Removing Objects from the Page-by Area

You can  remove an object from the Page-by area of a report into the report rows or columns, or remove the object from the Page-by area and from the report entirely. In the latter case, the object is no longer a part of the report definition and is therefore not displayed on the report. To move an object from the Page-by area to the Report Objects pane, the object remains part of the report definition, but no longer appears within the results.

To remove objects from the Page-by area:

  1. Run the report.

  2. To move an object from the Page-by area into the report rows or columns, right-click the object on the Page-by area, select Move, and then select To columns or To rows.

  3. To move an object from the Page-by area into the Report Objects pane, right-click the object on the Page-by area, and select Remove from Grid.

  4. To remove an object from the Page-by area and from the report's definition, right-click the object on the Page-by area and click the Remove from Report.


