Creating a derived metric from an attribute

You can create new metrics (called derived metrics) based on attributes that have already been added to a dashboard. For a more detailed description of derived metrics, see Creating a metric based on existing objects: Derived metrics.

You can create a derived metric from an existing attribute. The existing attribute is not deleted from the dashboard; it is duplicated and changed into a metric. The metric’s definition depends on the definition of the attribute:

For example, the Age attribute contains employee age data, as numeric values. You want to calculate the average age of employees in different departments. Create a derived metric from the Age attribute, which will aggregate all the employees’ ages. You can then average the Age metric for each department.

For example, the Region attribute contains text values: Northeast, Midwest, Southwest, and so on, for a total of 12 regions. You need the number of regions, so you create a derived metric from the Region attribute. The derived metric’s value is 12.

A derived metric created from an attribute is created on the dashboard. It is added to the list of dataset objects in the dashboard's Datasets panel, so that you can use the metric in visualizations, text fields, and so on.


You must have Edit Dashboard and Run Dashboard privileges


To create a new metric based on an attribute:

  1. Click the name of the dashboard to run it.

  2. From the Datasets panel, right-click the attribute to use to create the derived metric, then select Duplicate as Metric. The new metric is created and added to the dashboard.

The Duplicate as Metric option is not available for a derived attribute.

Related topics

Creating a metric based on existing objects: Derived metrics

Editing or deleting derived metrics in a dashboard


