Exporting a Quick Dashboard

Exporting a Visual Insight quick dashboard allows you view and interact with the results outside of XBRi. For example, you can view the quick dashboard results in a PDF file within Adobe Reader or create an interactive Flash dashboard for off-line use.

You can export a quick dashboard to the following formats:

PDF file: Export the quick dashboard to a PDF file in a reader, such as Adobe Reader. You can view the PDF on any device with a PDF reader, such as another computer, a Linux machine, a Nook, or a Kindle.

Flash file: Export the quick dashboard to a stand-alone Flash file.

Image: Export the visible portion of the quick dashboard as an image, including panels, visualizations, and the contents of the Page-by area. The toolbar and menu are not saved along with the rest of the quick dashboard.


To export a quick dashboard

Click the name of the quick dashboard to execute it, then do one of the following:

Related topics

Running and viewing a quick dashboard

About Visual Insight quick dashboards

Exporting a visualization


