Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide > Best Practices for Designing Client Application > Best Practices for Integration Design >

Using Stateless Web Services

Stateless Web services use server resources more efficiently and can reduce the cost of implementation as customers do not need to implement session pooling algorithms in their client applications. The best practices for using stateless Web services are described in the following sections.

NOTE:  The best practices for stateful Web services operations must also be applied to the use of stateless Web services; see Session Management and Pooling.

Using Both Stateful and Stateless Web Services

Customers might decide to implement both stateful and stateless Web services originating either within the same client application, or they might decide to implement one application that is stateless and another that is stateful. While Oracle CRM On Demand supports the use of both login mechanisms, it is recommended that stateful and stateless Web services calls are not mixed.

For example, if you follow this sequence:

  1. Perform a stateful web service login and store the JSESSIONID value
  2. Issue a stateless Web service request while providing the JSESSIONID from the stateful request.

This sequence results in the stateless Web service call using the session associated with the JSESSIONID and will therefore not be a stateless request. The JSESSIONID will not be invalidated after processing the request, and the user must perform a log off for the session because it was created through an implicit login.

When issuing a stateless request, a client can keep the resulting Java session alive using the <SessionKeepAlive> parameter. This results in a session ID being returned to the client application. To maintain server affinity, the session ID returned by the initial request must be returned in subsequent requests. For many development platforms this is the default behavior, that is, the cookie is returned with the next request.

If the <SessionKeepAlive> parameter is not set to true, the session ID does not identify a specific session as it does for stateful requests, however it does identify the specific server on which the session resides. Including this session ID for subsequent requests ensures that the request is routed to the correct server (not doing so might result in the subsequent request being routed to another server and the establishment of a new session on that server).

When the <SessionKeepAlive> parameter is set to true, the session ID value functions similarly to stateful Web services and allows a subsequent request to be handled by the session associated to the session ID value. Note that there is no logoff command for stateless Web service even if the <SessionKeepAlive> parameter is set to true; Oracle CRM On Demand, server-side session management logs off sessions as required to ensure equitable allocation of resources.

Avoid Multiple Concurrent Requests

Avoid issuing multiple concurrent requests for the same application unless absolutely required. If you do send multiple concurrent requests, and if you receive a RIP_WAIT error, or server unavailable error, the server might be busy due to the number of concurrent requests it is handling. If this happens, do one of the following:

  • If possible, try the request again later, as the load on the server might decrease.

    Most load conditions are rare and temporary. You might never see one during development.

  • Retry with an exponential backoff. The client can be implemented such that retries are issued automatically using an exponential retry rate (that is, retries occur after 100ms, 200ms, 400ms, 1600ms and so on).

Use Sort Criteria when Using QueryPage

If the QueryPage method is used as a stateless transaction, each request for an additional page of data returns any records that have been added or updated since the initial query. Any records that have been deleted since the first request will no longer appear in the result set.

It is recommended to use sort criteria to reduce the possibility of returning the same record when paging through results using the QueryPage method:

    • Use sort criteria on the Id field, which helps in most simple cases.
    • Use sort criteria on a field that is being filtered to help improve performance.
    • Use a stateful QueryPage Web service request, if it is required to paginate through a snapshot of data.

NOTE:  It is however not recommended to use multiple sort criteria in a QueryPage request as it diminishes the performance of the query.

Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide, Version 20.0 (Oracle CRM On Demand Release 32) Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.