Stopping the Current SiteWand Server

WebLogic (Windows and Linux)

To stop the WebLogic admin server on Windows or Linux complete the following steps:

  1. From the Start menu, select Oracle WebLogic, User Projects, Domain, then Stop Server.
  2. If prompted for a user name and password in the WebLogic console window, enter the WebLogic server administrator user name and password you specified when creating the domain.

    Note: The WebLogic console closes automatically when shutdown.

Tomcat and Apache (Linux)

To stop the SiteWand server, complete the following steps:

  1. Change the directory to: ROOT_DIR/deploy/middleTier. ROOT_DIR is the directory where SiteWand is installed.
  2. As the user running SiteWand, execute the following command:
    perl stop tomcat all
  3. As the user running Apache, execute the following command:
    perl stop apache all

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Last Published Thursday, June 23, 2016