Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Customization Guide > Adding Custom Fields to Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop > Adding Custom Fields to Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop >

Changing the XML Code in the od_basic_mapping.xml File

The od_basic_mapping.xml file provides the data mapping between Oracle CRM On Demand and Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop. In this procedure, you add the Membership field mapping to the object <type> element.

If you are adding a field to the object stored in DB FACADE storage in Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop, then the syntax for adding the <field> element is as follows:

<field id ="Membership">
<simple type="string"/>

For more information on DB FACADE storage, see About Microsoft Outlook and DB FACADE Storage.

To change the XML Code in the od_basic_mapping.xml file

  1. In the od_basic_mapping.xml file, locate the Contact <type > element, which looks similar to the following:

    <type id="Contact"...>

  2. Add the following <field> mapping element after any existing <field> mapping elements:

    <field id="stMembership">
    <user_field id="od Membership" ol_field_type="1"></user_field>
    <user_field id="od Membership" ol_field_type="1"></user_field>
    <convertor> <string/></convertor>

    A field map has a reader and a writer definition for a custom field as shown in this example. You choose your own name for the custom field, and you must use the right converter for converting the field type. For example, to convert an incoming value of integer type to string, you must use the following structure:


    The following XML code shows the Contact <type> element and the <field> mapping element highlighted in bold font:

    <type id="Contact" predefined_folder="10" ver="7">
    <form message_class="IPM.Contact.OnDemand.Contact" icon="type_image:Contact:16" large_icon="type_image:Contact:32" display_name="#obj_contact">OnDemand Contact</form>
    <alt_messageclass ext="Private" display_name="#obj_private_contact" icon="type_image:Contact.Private:16" large_icon="type_image:Contact.Private:32">OnDemand Contact</alt_messageclass>
    <from message_class="IPM.Contact" target_message_class="IPM.Contact.OnDemand.Contact.Private"></from>
    <custom_views default_name="#view_crm_and_personal_contacts">
    <view id="all_contacts" name="#view_crm_and_personal_contacts"></view>
    <field id="CellularPhone">
    <mapi_tag id="0x3A1C0000"></mapi_tag>
    <outlook_field id="MobileTelephoneNumber"></outlook_field>

    <field id="stMembership">
    <user_field id="od Membership" ol_field_type="1"></user_field>
    <user_field id="od Membership" ol_field_type="1"></user_field>
    <convertor> <string/></convertor>

  3. Verify your changes, and save the forms_12.xml file.
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