Value Prompt

Value prompts are useful when the result desired on the report is a single value, such as a specific date, a number, or a specific word or phrase. The value prompt is designed to return report results based on the data type assigned to the data in the data source.


Value prompts are typically used on a filter, where they become part of the filter's definition, but they can also be used on a metric as part of the metric's formula. The filter or metric is then placed on a report. Because they are often used in filters, value prompts can be created directly in the Filter Editor at the same time a filter is created to place the value prompt. When created this way, a value prompt is part of the filter's definition and is not a stand-alone prompt, so it cannot be added to another filter.


All value prompts must be added to either a metric or a filter (depending on the type of value prompt and what you want it to do), and then the metric or filter is added to a report.

Creating Value Prompts

Only users logged in as Administrators or Managers can create prompts.


To require analysts to answer a prompt by selecting from the results of a search object, a search object must already be created.

To create a Value prompt:

  1. Navigate to the Create Prompt screen using any of the following methods:

  2.  Click Value Prompt and use the following information to complete the prompt.

Definition tab

Specify the type of value prompt:

Date prompt: This value prompt type asks users to type or select a date, and returns data that has the date data type assigned to it and that matches the user’s entered date. For example, the Date prompt can be useful when added to a filter that screens data based on Year=2012. The prompt lets users select a specific date within the year of the filter’s condition. Date prompts are used in filters which qualify on a date.

Numeric prompt: This value prompt type asks users to type a numeric value. Numeric value prompts accept integers or decimals up to 15 digits of precision. Numeric prompts can be used in any filter that needs a number input from the user, such as a metric qualification. For information on metric qualification filters, see Metric set qualification.

Text prompt: This value prompt type asks users to type a string of text. Text prompts are commonly used in attribute form qualification filters. For information on attribute element form qualification filters, see Attribute form qualification.

Big Decimal prompt: This value prompt type asks users for a "big decimal" value. Big Decimal value prompts accept integers and decimals up to 38 digits of precision.

Note: Big Decimal prompts should be used only in expressions that require high precision, such as qualifying on a Big Decimal attribute ID.

General tab

  1. Specify a title and instructions for the prompt in the Title and Instructions fields.

  2. To require users to answer the prompt before running the report, specify whether the prompt requires an answer. Select the Prompt answer is required check box.

  3. To set the minimum and maximum values that can be entered by the user, select the Minimum value and Maximum value check boxes and type a value in the respective fields. You can specify a minimum value even if you do not specify a maximum value.

  4. To determine whether users can save and reuse their prompt answers, and if so, how many prompt answers they can save for the prompt. From the Personal answers allowed drop-down list, select one of the following:

Style tab

    1. From the Display style drop-down list, select a presentation style, such as textbox, for the prompt. This is how the prompt is displayed to the user.
      Textbox: This prompt lets users type a value directly into a field.

    2. To ensure that the prompt's text fields and options are of a fixed size, select the Fixed textbox width check box and type a value in the field.

    3. To allow users to select time before running a report, select the Allow user to select time check box. This option is displayed only when you have selected Date and Time prompt type.

    4. For the Switch prompt style, to specify a value for the prompt when it is set to the on position, type a value in the On value field. To specify a value for the prompt when it is set to the off position, type a value in the Off value field.

    5. To specify the interval between numeric values that are displayed in the prompt, type a value in the Interval field. For example, in a Date & Time prompt with the display style set to Date and Time and an interval of 30 minutes, users can select times such as 9:00AM, 9:30AM, 10:00AM, and so on.

    6. To specify whether the prompt is set using latitude or longitude, select Latitude or Longitude from the Location coordinate drop-down list.

    7. To format how numeric values are displayed in the prompt, click the Number Format button. Select a number formatting style and click OK to apply changes.

To save the prompt:

  1. To save the prompt, select Save As to view the Save As dialog..

  2. Specify a name, description, and the location in which to save the prompt and click OK.

All value prompts must be added to either a metric or a filter (depending on the type of value prompt and what you want it to do), and then the metric or filter is added to a report.

Related Topics

 Adding a prompt to a report


