Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide > Getting Started with Web Services > Requesting Web Services Integration >

Enabling Stateless Web Services Support

Support for stateless Web services requests is enabled by Customer Care or the company administrator through the Web Services R16 Compatibility Mode setting on the Company Profile page in Oracle CRM On Demand. This check box controls whether Web services requests are processed as stateless requests or as stateful requests as in Release 16 of Oracle CRM On Demand.

The Web Services R16 Compatibility Mode check box is cleared by default for all new companies, therefore support for stateless Web services is enabled by default for new customers, and disabled by default for companies who were customers before Release 17. It is recommended to clear the check box and thus enable stateless Web Services.

If stateless Web services support is enabled, the namespace specified in requests is used to determine whether or not a request is processed as a stateless request:

  • Specifying the WSSE Version 1.0 security namespace results in the request being treated as a stateless request. In this case, session pooling is used to manage user sessions (that is, no session ID is returned in the response). This conforms to WS-I specifications.
  • Specifying the WSSE draft namespace results in the request being treated as a stateful request, in which a session ID value is returned in the response (this was the behavior before Release 17).

For more information about these namespaces, see WSSE Namespace Support.

If stateless Web services support is disabled, requests containing the username and password tokens are treated as stateful requests, regardless of the specified namespace value. Responses are returned with a session ID that can be used in subsequent requests to reuse an existing session.

Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide, Version 20.0 (Oracle CRM On Demand Release 32) Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.