Installing the required Perl modules

Three Perl modules are required on the install machine.

These are:
  • Mail::Address
  • XML::Parser
  • JSON-2.90
Note: You only need to perform this procedure on the install machine. These modules aren't required on any other nodes.

To install the required Perl modules:

  1. Install Mail::Address:
    1. Download Mail::Address from
    2. Extract MailTools-2.14.tar.gz:
      tar -xvf MailTools-2.14.tar.gz
      This creates a directory called /MailTools-2.14.
    3. Go to /MailTools-2.14 and run the following commands to install the module:
      perl Makefile.PL
      make test
      sudo make install
  2. Install XML::Parser:
    1. Download XML::Parser from
    2. Extract XML-Parser-2.44.tar.gz:
      tar -xvf XML-Parser-2.44.tar.gz
      This creates a directory called /XML-Parser-2.44.
    3. Go to /XML-Parser-2.44 and run the following commands to install the module:
      perl Makefile.PL
      make test
      sudo make install
  3. Install JSON-2.90:
    1. Download JSON-2.90 from
    2. Extract JSON-2.90.tar.gz:
      tar -xvf JSON-2.90.tar.gz
      This creates a directory called /JSON-2.90.
    3. Go to /JSON-2.90 and run the following commands to install the module:
      perl Makefile.PL
      make test
      sudo make install