Hierarchy Qualification Prompt

The Hierarchy Qualification Prompt allows users to create their own report filter using attributes and attribute elements from:

Of the three filter definition prompts for attributes;

To answer a prompt by selecting from the results of a search object, a search object must already be created.

Creating Hierarchy Qualification Prompts

Only users logged in as Administrators or Managers can create prompts.


To require analysts to answer a prompt by selecting from the results of a search object, a search object must already be created.

To create a Hierarchy Qualification prompt:

  1. Click the Admin menu and select Prompts. Click Create Prompt icon to view the Create Prompt page, with a list of the prompt types.

  2. Click Hierarchy Qualification Prompt and use the following information to complete the prompt.

Definition Tab

Use the selections in the Definition tab to specify which hierarchies are available to users.

To determine the hierarchies available to users:

All hierarchies: Select this option to let the user choose attributes from all the hierarchies in the project.

Choose a hierarchy: Select this option to present the user with a specific hierarchy from which to choose attributes and elements. Browse to and select the hierarchy.

Use a predefined list of hierarchies: Select this option to create a list of hierarchies from which users can choose.

      1. Click Add to view the Select Objects dialog.

      2. At the Look In drop-down menu, you can navigate to other objects but only objects within hierarchies will be available for selection.

      3. Enter a term in the Find search field to search for objects within the Hierarchies folder.  

      4. Select an object from the Available pane and click to move it to the Selected pane.

      5. Click OK.

To remove an object, highlight it and click Remove. To remove all items, click Clear.


Use the result of a search object: Select this option to browse to and select a previously created search object or specify the name of the search object. A search object searches for and displays the most up-to-date project objects when the user executes the report.

General Tab

Once users select a hierarchy, the prompt displays the related attributes and attribute elements they can select their filter criteria from. The attribute forms can also be displayed.

To determine the attribute forms that are displayed to the user:

  1. Enter a title and description for the prompt in the Title and Description fields.

  2. To require users to answer the prompt before running the report, specify whether the prompt requires an answer. Select the Prompt answer is required check box.

  3. Set the maximum and/or minimum number of prompt answers, or qualifications, allowed if desired. Enter these numbers in the Minimum number of qualifications and Maximum number of qualifications fields.

  4. To allow users to save and reuse their prompt answers, select:

None: This setting does not allow the user to save and reuse prompt answers.

Single: This setting allows the user to save and reuse only one prompt answer.

Multiple: This setting allows the user to save multiple personal prompt answers.

Style tab

 Use the items in the Style tab to specify a Tree or Shopping Cart presentation style for the prompt. Some style selections are available only when a specific definition is selected.

To specify the layout and display style of the prompt:

  1. Select a display style.

Shopping Cart - users select prompt choices in the Available pane and click  to move them to the Selected pane.

Tree - the user navigates through a folder structure to view prompt choices.

  1. Select the Fixed text box width and enter a number of inches to ensure that the prompt's text fields and options are a fixed size.

  2. Select Fixed textbox height and enter a number of inches specify the size of the prompt's text fields and options in the fields.

  3. To determine how prompt options are arranged, from the Orientation drop-down list, select Vertical or Horizontal.

  4. To determine the number of prompt answers displayed in a row or column (depending on alignment), enter a number in the Items per column/row field.

  5. Select Show search box to allow users to use a search box to locate prompt answers.

  6. To ensure that users use the search box to locate answers, select the Make search required check box.

  7. Select the Use folder structure check box to display the prompt choices in a folder structure. This option, available for search objects only, is useful when the same object with the same name is saved in multiple folders.

  8. To allow users to navigate above the root folder when searching, select the Allow navigation above search root check box.

Qualification tab

Use the selections on the Qualification tab to determine the types of qualification expressions allowed in the prompt by selecting an option from the Expression type allowed drop-down list.

To specify how qualifications are displayed in the prompt:

  1. Select which Expression Types are allowed:

Qualify and Select



  1. Select a default expression type if you selected Qualify and Select for an Expression Type.

  2. Select a default condition operator to display in the prompt.

  3. Determine how many elements are listed in each prompt answer list in the Maximum number of elements per list field.

  4. Select the Allow element import to allow users to import a list of attribute elements.

  5. Select an option from the Default operator between conditions drop-down list to set the default logical operator that is used between conditions.

  6. Select the Allow modification of the logical operator option to allow users to modify the expressions for this prompt.

  7. Select the Use a single logical operator between all conditions option to restrict users to a single condition operator between all of the conditions in an expression.

  8. Select the Allow the user to set independent logical operators between conditions option to allow users to choose their own default operator to use between each condition.

  9. Save the prompt to use it in any report.

Related Topics

Adding a prompt to a report


