Grouping Data in a Quick Dashboard

When you have a very large set of data in a Visual Insight quick dashboard, it can be easier to work with that data by grouping it into logical subsets, and viewing only one of the subsets at a time. For example, a grid in a quick dashboard displays salary expenditures by Region, Manager, and Employee. You can place Region in the Page-by area and view the salary expenditures data by Manager and Employee, one region at a time. All the data from the grid is still present, but it is grouped into smaller, more manageable sections.

Once you have added an attribute to the Page-by area, you can click an attribute element to use to group data, or hover the cursor over an attribute element in the Page-by area to quickly display the data as it would appear if the element was selected.

When you group data in a quick dashboard, the grouping is applied to all visualizations on the current layout tab. Each layout in a quick dashboard is grouped separately, without affecting the contents of the other layouts in the quick dashboard.

Steps are below to group and ungroup data, as well as to create an animation of the grouped data.


You must have Edit Dashboard and Run Dashboard privileges.


To group or ungroup data in a quick dashboard

Do one of the following:

You can display an animation of the data, to cycle through a display of the data grouped by each attribute element in the Page-by area.


To play an animation of the data grouped by the Page-by attribute

Do one of the following:

Related topics

Running and viewing a quick dashboard

Filtering data on a layout tab

Filtering, sorting, and drilling on data in a visualization


