Analyzing Data in a Heat Map Visualization

A Heat Map visualization is a combination of colored rectangles, each representing an attribute element. A Heat Map visualization allows you to quickly grasp the state and impact of a large number of variables at one time. Heat Maps are often used in the financial services industry to review the status of a portfolio.

The rectangles contain a wide variety and many shadings of colors, which emphasize the weight of the various components. In a Heat Map visualization:

If you choose to filter or drill on a visualization, filter conditions are automatically added to the visualization's local filter to customize your view. Because each visualization has its own separate local filter, these filter conditions are only used to filter the display of data in the selected visualization, and do not affect any other visualizations in the quick dashboard. You can remove these filter conditions to undo your changes. Steps are below to drill on data, filter data, or undo your filtering or drilling changes.


To drill or filter data in a Heat Map visualization

  1. Click the name of the quick dashboard to run it.

  2. Select one or more rectangles in the visualization by doing one of the following:

  3. From the context menu, select one of the following:

To undo filtering or drilling on data

  1. Hover the cursor over the visualization in which you want to undo filtering or drilling, then click the arrow icon in the top right. A list of options is displayed.
  2. Point to Edit Filter, then do one of the following:

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About Visual Insight quick dashboards

Running and viewing a Visual Insight quick dashboard


