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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Federated Portals Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.6)

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17 Configuring WSRP Security Between WLP and a WebCenter Portal: Framework Application

This chapter describes one technique for establishing a secure communications channel for WSRP transactions between WebLogic Portal and a WebCenter Portal: Framework application. It includes the following sections:

17.1 Introduction

For web-based transactions to be secure, the following four components must be addressed:

The following configuration steps will enable integrity, authentication, and message freshness constraints in WSRP transactions between Framework applications and WLP applications, as follows:


Message confidentiality is not addressed in these steps. If confidentiality is a concern for your WSRP environment, please consider enabling SSL between your producer and consumer.

These security settings are but one possible configuration of Web Service security for WSRP. Many other Web Service security configuration settings can be further adjusted in both the WebLogic Portal and Framework application environments, as long as the settings are enabled and recognized in both environments. For further detailed information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing WebLogic Web Services for Oracle WebLogic Server.

17.2 SAML Security Between a WebCenter Portal: Framework Application Consumer and a WebLogic Portal Producer

This section explains how to configure SAML security for both a Framework application consumer and a WLP producer. The tasks described in this section are:

17.2.1 Configuring the Consumer

This section discusses how to generate a key pair and export the public key certificate on the consumer. Generate a Key Pair

This section explains how to generate a key on the consumer using the keytool utility, a Java utility distributed by Sun Microsystems that manages private keys and certificates. For detailed information on keytool, refer to the Sun Microsystems website.

  1. On the Framework application consumer, open a command window and change directory to the <WEBLOGIC_HOME>/wlserver_10.3/server/bin directory.

  2. Run the setWLSEnv.cmd/.sh command to set up the required environment variables.

  3. Run the keytool command to generate a new key pair. For example, the following command generates a key pair, wraps the public key in a certificate, and stores the certificate and the private key in a keystore named mykeystore.jks, identified by the alias wckey:

    keytool -genkeypair -alias wckey -keypass wckeypass -keyalg rsa -keysize 1024 -keystore mykeystore.jks -storepass mykeystorepass -dname "CN=Oracle Corp, OU=WLP, O=Oracle, L=Boulder, ST=CO, C=US"
  4. Make a note of your new keystore's passphrase, the key pair's alias, and the key pair's passphrase. This data, as well as the keystore file itself (mykeystore.jks), will be used when configuring the Framework application consumer. Export the Public Key Certificate

The producer needs the public key certificate (the public half of the "key pair" generated in the previous step) installed in its trust key store. Follow these steps to export the public key certificate to a file, which will then be imported into a trusted key store on the producer.

  1. On the consumer, open a command window and change directory to the <WEBLOGIC_HOME>/wlserver_10.3/server/bin directory.

  2. Run the setWLSEnv.cmd/.sh command to set up the required environment variables.

  3. Run the keytool command to export the previously-created certificate to a file. For example, the following command creates a certificate file named wckey.der from the key pair identified by alias wckey:

    keytool -exportcert -alias wckey -keypass wckeypass -keystore mykeystore.jks -storepass mykeystorepass -file wckey.der

17.2.2 Configuring the Producer

This section explains how to configure the producer. To do this, you import the public key certificate into the SAML asserter, and configure the asserting party properties. Import the Public Key Certificate Into The Producer Domain's Trust Key Store

  1. Copy the certificate file created in the previous step to the WebLogic Portal producer's domain directory (for example, <MW_HOME>/user_projects/domains/base_domain).

  2. On the producer, open a command window and change directory to the <WEBLOGIC_HOME>/server/bin directory.

  3. Run the setWLSEnv.cmd/.sh command to set up the required environment variables.

  4. Change directory to the root directory for your producer's domain (for example, <MW_HOME>/user_projects/domains/base_domain)

  5. Run the keytool command to import the previously-created certificate file to the domain's trust keystore. For example, the following command imports the certificate identified by alias wckey from the certificate file named wckey.der to the DemoTrust.jks keystore:

    keytool -importcert -keystore DemoTrust.jks -storepass DemoTrustKeyStorePassPhrase -file wckey.der -alias wckey -keypass wckeypass 
  6. If prompted to "Trust this certificate? [no]: ", type yes and press Enter to add the certificate to the keystore.

  7. If your server is currently running, restart it.


    WebLogic Portal is configured with a default identity keystore (DemoIdentity.jks) and a default trust keystore (DemoTrust.jks). In addition, WebLogic Portal trusts the CA certificates in the JDK cacerts file. This default keystore configuration is appropriate for testing and development purposes. However, these keystores should not be used in a production environment. For more information, see the WebLogic Server security documentation. Modify the WSDL Templates in the Producer Web-App

  1. Copy the files wsrp-wsdl-template.wsdl and wsrp-wsdl-template-v2.wsdl to your workspace and open them for editing. The procedure for copying files to your workspace is described in "Copying J2EE Library Files Into a Project" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Portal Development Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

  2. In both files, replace the existing <wsp:Policy> element with the following XML:

    Example 17-1 Replacement wsp:Policy Element

    <wsp:Policy wsu:Id="ProducerDefaultPolicy"/>
    <wsp:Policy wsu:Id="WebCenterPolicy" xmlns:wsp="" xmlns:sp="">
                        <sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken="">
                        <sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken="">
                <sp:SamlToken sp:IncludeToken="">
  3. Save your changes to these two files. Modify the Web Services Policy Configuration in the Producer Web-App

  1. Copy the file WEB-INF/weblogic-webservices-policy.xml to your workspace and open it for editing. The procedure for copying files to your workspace is described in "Copying J2EE Library Files Into a Project" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Portal Development Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

  2. Replace the entire contents of the file with the following XML:

    Example 17-2 Replacement weblogic-webservices-policy.xml

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <webservice-policy-ref xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <!-- Use WebLogic Server Admin Console to add new policies -->
        <ref-name>WebCenter Policies for the WSRP Producer</ref-name>
  3. Save your changes, and republish your web project. Add a New Asserting Party to the SAML Identity Asserter

This section describes the final step in the producer configuration.


For more information on asserting party and other topics in this section, see "SAML Framework Concepts" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Understanding Security for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  1. Open the WebLogic Server Administration Console on the producer server and log in.

  2. Select Security Realms.

  3. Select a security realm, such as myrealm.

  4. Select the Providers tab.

  5. Select the Authentication tab.

  6. Select SAMLIdentityAsserter. An identity asserter allows WebLogic Server to establish trust by validating a user.

  7. Select the Management tab.

  8. Select the Asserting Parties tab

  9. In the Asserting Parties table, click New.

  10. In the Profile pulldown menu, select WSS/Sender Vouches.

  11. In the Description field, enter a name to identify the asserting party, and select OK. For example: WebCenter SAML token.

  12. Enable the new asserting party. To do this, click the Partner ID link for the new asserting party (for example, ap_0002).

  13. Set the asserting party values as follows:

    Parameter Value


    true (Select the checkbox)

    Target URL


    Issuer URI

    Set on the consumer (for example,

  14. Click Save. If there were no problems, the message "Settings updated successfully" appears.

  15. Perform the WSRP interoperability steps described in Section 13.1, "Consuming WLP Portlets in WebCenter Portal Applications and Oracle Portal Applications."

The WebLogic Portal producer is now configured for SAML interoperability with a basic Framework application SAML configuration. The next step is to associate the Framework application consumer with the key pair created earlier (see Section, "Generate a Key Pair").


For more detailed information on the following steps, see "Securing a WSRP Producer with WS-Security" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter. Register the WebLogic Portal Producer with the WebCenter Portal: Framework Application Consumer

  1. Copy the keystore created earlier (see Section, "Generate a Key Pair") to your consumer server's filesystem, and note the path.

  2. From Oracle JDeveloper, follow these standard steps for registering a producer using the Register WSRP Portlet Producer wizard, with the following exceptions:

    1. On the Configure Security Attributes page, set the following values:

      Parameter Value

      Token Profile

      WSS 1.0 SAML Token with Message Integrity



      Default User

      A default username to send when unauthenticated (for example, fmwadmin)

      Issuer Name

      This needs to match the Issuer URI on the producer (for example, See Section, "Add a New Asserting Party to the SAML Identity Asserter."

    2. On the Specify Key Store page, set the following values

      Parameter Value

      Store Path

      Path on the consumer server to the JKS file. See Section, "Register the WebLogic Portal Producer with the WebCenter Portal: Framework Application Consumer."

      Store Password

      The keystore password. See Section, "Export the Public Key Certificate."

      Store Type


      Signature Key Alias

      The key alias. See Section, "Export the Public Key Certificate."

      Signature Key Password

      The key passphrase. See Section, "Export the Public Key Certificate."

      Encryption Key Alias

      Leave the field blank.

      Encryption Key Password

      Leave the field blank. Test the Configuration

The easiest way to test the configuration involves three steps:

  1. Create a simple JSP portlet on the producer with the following content:

    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %>
    <p>Principal: <%=request.getUserPrincipal() %></p>
    <p>Remote User: <%=request.getRemoteUser() %></p>

    This will show the username sent by the consumer when rendered, if the SAML configuration is working properly.

  2. Specify a default authenticated user when you establish your consumer's connection to the producer. (See Section, "Register the WebLogic Portal Producer with the WebCenter Portal: Framework Application Consumer.") By doing this, the Framework application consumer will automatically send that username to the WebLogic Portal producer, without requiring the creation of a login mechanism on the consumer-side.

  3. Render the remote portlet on the consumer, and verify that the default username that was specified is rendered in the portlet's body.

17.3 SAML Security Between a WebLogic Portal Consumer and a WebCenter Portal: Framework Application Producer

This section discusses the producer-side and consumer-side configuration required to set up SAML security between a WLP consumer and a Framework application producer.

The configuration steps include:

17.3.1 Register the SSL-Enabled Producer

To register the SSL-enabled producer:

  1. Download the certificate of the HTTPS producer URL and save it in the .PEM format.

    Use Firefox 3.0 or later to download the certificate directly to .PEM format, or for other browsers use the WebLogic Server der2pem tool to convert to PEM format. Note that WebLogic does not recognize any other format other than .PEM format.

  2. Import the certificate into the cacerts file in JDK_HOME/jre/lib/security using the importcert keytool command.

    Note that JDK_HOME is the path of Java used by Eclipse, and this should be the JDK used by the WebLogic Portal consumer.

    keytool -importcert -alias portlet_cert -file HOME/portlet_pem -keystore ./cacerts -storepass password


    • portlet_cert is the portlet certificate alias

    • portlet_pem is the portlet certificate file (for example, portlet_cert.pem)

    • password is the keystore password

  3. Restart Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse.

  4. Use Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse to register the producer.

17.3.2 Update Runtime Keystore

The runtime SSL keystore used by the consumer server could be different than the one used by Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse. For registration, the certificate (since it's a self-signed one) should be trusted by the consumer runtime keystore. This means that you will need to locate the keystore and then update the keystore with the SSL certificate of the producer.

  1. Download the certificate of the HTTPS producer URL and save it in .PEM format.

  2. Locate keystore by looking up the server startup logs or by looking up To do this, start the server and search for “” in the logs.

  3. Update the keystore with the SSL certificate of the producer using the following command:

    -importcert -trustcacerts -alias <valid_alias_name> -file <SSL_Cert_Producer> -keystore <SSL_Trust_Store_Consumer  -storepass <Pass_Phrase>

    For example:

    <JDK6>/bin/keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -alias seshan_prod_vm4 -file customidentity.crt –keystore <JDEV_MW_HOME>/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/DemoTrust.jks -storepass DemoTrustKeyStorePassPhrase
  4. Restart the consumer server.

  5. Turn off the Host Name Verification on the consumer:

    1. Access the WebLogic Portal Administration Console.

    2. Navigate to Servers, select the required consumer server, and select the SSL Tab.

    3. Expand Advanced Section.

    4. Set Hostname Verification to None.

    5. Click Save.

    6. Restart the individual managed servers.

17.3.3 Register the WebCenter Portal: Framework Application Producer with the WebLogic Portal Consumer

Follow the steps in Section 4.3.3, "Locating and Consuming a Portlet" to register your Framework application producer with the WebLogic Portal consumer, if not already registered. Make a note of the Producer Handle that you specify (for example, my_wc_producer), as this will be used later.

17.3.4 Add an Authentication Mechanism To Your Portal

For information on how to add a programmatic authentication mechanism to your portal, see "Implementing Authentication Programatically" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

17.3.5 Testing the Configuration

To test the configuration, do the following:

  1. Create a portal.

  2. Add the remote portlet from Section 17.3.3, "Register the WebCenter Portal: Framework Application Producer with the WebLogic Portal Consumer"to the portal.

  3. Add the authentication (login) mechanism to the portal, as explained in Section 17.3.4, "Add an Authentication Mechanism To Your Portal."

  4. Run the portal in a browser.

  5. Log in to the portal.

  6. View the portlet.

If the portlet renders correctly, the configuration is working properly.

17.4 Consumer Security for an Unsigned SAML Token Configuation

This section discusses the producer-side and consumer-side configuration required to set up security if the producer has a wss10_saml_token_policy token configured. This token is also called an unsigned SAML or simple SAML token.

The configuration steps include:

17.4.1 Register the WebCenter Portal: Framework Application Producer with the WebLogic Portal Consumer

Follow the steps in Section 4.3.3, "Locating and Consuming a Portlet" to register your Framework application producer with the WebLogic Portal consumer. Make a note of the Producer Handle that you specify (for example, my_wc_producer), as this will be used later.

17.4.2 Add an Authentication Mechanism To Your Portal

For information on how to add a programmatic authentication mechanism to your portal, see "Implementing Authentication Programatically" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

17.4.3 Configuring the WebLogic Portal Consumer

This section explains how to configure the consumer web application. Add a New Policy to the Consumer Web-App

Add the following policy definition to your WebLogic Portal consumer to configure it to match the default policy configuration on a Framework application producer.

  1. In your web project, create a directory WEB-INF/classes/policies.

  2. In that directory, create a file named wcPolicy.xml, with the following contents:

      xmlns:wssp="" xmlns:wsu=""
          <wssp:SecurityToken TokenType="">
  3. Save your changes to this file. Update the Producer's Security Policy on the Consumer

  1. Copy the file WEB-INF/wsrp-consumer-security-config.xml to your workspace and open it for editing. The procedure for copying files to your workspace is described in "Copying J2EE Library Files Into a Project" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Portal Development Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

  2. In wsrp-consumer-security-config.xml, add the following code to the bottom of the file, inside the <wsrp-consumer-security-config> element:

    <!-- Setup for services producer -->
            <!-- The producer's handle -->
            <!-- The policy to use when the policy is not included in the WSDL. -->
            <!-- When doing 8.1 compatibility, should the <wsse:security> header -->
            <!-- be removed. -->
                Should 8.1 compatibility be done even if a policy is in the
            <!-- (9.0 producer). -->
                Should 8.1 compatibility be done even if a policy is NOT in
                the WSDL
                If both compatibility-forced is true and
                compatibility-enabled false
            <!-- no compat is sent -->
            <!-- Should WLP specific handlers be deployed. -->
                EXPERT ONLY: Disabling may cause the consumer to act
            <!-- Default: true -->
            <!-- Should anonymous users be allowed? -->
            <!-- If disabled only logged in users may use this producer. -->
            <!-- Default: true -->
  3. Populate the value of the <producer-handle> element with the handle you created in Section 17.4.1, "Register the WebCenter Portal: Framework Application Producer with the WebLogic Portal Consumer."

  4. Populate the value of the <policy-name> element with the filename of the policy created Section, "Add a New Policy to the Consumer Web-App." Enter the value without its .xml extension (or example, wcPolicy).


    The following steps must be completed for a new web application before deploying/publishing the web application to the server.

  5. Open the WebLogic Server Administration Console on the consumer server and log in.

  6. Select Security Realms.

  7. Select a security realm, such as myrealm.

  8. Select the Providers tab.

  9. Select the Credential Mapping tab.

  10. Select the SAML Credential Mapper.

  11. Select Configuration.

  12. Select Provider Specific.

  13. Set the Issuer URI to, which is the default for Oracle WebCenter Producers.

  14. Click Save.

  15. Now you need to turn off signing. In the WLS Console, select Security Realms.

  16. Select myrealm.

  17. Select Providers.

  18. Select Credential Mapping.

  19. Select SAML Credential Mapper.

  20. Select Management.

  21. Select rp_00001.

  22. Uncheck Sign Assertion.

  23. Click Save.

17.4.4 Configuring the WebCenter Portal: Framework Application Producer

See the "Configuring WS-Security" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter for detailed information on securing your Framework application producer with SAML. At a minimum, the following steps are required:

  1. Using Fusion Middleware Control, assign the oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy policy to all of your web application's WebServices WSRP End Points, and remove the default no authentication service policy from the non-markup End Points.

17.5 (Optional) Additional Configuration for a WebLogic Portal Consumer

If you have set up your WebLogic Portal producer's security to interoperate with a Framework application consumer (as explained in Section 17.2, "SAML Security Between a WebCenter Portal: Framework Application Consumer and a WebLogic Portal Producer"), and you wish to consume portlets from that producer in a WebLogic Portal consumer, then the following steps are required:

  1. Section 17.5.1, "Register the WebLogic Portal producer with the WebLogic Portal Consumer"

  2. Section 17.5.2, "Update the Producer's Security Policy on the Consumer"

17.5.1 Register the WebLogic Portal producer with the WebLogic Portal Consumer

Follow the steps in Section 4.3.3, "Locating and Consuming a Portlet" to register your Framework application producer with the WebLogic Portal consumer. Make a note of the Producer Handle that you specify (for example, my_wc_producer), as this will be used later.

17.5.2 Update the Producer's Security Policy on the Consumer

  1. Copy the file WEB-INF/wsrp-consumer-security-config.xml to your workspace and open it for editing. The procedure for copying files to your workspace is described in "Copying J2EE Library Files Into a Project" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Portal Development Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

  2. Add a new <producer-security> element with the following contents:

                <!-- The producer's handle -->
                <!-- The policy to use when the policy is not included in the WSDL. -->
                <!-- When doing 8.1 compatibility, should the <wsse:security> header -->
                <!-- be removed. -->
                <!-- Should 8.1 compatibility be done even if a policy is in the WSDL -->
                <!-- (9.0 producer). -->
                <!-- Should 8.1 compatibility be done even if a policy is NOT in the WSDL -->
                <!-- If both compatibility-forced is true and compatibility-enabled false -->
                <!-- no compat is sent -->
                <!-- Should WLP specific handlers be deployed. -->
                <!-- EXPERT ONLY: Disabling may cause the consumer to act incorrectly. -->
                <!-- Default: true -->
                <!-- Should anonymous users be allowed? -->
                <!-- If disabled only logged in users may use this producer. -->
                <!-- Default: true -->
  3. Populate the value of the <producer-handle> element with the handle that was created earlier in Section 17.5.1, "Register the WebLogic Portal producer with the WebLogic Portal Consumer."

  4. Save the changes, and republish the application.

17.5.3 Create a New PKI Credential Mapping to the Consumer

This section explains how to create a new PKI credential mapping to the consumer, if one is not already present.

  1. Follow the instructions "Create PKI Credential Mappings" in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help to create a new security credential map on the consumer for the producer. Supply the following values as appropriate:

    Parameter Value


    Leave this field blank.

    Remote Host

    Leave this field blank.

    Remote Port

    Leave this field blank.


    Leave this field blank.


    Leave this field blank.

    Credential Type

    Key Pair

    Principal Name

    Enter the value of the <consumer-name> element in WEB-INF/wsrp-consumer-security-config.xml.

    Principal Type


    Credential Action

    Leave this field blank.

    Keystore Alias

    The key alias. See Section, "Generate a Key Pair."


    The key passphrase. See Section, "Generate a Key Pair."

    Confirm Password

    The key passphrase. See Section, "Generate a Key Pair."