2 Installing ELS Software

This chapter describes the tasks required to install ELS software. It includes the following topics:

Before installing ELS, verify ELS requirements and review pre-installation considerations described in "Preparing for Installation."

Installation Checklist

Perform the following steps to verify that you have completed all ELS installation tasks:


Before installing ELS, verify ELS requirements and review pre-installation considerations described in "Preparing for Installation."
  1. Unload the SMP JCL library from tape, ZIP file, or CD-ROM.

    See "Unloading the SMP JCL Library."

  2. Define and initialize the SMP PRJ.

    Use sample member I30CSI.

    See "Defining and Initializing the ELS Global SMP Project (PRJ)."

  3. Allocate the ELS and JES target and distribution library data sets and their required DDDEF entries.

    Use sample member I40ZON.

    See "Receiving the ELS Functions."

  4. Update the SYSLIB concatenation.

    Use sample member I50LIB.

    See "Updating the SYSLIB Concatenation."

  5. Review the ELS FMIDs.

    See "Reviewing the ELS FMIDs."

  6. SMP RECEIVE the desired base functions, communication functions, and optionally, the SMC JES function. Use sample member I60RCV.

    See "Receiving the ELS Functions."

  7. SMP APPLY the desired base functions, communication functions, and optionally, the SMC JES function.

    Use sample member I70APP.

    See "Applying the ELS Functions."

  8. SMP ACCEPT the desired base functions, communication functions, and optionally, the SMC JES function.

    Use sample member I80ACC.

    See "Accepting the ELS Functions."

  9. SMP RECEIVE maintenance for the ELS base functions.

    Use sample member MAINTRCF.

    See "SMP RECEIVE Maintenance."

  10. SMP APPLY maintenance for the ELS base functions.

    Use sample member MAINTAPF.

    See "SMP APPLY Maintenance."

  11. Optionally, SMP ACCEPT maintenance for the base functions.

    Use sample member MAINTACF.

    See "SMP ACCEPT Maintenance."

  12. Proceed with ELS post-installation tasks described in Chapter 4, "Performing ELS Post Installation Tasks."

Unloading the SMP JCL Library

To begin ELS installation, unload the SMP JCL library from the ELS installation tape, ZIP file, or CD-ROM. This library includes JCL sample members used to prepare your installation environment and install the ELS functions and associated maintenance.

The following sample members are included:

  • I10JCL

    Unload SMP JCL library from the ELS installation tape.

  • I30CSI

    Define and initialize the ELS Global SMP PRJ.

  • I40ZON

    Allocate ELS (and optionally, JES) target and distribution data sets and define the appropriate DDDEF entries in the SMP PRJ.

  • I50LIB

    Add required DDDEF entries and modify the SYSLIB concatenation.

  • I60RCV

    SMP RECEIVE ELS and additional functions from the ELS installation tape.

  • I70APP

    SMP APPLY ELS and additional functions.

  • I80ACC

    SMP ACCEPT ELS and additional functions.


    SMP ACCEPT maintenance in a mass mode for specific FMIDs.


    SMP APPLY maintenance in mass mode for specific FMIDs.


    SMP RECEIVE maintenance for a specific FMID.

Unloading the SMP JCL Library from the ELS Installation Tape

To unload the SMP JCL library from file 2 of the ELS installation tape, use the following sample JCL and perform the steps below.

Example 2-1 JCL to Unload SMP JCL Library from the ELS Installation Tape

//jobname JOB your jobcard parameters
//UNLOAD EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY                             
//INDD DD DSN=SEA@730.F1,DISP=SHR,                    
//  UNIT=tape-unit,VOL=SER=PTFTAP,LABEL=(2,SL)        
//OUTDD DD DSN=your.smp.jcllib,DISP=(NEW,CATLG),      
//  UNIT=SYSALLDA,                                    
//  SPACE=(TRK,(5,1,4)),                              
//  DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3120)              
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                
//SYSIN DD *                                          
 C I=INDD,O=OUTDD                                     
 E M=SEA@730                                          
 E M=SMZ@730 

In the JCL examples in this publication and the sample JCL provided on the ELS installation tape, some fields appear in lowercase. You must update these fields to match your installation requirements.

To unload the SMP JCL library from the ELS installation tape:

  1. Change the JOB card, specifying values for jobname and your jobcard parameters.

  2. Change tape unit (UNIT=tape-unit) as necessary.

  3. Change dsn(your.smp.jcllib) as necessary.

  4. Change VOL=SER=PTFTAP to the library volser if you have copied the installation tape into a library.

  5. Submit the job. A completion code of 0 for all steps indicates successful completion.

Unloading the SMP JCL Library from the ELS Installation ZIP File

To unload the SMP JCL library from the ELS installation ZIP file, use the following sample JCL and perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the ZIP file to your PC and extract the file contents as described in "ELS Installation ZIP File Contents."

  2. Use the JCL in Example 2-2 to allocate data sets on the MSP system on which you intend to install ELS.

    • Change the JOB card, specifying values for jobname and your jobcard parameters.

    • Submit the job. A completion code of 0 for all steps indicates successful completion.

    Example 2-2 JCL to Allocate Data Sets

    //jobname JOB your jobcard parameters
    //DD1     DD DSN=els_730.SMPMCS,
    //           UNIT=SYSDA,DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE),
    //           VOL=SER=volser,SPACE=(CYL,(5,1),RLSE),
    //           DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=23680)
    //DD2     DD DSN=els_730.SEA@730.F1.UNLOAD,
    //           UNIT=SYSDA,DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE),
    //           VOL=SER=volser,SPACE=(CYL,(5,1),RLSE),
    //           DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800)
    //DD3     DD DSN=els_730.SEA@730.F2.UNLOAD,
    //           UNIT=SYSDA,DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE),
    //           VOL=SER=volser,SPACE=(CYL,(5,1),RLSE),
    //           DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800)
    //DD4     DD DSN=els_730.SEA@730.F3.UNLOAD,
    //           UNIT=SYSDA,DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE),
    //           VOL=SER=volser,SPACE=(CYL,(5,1),RLSE),
    //           DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800)
    //DD5     DD DSN=els_730.SEA@730.F4.UNLOAD,
    //           UNIT=SYSDA,DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE),
    //           VOL=SER=volser,SPACE=(CYL,(5,1),RLSE),
    //           DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800)
    //DD6     DD DSN=els_730.SEA@730.F5.UNLOAD,
    //           UNIT=SYSDA,DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE),
    //           VOL=SER=volser,SPACE=(CYL,(10,10),RLSE),
    //           DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800)
  3. Using FTP binary mode, upload the files from your PC to the corresponding mainframe data sets allocated in the above step. The following table shows these data sets:

    Table 2-1 PC Files and Corresponding Mainframe Data Sets

    PC File Name Mainframe File Name













  4. Use the JCL in Example 2-3 to restore the uploaded PS data sets to PO.

    • Change the JOB card, specifying values for jobname and your jobcard parameters.

    • Submit the job. A completion code of 0 for all steps indicates successful completion.

    Example 2-3 JCL to Restore Uploaded Data Sets to PO

    //jobname JOB your jobcard parameters
    //F1       EXEC PGM=JSGMOVE
    //TO       DD DISP=SHR,UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=volser
    //SYSIN    DD *
     COPY PDS=els_730.SEA@730.F1.UNLOAD,                                           X
          FROM=SYSDA=volser,TO=SYSDA=volser,                               X
    //F2       EXEC PGM=JSGMOVE
    //TO       DD DISP=SHR,UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=volser
    //SYSIN    DD *
     COPY PDS=els_730.SEA@730.F2.UNLOAD,                                           X
          FROM=SYSDA=volser,TO=SYSDA=volser,                               X
    //F3       EXEC PGM=JSGMOVE
    //TO       DD DISP=SHR,UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=volser
    //SYSIN    DD *
     COPY PDS=els_730.SEA@730.F3.UNLOAD,                                           X
          FROM=SYSDA=volser,TO=SYSDA=volser,                               X
    //F4       EXEC PGM=JSGMOVE
    //TO       DD DISP=SHR,UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=volser
    //SYSIN    DD *
     COPY PDS=els_730.SEA@730.F4.UNLOAD,                                           X
          FROM=SYSDA=volser,TO=SYSDA=volser,                               X
    //F5       EXEC PGM=JSGMOVE
    //TO       DD DISP=SHR,UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=volser
    //SYSIN    DD *
     COPY PDS=els_730.SEA@730.F5.UNLOAD,                                           X
          FROM=SYSDA=volser,TO=SYSDA=volser,                               X
  5. Use the JCL in tExample 2-4 to unload the install JCL.

    • Change the JOB card, specifying values for jobname and your jobcard parameters.

    • Submit the job. A completion code of 0 for all steps indicates successful completion.

    Example 2-4 JCL to Unload Install JCL

    //jobname JOB your jobcard parameters
    //IN       DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=els_730.SEA@730.F1
    //             UNIT=SYSALLDA,VOL=SER=volser,SPACE=(CYL,(2,1,10)),
    //             DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3120)
    //SYSIN    DD  *

Preparing the SMP PRJ Environment

This section describes how to prepare the SMP PRJ environment for installation of the ELS base functions and SMC JES support function. If you are installing service, see Chapter 3, "Installing ELS Maintenance" for more information.

ELS products are installed using SMP. The SMP installation process involves RECEIVEing, APPLYing, and ACCEPTing functions into the correct SMP target and distribution zones.

SMP Considerations

Note the following SMP considerations:

  • ELS must be installed with SMP. All installation instructions in this guide are based on SMP.

  • SMP V10L10 or higher is required to install ELS.

  • Install all ELS 7.3 product components in a new target and distribution SMP PRJ.

  • Do not install products from other vendors in the same global SMP PRJ as ELS.

  • SMP ACCEPT all of your ELS base products.

  • Load modules for the TMS (Tape Management System) interface routines (SLUDRCA1, SLUDRRMM, SLUDRSMC, SLUDRTLM, and SLUDRZAR) are included in the SEALINK library generated during ELS installation. These modules are shared among HSC and SMC.


If you install an ELS 7.3 product component in an existing global SMP PRJ containing a previous release of that product, all SYSMODS for the previous release are deleted from the SMP PRJ. It is recommended that you back up the existing global SMP PRJ before installing the ELS 7.3 product components.

Defining and Initializing the ELS Global SMP Project (PRJ)

Use sample member I30CSI (included in your SMP JCL library) to define and initialize the ELS Global SMP Project (PRJ).

This job performs the following actions:

  • Defines the required SMP data sets.

  • Defines the Project (PRJ) data set that contains the SMP global, target, and distribution zones for this release.

  • Initializes the SMP PRJ.

  • Adds zones, options, utilities, and DDDEF entries to the SMP PRJ.

To run the I30CSI job:

  1. Enter Edit mode for member I30CSI.

  2. Submit the I30CSI job.


Follow the instructions in the prologue of the I30CSI sample member, edit as needed, and submit the job.

Allocating Target and Distribution Library Data Sets and Required DDDEF Entries

Use sample member I40ZON (included in your SMP JCL library) to allocate target and distribution data sets and define the appropriate DDDEF entries in the SMP PRJ. Table 2-2, "ELS Target Library Data Sets" and Table 2-3, "ELS Distribution Library Data Sets" list the target and distribution library data sets for ELS software.

To run the I40ZON job:

  1. Enter Edit mode for member I40ZON.

  2. Submit the I40ZON job.


  • Follow the instructions in the prologue of the I40ZON sample member, edit as needed, and submit the job.

  • If you install an ELS 7.3 product component in an existing global SMP PRJ containing a previous release of that product, the SMPPRJ statement must point to the existing global PRJ, the SMPLOG and SMPLOGA statements must point to the global log, and the SMPPTS statement must point to the global SMPPTS.

  • If you are using PDS instead of PDSE (Partitioned Data Set Extended), increase directory blocks for SEAMAC and ASEAMAC to 50.

Target and Distribution Library Data Sets

The following tables list the target and distribution library data sets allocated by the I40ZON job.


  • hlq represents the high-level qualifier for your data sets. Choose a high-level qualifier that conforms to the naming conventions defined for your installation.

  • The numbers listed for directory blocks and blocks are the minimum required for the product.

  • The DDnames required for each DDDEF entry match the last qualifier of the data set name. For example, for data set hlq.SEALINK, the corresponding DDname is SEALINK.

  • The SMP DSSPACE parameter, which specifies the amount of space to be allocated to temporary RELFILE data sets, must be set to at least (300,150,270).

The following table lists the target library data sets allocated by the I40ZON job:

Table 2-2 ELS Target Library Data Sets

Data Set Name Product(s) DSORG RECFM LRECL BLKSIZE Blocks (Pri/Sec) Directory Blocks

























The following table lists the distribution library data sets allocated by the I40ZON job:

Table 2-3 ELS Distribution Library Data Sets

Data Set Name Product(s) DSORG RECFM LRECL BLKSIZE Blocks (Pri/Sec) Directory Blocks

























Updating the SYSLIB Concatenation

ELS supports different versions of MSP/ESA JES and multiple tape management systems. For example, TLMS and CA-1.

Use sample member I50LIB (included in your SMP JCL library) to add required DDDEF entries to the SMP PRJ, and modify the SYSLIB concatenation to include the appropriate macro libraries.

To run the I50LIB job:

  1. Enter Edit mode for member I50LIB.

  2. Submit the I50LIB job.

    The return code must be 4 or less for all steps executed in this job. If you receive a different return code, contact StorageTek Software Support.


  • Follow the instructions in the prologue of the I50LIB sample member, edit as needed, and submit the job.

  • If you install an ELS 7.3 product component in an existing global SMP PRJ containing a previous release of that product, the SMPPRJ statement must point to the existing global PRJ.

Reviewing the ELS FMIDs

ELS is packaged in standard SMP format, and is delivered as multiple function SYStem MODifications (SYSMODs) identified by the SEA@730 FMID.

The SEA@730 FMID includes HSC, SMC, VTCS and CDRT load modules, distributed macros, and samples.

Receiving the ELS Functions

You must issue the SMP RECEIVE command to receive the functions you want to install into the target and distribution zones.


  • If you install an ELS 7.3 product component in an existing global SMP PRJ containing a previous release of that product, all SYSMODS for the previous release are deleted from the SMP PRJ.

  • It is recommended that you back up the existing global SMP PRJ before installing the ELS 7.3 product components.

  • The SMPPRJ statement must point to the existing global PRJ.

Use the I60RCV sample member provided in your SMP JCL library to SMP RECEIVE the functions you want to install. See "Reviewing the ELS FMIDs" for a list of ELS SMP FMIDs.

To run the I60RCV job:

  1. Enter Edit mode for member I60RCV.

  2. Submit the I60RCV job.

    The return code must be 4 or less for all steps executed in this job. If you receive a different return code, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Follow the instructions in the prologue of the I60RCV sample member, edit as needed, and submit the job.


If you install an ELS 7.3 product component in an existing global SMP PRJ containing a previous release of that product, the SMPPRJ statement must point to the existing global PRJ.

Applying the ELS Functions

Use the I70APP sample member provided in your SMP JCL library to install the ELS functions into the appropriate target zone.

To run the I70APP job:

  1. Enter Edit mode for member I70APP.

  2. Submit the I70APP job.

The return code must be 4 or less for all steps executed in this job. If you receive a different return code, contact StorageTek Software Support.


  • Follow the instructions in the prologue of the I70APP sample member, edit as needed, and submit the job.

  • You can use the APPLY CHECK option as often as necessary to identify SMP processing problems before the actual APPLY process. All SMP detected problems must be resolved before the base functions can be successfully installed.


If you install an ELS 7.3 product component in an existing global SMP PRJ containing a previous release of that product, the SMPPRJ statement must point to the existing global PRJ.

Accepting the ELS Functions

Use the I80ACC sample member provided in your SMP JCL library to accept the ELS functions in the appropriate target zone.

To run the I80ACC job:

  1. Enter Edit mode for member I80ACC.

  2. Submit the I80ACC job.

The return code must be 4 or less for all steps executed in this job. If you receive a different return code, contact StorageTek Software Support.


  • Follow the instructions in the prologue of the I80ACC sample member, edit as needed, and submit the job.

  • You can use the ACCEPT CHECK option as often as necessary to identify SMP processing problems before the actual ACCEPT process. All SMP detected problems must be resolved before the base functions can be successfully installed.


If you install an ELS 7.3 product component in an existing global SMP PRJ containing a previous release of that product, the SMPPRJ statement must point to the existing global PRJ.