15 Settings

This document contains the following topics:

See Also:

To find solutions for your My Oracle Support issue, before you log an SR review Knowledge Document ID 1466493.2, "My Oracle Support - Support Issues":


This dynamic document is designed to provide you with the most relevant knowledge base documents to help you answer your questions and solve your issues.

15.1 Personalization


If you change a setting, but you have not yet clicked Apply Changes, you can click Revert to restore the original settings.

15.1.1 How do I change the language that My Oracle Support displays?

You can view My Oracle Support in English, Korean, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese. To change My Oracle Support to use one of these languages:

  1. Select Personalization from the Settings tab. The Personalization page appears.

  2. Select a language from the Language list, then click Apply Changes. My Oracle Support refreshes and displays in the selected language.


Language preferences are saved in cookies. If you clear the cookies in your browser, the language is reset to English.

15.1.2 What is the preferred contact method?

The preferred contact method determines how you will receive updates for SRs including Auto Service Request and technical SRs. Choose one of the following options:

  • MOS - You will receive updates through the My Oracle Support interface.

  • E-Mail - You will be notified of updates through e-mail.

  • Phone

  • Fax- Updates will be sent by fax.

15.1.3 How do I change the language for service requests?

You can choose to work with service requests in a number of different languages. To change the language for service requests:


Changing the service request language does not change the language of the My Oracle Support user interface, but will enable you to communicate with Oracle in your chosen language. Service requests will be routed to an engineer who will assist with your issue in the specified language.

You must log severity 1 service requests in English to receive 24 x 7 support.

  1. Select Personalization from the Settings tab. The Personalization page appears.

  2. Select a language from the Service Request Language list, then click Apply Changes.

15.1.4 How do I change the default time zone?

By default, My Oracle Support detects the time zone based on your workstation time zone. However you can override the auto detected time zone by setting the time zone manually. All of the timings in My Oracle Support will be displayed according to this time zone setting so ensure that you select the correct time zone. In addition, your time zone is used to calculate service request (SR) initial response time, the time zone for software SRs, the asset level time for hardware SRs, and to display the date and time in your time zone in My Oracle Support. To change the default time zone (the time zone that you specified when you registered for My Oracle Support):

  1. Select Personalization from the Settings tab. The Personalization page appears.

  2. Select Off next to Auto Detect Timezone. The Select Timezone Manually option appears.

  3. Select a time zone from the list, then click Apply Changes.

15.1.5 How do I customize accessibility options in My Oracle Support?

To specify large fonts, high contrast, or that you are using a screen reader, select Personalization from the Settings tab.


If you are already using larger fonts in your browser, you will find that the fonts only work for some pages within My Oracle Support.
  • If you use large text or zoom in your browser, select I use large fonts.

  • If you use high contrast settings on your local work station, select I use high contract settings.

  • If you use any of the screen reader assistive technologies, select I use a screen reader.

15.1.6 How do I make messages appear in pop-up windows?

To make messages appear in pop-up windows, select Show Messages in Pop-Ups.

15.1.7 How do I reset message warnings?

If you selected Do Not Show Again on a support identifier (SI) expiration warning message, you will not be reminded when SIs are nearing their expiration dates. To reset SI expiration warnings so that you will be notified when an SI is nearing expiration:

  1. Click Messages and Warnings....

  2. Select Support Identifier Expiration Warnings, then click Reset.


    The expiration warning is displayed at the account level. It only appears when the last SI for which you are approved will expire in less than 28 days. If you have more than one SI and one of those SIs is nearing the expiration date, but you still have at least one SI that is has more than 28 days left in the contract, you will not receive the warning. After your last SI expires, you will only have access to the My Oracle Support My Account page.

15.1.8 How do I reset page customization selections?

If you are having issues with page rendering, reset page customizations to restore pages to their original state by resetting column choices and widths, filters, and the selections of regions on the screens. Doing this will not impact favorites, reset searches, or other data.

To reset page customizations:

  1. Click Reset Customization.

  2. In the Reset Page Customization dialog box, select a page group from the menu, or select All Pages.

    The page menu lists pages that have been customized.

  3. Click Reset Customization.

  4. In the confirmation box, click Confirm Reset Customization.

15.1.9 Can I specify the download protocol?

You can specify whether to download patches and Oracle software from My Oracle Support using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. The default is HTTP, however if you are blocked from downloading HTTP content, you can set this preference to always download patches using the HTTPS protocol.

15.2 My Account

The My Account page provides information about your SIs and your account profile, including your personal information and your patch download privileges.

Additionally, site information is displayed for customers that have sites associated with the main location phone number, This includes a View option to see details of the associated SIs.

15.2.1 Support Identifiers How do I find my Support Identifier if I have a hardware serial number?

You should register all of your SIs in your profile. To find your SIs if you have a hardware serial number:

  1. Click Request Access, then click Find Support Identifier to look up your Oracle SI. An SI is a number similar to 3434354 that defines for Oracle the products you have licensed for support.

  2. Enter your system serial number, select your organization, then click Search. The system serial number is serial number assigned to system-level hardware, located on back of the hardware cabinet or box.Your organization is your company's name.


    The system serial number search is case sensitive.


    If your organization is not listed, select Other from the Search list, enter your organization's name, then click Search. If no SI is displayed, click Contact Us at the top of the Settings window to log a non-technical SR. Include the serial number and supporting information.
  3. Select an SI, then click Request Access. How can I customize the Support Identifiers table?

To add or remove columns from the Support Identifiers table:

  1. Select Columns from the View menu.
    The currently visible columns have a check mark next to them.

  2. Select a column name to show or hide the column.

  3. Click Show All to make all columns visible in the table.

To reorder columns, do one of the following:

  • Hold down the mouse over the column header then drag into the position desired.

  • Select Reorder Columns from the View menu, then use the arrows to move columns to the positions desired.

To export the Support Identifiers table into a spreadsheet, select Export from the View menu. What are the Critical Systems and Milestones columns?

The Critical Systems column in the Support Identifiers table identifies Support IDs that have critical assets. Any technical SRs filed using a Support ID that is specified as containing critical systems is flagged as a critical systems SR.

Milestones record significant dates in the lifecycle of the SI, for example a production go-live date.

These options are only available for update by CUAs that have been enabled for Support Identifier Groups. Any CUA can request access to Support Identifier Groups. To learn more about Support Identifier Groups and how to enable them see Knowledge Document 1569482.2:

https://support.oracle.com/rs?type=doc&id=1569482.2 Who can set permissions?

Your privileges in My Oracle Support depend on the terms of the contract for your SI and also on the permissions that your company's Customer User Administrator (CUA) grants. If you require permission to download patches, create service requests, view assets, or perform other tasks, ask your CUA to update your My Oracle Support permissions. If those functions are allowed as part of your SI contract, your CUA may grant them to you. To see the email addresses of the CUAs for the SI, click the View link in the Administrators column of the Support Identifiers table.

If your CUA edited your SI access or privileges since you logged in, click Refresh in the Refresh Your Profile section to update your access and privileges. How do I add an SI to a Profile?

Most customers have only one SI. This is a number similar to 3434354 that defines the Oracle products for which your organization has a support license. After you add an SI to your profile, you may file service requests for products in that SI and upload collections for those systems. To add an SI to your profile:

  1. Select My Account from the Settings tab. The My Account page appears populated with your account information.

  2. Click Request Access.

  3. Enter the SI that you want to add in the Support Identifier box.

  4. If you do not have other approved SIs from same organization as the SI that you are requesting access to in your profile, you must enter the first five characters of the organization name in the Organization Name box.
    This box appears only if you are required to enter the organization name. A space is a valid character. If the organization name is less than five characters, enter the entire name.

  5. Enter text explaining why you want access to this SI. The text is included in the email alert about this request that is sent to the CUAs. The CUAs can also see the text in the Pending Requests page and send an email back to you.


    The system does not clear the text from the text box after you click Submit. The text is preserved in case you want access to many SIs where the note should be the same or similar in all requests. To clear the note for another request, click in the text box then press the Control key and A together to select the text. You can now overwrite the selected text.
  6. Click Request Access. How do I find my CUA?

To find your CUA:

  1. Select My Account from the Settings region.

  2. In the Support Identifiers table, find the row for the approved SI where you want to know the CUA, then select View... in the Administrators column. How do I view SI license information?

To view the license information for an SI, click the SI link in the Support Identifier's column. In the table that appears you can see the end dates of the licenses and assets associated with the SI. Be aware that licenses can have different end dates.

In some cases the same license is listed many times in a single SI. This may be because the license includes different levels of service or because the license was moved from another SI.

Note that the contract expiration end date shown does not change until a new support contract has been activated. This is usually done annually. Therefore, it may appear that the expiration date is close when the support contract may have been renewed. Who to contact if your Support Identifier is due to expire or has already expired?

Contact your CUA by email or phone to identify the contract administration or purchase team in your organization. See "How do I find my CUA?" to identify your CUA and their contact information.

If you cannot find your CUA or you are the CUA:

  • If applicable, refer to the support renewal quote letter for information.

  • Contact your Support Delivery Manager (not applicable to all customers).

  • Contact your local Oracle Support Sales representative. To view the Oracle Support Contacts Global Directory enter the following URL in a browser:



The expiration warning is displayed at the account level. It only appears when the last SI for which you are approved will expire in less than 28 days. If you have more than one SI and one of those SIs is nearing the expiration date, but you still have at least one SI that is has more than 28 days left in the contract, you will not receive the warning. After your last SI expires, you will only have access to the My Oracle Support My Account page.

If you are an Oracle authorized distributor and your Partner SI is due to expire or has already expired, contact Oracle Partner Network (OPN) as follows:

  1. Enter the following URL in a browser:

  2. From the Partners menu select Talk to a Partner Expert.

  3. Click Chat to a Partner Expert Now. How can I become a CUA for an SI?

To become a CUA, send an e-mail to an existing CUA for the SI that you want to administer asking them to grant you the CUA role for that SI. To find your CUA or your CUA's e-mail, see the "How do I find my CUA?" section.


It is good practice to have at least two CUAs for each SI and to ensure there is cover for vacation, sickness, and other absences. What are service request details by email (user-SI)?

If the CUA for an SI has enabled Service Request Details by Email for you, you can choose to receive the SR details in email. To enable this feature, on the My Account page (available from the Settings tab) you must select the check box in the SR Detail column, click Save, then accept the warning message that appears. After you select this option, the email notification sent to you about an SR being updated will include the actual update details and not just a link to a My Oracle Support sign in page to see the SR details.

For security reasons, this option is turned off by default. Although this feature can be very beneficial, especially when using a mobile device, sending actual updates through mail is not as secure as logging in to My Oracle Support to view updates. Changes to these flags are audited.


Currently, this feature is available for SRs created in English only. It is not currently available for MIRCROS SRs.


To receive service request details by email, you must select Email as the contact method on the Severity/Contact page of the SR wizard.

15.2.2 Account Profile How do I edit my account profile information?


If you made changes to your account profile, but you have not yet clicked Save, you can click Revert to restore the original settings.

To edit your account profile information:

  1. Select My Account from the Settings tab. The My Account page appears populated with your account information.

  2. Edit the information in the Personal Information section as required, then click Save. Who can update my personal information?

You and any CUA that is managing any Support ID in your profile can update your personal information, including your name, address, phone number, and so forth. How do I refresh my profile?

Your profile was cached when you signed in to My Oracle Support and the user interface reflects the privileges associated with the SIs that you had in your profile at that time.

If you, or your CUA, made any changes to your profile since you logged in, you can either sign out of My Oracle Support then sign back in or click Refresh in the Refresh Your Profile section to update your profile information. Changes include updates to privileges, SIs, or other account changes.

Refresh may take some time, depending on the number of SIs that you have in your profile.

15.3 Hot Topics E-mail

See Also:

For more information about Hot Topics E-mail, see Knowledge Document 793436.1, "How to use Hot Topics Email notification to subscribe to Support Product News, SRs, Bugs, etc. and events so that you Never Miss an Important Update":

Start by viewing the short video for an overview of how to setup and use this feature.

15.3.1 What is Hot Topics E-Mail?

My Oracle Support enables you to subscribe to e-mail notification for a range of information (such as Knowledge Articles, bugs, desupport notices, product newsletters, and field action bulletins) associated with Oracle products. You can also subscribe to e-mail alerts for your service requests and health recommendations based on certain criteria.

Hot Topics E-mail sends a formatted message with links to content that has changed based on selections made on the Hot Topics E-Mail page. Because this feature can generate a high volume of e-mail, choose only products that are of immediate importance to you. As you become more involved with new products or less with other products, you can add or remove products from the list.

15.3.2 What are site alerts?

Site alerts notify you of My Oracle Support outages. Select this option to receive an email when a My Oracle Support outage is scheduled.

15.3.3 How do I set up and enable Hot Topics E-mail?

To set up and enable Hot Topics E-mail:

  1. Select Hot Topics E-mail from the Settings tab. The Hot Topics E-Mail page appears.

  2. Select the frequency to specify how often you want to receive the e-mails and choose the format of the e-mails.

  3. In the Content to Include section, make other selections as required.

  4. In the Selected Products section, click Add... then specify a product to monitor.

  5. Make other selections as required, then click Apply or OK.

    If you click Apply, the Add Product window remains open so you can add additional products.

  6. To receive e-mail notifications about health recommendations, in the Health Recommendations section, select a recommendation category (Severity, Favorite Targets, By Support Identifier, or By Target Type).

  7. If you select By Target Type, click Add... then specify a target type to monitor.

  8. Make other selections as required, then click OK.

  9. To save changes to Hot Topics E-mail, click Apply at the bottom of the window.

15.4 Knowledge Preferences

Select Knowledge Preferences to specify your selections, then click Apply Changes.

Search Term Suggestion

Specify whether you want to receive search suggestions in the global search box and the Knowledge Base region and if so, how many. When set to Yes, search suggestions will be listed as you enter text in the Search Knowledge Base box, available at the top right side of any My Oracle Support window.

The search suggestions feature facilitates more precise searches by providing type-ahead functionality when you enter keywords in the Global Search Bar. Up to ten suggestions are presented as you type search words. Search suggestions work as follows:

  1. Natural Language Processing is performed against the knowledge base.

  2. Phrases are extracted according to specific criteria. A word or phrase must appear a specified number of times to be included.

  3. Phrases are scored in direct proportion to the colocation of the words that make up the phrase. The higher the score, the more closely colocated the words that make up the phrase.

  4. Phrases are displayed as you begin to type a keyword.

  5. After you select a phrase, a normal search is conducted.

Because the suggestions come from the knowledge base, suggestions presented are based on what is known to exist. Spelling errors can be avoided and because a phrase that is suggested must have at least two words, My Oracle Support can guide you to use better search terms.

Solutions During SR Creation

By default, this option is set to On, and you will receive suggested solutions from the Knowledge Base after you enter basic information about your issue in the Service Request wizard, in step 2. Click Off to omit this step in the Service Request wizard.

Enable Search Product Boosting

By default, this option is set to On. When this option is selected, documents associated with the products in the Recent list will receive more weight or a "boost" in the search results.


By default, this option is set to On. When this option is selected, the document relevancy rating is displayed.

Inline Product Hierarchy

By default, this option is set to On. When this option is selected, knowledge base documents display the most relevant product hierarchy (for the document) under the document summary on the KM Results page.


By default, this option is set to On. When this option is selected, the first occurrences of the search terms are displayed under the document title, in the KM Results page.

15.5 Service Requests Profiles

A service request profile is a group of settings that can be used to create a new SR. If you use the configuration manager collector, you can also set a profile based on a system. Profiles reduce the time required to create an SR. Profiles are managed from this page. When you create an SR, you have the option to create the SR from a service request profile. Doing this will automatically populate some fields with the information from the profile. This reduces the time required to complete the SR.

15.5.1 Adding a Service Request Profile

To add a service request profile:

  1. Select Service Request Profiles from the Settings tab.

  2. Click Add SR Profile. The Add Service Request Profile screen appears.

  3. Complete the form, then click Save.

15.5.2 Editing a Service Request Profile

To edit a service request profile:

  1. Select Service Request Profiles from the Settings tab.

  2. Click a profile link in the Profile column of the table. The Edit window appears.

  3. Make any desired changes, then click Save.

15.5.3 Deleting a Service Request Profile

To delete a service request profile, click the x in the row of the service request profile that you want to delete.

15.6 Manage or View Users

If you have administrator privileges, you will see Manage Users in the Settings tab. Otherwise, you will see View Users.

15.6.1 How do I view users?

To view users associated with the SIs listed in your profile:

  1. Depending on your privileges, select Manage Users or View Users. The first time you select Manage Users or View Users, a list of users appears for all SIs that you are associated with. The next time you select Manage Users or View Users, the previous selection appears.

  2. Choose the following options, as required:

    • To select the SIs for which to display users, select the SIs from the SI list.

    • To view users with a particular status, select or deselect statuses from the Status list. The default status is All. This option is available to CUAs only.

    • To search for a specific user within your SIs, enter the user's e-mail address in the Search Username box, then click Search.

  3. To view a user's details, click the name in the Name column.

    The User Details table appear below the Users and Support Identifiers table.


    A warning icon appears in the Issues column for a user if there are items to be aware of, for example a user is in the Pending status or is denied access to an SI.

15.6.2 How do I edit privileges for users?

To change privileges for a user, you must be a CUA for the SI that the user is approved for. The privileges that you can set are:

  • Role (Administrator, User)

  • Service Requests (None, Read Only, Create and Update)

  • Patches (Download, View Only)

  • Assets (No Access, View, Admin)

  • Change Requests (No Access, View, Create) (Managed Cloud Services only)

To change privileges for a user in Manage Users:

  1. Select a user in the Users and Support Identifiers table.

  2. Select the desired privileges from the menus in the Role, Service Request, Patches, Assets, or Change Requests (if available) column, then click Save.

  3. If desired, enter a termination date. If specified, after this date access to this SI will be automatically deleted for this user.


    Change Requests are available to Managed Cloud customers only.


    You cannot change privileges for yourself (the current user) or pending users. You must first approve pending users in the Pending Users Requests window before you can change their privileges.

15.6.3 How do I grant user access to an SI?

The Grant Access button is only available to CUAs. It appears if you are a CUA and you edit the profile of a user that you administer. The user must be a member of an SI for which you are a CUA.

To grant a user access to an SI, click Grant Access..., use the arrows to move an SI to the Selected Support Identifiers list, select User or Admin, then click Apply.


This feature allows a CUA to enable a user with some or all of the same SIs as themselves. It can be used by the CUA to appoint another user as CUA (admin) for all SIs. It is best practise to have at least two current CUAs for SIs to allow for coverage of the task.

15.6.4 How do I fix accounts with problems?

The CUA can fix some problems with user accounts. If you are a CUA, you can approve additional SIs, and give permissions such as the ability to download patches, edit systems or projects, or create service requests in the Manager Accounts section of the Settings tab.

15.7 Pending User Requests


The Pending User Requests section is visible only to CUAs.

15.7.1 What is a pending user request?

When a user in your organization requires access to My Oracle Support or requires access to an additional SI, they must have the approval of the CUA in the user's organization. Oracle does not approve these requests. CUAs use the Pending User Requests page to approve or deny user access requests.

15.7.2 How do I approve a pending user request?

To approve a pending user request:

  1. Select Pending User Requests from the Settings tab. The Pending User Requests page appears, listing all pending requests assigned to you.

  2. Select one or more requests in the table, then click Approve...

    The Approve Requests window appears.

  3. Click the text bubble icon in the Note column to view any notes that the requester added when submitting the request.

  4. If desired, add a note in the Notes to Requester box, then click Done.

  5. If desired, change the SI to any other SI that you are administering.

  6. If desired, change the privileges for this user by selecting from the lists, then click Approve.


You should only approve users whose actions are sanctioned by your organization. On rare occasions, you might find that you recognize the user's account but the user made an error when entering an SI for their organization. In this situation, you should deny the request. Some customers require Oracle accounts to be created from a valid business address and not from a personal e-mail account. If this is the policy of your company, you should deny requests for accounts that use a personal e-mail address.If you do not know the person making the request, you should deny the request. If they are a valid user but used an incorrect e-mail account (for example a personal e-mail account) they must change their e-mail address or reregister using their business e-mail address.

15.7.3 How do I deny a pending user request?

To deny requests:

  1. Select Pending User Requests. The Pending User Requests page appears, listing all pending requests assigned to you.

  2. Select the request, then click Deny.

  3. Click the text bubble icon in the Notes column to view any notes that the requester added when submitting the request.

  4. If desired, add a note in the Notes to Requester box, then click Done.

  5. Click Deny to deny the request.

15.8 Support Identifiers

Click Support Identifiers in the Administrative section of the Settings tab to view the support identifiers (SIs) that you are administrating.


This section is visible to CUAs only.

15.8.1 What are Support Identifier Groups?


For more information about SI groups including video training, see Knowledge Document1569482.1, "My Oracle Support How-to Series for SI Groups":

Customers are no longer restricted to SIs generated and provided by Oracle as a result of orders that have been placed. A CUA has the option to decide to either create new SIs or use existing SIs as a basis to group hardware assets, software licenses, and users in a single SI, creating an SI based on their needs. CUAs can now organize their hardware, software, and users in a way that makes sense to the customer's business model. The power and ability to expand or reduce the number of SI groups is now within the control of a company's designated CUA.

Customers are not required to use SI groups. If you are happy with how hardware assets and software licenses are grouped today within your SIs, you can continue using the existing SIs with no changes.

Go to the Support Identifier section of the Settings tab to create a new SI, edit SIs, and specify default SIs that are used for new assets from new orders.

15.8.2 Support Identifiers - CUAs Enabled for Support Identifier Groups


For more information about SI groups including video training, see Knowledge Document1569482.1, "My Oracle Support How-to Series for SI Groups":

This section contains information about managing SIs for CUAs with the SI groups privilege. By default, all CUAs are enabled for SI groups.

The Support Identifiers table lists the SIs that you are administering. To view the list grouped by organization select Group By from the View menu, then select Organization.

To edit SIs, click the SI number link in the Support Identifier column and edit the SI information in the Support Identifier Overview region. You can also edit some SI information directly in the Support Identifiers table. How do I search for an SI that I am administering?

If you are the administrator for several SIs, you can use the search function to find a specific SI.

To find an SI that you are administering, enter a partial or full SI number or description in the search box, then click Search.


Searching by the user-specified SI name will be available in the future.

You can further refine your search by using the Organization filter, located to the left of the search box. Select one or more organizations from the Organization filter menu to search for SIs only from the selected organizations. What are Default Support Identifiers?

The default SI is the SI that the CUA chooses to be used as the owning SI for all new hardware assets or software licences added from new orders for the organization or account. The benefit of setting a default SI for each account or organization (legal entity) is that My Oracle Support will then associate all assets from new orders placed against the account or organization to the default SIs selected saving the CUA the problem of having to manage the additional SIs created with each order. You can designate one default SI for software assets and one for hardware assets, or use the same SI for both.

Click the View link in the Audit Data column to view all SIs that were assigned to be a default SI. This shows who made the change, when it was changed, and the values. If you do not have access to the actual SI the system just shows 'No Access' instead of the SI number.

Be aware that a default SI applies to all assets from all new orders placed using the organization name. Before setting default SI groups you should consider if this is suitable for your organization, and consider if there are other users or CUAs who place orders using the same account and organization that would be affected.


If you use a default SI group, the system moves (does not copy) the assets automatically, therefore the original SI will not work in My Oracle Support.

To disable the default SI group select Not Defined then save the change. Managing Support Identifiers

You manage SIs directly in the Support Identifiers table or in the Support Identifier Overview region. You must use the Support Identifier Overview region to change the SI name or description. Click the link in the Support Identifier column of the Support Identifier table to view the Support Identifier Overview region. How do I add or edit the name of an SI?

In addition to the SI number assigned automatically, you can specify a name for the SI to help you identify the SI. To add or edit a name:

  1. Click the SI number link in the Support Identifier column.

  2. In the Support Identifier Overview region enter or edit the name in the Name box then click Save.

You can enter the system name, location, or other useful information to help you identify your assets. Note that at this time you cannot search for the SI name. How do I add or edit an SI description?

To add or edit a description:

  1. Click the SI number link in the Support Identifier column.

  2. In the Support Identifier Overview region enter or edit a description in the Description box then click Save. How do I hide an SI?

You can hide an SI that has no active assets associated with it. If you have moved the assets from one SI to one or more other SIs, you might want to hide the original SI in the Support Identifiers table to get a clearer view of the active SIs that your administer. To do this, select the box in the Hidden column, then deselect Show Hidden at the top of the table.


When you hide an SI, the SI is not removed from your profile. You can unhide it at any time.

The ability to hide an SI is provided to make the view of active SIs clearer to CUAs. Note that hiding an SI does not affect the view that a user may have of the SI in their My Account view.

Select Show Hidden to view all SIs.

To unhide an SI, deselect the box in the Hidden column. How do I change default privileges for an SI?

Access defaults are the privileges that are granted to new users by default. To change default privileges, select an SI in the Support Identifiers table, select the desired privileges from the lists, then click Save.

You can also set access defaults in the Support Identifier Overview region.


Changing the default privileges for an SI does not change the privileges of the users that have the SI in their profile. You must update the existing users manually.

Change requests apply to Managed Cloud customers only. How do I set Auto Approve?

Set the Approval option to Auto for an SI to automatically approve new user requests. The requestor will be approved only if they have been approved for at least one other SI from the same organization as the requested SI. To set Auto Approve, select Auto from the Approvals menu in the Support Identifier Overview section. What are service request updates in email?

If you select the check box in the Service Request Details by Email column, click Save, then accept the warning message that appears, each user with that Support ID in their profile can choose to receive the SR details in email. To enable this feature the user must select a similar option in their My Account page and accept a similar warning. After the user selects this option, the email notification sent to the user about an SR being updated will include the actual update details and not just a link to a My Oracle Support sign in page to see the SR details.

For security reasons, this option is turned off by default. Although this feature can been very beneficial, especially when using a mobile device, sending actual updates through mail is not as secure as logging in to My Oracle Support to view updates. Changes to these flags are audited.


To receive service request details by email, users must select Email as the contact method on the Severity/Contact page of the SR wizard. What is the Critical Systems column?

The Critical Systems column in the Support Identifiers table indicates Support IDs that contain critical systems. Any technical SRs filed using a Support ID that is specified as containing critical systems is flagged as a critical systems SR.

Select the box in the Critical Systems column then click Save to set this option. You can also set this option in the Support Identifier Overview region. What are milestones?

You can create a milestone for an SI to record significant dates in the lifecycle of the SI, for example a production go-live date.

To create a milestone, in the Support Identifiers table or the Support Identifier Overview region enter a milestone name, select a date, then click Save. How do I create a new SI?

You might want to create a new SI to move or copy assets from one or more existing SIs to enable you to better manage your assets.


An SI must have assets associated with it to become active in My Oracle Support.

To create a new SI:

  1. In the Support Identifiers table, click New...

  2. On the New Support Identifier tab, select one of the following from the Purpose menu:

    • End Customer Assets and Systems

      Select this option if you are an Oracle Partner creating the SI on behalf of an end customer.

    • Own Direct Assets and Systems

      Select this option is you are creating this SI for your organization.


    If you manage only direct or partner SIs, the Purpose menu is not shown.

    After you create the SI, you cannot change the purpose or organization.

  3. Select an organization or account.

  4. Specify a name for this SI.

  5. If desired, enter a description, specify whether the SI contains critical systems, enter a milestone, change the default access privileges, and change the approval to Auto, then click Create.

  6. Add assets. The new SI must have assets associated with it to become active in My Oracle Support.

  7. Add users. You can select existing users that you currently administer, or request users to register with the SI or request the SI themselves. You must approve these requests. How do I duplicate an SI?

You might want to create a copy of an SI so that you can have a new SI with almost all of the assets as in the original. Or if you want to track SRs for a project separately you can create a copy of the SI and ask the project team to use the new SI to track the SRs.

You can duplicate an SI with up to 5000 users and up to 5000 assets (total hardware and software assets combined). When you duplicate an SI, the access defaults are copied, but not the attributes for Hidden, Critical Systems, Milestones, Description, or Email Preferences.


If the SI that you want to duplicate has more than 5000 assets, you can:
  • Create a new SI and add users and assets to the new SI

  • Duplicate the existing SI, select only software assets or hardware assets, then add the other assets after duplication

To duplicate an SI:

  1. Click the SI number link in the Support Identifier column of the Support Identifiers table.

  2. Click Duplicate this Support Identifier.


    This link is disabled for end customer SIs, SIs containing at least one asset that cannot be used with SI groups, CRM OD SIs, and Managed Cloud SIs.
  3. In the Duplicate Support Identifier box, enter a name for the new SI.

  4. Select the items that you want to copy (users, hardware assets, software assets), then click Create Copy.

    If you duplicate an SI without copying the users or any assets, the copy will have have the same default privileges as the original and you will be the administrator. Managing Users

The Users region lists the users associated with an SI. You can add, remove, and change a user's privileges from this region.

To view the Users region, click the SI number link in the Support Identifier column of the Support Identifiers table.

To detach the Users regions so you can view the list of users in a larger window, click the second >> button to the right of Privileges... then click Detach.


CUAs with SI groups enabled can add validated users as well as remove users from the SI. How do I search for a specific user associated with an SI?

To search for a specific user associated with an SI:

  1. Click the SI number link in the Support Identifier column of the Support Identifiers table.

  2. In the Users region, if you have not detached the Users region click the first >> button to the right of Privileges...

  3. Enter the user's full or partial e-mail address in the search box, then click Search. How do I change a user's privileges?

To change privileges for a user, you must be a CUA for the SI that the user is approved for. The privileges that you can set are:

  • Role (Administrator, User)

  • Service Requests (None, Read Only, Create and Update)

  • Patches (Download, View Only)

  • Assets (No Access, View, Admin)

  • Change Requests (Managed Cloud Services only)

To change privileges for a user:

  1. Click Privileges...

  2. If necessary, use the search box to search for a user's email address.

  3. For each user that you want to update, select the desired privileges from the menus in the Role, Service Requests, Patches, Assets, or Change Requests (if available) column, then click Save.


    Change Requests are available to Managed Cloud customers only.


    You cannot change privileges for yourself (the current user) or pending users. You must first approve pending users in the Pending Users Requests window before you can change their privileges. How do I add a user from one SI to another SI?

You can add a user from one SI to another SI that you manage as follows:

  1. Click the SI number link in the Support Identifier column of the Support Identifiers table.

  2. In the Users region, click Add...

    The Add Users window appears and displays a list of users associated with administrated SIs.

  3. To group users by SI, select Group By from the View menu, then select Support Identifier.

  4. Click the arrow next to an SI to expand or collapse the list of users.

  5. To filter by SI, enter a partial name, number, description or organization name, in the Support Identifier filter box then select an SI from the list that appears.

  6. To search for a user by user name, email, role, request status, select a search filter, enter text in the search box, then click the arrow.

  7. Select the users that you want to add to the SI, then click Add Users. Click Select All to select all of the visible users.

    The users will be added with the user role and privileges of the destination SI. How do I remove a user from an SI?

To remove a user from an SI:

  1. Click the SI number link in the Support Identifier column of the Support Identifiers table.

  2. In the Users region, select the users that you want to remove, then click Remove.

    You can select a single user, use the shift key to select a range of users, or use the control key to select noncontiguous users.

  3. In the confirmation box, click Remove. Managing Assets How do I edit assets?

To edit assets:

  • To add assets, in either the Hardware Assets or Software Assets region click Add..., select one or more assets in the screen that appears, then click Move Selected or Copy Selected. If you choose Move Selected, the assets are move from the source SI. If you choose Copy Selected the assets are copied and available in each SI.

    To add assets from other SIs, select the SIs from the Support Identifier menu. Use the Search menus to search for an asset in the list.

  • To remove assets, in either the Hardware Assets or Software Assets region select the assets that you want to remove, then click Remove. Use the Shift key to select a range of assets. Use the Control key to select non-contiguous assets.


    You can only delete an asset from an SI if the asset was previously copied to another SI. How do I add hardware assets in batch mode?

To add hardware assets in batch mode:

  1. In the Hardware Assets region, click Add Assets in Batch Mode.

  2. Enter or paste up to 4000 hardware serial numbers in the box delimited by a space, pipe, comma, semicolon, or line feed, then click Add Assets. The assets must be listed in SIs that are in the same organization as the destination SI and you must be a CUA for the source and destination SIs.

15.8.3 Support Identifiers - CUAs Not Enabled for Support Identifier Groups

This section contains information for CUAs that have requested to not have access to the support identifier groups option.

The Support Identifiers table lists the SIs that you are administering. To view the list grouped by organization select Group By from the View menu, then select Organization. How do I search for an SI that I am administering?

If you are the administrator for several SIs, you can use the search function to find a specific SI.

To find an SI that you are administering, enter a partial or full SI number or description in the search box (Support ID Number or Description), then click Search.


Searching by the user-specified SI name will be available in the future.

You can further refine your search by using the Organization filter, located to the left of the search box. Select one or more organizations from the Organization filter menu to search for SIs only from the selected organizations. How do I change the name of an SI?

To change the name of an SI, edit the text in the SI column then click Save in the bottom right of the screen. You can enter the system name, location, or other useful information to help you identify your assets. Note that at this time you cannot search for the edited name of an SI. How do I add a description to an SI?

To add a description to and SI, enter text in the Description column then click Save in the bottom right of the screen. You can enter the system name, location, or other useful information to help you identify your assets. You can search for SIs that contain text that you enter in the Description column. How do I change default privileges for an SI?

Access defaults are the privileges that are granted to new users by default. To change default privileges, select an SI in the Support Identifiers table, select the desired privileges from the lists, then click Save.


Changing the default privileges for an SI does not change the privileges of the users that have the SI in their profile. You must update the existing users manually. What are service request updates in email?

If you select the check box in the Service Request Details by Email column, click Save, then accept the warning message that appears, each user with that Support ID in their profile can choose to receive the SR details in email. To enable this feature the user must select a similar option in their My Account page and accept a similar warning. After the user selects this option, the email notification sent to the user about an SR being updated will include the actual update details and not just a link to a My Oracle Support sign in page to see the SR details.

For security reasons, this option is turned off by default. Although this feature can been very beneficial, especially when using a mobile device, sending actual updates through mail is not as secure as logging in to My Oracle Support to view updates. Changes to these flags are audited.


To receive service request details by email, users must select Email as the contact method on the Severity/Contact page of the SR wizard. What is the Critical Systems column?

The Critical Systems column in the Support Identifiers table indicates Support IDs that contain critical systems. Any technical SRs filed using a Support ID that is specified as containing critical systems is flagged as a critical systems SR.

The options to specify that an SI contains a critical system is available only for CUAs that have enabled SI groups. What are milestones?

A CUA with SI groups enabled can create a milestone for an SI, for example a production go-live date. If you do not have SI groups enabled, you will see milestones but you cannot edit them. How do I change user privileges?

To change privileges for a user, you must be a CUA for the SI for which the user is approved. The privileges that you can set are:

  • Role (Administrator, User)

  • Service Requests (None, Read Only, Create and Update)

  • Patches (Download, View Only)

  • Assets (No Access, View, Admin)

  • Change Requests (Managed Cloud Services only)

To change privileges for a user:

  1. Select an SI in the Support Identifiers table, then click View Users.

  2. Select a user in the Users table.

  3. Select the desired privileges from the menus in the Role, Service Request, Patches, Assets, or Change Requests (if available) columns, then click Save.


    Change Requests are available to Managed Cloud customers only.


    You cannot change privileges for yourself (the current user) or pending users. You must first approve pending users in the Pending Users Requests window before you can change their privileges.
  4. If desired, enter a termination date. At the end of this date access to the SI will be removed from this user automatically.


    Change Requests are available to Managed Cloud customers only.


    You cannot change privileges for yourself (the current user) or pending users. You must first approve pending users in the Pending Users Requests window before you can change their privileges. How do I set Auto Approve?

If you are a CUA, set the Approval access to Auto for an SI to automatically approve new user requests. The requestor will be approved only if they have been approved for at least one other SI from the same organization as the requested SI. To set Auto Approve:

  1. Go to the Support Identifiers section of the Settings tab.

  2. In the Approval column in the row of the SI that you want to update, select Auto.


    The Group By feature must be turned off to see the Approval column. To turn off the Group By feature, select View, Group By, then Off. How do I search for a specific user associated with an SI?

To search for a specific user associated with an SI:

  1. Select an SI from the SIs list, then click View Users. The Users table for the selected SI appears populated with the users that belong the SI.

  2. Enter the user's e-mail address in the search box, then click Search. How do I add a user to an SI?

To add a user to an SI:

  1. Select the SI in the Support Identifiers table to which you want to add users, then click View Users. The Users table for the selected SI appears populated with the users that belong the SI.

  2. Click Add...

    A list of users associated with administrated SI appears.

  3. To group users by SI, select Group By from the View menu, then select Support Identifier.

  4. Click the arrow next to an SI to expand or collapse the list of users.

  5. To filter by SI, enter a partial name, number, description or organization name, in the Support Identifier filter box then select an SI from the list that appears.

  6. To search for a user by user name, email, role, request status, select a search filter, enter text in the search box, then click the arrow.

  7. Select the users that you want to add to the SI, then click Add Users. Click Select All to select all of the visible users.

    The users will be added with the user role and privileges of the destination SI. How do I remove a user from an SI?

To remove a user from an SI:

  1. Select the SI in the Support Identifiers table that contains the user that you want to remove, then click View Users. The Users table for the selected SI appears populated with the users that belong the SI.

  2. Enter the user's e-mail address in the search box, then click Search.

  3. Select the user, then click Remove.

  4. In the confirmation box, click Remove.

15.8.4 SI Expiry Notification to CUAs in the My Oracle Support Message Center

The My Oracle Support Message Center includes an item to notify CUAs if any SIs they administer are due to lose entitlement soon because the associated contract will expire. This item also includes the number of users associated with these SIs to indicate the number of users that might be affected. The CUA can click this item to go to the Support Identifier view with a filter automatically applied to show only these SIs. CUAs can drill into each SI to see the details. CUAs are advised to review the details to determine whether they need to take any of the following actions:

  • Assign users to alternative SIs (either add the SI to the user or ask the user to request to be added)

  • Contact the user's contract administration or finance team to ask about the renewal of the support contracts

  • Contact your company's Oracle Support Sales Representative


To reset the SI expiration message, go to the Personalization page on the Settings tab then click Messages and Warnings in the Reset Customization section. In the box that appears, select Support Identifier Expiration Warnings, then click Reset.

15.9 Audit


This section is visible to CUAs only.

Click Audit to view SI-related updates made for the users that you manage, sorted by date. Use the search box to search for a username or e-mail.

You can use the Support Identifier filter to view audit information for a single SI, or you can select All Support Identifiers.

Enter a full or partial email address to restrict audit information to the user with that e-mail address.

Use the Date Range filter to filter by date: Last 2 days, Last 7 days, Last 14 days, Last 30 days. You can also enter a date range. The date range should be less than 90 days.

15.10 Associate Collectors

To associate a system with a service request, view configuration details or history, and be included in health checks and patch recommendations, the system must be associated with a SI. This did not happen at the time of upload most likely because the SI for the system was not specified and you have more than one SI in your profile. Associate the SI with the system, then the system will be made available in My Oracle Support.

15.11 Deactivated Collections

Note: This region is only available when you have configuration manager collectors running. See the Collector tab for more information about how to take advantage of collections.

The region keeps track of any collectors which are no longer active. For those collectors for which you have permission, you can reactivate systems and any targets which appear in that system. You can choose to activate just a target in a system or the system and the targets. Choose the appropriate checkboxes, then click Reactivate to return the systems and targets to their active state.

Only the CUA has permission to reactivate systems and targets. If you do not have the ability to select items and click Reactivate, ask a CUA to do this for you.

15.12 Custom System Properties

There are several reasons you might want to add a custom attribute, for example:

  • You know when you plan to upgrade the hardware on which a system is hosted

  • You would like to have the name of the business owner or the phone number of the network engineer who is assigned to a system

  • You want a URL that is linked to your ticketing system to appear with each target

You can add these and other attributes to any system or specific target type in My Oracle Support. These values will appear in the Overview region for the system or target.

You must be a CUA to create an attribute. However, any administrator with edit permission on the systems or targets can edit the attribute values. Any user with permission to see the systems and targets will be able to view the values. For example, a user could set a PowerView filter for Business Owner with the value 'John' so that an administrator whose responsibility is solely for John Doe's business unit will be able to focus on those systems and targets.

You can add the following types of attributes:

  • URL The URL attribute provides a convenient way to link to other systems in your organization. Because this is a simple URL, if you click it and you are not inside your own firewall or on a VPN, you will not be able to contact the site.

  • Date The Date attribute can be used for milestones, anticipated hardware refreshes, or defining the next upcoming patch window.

  • Text The text field can be used for tagging or entering simple names such as Business Owner, Network Owner, Host Engineer.

  • Number The number field is validated to be a number, so you can do searches for values greater or less than a specified number. This is handy for any attribute that you might want to filter by in a PowerView, for example, a rack location or slot number. It could also be an inventory number or a business unit.

  • True/False True/False attributes are useful for indicating whether attributes apply to a system (for example External to Firewall or In Lockdown).

15.12.1 Viewing Custom Attributes

To view an existing custom attribute, select Custom System Properties in the Settings tab. The Custom System Properties page appears, listing any previously defined attributes.

15.12.2 Adding a Custom Attribute

To add an attribute:

  1. Select Custom System Properties in the Settings tab. The Custom System Properties page appears, listing any previously defined attributes.

  2. Select Add Attribute... The Add Custom Attribute to Systems or Target page appears.

  3. Enter or select information as required, then click Save.

15.12.3 Editing a Custom Attribute

To edit a custom attribute:

  1. Click a link in the Field Title column. The Edit window appears.

  2. Make any desired changes, then click Save.

15.12.4 Deleting a Custom Attribute

To delete a custom attribute, click the x in the row of the attribute that you want to delete.