Saving Reports

Users with appropriate privileges can make changes to reports and save them for easy access at a later date.

To save a report:

  1. Run the report, and from the Home menu, click Save As.

  2. In the Save As dialog enter a new name in the Name field and click OK to save the new report without replacing the existing report. Alternately, leave the same report name in the field and in the Confirm Overwrite dialog click Yes to replace the existing report.

  3. From the Save in drop-down list, choose Shared Reports or My Reports, and browse to the folder to save the report.

      1. To create a new folder in which to save the report, click Create New Folder Create New Folder icon. In the Create Folder dialog  

      2. In the Folder field, enter a new name for the folder.

      3. In the Description field, enter a description for the folder.

      4. Click Create Folder.

Note: If you are saving a report that has already been saved, a confirmation is displayed asking if you want to overwrite the saved report.


When running a prompted report or document, at the bottom of the prompt selection screen, rename the prompted report or document by typing the name in the Report Message Name field to a meaningful name that makes it easier to later find the report or document in the History List or My Reports folder.


For example, for a prompted sales report, answer a prompt question by specifying the month of October, rename the report "October Sales". Note that this name change is reflected only in the personal version of the report (History List or My Reports folder). It does not change the name of the original report object in Micros-Retail.

To save a prompted report:

    1. To save the report with active prompts, select the Keep report prompted check box. When the report is executed again, the user is prompted for answers.

    2. To save the current prompt answers as the default prompt answers, click Advanced Options. Select the Set the current prompt answers to be the default prompt answers check box. When you run the report again, the prompt answers that you selected are displayed as the default prompt answers. You can choose to use the default answers or change them.

    3. To use the default prompt answers defined in the prompt, click Advanced Options. Clear the Set the current prompt answers to be the default prompt answers check box. The prompt answers that you selected are not saved with the report. When you run the report again, the default prompt answers defined in the prompt are displayed. You can choose to use the default answers or change them. If default prompt answers have not been defined in the prompt, no default answers are displayed.

    4. To save it as a static report, clear the Keep report prompted check box. The report is saved with the currently displayed report and filter information. When you execute the report in the future, you are not prompted again.

Saving a report as a filter allows you to use the saved report to filter a different report. For example, if you have a report that returns basic data such as revenue for the year 2008, you can save the report as a filter and then use the new filter on other reports; in this example, the filter would restrict data on other reports to revenue in the year 2008.


Saving the report as a template allows you to use the saved report as a base on which to build other reports. For example, if you have a report that returns basic data such as countries and revenue, you can save the report as a template on which you build several other reports, all of which contain country and revenue data but also contain additional data as appropriate for each report.

To save the report as a filter:

  1. Click the Filter tab.

  2. Select the Keep filter prompted check box if you want the report-as-filter to remain prompted when a report it is added to is run. To access additional prompt options, select Advanced Options and choose one of the following:

Save filter as static: The report-as-filter is not prompted when a report it is added to is run.

Save filter as prompted: The report-as-filter is prompted when a report it is added to is run.


To save the report as a template:

  1. Click the Template tab.

  2. Select the Keep template prompted check box if you want the report-as-template to remain prompted when a report that is based on it is run. To access additional prompt options, select Advanced Options and choose one of the following:

    1. Save template as static: The report-as-template is not prompted when a report that is based on it is run.

      Save template as prompted: The report-as-template is prompted when a report that is based on it is run.

Click OK to save the report. If a report with the same name already exists in the folder, the Confirm Overwrite dialog box appears. Click Yes to replace the existing report.

Related Topics

Running a report

Printing a report



