas as separators, and make any other desired changes to the /etc/vfstab file. Then save the /etc/vfstab file.

    In the example, we add no additional mount options:

    #Device    Device   Mount        System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point        Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------     ------  ----  -------  --------------------
    /devices   -        /devices     devfs   -     no       -
    /proc      -        /proc        proc    -     no       -
    shrfs1     -        /hsm/shrfs1  samfs   -     no       shared
  6. Create the mount point specified in the /etc/vfstab file, and set the access permissions for the mount point.

    The mount-point permissions must be the same as on the metadata server and on all other clients. Users must have execute (x) permission to change to the mount-point directory and access files in the mounted file system. In the example, we create the /hsm/shrfs1 mount-point directory and set permissions to 755 (-rwxr-xr-x):

    root@clnt1:~# mkdir /hsm
    root@clnt1:~# mkdir /hsm/shrfs1
    root@clnt1:~# chmod 755 /hsm/shrfs1
  7. Mount the shared file system:

    root@clnt1:~# mount /hsm/shrfs1
  8. If you the new file system client is connected to tape devices and is to serve as a datamover, configure the client for distributed I/O.

  9. Otherwise, stop here.

Configure the Shared File System on a Linux Client Host
  1. On the Linux client, log in as root.

    In the example, the Oracle HSM shared file system is shrfs1, and the host is a Linux client named clnt2L:

    [root@clnt2L ~]# 
  2. In a terminal window, retrieve the configuration information for the shared file system using the samfsconfig device-path command, where device-path is the location where the command should start to search for file-system disk devices (such as /dev/*).

    Since Linux hosts do not have access to the metadata devices for the file system, the samfsconfig command cannot find the metadata devices and thus cannot fit the Oracle HSM devices that it discovers into the file-system configuration. The command output lists Ordinal 0—the metadata device—under Missing Slices, fails to include the line that identifies the file-system family set, and comments out the listings for the data devices.

    In our example, the samfsconfig output for Linux host clnt2L looks like this:

    [root@clnt2L ~]# samfsconfig /dev/*
    # Family Set 'shrfs1' Created Thu Feb 21 07:17:00 2013
    # Missing slices
    # Ordinal 0
    # /dev/sda4            302         mr         shrfs1   -
    # /dev/sda5            303         mr         shrfs1   -
  3. Copy the entries for the shared file system from the samfsconfig output. Then, in a second window, open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file in a text editor, and paste the copied entries into the file.

    In the example, the mcf file for the Linux the host, clnt2L, starts out looking like this:

    [root@clnt2L ~]# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment           Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier          Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #------------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   -------------
    #/dev/sda4             302        mr         shrfs1     -
    #/dev/sda5             303        mr         shrfs1     -
  4. In the mcf file, insert a line for the shared file system, and include the shared parameter.

    # Equipment           Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier          Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #------------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   -------------
    shrfs1                300        ma         shrfs1     -        shared
    #/dev/sda4             302        mr         shrfs1     -
    #/dev/sda5             303        mr         shrfs1     -
  5. In the mcf file, insert lines for the file system's metadata devices. Since the Linux host does not have access to metadata devices, set the Equipment Identifier field to nodev (no device) and then set the remaining fields to exactly the same values as they have on the metadata server:

    # Equipment           Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier          Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #------------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   -------------
    shrfs1                300         ma        shrfs1     on       shared
    nodev                 301         mm        shrfs1     on 
    #/dev/sda4             302        mr         shrfs1     -
    #/dev/sda5             303        mr         shrfs1     -
  6. In the mcf file, uncomment the entries for the Linux data devices.

    # Equipment           Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier          Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #------------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   -------------
    shrfs1                300        ma         shrfs1     on       shared
    nodev                 301        mm         shrfs1     on 
    /dev/sda4             302        mr         shrfs1     -
    /dev/sda5             303        mr         shrfs1     -
  7. Make sure that the Device State field is set to on for all devices, and save the mcf file.

    # Equipment           Equipment  Equipment  Family     Device   Additional
    # Identifier          Ordinal    Type       Set        State    Parameters
    #------------------   ---------  ---------  ---------  ------   -------------
    shrfs1                300        ma         shrfs1     on       shared
    nodev                 301        mm         shrfs1     on 
    /dev/sda4             302        mr         shrfs1     on 
    /dev/sda5             303        mr         shrfs1     on 
    [root@clnt2L ~]# 
  8. Check the mcf file for errors by running the sam-fsd command, and correct any errors found.

    The sam-fsd is an initialization command that reads Oracle HSM configuration files. It will stop if it encounters an error. In the example, we check the mcf file on the Linux client, clnt2L and find no errors:

    [root@clnt2L ~]# sam-fsd
    Would start sam-archiverd()
    Would start sam-stagealld()
    Would start sam-stagerd()
    Would start sam-amld()
  9. Now, mount the shared file system on the Linux host.

Mount the Shared File System on a Linux Client Host
  1. On the Linux client, log in as root.

    In the example, the Oracle HSM shared file system is shrfs1, and the host is a Linux client named clnt2L:

    [root@clnt2L ~]# 
  2. Back up the operating system's /etc/fstab file.

    [root@clnt2L ~]# cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup
  3. Open the /etc/fstab file in a text editor, and start a line for the shared file system.

    In the example, we use the vi text editor and add a line for the shrfs1 family set device:

    [root@clnt2L ~]# vi /etc/fstab
    #Device    Mount        System    Mount                      Dump      Pass
    #to Mount  Point        Type      Options                    Frequency Number
    #--------  -------      --------  -------------------------  --------- ------ 
    /proc      /proc        proc      defaults 
    shrfs1     /hsm/shrfs1  samfs
  4. In the fourth column of the file, add the mandatory shared mount option.

    [root@clnt2L ~]# vi /etc/fstab
    #Device    Mount        System    Mount                      Dump      Pass
    #to Mount  Point        Type      Options                    Frequency Number
    #--------  -------      --------  -------------------------  --------- ------ 
    /proc      /proc        proc      defaults 
    shrfs1     /hsm/shrfs1  samfs     shared
  5. In the fourth column of the file, add any other desired mount options using commas as separators.

    Linux clients support the following additional mount options:

    • rw, ro

    • retry

    • meta_timeo

    • rdlease, wrlease, aplease

    • minallocsz, maxallocsz

    • noauto, auto

    In the example, we add the option noauto:

    #Device    Mount        System    Mount                      Dump      Pass
    #to Mount  Point        Type      Options                    Frequency Number
    #--------  -------      --------  -------------------------  --------- ------ 
    /proc      /proc        proc      defaults 
    shrfs1     /hsm/shrfs1  samfs     shared,noauto
  6. Enter zero (0) in each of the two remaining columns in the file. Then save the /etc/fstab file.

    #Device    Mount        System    Mount                      Dump      Pass
    #to Mount  Point        Type      Options                    Frequency Number
    #--------  -------      --------  -------------------------  --------- ------ 
    /proc      /proc        proc      defaults 
    shrfs1     /hsm/shrfs1  samfs     shared,noauto              0         0
    [root@clnt2L ~]# 
  7. Create the mount point specified in the /etc/fstab file, and set the access permissions for the mount point.

    The mount-point permissions must be the same as on the metadata server and on all other clients. Users must have execute (x) permission to change to the mount-point directory and access files in the mounted file system. In the example, we create the /shrfs1 mount-point directory and set permissions to 755 (-rwxr-xr-x):

    [root@clnt2L ~]# mkdir /hsm
    [root@clnt2L ~]# mkdir /hsm/shrfs1
    [root@clnt2L ~]# chmod 755 /hsm//shrfs1
  8. Mount the shared file system. Use the command mount mountpoint, where mountpoint is the mount-point directory specified in the /etc/fstab file.

    As the example shows, the mount command generates a warning. This is normal and can be ignored:

    [root@clnt2L ~]# mount /hsm/shrfs1
    Warning: loading SUNWqfs will taint the kernel: SMI license 
    See http://www.tux.org/lkml/#export-tainted for information 
    about tainted modules. Module SUNWqfs loaded with warnings 
  9. Stop here.

Removing a Host from a Shared File System Configuration

Removing a host from a shared file system is simply a matter of the removing it from the server configuration, as described below (to fully deconfigure the host, uninstall the software and the configuration files):

Remove the Host from the File System Hosts File
  1. Log in to the Oracle HSM metadata server as root.

    In the example, the Oracle HSM shared file system is shrfs1, and the metadata server host is mds1:

  2. Log in to each client as root, and unmount the shared file system.

    Remember that potential metadata servers are themselves clients. In the example, we have three clients: clnt1, clnt2, and mds2, a potential metadata server. For each client, we log in using ssh, unmount the file system shrfs1, and close the ssh session:

    root@mds1:~# ssh root@clnt1
    root@clnt1:~# umount /hsm/shrfs1
    root@clnt1:~# exit
    root@mds1:~# ssh root@clnt2
    root@clnt2:~# umount /hsm/shrfs1
    root@clnt2:~# exit
    root@mds1:~# ssh root@mds2
    root@mds2:~# umount /hsm/shrfs1
    root@mds1:~# exit
  3. On the metadata server, unmount the shared file system.

    root@mds1:~# umount /hsm/shrfs1
  4. On the metadata server, rename the file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.filesystem to /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.filesystem.bak, where filesystem is the name of the file system from which you are removing the client host.

    root@mds1:~# mv /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1 /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1.bak
  5. Capture the current shared file system host configuration top a file. From the metadata server, run the command samsharefs -R filesystem, redirecting the output to the file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.filesystem, where filesystem is the name of the file system to which you are adding the client host.

    The samsharefs command displays the host configuration for the specified Oracle HSM shared file system. Redirecting the output to a file creates a new hosts file. In the example, we run the command from the metadata server mds:

    root@mds1:~# samsharefs -R shrfs1 > /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
  6. Open the newly created hosts file in a text editor.

    In the example, we use the vi editor. We need to remove the client shrfs1-clnt2:

    root@mds1:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds                    1        0    server 
    mds2                   2        0   
    clnt1                  0        0
    clnt2                   0        0
  7. In the hosts file, delete the line that corresponds to the client host that you need to remove. Then save the file, and close the editor.

    In the example, we delete the entry for the host clnt2:

    root@mds1:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds                    1        0    server 
    mds2                   2        0   
    clnt1                  0        0
  8. Update the file-system with the revised hosts file. From the metadata server, use the command samsharefs -R -u filesystem, where filesystem is the name of the file system from which you are removing the client host.

    root@mds1:~# samsharefs -u shrfs1
  9. On the metadata server host, mount the shared file system.

    In the examples, the /etc/vfstab file contains an entry for the shrfs1 file system, so we use the simple mounting syntax (see the mount_samfs man page for full information):

    root@mds1:~# mount /hsm/shrfs1
  10. On the each client host, mount the shared file system.

    Remember that potential metadata servers are themselves clients. In the example, we now have two clients: clnt1 and mds2, a potential metadata server. For each client, we log in using ssh, mount the file system shrfs1, and close the ssh session:

    root@mds1:~# ssh root@mds2
    root@mds2:~# mount /hsm/shrfs1
    root@mds2:~# exit
    root@mds1:~# ssh root@clnt1
    root@clnt1:~# mount /hsm/shrfs1
    root@clnt1:~# exit
  11. Stop here.

Configuring Datamover Clients for Distributed Tape I/O

Starting with Oracle HSM Release 6.1.4, any client of a shared archiving file system that runs on Solaris 11 or higher can attach tape drives and carry out tape I/O on behalf of the file system. Distributing tape I/O across these datamover hosts greatly reduces server overhead, improves file-system performance, and allows significantly more flexibility when scaling Oracle HSM implementations. As your archiving needs increase, you now have the option of either replacing Oracle HSM metadata servers with more powerful systems (vertical scaling) or spreading the load across more clients (horizontal scaling).

Configure the Datamover Client

To configure a client for distributed tape I/O, proceed as follows:

  1. Connect all devices that will be used for distributed I/O to the client.

  2. If you have not already done so, connect the tape devices using persistent bindings. Then return here.

  3. Log in to the shared archiving file system's metadata server as root.

    In the example, the host name is mds:

  4. Make sure that the metadata server is running Oracle HSM Solaris 11 or higher.

    root@mds:~# uname -r
  5. Make sure that all clients that serve as datamovers are running Oracle HSM Solaris 11 or higher.

    In the example, we open a terminal window for each client host, clnt1 and clnt2, and log in remotely using ssh. The log-in banner displays the Solaris version:

    root@mds:~# ssh root@clnt1
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      11.1    September 2013
    root@mds:~# ssh root@clnt2
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      11.1    September 2013
  6. On the metadata server, copy the file /opt/SUNWsamfs/examples/defaults.conf to the directory /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/.

    root@mds:~# cp /opt/SUNWsamfs/examples/defaults.conf /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/
  7. On the metadata server, open the file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf in a text editor.

    By default, distio is off (disabled). In the example, we open the file in the vi editor:

    root@mds:~#  vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf 
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character from the beginning of the line)
    #distio = on
  8. In the defaults.conf file, enable distributed I/O by uncommenting the line distio = on.

    By default, distio is off (disabled).

    root@mds:~#  vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf 
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character from the beginning of the line)
    distio = on
  9. Next, identify each device type that should participate in distributed I/O by adding a line to the defaults.conf file of the form dev_distio = on, where dev is one of the equipment type identifiers listed in Appendix A, "Glossary of Equipment Types". To exclude device type dev from distributed I/O, add the line dev_distio = off.

    By default, Oracle StorageTek T10000 drives and LTO drives are allowed to participate in distributed I/O, while all other types are excluded. In the example, we plan to use LTO drives, so we do not need to make any edits:

    root@mds:~#  vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf 
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character from the beginning of the line)
    distio = on
  10. Next, identify each device type that should not participate in distributed I/O by adding a line to the defaults.conf file of the form dev_distio = off, where dev is one of the equipment type identifiers listed in Appendix A, "Glossary of Equipment Types".

    In the example, we do not want to use Oracle StorageTek T10000 drives with distributed I/O. Since, by default, Oracle StorageTek T10000 drives are allowed to participate in distributed I/O, we have to add the line ti_distio = off to the defaults.conf file:

    root@mds:~#  vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf 
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character from the beginning of the line)
    distio = on
  11. Save the defaults.conf file, and close the editor.

    root@mds:~#  vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf 
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character from the beginning of the line)
    distio = on
    ti_distio = off
  12. On each client that will serve as a datamover, edit the defaults.conf file so that it matches the file on the server.

    In the example, we use Secure Shell (ssh) to remotely log in to client clnt1 and edit the defaults.conf file:

    root@mds:~# ssh root@clnt1
    root@clnt1:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/defaults.conf 
    # These are the defaults.  To change the default behavior, uncomment the
    # appropriate line (remove the '#' character from the beginning of the line)
    # and change the value.
    distio = on
    ti_distio = off
    root@clnt1:~# exit
  13. On each client that will serve as a datamover, open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file in a text editor. Add all of the tape devices that the metadata server is using for distributed tape I/O. Make sure that the device order and equipment numbers are identical to those in the mcf file on the metadata server.

    In the example, we edit the mcf file on client clnt1 using vi:

    root@clnt1:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment              Equipment Equipment Family      Device Additional
    # Identifier             Ordinal   Type      Set         State  Parameters
    #----------------------- --------- --------- ----------  ------ -------------
    shrfs1                   800       ms        samsharefs  on
    # Archival storage for copies:
    /dev/rmt/60cbn           901       li                    on
    /dev/rmt/61cbn           902       li                    on
    /dev/rmt/62cbn           903       li                    on
    /dev/rmt/63cbn           904       li                    on
  14. If the tape library listed in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file on the metadata server is configured on the client that will serve as a datamover, specify the library family set as the family set name for the tape devices that are being used for distributed tape I/O. Save the file, and close the editor.

    In the example, the library is configured on the host, clnt1, so we use the family set name lib1 for the tape devices:

    root@clnt1:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment              Equipment Equipment Family      Device Additional
    # Identifier             Ordinal   Type      Set         State  Parameters
    #----------------------- --------- --------- ----------  ------ -------------
    shrfs1                   800       ms        samsharefs  on
    # Archival storage for copies:
    /dev/scsi/changer/c1t0d5 900       rb        lib1        on     
    /dev/rmt/60cbn           901       li        lib1        on
    /dev/rmt/61cbn           902       li        lib1        on
    /dev/rmt/62cbn           903       li        lib1        on
    /dev/rmt/63cbn           904       li        lib1        on
  15. If the tape library listed in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file on the metadata server is not configured on the client that will serve as a datamover, use a hyphen (-) as the family set name for the tape devices that are being used for distributed tape I/O. Save the file, and close the editor.

    In the example, the library is not configured on the host, clnt1, so we use the hyphen as the family set name for the drives:

    root@clnt2:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment              Equipment Equipment Family      Device Additional
    # Identifier             Ordinal   Type      Set         State  Parameters
    #----------------------- --------- --------- ----------  ------ -------------
    shrfs1                   800       ms        samsharefs  on
    # Archival storage for copies:
    /dev/rmt/60cbn           901       ti        -           on
    /dev/rmt/61cbn           902       ti        -           on
    /dev/rmt/62cbn           903       ti        -           on
    /dev/rmt/63cbn           904       ti        -           on
  16. If you need to enable or disable distributed tape I/O for particular archive set copies, open the server's /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd file in a text editor and add the -distio parameter to the copy directive. Set -distio on to enable or off to disable distributed I/O. Save the file, and close the editor.

    In the example, we use the vi editor to turn distributed I/O off for copy 1 and on for copy 2:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
    # archiver.cmd
    # Generated by config api Mon Nov 22 14:31:39 2013
    # Copy Parameters Directives
    allsets -sort path -offline_copy stageahead
    allsets.1 -startage 10m -startsize 500M -startcount 500000 -distio off
    allsets.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G  -startcount 500000 -distio on
  17. On each host, check the mcf file for errors by running the sam-fsd command, and correct any errors found.

    The sam-fsd is an initialization command that reads Oracle HSM configuration files. It will stop if it encounters an error. In the example, we check the mcf file on clients clnt1 and clnt2:

    root@mds:~# ssh root@clnt1
    root@clnt1:~# sam-fsd
    root@clnt1:~# exit
    root@mds:~# ssh root@clnt2
    root@clnt2:~# sam-fsd
    root@clnt2:~# exit
  18. On the server, tell the Oracle HSM software to read the modified configuration files and reconfigure itself accordingly. Use the command samd config, and correct any errors found.

    In the example, we run the samd config command on the server, mds:

    root@mds:~# samd config
    Configuring SAM-FS ...
  19. Stop here.

Connecting Tape Drives Using Persistent Bindings

When you add a host that serves as either a potential metadata server or a distributed I/O datamover client, you must configure removable media devices using persistent bindings. The Solaris operating system attaches drives to the system device tree in the order in which it discovers the devices at startup. This order may or may not reflect the order in which devices are discovered by other file system hosts or the order in which they are physically installed in the tape library. So you need to bind the devices to the new host in the same way that they are bound to the other hosts and in the same order in which they are installed in the removable media library.

The procedures below outline the required steps (for full information, see the devfsadm and devlinks man pages and the administration documentation for your version of the Solaris operating system):

Update Persistent Bindings to Reflect Changes to the Hardware Configuration
  1. Log in to the active metadata server host as root.

  2. Create a new drive-mapping file as described in "Determining the Order in Which Drives are Installed in the Library".

    In the example, the device-mappings.txt file looks like this:

    root@mds1:~# vi /root/device-mappings.txt 
    ------- -------------    -----------------------------------------------------
       2    /dev/rmt/0cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f00093c438,0:cbn
       1    /dev/rmt/1cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f0008120fe,0:cbn
       3    /dev/rmt/2cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f000c086e1,0:cbn
       4    /dev/rmt/3cbn ->  ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f000b6d98d,0:cbn
  3. Open the /etc/devlink.tab file in a text editor.

    In the example, we use the vi editor:

    root@mds1:~# vi /etc/devlink.tab
    # Copyright (c) 1993, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    # This is the table used by devlinks
    # Each entry should have 2 fields; but may have 3.  Fields are separated
    # by single tab ('\t') characters.
  4. Using the device-mappings.txt file as a guide, remap a starting node in the Solaris tape device tree to the first drive in the library. In the /etc/devlink.tab file, add a line of the form type=ddi_byte:tape; addr=device_address,0; rmt/node-number\M0, where device_address is the physical address of the device and node-number is a position in the Solaris device tree that is high enough to avoid conflicts with any devices that Solaris configures automatically (Solaris starts from node 0).

    In the example, we note that the device address for the first device in the library, 1, is w500104f0008120fe and see that the device is currently attached to the host at rmt/1:

    root@mds1:~# cat /root/device-mappings.txt 
    ------- -------------    -----------------------------------------------------
       2    /dev/rmt/0cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f00093c438,0:cbn
       1    /dev/rmt/1cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f0008120fe,0:cbn
       3    /dev/rmt/2cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f000c086e1,0:cbn
       4    /dev/rmt/3cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f000b6d98d,0:cbn

    So we create a line in /etc/devlink.tab that remaps rmt/60 to the number 1 drive in the library, w500104f0008120fe:

    root@mds1:~# vi /etc/devlink.tab
    # Copyright (c) 1993, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f0008120fe,0;    rmt/60\M0
  5. Continue to add lines to the /etc/devlink.tab file for each tape device that is assigned for Oracle HSM archiving, so that the drive order in the device tree on the metadata server matches the installation order on the library. Save the file, and close the editor.

    In the example, we note the order and addresses of the three remaining devices—library drive 2 at w500104f00093c438, library drive 3 at w500104f000c086e1, and library drive 4 at w500104f000c086e1:

    root@mds1:~# cat /root/device-mappings.txt 
       2    /dev/rmt/0cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8\.../st@w500104f00093c438,0:cbn
       1    /dev/rmt/1cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8\.../st@w500104f0008120fe,0:cbn
       3    /dev/rmt/2cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8\.../st@w500104f000c086e1,0:cbn
       4    /dev/rmt/3cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8\.../st@w500104f000b6d98d,0:cbn

    Then we map the device addresses to next three Solaris device nodes, maintaining the same order as in the library:

    root@mds1:~# vi /etc/devlink.tab
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f0008120fe,0;    rmt/60\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f00093c438,0;    rmt/61\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f000c086e1,0;    rmt/62\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f000b6d98d,0;    rmt/63\M0
  6. Delete all existing links to the tape devices in /dev/rmt.

    root@mds1:~# rm /dev/rmt/* 
  7. Create new, persistent tape-device links from the entries in the /etc/devlink.tab file. Use the command devfsadm -c tape.

    Each time that the devfsadm command runs, it creates new tape device links for devices specified in the /etc/devlink.tab file using the configuration specified by the file. The -c tape option restricts the command to creating new links for tape-class devices only:

    root@mds1:~# devfsadm -c tape
  8. Repeat the operation on each potential metadata server and datamover in the shared file system configuration. In each case, add the same lines to the /etc/devlink.tab file, delete the links in /dev/rmt, and run devfsadm -c tape.

    In the example, The file system configuration includes one potential metadata server, mds2, and one client, clnt1. We use ssh to log in to each host in turn, and configure the same four logical devices: rmt/60\M0, rmt/61\M0, rmt/62\M0, and rmt/63\M0.

    root@mds1:~# ssh root@mds2
    root@mds2:~# vi /etc/devlink.tab
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f0008120fe,0;    rmt/60\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f00093c438,0;    rmt/61\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f000c086e1,0;    rmt/62\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f000b6d98d,0;    rmt/63\M0
    root@mds2:~# rm /dev/rmt/* 
    root@mds2:~# devfsadm -c tape
    root@mds2:~# exit
    root@mds1:~# ssh root@clnt1
    root@clnt1:~# vi /etc/devlink.tab
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f0008120fe,0;    rmt/60\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f00093c438,0;    rmt/61\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f000c086e1,0;    rmt/62\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f000b6d98d,0;    rmt/63\M0
    root@clnt1:~# rm /dev/rmt/*
    root@clnt1:~# devfsadm -c tape
    root@clnt1:~# exit
  9. Return to the task that you were performing: "Configuring Datamover Clients for Distributed Tape I/O" or "Configuring Additional File System Clients".

Persistently Bind a New File System Host to Removable Media Devices
  1. Log in to the host as root.

  2. If the physical order of the drives in the media library has changed since the existing file-system hosts were configured, create a new mapping file as described in "Determining the Order in Which Drives are Installed in the Library".

    In the example, the device-mappings.txt file looks like this:

    root@mds1~# cat /root/device-mappings.txt 
    ------- -------------    -----------------------------------------------------
       2    /dev/rmt/0cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f00093c438,0:cbn
       1    /dev/rmt/1cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f0008120fe,0:cbn
       3    /dev/rmt/2cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f000c086e1,0:cbn
       4    /dev/rmt/3cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f000b6d98d,0:cbn
  3. Open the /etc/devlink.tab file in a test editor.

    In the example, we use the vi editor:

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/devlink.tab
    # Copyright (c) 1993, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    # This is the table used by devlinks
    # Each entry should have 2 fields; but may have 3.  Fields are separated
    # by single tab ('\t') characters.
  4. Using the device-mappings.txt file as a guide, remap a starting node in the Solaris tape device tree, rmt/node-number, to the first drive in the library. Add a line to the /etc/devlink.tab file of the form type=ddi_byte:tape; addr=device_address,0; rmt/node-number\M0, where: device_address is the physical address of the device and node-number is the device's position in the Solaris device tree. Choose a node number that is high enough to avoid conflicts with any devices that Solaris configures automatically (Solaris starts from node 0).

    In the example, we note that the device address for the first device in the library, 1, is w500104f0008120fe and see that the device is currently attached to the host at rmt/1:

    root@mds1~# cat /root/device-mappings.txt 
    ------- -------------    -----------------------------------------------------
       2    /dev/rmt/0cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f00093c438,0:cbn
       1    /dev/rmt/1cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f0008120fe,0:cbn
       3    /dev/rmt/2cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f000c086e1,0:cbn
       4    /dev/rmt/3cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f000b6d98d,0:cbn

    So we create a line in /etc/devlink.tab that remaps rmt/60 to the number 1 drive in the library, w500104f0008120fe:

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/devlink.tab
    # Copyright (c) 1993, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f0008120fe,0;    rmt/60\M0
  5. Continue to add lines to the /etc/devlink.tab file for each tape device that is assigned for Oracle HSM archiving, so that the drive order in the device tree on the metadata server matches the installation order on the library. Save the file.

    In the example, we note the order and addresses of the three remaining devices—library drive 2 at w500104f00093c438, library drive 3 at w500104f000c086e1, and library drive 4 at w500104f000c086e1:

    root@mds1~# cat /root/device-mappings.txt 
       2    /dev/rmt/0cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f00093c438,0:cbn
       1    /dev/rmt/1cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f0008120fe,0:cbn
       3    /dev/rmt/2cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f000c086e1,0:cbn
       4    /dev/rmt/3cbn -> ../../devices/pci@8.../st@w500104f000b6d98d,0:cbn

    Then we map the device addresses to the next three Solaris device nodes, maintaining the same order as in the library:

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/devlink.tab
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f0008120fe,0;    rmt/60\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f00093c438,0;    rmt/61\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f000c086e1,0;    rmt/62\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f000b6d98d,0;    rmt/63\M0
  6. Delete all existing links to the tape devices in /dev/rmt.

    root@mds1~# rm /dev/rmt/* 
  7. Create new, persistent tape-device links from the entries in the /etc/devlink.tab file. Use the command devfsadm -c tape.

    Each time that the devfsadm command runs, it creates new tape device links for devices specified in the /etc/devlink.tab file using the configuration specified by the file. The -c tape option restricts the command to creating new links for tape-class devices only:

    root@mds1~# devfsadm -c tape
  8. On each potential metadata server and datamover in the shared file system configuration, add the same lines to the /etc/devlink.tab file, delete the links in /dev/rmt, and run devfsadm -c tape.

    In the example, we use ssh to log in to the potential metadata server host mds2 and the client host clnt1. We then configure the same four logical devices, rmt/60\M0, rmt/61\M0, rmt/62\M0, and rmt/63\M0, on each:

    root@mds1~# ssh root@mds2
    root@mds2:~# vi /etc/devlink.tab
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f0008120fe,0;    rmt/60\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f00093c438,0;    rmt/61\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f000c086e1,0;    rmt/62\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f000b6d98d,0;    rmt/63\M0
    root@mds2:~# rm /dev/rmt/* 
    root@mds2:~# devfsadm -c tape
    root@mds2:~# exit
    root@mds1~# ssh root@clnt1
    root@clnt1:~# vi /etc/devlink.tab
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f0008120fe,0;    rmt/60\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f00093c438,0;    rmt/61\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f000c086e1,0;    rmt/62\M0
    type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=w500104f000b6d98d,0;    rmt/63\M0
    root@clnt1:~# rm /dev/rmt/* 
    root@clnt1:~# devfsadm -c tape
    root@clnt1:~# exit
  9. Return to the task that you were performing: "Configuring Datamover Clients for Distributed Tape I/O" or "Configuring Additional File System Clients".

Switching from the Active Metadata Server to a Potential Metadata Server

The procedures in this section move the metadata service for the file system from the current host (the active metadata server) to a standby host (the potential metadata server). How you proceed depends on the health of the current host:

Activate a Potential Metadata Server to Replace a Faulty Active Metadata Server

This procedure lets you move the metadata service off of an active metadata server host that has stopped functioning. It activates a potential metadata server, even if a file system is still mounted. Proceed as follows:


Never activate a potential metadata server until you have stopped, disabled, or disconnected the faulty metadata server!

To activate a potential server when a file system is mounted and the active metadata server is down, you have to invoke the samsharefs command with the -R option, which acts on raw devices rather than on file-system interfaces. So, if you activate a potential metadata server while the faulty server is still connected to the devices, the faulty server can corrupt the file system.

  1. If the active metadata server is faulty, make sure that it cannot access the metadata devices before you do anything else. Power the affected host off, halt the host, or disconnect the failed host from the metadata devices.

  2. Wait at least until the maximum lease time has run out, so that all client read, write, and append leases can expire.

  3. Log in to a potential metadata server as root.

    In the example, we log in to the potential metadata server mds2:

  4. Activate the potential metadata server. From the potential metadata server, issue the command samsharefs -R -s server file-system, where server is the host name of the potential metadata server and file-system is the name of the Oracle HSM shared file system.

    In the example, the file system name is shrfs1:

    root@mds2:~# samsharefs -R -s mds2 shrfs1
  5. If you need to check the integrity of a file system and repair possible problems, unmount the file system now using the procedure "Unmount a Shared File System".

  6. If you have unmounted the file system, perform the file system check. Use the command samfsck -F file-system, where -F specifies repair of errors and where file-system is the name of the file system.

    In the example, we check and repair the file system name is shrfs1:

    root@mds2:~# samfsck -F shrfs1
    samfsck: Configuring file system
    samfsck: Enabling the sam-fsd service.
    name:     shrfs1       version:     2A 
  7. Stop here.

Activate a Potential Metadata Server to Replace a Healthy Active Metadata Server

You can move the metadata service off of a healthy, active metadata server host and on to a newly activated potential metadata server when required. For example, you might transfer metadata services to an alternate host to keep file systems available while you upgrade or replace the original server host or some of its components. Proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to both the active and potential metadata servers as root.

    In the example, we log in to the active metadata server, mds1. Then, in a second terminal window, we use secure shell (ssh) to log in to the potential metadata server mds2:

    root@mds1~# ssh root@mds2
  2. If the active metadata server mounts an Oracle HSM archiving file system, finish active archiving and staging jobs and stop any new activity before proceeding further.

  3. If you use a crontab entry to run the recycler process, remove the entry and make sure that the recycler is not currently running.

  4. Activate the potential metadata server. From the potential metadata server, issue the command samsharefs -s server file-system, where server is the host name of the potential metadata server and file-system is the name of the Oracle HSM shared file system.

    In the example, the potential metadata server is mds2 and the file system name is shrfs1:

    root@mds2:~# samsharefs -s mds2 shrfs1
  5. Load the configuration files and start Oracle HSM processes on the potential metadata server. Use the command samd config.

    For archiving shared file systems, the samd config command restarts archiving processes and the library control daemon. But shared file system clients that are waiting for files to be staged from tape to the primary disk cache must reissue the stage requests.

  6. If you still need to use a crontab entry to run the recycler process, restore the entry.

  7. Stop here.

Converting an Unshared File System to a Shared File System

To convert an unshared file system to a shared file system, carry out the following tasks:

Create a Hosts File on the Active and Potential Metadata Servers

On each metadata server, you must create a hosts file that lists network address information for the servers and clients of a shared file system. The hosts file is stored alongside the mcf file in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/ directory. During the initial creation of a shared file system, the sammkfs -S command configures sharing using the settings stored in this file. So create it now, using the procedure below.

  1. Gather the network host names and IP addresses for the hosts that will share the file system as clients.

    In the examples below, we will share the shrfs1 file system with the clients mds2 (a potential metadata server), clnt1, and clnt2.

  2. Log in to the metadata server as root.

    In the example, we log in to the host mds:

  3. Using a text editor, create the file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.family-set-name on the metadata server, replacing family-set-name with the name of the family-set name of the file-system that you intend to share.

    In the example, we create the file hosts.shrfs1 using the vi text editor. We add some optional headings, starting each line with a hash sign (#), indicating a comment:

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    # /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
  4. Enter the host name of the metadata server in the first column and the corresponding IP address or domain name the second. Separate the columns with whitespace characters.

    In the example, we enter the host name and IP address of the metadata server, mds1 and, respectively:

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    # /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
  5. Add a third column, separated from the network address by whitespace characters. In this column, enter the ordinal number of the server (1 for the active metadata server, 2 for the first potential metadata server, and so on).

    In this example, there is only one metadata server, so we enter 1:

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    # /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds1                   1       
  6. Add a fourth column, separated from the server ordinal number by whitespace characters. In this column, enter 0 (zero).

    A 0, - (hyphen), or blank value in the fourth column indicates that the host is on—configured with access to the shared file system. A 1 (numeral one) indicates that the host is off—configured but without access to the file system (for information on using these values when administering shared file systems, see the samshrfs1 man page).

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    # /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds1                   1        0    
  7. Add a fifth column, separated from the on/off status column by whitespace characters. In this column, enter the keyword server to indicate the currently active metadata server:

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    # /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds1                   1        0    server 
  8. If you plan to include one or more hosts as a potential metadata servers, create an entry for each. Increment the server ordinal each time. But do not include the server keyword (there can be only one active metadata server per file system).

    In the example, the host mds2 is a potential metadata server with the server ordinal 2. Until and unless we activate it as a metadata server, it will be a client:

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    # /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds1                   1        0    server 
    mds2                   2        0   
  9. Add a line for each client host, each with a server ordinal value of 0.

    In the example, we add two clients, clnt1 and clnt2.

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    # /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds1                   1        0    server 
    mds2                   2        0   
    clnt1                   0        0
    clnt2                   0        0
  10. Save the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.family-set-name file, and quit the editor.

    In the example, we save the changes to /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1 and exit the vi editor:

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    # /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds1                   1        0    server 
    mds2                   2        0
    clnt1                   0        0
    clnt2                   0        0
  11. Place a copy of the new /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.family-set-name file on any potential metadata servers that are included in the shared file-system configuration.

    In the examples, we use Secure File Transfer Protocol to place a copy on host mds2:

    root@mds1~# sftp root@mds2
    sftp> cd /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/
    sftp> put /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    sftp> bye
  12. Now share the unshared file system and configure the clients.

Share the Unshared File System and Configure the Clients

  1. Log in to the metadata server as root.

    In the example, we log in to the host mds:

  2. If you do not have current backup copies of the system files and configuration files, create backups now. Use the procedures in "Backing Up the Oracle HSM Configuration".

  3. If you do not have a current file-system recovery point file and a recent copy of the archive log, create them now. Use the procedures in "Backing Up File Systems".

    If you set up an automated backup process for the file system during initial configuration, you may not need additional backups.

  4. If you are converting an archiving file system, finish active archiving and staging jobs and stop any new activity before proceeding further.

  5. Unmount the file system. Use the command umount family-set-name, where family-set-name is the family-set name of the file-system that you intend to share.

    For more information on mounting and unmounting Oracle HSM file systems, see the mount_samfs man page. In the example, we unmount the hqfs1 file system:

    root@mds1~# umount /hsm/hqfs1
  6. Convert the file system to an Oracle HSM shared file system. Use the command samfsck -S -F file-system-name, where file-system-name is the family-set name of the file system.

    In the example, we convert the file system named hqfs1:

    root@mds1~# samfsck -S -F hqfs1
  7. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file in a text editor, and locate the line for the file system.

    In the example, we use the vi editor:

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family   Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set      State    Parameters
    #------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ------   -----------------
    hqfs1                200        ma         hqfs1    on
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0    201        mm         hqfs1    on
    /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0    202        md         hqfs1    on
    /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1    203        md         hqfs1    on
  8. In the mcf file, add the shared parameter to the additional parameters field in the last column of the file system entry. Then save the file and close the editor.

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family   Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set      State    Parameters
    #------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ------   -----------------
    hqfs1                200        ma         hqfs1    on       shared
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0    201        mm         hqfs1    on
    /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0    202        md         hqfs1    on
    /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1    203        md         hqfs1    on
  9. Open the /etc/vfstab file in a text editor, and locate the line for the file system.

    In the example, we use the vi editor:

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/vfstab 
    #Device    Device   Mount       System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point       Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------    ------  ----  -------  -----------------------
    /devices   -        /devices    devfs   -     no       -
    /proc      -        /proc       proc    -     no       -
    hqfs1      -        /hsm/hqfs1  samfs   -     yes
  10. In the /etc/vfstab file, and add the shared mount option to mount options field in the last column of the file system entry. Then save the file and close the editor.

    root@mds1~# vi /etc/vfstab 
    #Device    Device   Mount       System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point       Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------    ------  ----  -------  -----------------------
    /devices   -        /devices    devfs   -     no       -
    /proc      -        /proc       proc    -     no       -
    hqfs1      -        /hsm/hqfs1  samfs   -     yes      shared      
  11. Initialize the shared file system and host configuration. Use the command samsharefs -u -R family-set-name, where family-set-name is the family-set name of the file system.

    root@mds1~# samsharefs -u -R hqfs1
  12. Tell the Oracle HSM software to re-read the mcf file and reconfigure itself accordingly:

    root@mds1~# samd config
    Configuring SAM-FS ...
  13. Mount the shared file system on the metadata server.

    root@mds1~# mount /hsm/hqfs1
  14. If your hosts are configured with multiple network interfaces, use local host files to route network communications.

  15. Add any required clients to the newly shared file system, using the procedures outlined in "Configuring Additional File System Clients".

Use Local Hosts Files to Route Network Communications

Individual hosts do not require local hosts files. The file system's global file on the metadata server identifies the active metadata server and the network interfaces of active and potential metadata servers for all file system hosts (see "Create a Hosts File on the Active and Potential Metadata Servers"). But local hosts files can be useful when you need to selectively route network traffic between file-system hosts that have multiple network interfaces.

Each file-system host identifies the network interfaces for the other hosts by first checking the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.family-set-name file on the metadata server, where family-set-name is the name of the file system family specified in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file. Then it checks for its own, specific /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.family-set-name.local file. If there is no local hosts file, the host uses the interface addresses specified in the global hosts file in the order specified in the global file. But if there is a local hosts file, the host compares it with the global file and uses only those interfaces that are listed in both files in the order specified in the local file. By using different addresses in each file, you can thus control the interfaces used by different hosts.

To configure local hosts files, use the procedure outlined below:

  1. On the metadata server host and on each potential metadata server host, create a copy of the global hosts file, /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.family-set-name.

    For the examples in this section, the shared file system, shrfs1, includes an active metadata server, mds1, and a potential metadata server, mds2, each with two network interfaces. There are also two clients, clnt1 and clnt2.

    We want the active and potential metadata servers to communicate with each other via private network addresses and with the clients via host names that Domain Name Service (DNS) can resolve to addresses on the public, local area network (LAN). So /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1, the file system's global host file, specifies a private network address in the Network Interface field of the entries for the active and potential servers and a host name for the interface address of each client. The file looks like this:

    # /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds1                    1        0    server 
    mds2                    2        0   
    clnt1                 clnt1                   0        0
    clnt2                 clnt2                   0        0
  2. Create a local hosts file on each of the active and potential metadata servers, using the path and file name /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.family-set-name.local, where family-set-name is the name specified for the shared file system in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file. Only include interfaces for the networks that you want the active and potential servers to use.

    In the example, we want the active and potential metadata servers to communicate with each other over the private network, so the local hosts file on each server, hosts.shrfs1.local, lists only private addresses for active and potential servers:

    root@mds1:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1.local
    # /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1.local
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds1                    1        0    server 
    mds2                    2        0   
    root@mds1:~# ssh root@mds2
    root@mds2:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1.local
    # /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1.local
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds1                    1        0    server 
    mds2                    2        0   
    root@mds2:~# exit
  3. Create a local hosts file on each of the clients, using the path and file name /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.family-set-name.local, where family-set-name is the name specified for the shared file system in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file. Only include interfaces for the networks that you want the clients to use.

    In our example, we want the clients to communicate with the server only via the public network. So the file includes only the host names of the active and potential metadata servers:

    root@mds1:~# ssh root@clnt1
    root@clnt1:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1.local
    # /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds1                  mds1                    1        0    server
    mds2                  mds2                    2        0
    root@clnt1:~# exit
    root@mds1:~# ssh root@clnt2
    root@clnt2:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1.local
    # /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.shrfs1.local
    #                                             Server   On/  Additional
    #Host Name            Network Interface       Ordinal  Off  Parameters
    #------------------   ----------------------  -------  ---  ----------
    mds1                  mds1                    1        0    server
    mds2                  mds2                    2        0
    root@clnt2:~# exit
  4. If you started this procedure while finishing the configuration of the server, add clients.

Converting a Shared File System to an Unshared File System

When you need to unshare a file system, proceed as follows:

Convert a Shared Metadata Server to an Unshared System

  1. Log in to the metadata server as root.

    In the example, we log in to the host mds:

  2. Remove the clients from the metadata server configuration.

  3. If you do not have current backup copies of the system files and configuration files, create backups now. See "Backing Up the Oracle HSM Configuration".

  4. If you do not have a current file-system recovery point file and a recent copy of the archive log, create them now. See "Backing Up File Systems".

    If you set up an automated backup process for the file system during initial configuration, you may not need additional backups.

  5. If you are converting an archiving file system, finish active archiving and staging jobs and stop any new activity before proceeding further.

  6. Unmount the file system. Use the command umount family-set-name, where family-set-name is the name specified for the shared file system in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    For more information on mounting and unmounting Oracle HSM file systems, see the mount_samfs man page. In the example, we unmount the hqfs1 file system:

    root@mds:~# umount /hsm/hqfs1
  7. Convert the Oracle HSM shared file system to an unshared file system. Use the command samfsck -F -U file-system-name, where file-system-name is the name specified for the shared file system in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.

    In the example, we convert the file system named hqfs1:

    root@mds:~# samfsck -F -U hqfs1
    samfsck: Configuring file system
    samfsck: Enabling the sam-fsd service.
    name:     hqfs1       version:     2A          
    First pass
    Second pass
    Third pass
  8. Open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file in a text editor, and locate the line for the file system.

    In the example, we use the vi editor:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family   Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set      State    Parameters
    #------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ------   -----------------
    hqfs1                200        ma         hqfs1    on       shared
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0    201        mm         hqfs1    on
    /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0    202        md         hqfs1    on
    /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1    203        md         hqfs1    on
  9. In the mcf file, delete the shared parameter from the additional parameters field in the last column of the file system entry. Then save the file and close the editor.

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
    # Equipment          Equipment  Equipment  Family   Device   Additional
    # Identifier         Ordinal    Type       Set      State    Parameters
    #------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ------   -----------------
    hqfs1                200        ma         hqfs1    on       
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0    201        mm         hqfs1    on
    /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0    202        md         hqfs1    on
    /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1    203        md         hqfs1    on
  10. Open the /etc/vfstab file in a text editor, and locate the line for the file system.

    In the example, we use the vi editor:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/vfstab 
    #Device    Device   Mount       System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point       Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------    ------  ----  -------  -----------------------
    /devices   -        /devices    devfs   -     no       -
    /proc      -        /proc       proc    -     no       -
    hqfs1      -        /hsm/hqfs1  samfs   -     yes      shared
  11. In the /etc/vfstab file, delete the shared mount option from the mount options field in the last column of the file system entry. Then save the file and close the editor.

    In the example, we use the vi editor:

    root@mds:~# vi /etc/vfstab 
    #Device    Device   Mount       System  fsck  Mount    Mount
    #to Mount  to fsck  Point       Type    Pass  at Boot  Options
    #--------  -------  --------    ------  ----  -------  -----------------------
    /devices   -        /devices    devfs   -     no       -
    /proc      -        /proc       proc    -     no       -
    hqfs1      -        /hsm/hqfs1  samfs   -     yes
  12. Delete the file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/hosts.file-system-name.

  13. Tell the Oracle HSM software to re-read the mcf file and reconfigure itself accordingly:

    root@mds:~# samd config
    Configuring SAM-FS ...
  14. Mount the file system.

    root@mds:~# mount /hsm/hqfs1
  15. Stop here.