Configuring auto text codes

Auto text codes are document or dataset variables that are automatically replaced with pertinent information when the document is executed. Auto-text are variables that are used in the headers and footers in reports and are automatically replaced with pertinent information when the report is exported.


You can configure the content of any of the following auto text codes and auto-text:

In addition, you can configure the content of the following auto-text:

You can configure different options for different types of auto text codes and auto-text. For example, you can select whether to include view filter information or the attribute name in a report filter details auto text code. For report details, you can choose whether to include information on prompts or filters.


Note: For instructions on formatting the text field that contains an auto text code (such as the font name or background color), see Formatting text fields.

Levels of auto text code configuration

You can configure:

The list above also shows the order of precedence. The configuration of a particular text field in a document overwrites the configuration at the document level, which overwrites the configuration in the related dataset report, which overwrites the project configuration. For example, if a property is set one way for a document and another for the report, the document setting takes precedence.


Auto-text can be configured at the report level or project level. The report setting takes precedence.

The Report Details Properties dialog box

You configure the auto text codes and auto-text in the Report Details Properties dialog box. The Report Details Properties dialog box is explained in more detail in each of the auto text code topics.


