Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide > Best Practices for Designing Client Application > Best Practices for Integration Performance >

Batch Processing

With Web Services On Demand, you can perform batch operations that optimize performance by combining multiple requests into one.

Oracle CRM On Demand batch processing has a limit of 20 top-level records for each request and is supported for the following operations:

  • Insert
  • Delete
  • Update
  • InsertOrUpdate (Web Services v1.0 only)

Because batch calls take longer to process than single operations they must only be used in instances where longer response time would not impact the user experience. However, for such interactive applications, if Oracle CRM On Demand needs to process multiple records of the same type, batch operations increase the performance.

If a single record in a batch causes an error, the entire batch is not processed. For example, a batch of 20 Account inserts where one record contains an error will require all records to be reinserted.

NOTE:  When performing batch operations using Web services, workflow actions are triggered as each operation in the batch is performed. If an error is encountered in the submitted batch of Web service operations, workflow actions that have been triggered before the error is encountered (including integration event generation) cannot be rolled back.

A batch error could result from a data error or other error (for example, network outage, session expiry, and so on). If the error is not data-related, it is recommended that the user logs in again and tries the Web service call again. If the error is data-related, the batch can be split into smaller batches so that the records that do not cause errors can be processed.

Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide, Version 20.0 (Oracle CRM On Demand Release 32) Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.