Filtering and Setting Parameters

The following steps will help you identify and modify report filters before executing remote reports via API.

Identifying Filter Parameters

To identify the filter parameters you can change via API:

  1. Log in to your EnterpriseTrack application. You must have permissions to access the Reports module.
  2. From the Top Navigation Bar, select Reports > Standard Reports.
  3. From the List pane, select a report by clicking on its name.
  4. Click the Filter tab on the Details pane.
  5. Click the View JSON button near the bottom of the Filter tab. Use the JSON to identify the filters that you can set. Only the filters specified in the JSON can be set via API.

Modifying Filter Parameters

To modify filter parameters:

  1. Open a text editor and paste the JSON.
  2. Make changes to the JSON.

For filters that are of type List, separate the values using a | symbol, for example {"pcs": "Six Sigma|IT"}. The following filters are of type List and support multiple values: title, status, area_of_expertise_list, pcs, level1, level 2, level3, level4, level5, functional_area, project_source, process, product, project_on_time_status, project_manager, funnel_status, idea_status, pcs_idea, and activity status.

For filters that are initiative specific and have values that unique within an initiative, separate them using ~. For example, if you want to specify a single role within an initiative, use: {"role":"Six Sigma~Black Belt"}. If you want to specify multiple roles that are initiative specific, separate each role with a |, for example: {"role":"Six Sigma~Black Belt|Six Sigma~Project Leader"}. The following fields are initiative specific: role_multilist, phase_type, project_type, roadmap, activity_type, and nonwbs_activity type.


See Also

Preconfigured Remote Reports

Invoking Remote Reports


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Last Published Thursday, December 01, 2016