Adding Notes to Reports

The Notes window displays notes or comments added to the report, and it allows you to add your own notes. You can use this area to communicate with others about the report. The notes can include details about the report, information on how it was created, reasons to use it, queries about the data displayed, a back-and-forth conversation about designing the report, or anything useful to you and other users.

You can enter up to 1024 characters in each separate note, to a maximum of 65,535 characters for all the notes in the report.


To add a note to a report:

  1. Open a report in Design Mode, for example, by right clicking on a report and choosing Edit from the context menu.

  2. Select the Notes tab under the Object Browser.

  3. In the lower text box, enter the note.

  4. Click the Submit button. This displays the note in the text box above and adds it to the report

  5. If you want to edit or remove a note and have the privileges to do so, click the Edit button. This enables you to edit the text in the upper box.



