Importing Project Data-Direct Option

Before you begin importing data directly into EnterpriseTrack from MS Project, do the following:

To import project data using the direct option:

  1. Launch MS Project on your machine.
  2. In MS Project, from the Tools menu select Oracle Instantis EnterpriseTrack > Export > To EnterpriseTrack. The Oracle Instantis EnterpriseTrack Login screen displays.
  3. Enter your login ID and password.
  4. Check the Release Project Lock box to release the project lock and import.
  5. Select the computation mode. By default, External read-only is selected.
    Internal: EnterpriseTrack computes the dates, effort, and cost.
    External read-only: The calculation for dates, effort, and costs come from MS Project. Project Managers cannot edit the values in EnterpriseTrack.
    External read-write: The calculation for dates, effort, and costs come from MS Project. Project Managers can change the values in EnterpriseTrack.
  6. Click OK. You will see a pop-up screen confirming that the data was successfully exported.

See Also

Importing Project Data

Importing Project Data-File Option

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Last Published Tuesday, June 21, 2016