Formatting an Image Layout Visualization

Once you have created an Image Layout visualization, you can specify formatting options to change the image displayed in the visualization, determine whether to display areas or bubble markers on top of the image, and so on. Steps to format an Image Layout visualization are below.


To format an Image Layout visualization:

  1. Click the name of the quick dashboard to run it, then click the visualization you want to format.

  2. If the Properties panel is not displayed, from the toolbar, click the Edit Visualization icon. Hover the cursor over the panel, then click the arrow icon in the top right and select the Show Properties option.

  3. You can determine whether the visualization displays areas or bubble markers. From the Display Mode drop-down list, select one of the following:

    Note: The options available may vary depending on the type of display mode the visualization's shape file supports. All display modes are available for shape files designed to display areas. The Bubble display mode is available for shape files designed to display bubble markers.

  4. You can select the shape file to use to display the visualization. A shape file is an HTML file that contains the image that you want to display in the visualization, as well as the location of each area or bubble marker you want to display on top of the image. XBRi provides several default shape files for you to choose from, including a map of countries of the world and a map of states in the United States. You can define your own shape file for use in the visualization. For steps, see Customizing an Image Layout visualization.

    From the Shape File drop-down list, select the name of the shape file you want to use. If the attribute you placed in the Geo Attribute area has a geo role, shape files with the same geo role will be displayed as options in the drop-down list.

  5. You can determine how bubble markers in the visualization are sized. From the Type drop-down list, select one of the following:

You can have regions or bubble markers in the visualization automatically colored based on the value of a metric, or have bubble markers automatically replaced with images. To do so, you must define a threshold on the metric in the Color By area, as described in the steps below.


To define a threshold in an Image Layout visualization:

  1. From the Color By area in the Map panel, hover the cursor over the metric you want to create the threshold based on, then click the arrow icon. Select Thresholds. The Threshold dialog box opens.

  2. From the Show drop-down list, select the type of formatting you want to apply to metric values that meet the threshold condition, as follows:

  3. From the Based on drop-down list, select the metric to use to define the threshold.

  4. From the second drop-down list, select one of the following:

  5. From the Break By drop-down list, select the attribute level at which you want to restart counting rank or percent values for the metric. This option is only available for thresholds based on rank or percent values.

  6. Each band displayed in the dialog box represents a different range of values. You can click and drag a thumb left or right along the slider to increase or decrease the range of values covered by the band.

  7. Do one of the following:

  8. You can preview your changes by clicking Apply. Once you have finished defining the threshold, click OK. The threshold is created.

Related topics

Formatting visualizations

Creating an Image Layout visualization


