Filtering data based on dates

This filter is an attribute form qualification that enables you to filter data based on an attribute with a date data type. For example, you can create a date qualification on the Day attribute to return data for only those days between January 1, 2008 and February 12, 2008.


Use the following procedure to create a date qualification filter.

For an introduction to attribute form qualifications, see Filtering data based on attribute forms: Attribute form qualification.

To qualify on a date:

  1. On the project's main page, click Create Filter. The New Filter page opens. Or, from the Admin menu, choose Filter. From the Filters page, click the Create Filter icon.

  2. In the pane on the left, navigate to the attribute with the date data type on which you want to qualify.

  3. Right-click the attribute and select Add to Filter.

  4. Click Qualify.

  5. From the first drop-down menu, select the form you want to filter data based on. This is usually ID.

  6. From the next drop-down menu, select the operator that describes how you want to filter data. If you want to use a data range in your filter, select Between.

  7. In the last field, type the value(s) or click the calendar to select a date to use to qualify on the attribute form. This is the value that will be compared against the data in your data source.
    If you are using a date range in your filter, click the calendar again to select the second date. For example, if you want to filter data so the report shows results between January 1 2008 and February 12 2008, click the calendar and select January 1 2008, then click the calendar again and select February 12 2008.

  8. Click Apply to create your filtering condition.

  9. Click Save As. The Save As dialog box opens.

  10. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the filter. Enter a Name and Description for the filter, and click OK. Your new filter is saved.

The filter you created can now be added to a report. For steps, see Adding a stand-alone filter to a report.


