Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide > Oracle CRM On Demand Objects Accessible Through Web Services >

Core Parent Objects (Web Services v2.0)

This topic include the standard objects of Oracle CRM On Demand. Objects that are only available with industry-specific editions of the application are covered in the following topics:

The following Oracle CRM On Demand objects are detailed in this topic:

Objects accessible through the Web Services v2.0 API can reference other objects through a number of reference fields, which are foreign key fields for those other objects. You can determine the objects that are referenced by examining the WSDL file for the referencing object.

NOTE:  Information about status keys is not given in this topic because a standard set of status key fields is returned for all parent and child objects accessible through the Web Services v2.0 API. For more information about status keys, see Oracle CRM On Demand Status Keys.

Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide, Version 20.0 (Oracle CRM On Demand Release 32) Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.