Filtering Data Based on Business Attributes

Using a view filter based on business attributes, you can view a subset of report data that focuses on the business data you are interested in. Narrowing the focus of a report to the business data that is of interest to you enables another level of report analysis that can highlight business trends and figures.

The steps below show you how to create a view filter with an attribute qualification, as well as how to create the example scenario above.

To create a view filter with an attribute qualification:

  1. Run a report in Grid View.

  2. If the View Filter area is not displayed, from the Tools menu, select View Filter.

  3. In the View Filter area, click  Add Condition.

  4. From the Filter On drop-down list, select an attribute.

  5. Choose Qualify to set a specific value-based condition, or choose Select to choose attribute elements from a list.

  6. Click Apply to complete the view filter qualification.

  7. If the Auto-Apply Changes check box is cleared, click Apply to apply the view filter to the report.


